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Dual Dragons

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Posts posted by Dual Dragons

  1. I'm not sure how it is in the Chinese languages but Japanese Kanji also use the onyomi (Chinese) and kunyomi (Japanese) readings across various words in the Japanese language. It's a matter of memorizing what you're supposed to read.

    火曜日 (kayoubi) vs. 花火 (hanabi) - at least these two use fire as a reference, with ka being the onyomi (Tuesday and fireworks)
    行く (iku) vs. 行う (okonau) - former is to go and latter is to do (fancier way of saying) and these are both kunyomi readings; 飛行機 (hikouki) is an onyomi reading (airplane).

    In regards to the OP's question, since Binding Blade has competent English translations, I wouldn't do it just for Binding Blade.

  2. I also pronounced Cherche "Sher-shay" but I think the right pronunciation is "Church"

    Just looked it up. I think you had it right the first time.

    At least it's closer than how I pronounced it: "ser-chi."

    Marcia - [mar-SEE-uh]. Lucia - [LOO-si-uh] bandwagon. Not that I don't care that it's incorrect but it kind of stuck to me and it's hard to get rid of.

    Sometimes the spelling for Caeda/Sheeda's name throws me off. One is [see-da] and the other [she-da]. I flip-flop between the two though I go with [she-da] more.

    And I think I pronounce Wrys and Rhys the exact same way when I'm not paying attention.

  3. Most FE games did NOT have dragonstones lose durability in situations where the users couldn't counter.

    Huh. I thought they always lost durability if they even so much transformed. But I tested it now with Fae and that wasn't the case.

    Perhaps I got that misconception when units like Fae were both fighting normally mixed in with ranged attacks during enemy phase. Well, the more I know, haha. Thanks for clearing that up.

  4. The mechanics really don't help them. Fighting and then needing a "break" in the same chapter is bad. EXP growth of a promoted Beorc is even worse. The majority of them (and the exception is in RD) stuck in one-range mode just adds onto their difficulties. The Demi Band and Laguz Stones are a thing but: a) there is only one Demi Band (and that cuts Laguz gains in half) and, b) limited Laguz Stones. They don't need a promotion because they have promoted Beorc-like stats but that doesn't matter if you can only use them some of the time. If you're more of an LTC-er, maybe Lethe and Janaff would work, but they're still restricted to one-range mode.

    If you're in the "I don't use them" crowd, what would IS have to do differently to make you use them? Promotion? No transform gauge, operating closer to manaketes in older games? Both? Something else? My headcanon includes laguz promotions and if it was a game, they would stay transformed. Stats would be closer to beorc stats to even things out.

    Laguz already function similar to the Manaketes in the older games in a way. Laguz traded their limited-use weapons for a gauge. The Manaketes and Taguel had that problem of being one-range and their weapons could lose durability just by attacking them from a distance. Laguz' gauges also work on the principle of if you attack from a distance, their gauge goes down.

    I guess keeping them transformed and evening stats would work best. Keep to one Laguz and they're like Swordmasters in how stuck they are in their one-range. It's still not that ideal for me but they have excelling stats for reasons.

  5. [spoiler=Chapter 21x-2 - *Jack-In-The-Box Manaketes*]
    Turn 10

    So I forgot to take this screenshot before I had Lilina heal Zeiss

    She got this as her level up
    Yay 20 Speed

    Elphin plays Astore.

    Shanna will move to north of Milady to end Turn 10--

    Da heck?

    One damage?

    Turn 11

    All that moved was a Sniper.

    Allen cuts into the General's armor up close with the Hand Axe. General misses and Allen fails to hit on the second attack. He still levels up from chip EXP.

    Speedy Paladin not Lance

    Okay. Since there's all these traps about, this is acceptable.

    Lance goes backwards and gets played by Elphin.
    Lance and Saul do a Rescue-Drop so Elphin is further ahead towards the center.

    Stop forgetting, me.
    Shanna dropped off Roy to Milady's south.

    Allen dodges the General and hits the enemy twice.
    Flux Shaman misses and Allen slaughters.
    Long Fenrir animation for a miss. Allen kills off the Druid.
    Allen fails to kill the Steel Bow Sniper. At least he doesn't get damaged.
    But of course Physic Druids are present and going to heal the General.

    Turn 12

    I guess center Druids don't move?

    Oh... hi.


    Well that was a thing.

    Allen whips out his Silver Sword and kills the General, though not before getting damaged.
    That's okay. Here's Lilina to heal Allen. And for his effort to use the Silver Sword, S swords!
    Zeiss kills the Sniper with his Iron Lance.
    Elphin plays Astore.
    Shanna throws her single-use Javelin at the Fenrir Druid. He misses.
    Milady trades the Chest Keys over to Shanna and then kills the Druid with Al's Sword.

    And I do it again...
    Maybe it's from how restricted deployment slots are this chapter compared to the recent ones.
    Still inexcusable on my part.

    Brave Sword Hero hits Milady once. Milady doesn't quite kill the Hero.
    Of course that elicits healing from a Physic Druid.

    Turn 13

    Milady gets hit once before she ends the Brave Sword Hero with her Killer Lance without a crit.
    Elphin plays Saul.
    Lance and Saul Rescue-Drop Elphin more south.
    Zeiss throws his Javelins across the wall and kills the Fenrir Druid without damage. He levels up.

    About to cap Strength before hitting the teens in promoted levels. Whoa.

    Now that we're moving in towards the boss...

    Level 17 Druid with Nosferatu. Too bad his Speed is quite bad. Even Zeiss or Roy could double this guy no problem.
    Still, 65 Avoid is good.
    Level 8 promoted would get 100 EXP out of him. Not bad, not bad. Only one who qualifies for that is Zeiss or Saul, since I think Bishops run on a lower class power, so it would seem.

    I'll end my turn like this.

    Turn 14

    Nothing moved. No screenshot.
    I think it's fast-forwarding time.






    More Strength

    So Elixirs and Manaketes

    So... Allen got this spear thing in his side...
    And he didn't get damage? I don't understand.

    More healing, more Defense.

    Not that far long forgotten. We have Raigh and Canas and Niime.

    And that's a level up for Zeiss.

    More Wyvern power!

    Elphin plays Lilina for one last healing.
    And so at Turn 22, Roy claims the throne.

    And then Bramimond got pulled into DAHKNASS

    Oh, so you have all the time to study the other guy but not Bramimond?
    Ungrateful youth!

    Forgotten like in DAHKNASS

    Only just realizes this.
    Oi, Roy.

    For good reason.



    12 weight is a lot but it does give more Magic.
    That means I could give Niime even more range, I think?

    Can it be...?



    Let's do just that.

    Do I smell a promotion?



    What is even happening

    Ugh. Sneaky woman. I coudln't screenshot her.


    Oh. Back here again.

    Fuck no. Not when you're unpromoted.

    Well, it picked wrong.

    Zephiel had all this time to do it. Obviously he wasn't smart enough.

    I led this team here!
    Elphin, you are the worst liar!

    Let's go!

    No Prof rank? Strange...
    Nice boosts but, uh, Roy still isn't promoted.
    What a little scrub.

    Oh. Okay.
    Spoke too soon.
    Go, Roy, go!

    Go Roy... go...
    What? *squints*
    ... Is that right? I don't see... I don't see any difference.


    Roy's finally promoted, thank god.

    But still an un-mounted unit. What a little scrub and a little shit for waiting this long to get promoted.

    And not even having the decency to change his sprite.

    Intelligent Systems so lazy.

    Now having the Binding Blade, we are nearing the end. What is there left to do other than get Zephiel?

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Great Lord    1.00    38     17      19      18      16       9      15
    Allen      Paladin      14.55    52     25      21      25      15      14       5
    Lance      Paladin      11.04    48     17      19      25      13      11       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight  11.21    41(+7) 15(+2)  22      28      24       9      12
    Rutger     Swordmaster   8.39    46     18      28      25       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop        9.74    37     18      22      22       4       6      20
    Lilina     Sage         14.64    35     30      12      20      16       6      21
    Astore     Thief        17.92    32      8      10      17      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper       12.43    42     18      19      19      11      12      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker     9.46    54     22      17(+4)  18      15      14       2
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  17.77    57     25      26      22      11      17       6
    Zeiss      Wyvern Lord   6.37    46     25      20      16(+2)   9      17       4
    Niime      Druid        20.00    27(+7) 21      20      16      15       5      19

    Reset: 7
    Lost: 4
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
  6. Spoilers you can't recruit Gale.

    Doesn't matter if you kill him or not.

    Gaiden is to beat the chapter within 30 turns.

    Camus archetype, why?!

    I see. Not too bad... minus the reinforcements...

    Bruh, you're gonna love the parts after next chapter. I can guarantee it. Lmao

    Btw, DD, you recognise that map theme from "somewhere" in FE7?

    I hope so.

    I actually don't. Don't recall as any FE7 map theme. If I had to take a guess, is it from the music room?

    Gale/IS is a massive troll and unrecruitable :(

    I'm glad you found the secret shop and got Zeiss promoted!

    This was THAT chapter, fyi. It's utter insanity even on normal, as you get bogged down under just the sheer volume of promoted enemies. On hard mode, those Silver Lance Wyvern Lords have 40Mt, and even the unpromoted wyvern riders have maxed Str and near max Def (and like 14 speed, because why not).

    Super awesome, you got all the gaidens first try (admittedly, this one isn't that complex, complete under 30 turns and keep Miledy/Zeiss alive).

    So how the reinforcements work on this chapter is there are a variety of "reinforcement zones" on the map, where if you step in them, you'll trigger waves of reinforcements over the next several turns:

    [spoiler=Reinforcement information, taken from Dondon's 0% growths run]

    About this chapter: reinforcement triggers

    This chapter is notorious for spitting out waves upon waves of enemy reinforcements at players who aren’t aware of how the reinforcement triggers work. Reinforcements that are scripted to appear prior to a certain turn are a familiar sight in FE6 (and in the FE franchise); reinforcements scripted to area events are a bit less common.

    Chapter 21 has 5 quadrangular reinforcement trigger zones, which are marked by the solid lines on the map below. Completing an action (such as attacking, rescuing, waiting, etc.) inside a trigger zone activates an area event that causes a specific set of reinforcements to spawn from a point on the map.


    Chapter 21 in its entirety, with reinforcement trigger zones and reinforcement locations marked. Source: Fire Emblem Wars of Dragons

    The green, yellow, and purple zones trigger reinforcements for 3 turns. Each group of 4 reinforcements on this map contains 3 wyvern riders and a wyvern lord, with 2 exceptions. The 4 green reinforcements on plain tiles are 4 paladins and the 5 blue reinforcements are 4 wyvern riders and Gale, an enemy wyvern lord with a portrait.

    Other notes: The shrine on the bottom right is the same Shrine of Seals from Cog of Destiny. That secret shop is absurdly awesomely overpowered. I believe Gale is scripted to not attack your units if Zeiss/Miledy talks to him (but I'm not 100% sure on that).

    Would have traded Gale for Douglas

    I'm glad too. Zeiss shouldn't have been chained for that long.

    Very happy about the gaidens.

    At least the Wyvern Lords came with Silver Lances so they had to get into combat with you, unlike the occasional Javelin Wyvern Rider. But yeah, I saw your guys' earlier posts after posting the chapter. You guys were having fun in spoilers, haha!

    Those hard mode stats... I think one of my real units would have gone down if this was hard mode blind.

    I hate reinforcement zones. Never good for taking notes. >_> And then this chapter happens to kick me to the ground like the first time I ever played Cog of Destiny... And this stage basically being Cog of Destiny but to the north makes me incensed, haha.

    In hindsight, probably should have spent all my money on boots. I'll make a note on that. After 21x, Roy could have benefited from max Movement...

    Damn, I was kinda hoping you would miss the secret shop. In dondon's 0% growths run, he sold all of his stuff and spent it all on boots, so his units had all max move. When I did this on HM, I took the bottom path alone so that I would deal with less Wyverns and more pallies (Max Str Wyverns with steel are scary). I used Alance, Clarine support!Rutger and some other guy to choke point the mountain, while Milady and Zeiss tag team the Wyverns to protect my squishes. Anyways, next chapter's gimmick...can hardly be called a gimmick. This is THAT chapter, by the way. Also, Gale has growth rates, even though they're useless.

    Murdock on HM is a nightmare. I'm pretty sure he has 28 def or something, along with an absurdly high res, so he's extremely ranks and refuses to die. Especially if you try to use Divine spam with Saul.

    Also, sometimes Gale and co will move and chill out by Merlinus and surround him, but not attack. It's an effective distraction.

    I also hear there is a "trainee squad" of lv 5 wyvern riders.

    Zeiss! :)

    The hard mode Paladins are easier than the Wyvern Riders? That's a scary thought.

    Probably what I should have done too--and, you know, not buy Hugh at 2.5 Silver Card Boots price. I'm kicking myself right now saying that.

    Eesh, yeah. If I did that while keeping Gale alive... that would have been a struggle of some kind.

    How odd. I wonder why Gale and his group act like that. It kind of reminds me of Tate and Klain and their odd behavior.

    That's funny but also kind of insulting. Throw a bunch of hard Wyvern Riders, here's now a Level 5 group.

    It's his time to shine!

    This gives him immunity to status staves.

    Sometimes Gale and his army glitches out and they don't attack you. However, they will when you get near the boss.

    You've found it. Nice work!

    Bold: This stage is north of the Cog Of Destiny.

    Italic: The shop to make overpowered units.

    Course, the downfall is...you don't get much time to enjoy it!

    30 Res is immunity? That's good to know.

    Still odd behavior.

    It's like Shadow Dragon all over again. I would like more secret shops like these. It rewards you for being frugal on your adventure--but definitely not for the blind adventurer like me, haha!

    Rutger with the armorslayer can 1RKO him with two critical hits.

    Moreover he has the weapon triangle advantage.

    Rutger is god among gods when it comes to accuracy and adequate strength...

    *This part ends before Turn 10

    I believe it is time I finally got the weapon this game is named after!

    [spoiler=Chapter 21x-1 - *Where are the Traps?*]


    The Shrine of Seals! Our journey is coming closer to the end.


    Possibly Erishkigel*

    *It's "Ereshkigal," stupid


    There never should have been that "however" there. We all know every gaiden legendary weapon is guarded by someone.


    Just so I can't cut straight through and avoid the winding corridors Binding Blade loves so much, Intelligent Systems gave me this one single square wide lake terrain so I can't cross it.

    Love you too, Intelligent Systems.

    And there's chests. That's interesting. I hope they're not Elixirs and Antitoxins like the one with Armads...

    Deploying Astore and Chad...


    It would have been more appropriate to put the Snipers across the lake.

    Maybe there are some over there. Who knows.

    I can't see the boss so...


    Just going to be charging in.

    I didn't mention this in the last part but Milady got S swords. Durandal!Milady can be a thing.


    I don't remember if lake terrain acts the exact same as water terrain but I hope to have people cross the gap instead of having to go through the winding corridor.

    More legendary weapons!


    Elder magicks at work.


    I already had two boss character last map. No thanks.


    You will die because it is written.


    Oh. It's not Ereshkigal. Okay.






    Butt out, Elphin. I wanted to see more Milady.


    And I almost broke one last chapter. Oops.




    Shoot. I only brought Astore.

    But what traps? All I can think that needs to be disarmed are the chests...

    Turn 1


    On the other side are other Mercenaries.

    Astore goes the western side and lights up a torch.


    These enemies are now in sight.

    So they say traps but...


    I'm getting very suspicious of even the tile pattern differences.

    I mean, Milady said well-disguised. I would either it has something to do with the chests or these varying tile patterns.

    Or I'm crazy.

    Whichever one.

    Lance rescues Astore and moves alone the bank westward...

    ...but then I realize I don't want to drop Astore off in range of enemies. Shanna takes up Astore and moves a bit east.

    Elphin plays Milady.

    Milady equips the Javelin, drops Astore across the lake, and moves towards enemies.

    Allen and Zeiss drop Lilina across the lake and Zeiss, with his Javelin, heads towards the visible Shaman.


    Saul will move to Shanna's south.

    Fenrir Shaman attacks Zeiss, playing out its long animation to miss. Zeiss kills him in two Javelin throws.

    Too bad for the Steel Bow Sniper that Milady has the Delphi Shield. She misses once so no death of the Sniper for me.

    Silence Druid misses Lilina. I gave Lilina a Restore staff so I'm not too hurt if she gets silenced... unless Saul gets silenced as well.

    Turn 2



    New enemies to show off.

    Alright. Time to take out some enemies.

    Milady kills the Sniper with a Javelin throw from the south. This is so Elphin can play her.

    Milady takes out her Killer Lance but doesn't manage to crit the General. She takes damage in retaliation.


    She might cap HP naturally. I like Defense as well.

    Shanna kills the Sniper with her Steel Lance and levels up.


    Still no Strength this many levels later.

    Saul strikes light down on the Mercenary, felling him. Now he can use C light.

    Lance kills the Mercenary with the Killer Lance. The Hero to the west has a Brave Sword.

    Allen ends the Sniper with the Silver Sword.

    Zeiss plunges two Iron Lance charges into the Sniper and kills him. Zeiss levels up!


    It's so good seeing you level up again, Zeiss.

    Lilina causes two Thunders to crash down on the General to kill him. I just wanted to get him out of the way.


    I'll move Roy west to end Turn 2.

    Allen dodges a Mercenary and kills him in two blows.

    Brave Sword Hero hits Lance once. Lance is STILL not crit'ing with the Killer Lance. Goddammit, Lance. Step up your game.


    Every point of Strength is coveted.

    Silver Sword Hero misses Allen. Allen cuts into the Hero twice to kill him.

    Hand Axe General misses Milady.

    The other Mercenary on Allen's side had a Light Brand and hits Allen with it.

    Silence Druid misses Lilina.

    Turn 3


    Now how to proceed with traps about?

    Allen takes out the Mercenary with his Iron Sword. He gets damaged while doing so.

    Zeiss rescues Allen and moves back towards Lilina.

    Lilina heals Zeiss.

    Lance offs the Hero.

    Shanna switches Lance to the Iron Axe and rescues him.

    Elphin plays Shanna because apparently Milady can't take Lance.

    Milady equips Al's Sword and ends the General with his Hand Axe.

    Shanna drops Lance across the lake.


    Leaving units in these positions for this turn.

    Lance gets hit by the Steel Sword Mercenary and he kills the Mercenary.

    Lancereaver Mercenary is still able to hit Lance and Lance kills him. Please don't get hit by the next attack...

    Milady gets a Steel Bow Sniper's bolt lodged in her.

    Uh... Shaman didn't move or attack? What? Lance would have died to that attack if the game... Oh well. I'll go with it.

    Turn 4


    On the east side is a Shaman and a Knight from west to east.

    Zeiss equips his Javelin for the oncoming Fenrir Shaman, drops Allen, and moves in range.

    Lilina heals Allen.

    Saul physics Lance.

    Lance hacks the Shaman dead.

    I thought Shanna had enough Attack with the Steel Lance to kill the Sniper. I was wrong.

    Milady ends the Sniper instead.


    Still moving people across the lake...

    Very slow Fenrir animation amounts to a miss. Zeiss kills the Shaman in one Javelin throw.


    Please die in a fire, Silence Druid.

    Turn 5


    Now I got to have Lilina restore her voice before Saul gets afflicted or worse.

    Allen and Zeiss drop Lilina across the lake south.

    Elphin plays Saul.


    Accursed status staff Druids

    Time to send Elphin across the lake via Shanna and Milady.

    Having Lance stand next to Astore, he got hit with fire. Mm...


    I'll have to see what tile he moved onto next turn.

    Lance kills the Steel Sword Mercenary with no troubles.

    Lance manages to dodge the Steel Bow Sniper and hits once.

    Turn 6


    I moved Lance out of the way but it seems the pattern of this tile isn't different from other tile patterns I stepped on.

    I guess I really do have to keep on guard with healing.

    Saul physics Lance for a level.


    I like good levels.

    Shanna and Milady have Saul cross the lake.

    Elphin plays Shanna.

    Shanna rescues Roy.

    Lilina is helped across the lake by Zeiss and Allen but before that...



    Steel Bow Sniper fails to hit Lance. Lance kills him and levels up.



    Nosferatu Druid doesn't get Lance. Lance fails to kill the Druid.

    Turn 7


    Better start moving. Somehow.


    Son of a...



    I move Zeiss floating above the lake alone the building. Can't have traps in the water, can you?!

    Lance equips the Iron Axe and kills off the Druid.


    I can't even kill without taking damage.

    Elphin plays Astore.


    Milady has her Javelin equipped.

    Shanna will end this turn after moving.

    Allen and his Hand Axe dodge a Javelin Knight and end him.

    Axereaver Knight thinks he's being clever. Too bad his hit is crap and Allen is still good enough to kill him.


    I hate you.

    Milady kills him off but now I have to use another Physic or give Roy's Elixirs---yeah, I'll just do that.

    Turn 8


    Alrighty then.

    Shanna goes to Milady's north and trades Roy her Silver Card for his Elixirs.

    Milady takes both Shanna's Javelin and Elixirs in exchange for Al's Sword and Javelin, equips the Javelin, uses an Elixir, and moves in range of the Shaman and Archer.


    oh hi



    This place hurts

    Elphin plays Saul.

    Lilina heals Allen.


    Being burnt alive


    Zeiss is the last to move and I have to put him on land because of the Sniper and Druid in the center.

    Thankfully he doesn't get roasted.

    Nosferatu Shaman misses Milady. Milady kills him in one throw.

    Milady kills the Steel Bow Archer while not taking damage.

    Turn 9


    No one else moved. Strange.

    Lilina heals Allen.

    Allen sinks his Iron Axe into the Horseslayer General twice. General doesn't hit Allen.

    Zeiss equips the Killer Lance and crit-kills the General. Being that was a Level 12 General, Zeiss gets a lot of EXP...


    Now has the same Defense as his sister.

    Lance STILL doesn't crit with the Killer Lance. You're getting on my nerves, boy. He gets hit by the Armorslayer Hero.


    Stupid traps



    Elphin plays Saul.

    Saul kills the Hero.

    Shanna trades Milady Al's Sword for the Elixir.

    Milady attacks the Berserker with Al's Sword. He misses and she kills him before he can get to Shanna.


    Forgetting that Milady is the last to move. Dumb me.

    Lancereaver Mercenary misses Allen. Allen hacks himself a bloody and dead Mercenary.

  7. What? How can one not have sympathy for a good person who just had his eye literally ripped out of his head? But yeah, I still don't understand Will have to wait and see what blah says.

    That's what the writer's goal is: eliciting sympathy and/or interest from the reader. It gets very complicated with stories. Some people can have more sympathy/interest when it's a fictional story rather than a real one. Some it's the reverse. Who knows.

    I can get into the technicalities of what you wrote in a PM, like I said. What I like to analyze is word choice and execution because it is something I'm trying to refine myself.

    Er, what about when he said he wanted kids to look up to him? Like he said, kids might now find him too scary-looking because of the scars and missing eye. Basically, Kiel wants to be a hero and great warrior, like Cynthia for example, but without all the annoying flamboyancy about it. He feels that he now looks too ugly to ever be thought of as such.

    Like I said, apparently this story was awful and it really upsets me. I didn't think it was the best entry here (I thought Dcat wrote the best one, followed by Jotaro, and then myself), but still.

    And now I'm the only person here that has just one vote. Really pathetic. Maybe I shouldn't even be entering these contests...

    It's what I felt was being too focused on. I'll put it this way: I couldn't see why there would be such lamentation over one's physical attractiveness over one's prowess. Laguz are people that pride themselves on prowess. I'd expect the loss of limbs/sense organs and scars, and thus I would not be fazed from a Laguz warrior to be missing such things. I didn't understand if children that came from such a focus on fighting would be that fazed. It would have been more understandable if he lost both of them, is what I think.

    Nobody said about bad stories or awful writing but yourself... but thanks for pointing out who you thought was better?

    You got one vote, which means someone likes it enough to use one of their two votes for you. I didn't get that vote. Can't you think of that as one-upping me?

  8. So it bored you? If I'm interpreting you saying that it wasn't engaging wrong, then my bad, but this is what it looks like to me. If I'm right though, I'm sorry I made you sit through such awful writing. I thought I'd gotten better since the last round, but it seems I've not. I'll have to go look up exactly what engaging is supposed to be and keep trying. I don't want to be a bad writer or make people read bad writing. So I'll do my best to write something awesome next time!

    "Engaging" can mean a couple things, in my opinion. "Awful writing" can mean "syntactically and grammatically incorrect all throughout the piece" or "hammy/unrealistic."

    You would have to ask what blah means, but I see it as you couldn't elicit interest or sympathy from the reader. The reader could hear similar stories a thousand times over but as long as you could elicit interest or sympathy, it will "engage" the reader.

    If you want, I could PM in more greater detail. I have to get my critiques and responses out as well, haha. I could also get more detailed about your critique; I try to keep them brief here and put my major problem in the forefront.

    Dual Dragons

    The feels in this are strong...I was left wondering a few things. Maybe I missed something, but how did Lenora end up becoming blind after Myron died? The second thing I wondered is who will lead the country now. Does Myron have any siblings who can take over? Anyway I’m loving the gender equality in this, female warriors/knights rock, and usually when you hear of someone being forced/harassed into marriage, it’s a woman, so that was a nice twist on the usual.

    Thanks for the critique!

    - Lenora got slashed by the bandit through both eyes. In hindsight, I definitely could have gone into a bit more detail about this as, when I was writing it, I was thinking more of a deep slash.

    - Myron is by his lonesome and Haversham was taken over by Nordis, Stratbury, and their allies. I'll admit that this should have been more defined and reinforced. Haversham is now likely under the rule of Nordis, Stratbury, and their allies; split up into sectors; and under control of each of those governments. Same would go for any colonies Haversham had.

    Dual Dragons: I like the concept of a story where the heroes are essentially fighting a losing battle. I also like that you didn't have them win in the end. That would have been unrealistic. The dynamic between the two main characters is well done. I do have a problem in that it doesn't seem realistic for Lenora to reintegrate into society so well, but I'll let it slide.

    Thank you for the critique. I had a debate with myself on whether the ending should have been a little more happier, but it would have sullied the message I was going regarding Lenora's character.

    That's a pretty fair assessment. I overlooked her reintegration as a normal citizen. I'm glad you caught that.

    I was mainly focusing on how she couldn't let go of her ideal dream and how it leads to her being ultimately a very unhappy person. In my imagination--which I probably should have detailed more on--she didn't reintegrate back into society on the social aspect. People think her reason for not accomplishing more is strange and that she's sad for the sake of being sad; she's made very little friends by the end of the story (hinted with the "few people came to her farm").

    But yeah, I probably could have made it harder for her to reintegrate into society on the other levels.

    So for my own critiques...

    @Glaceon Lord:

    I do like the concept of how certain gifts can be both beneficial but also harmful. This could be a "disability" of some kind, since he has to go out of his way to help people so he doesn't get affected after they die. Overall, I think it could have cemented this concept if more details about how it hampers him over time. I can see he gets tired on a physical level; I guess I want to know how he feels on a mental and emotional level. Despite he helps people so they can rest in peace, does he feel happy when he does these things? sad? angry?


    I like dogs; I like this story.

    If anything, the beginning could have been integrated more with the rest of the story and some minor details cut to keep the work more focused; but, since your summary was an overview of your dog's life, what you did include sufficed that summary.

    Yeah, I found what to say to refine this piece hard.


    My problem with this story was what Kiel focused on regarding his one-eye blindness. Most of it was on how he was now ugly--which is not something I would expect from a nation prioritizing fighting prowess. Not that he can't have this thought, but that would not be the first thing I would think of. I don't understand Kiel's character enough.

    I read the sentence where he says that all he ever wanted to do was fight and make his country proud, but the rest of what he says doesn't exactly match up.


    This one I really liked. It reminded me a lot of Dracula with the journal frame narrative and vampires.

    I didn't see too many issues with it. I was fine with the open ending.

    @Jotaru Kujo:

    My original entry was going to be on a deaf-mute. I like the inclusion of that person and the one-eye blind man in your story.

    I would have liked more backstory or continuation on what was going on, like what Dragoncat said. I got the Gax/apostles thing but I wanted to know more (which is a good thing; it means I was interested).

    It reads more as an excerpt from a whole bigger story that you have going on. Is that what this is or is this supposed to be a one-shot?

  9. I had this long post that sounded very angry because that attitude was deplorable but I'm cutting that out to say this:

    I like how she didn't use Hard Mode enemy stats thread that's on the RD board. I mean, unless that data is wrong (which I have high doubt that it is), she's not even close to correct on endgame crits.

    Also: can anyone say "double-attacking, 24-26 Attack Tigers" on the first chapter she can be deployed in? Man, I want to use that Meg! I love it especially since she's a sword armor, having to get right up to a Tiger's face just so she can die.

    I'm going to anticipate that I'm going to get a "but you shouldn't send her out in front" argument but that kind of defeats the purpose of an Armor, doesn't it?

  10. Until you know the general layout of each map, I'd say play normally at least one time.

    It's not that hard of a game until you get to HHM, I'd say.

    In normal mode ranking, you'll be focusing on Tactics and Funds. Funds because there's no Silver Card.

    In hard mode ranking, EXP and Tactics. Silver Card exists here, but now you must satisfy a 6000 EXP requirement by/within Chapter 30E/32H (so 60 levels).

  11. [spoiler=Chapter 21-2 - *Gale will not budge*]


    Where did you come from?!

    Someone might be dead this turn.


    Here comes more...


    What has my life come to?

    A Wyvern Rider goes to use a Vulnerary.

    Knight makes me waste my Armands.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Lance. Ha. I put Lance in a forest. What you guys going to do now?


    There's that "death."

    Physic Bishop heals Wyvern Rider.

    Shanna kills a Divine Bishop.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Astore.

    Uh... wow. I noticed this before but I thought it would have restored itself. Apparently the Physic Bishop broke the background music with his healing. That's just great.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Astore.

    HUH?! WHAT?! Wyvern Rider moved next to Igrene but didn't attack Igrene?!

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider dies to Allen.

    This one attacks Igrene! What even happened back there?! He misses Igrene in the forest.

    Another one misses Igrene.

    Geese slaughters a Wyvern Rider with the Armands.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Igrene. She's now boxed in.

    Geese's third or fourth overkill victim.

    Wyver Rider dies to Yoder.

    Too bad for this Wyvern Rider that I had equipped Rutger with the Durandal beforehand.

    Rutger crits a Wyvern Rider with the Durandal. So much overkill...



    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider has an unexpected death by Shanna hitting him and then crit'ing.

    Lilina kills a Wyvern Rider.

    Shanna breaks her Javelin on a Wyvern Rider. Forced to equip a Iron Sword now. Thankfully also has low uses so if she breaks that, no more WTD.

    Lilina claims another victim.

    Elphin: guaranteed dodging a Wyvern Rider.

    Shanna dodges a Wyvern Lord and hits him twice.

    Geese tanks a Silver Lance Wyvern Lord's hit and kills him.


    Good. More Speed.

    Silver Lance Paladin misses Yoder. Yoder hits him twice.

    Shanna dodges another Wyvern Lord and hits him twice.

    Lilina's third victim for the turn.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider is a coward and tries to hit Geese from afar. He misses.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Shanna.

    Turn 7


    This should not be healthy.


    Oh god. Now I remember. If this is a gaiden chapter... does that mean I need Gale?

    Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

    I would think either Milady or Zeiss recruit him but Milady is on a mission to transport Roy to the goal point and Zeiss is too far away.


    Fae kills the Paladin for another level.


    Fae levels

    Saul takes out a Wyvern Rider and levels up.


    This Speed is so necessary right now.

    Niime hits and then crit-kills a Wyvern Rider.

    Elphin plays Niime.

    Niime physics Geese and earns her only level up.



    Igrene goes to the Killer Bow and ends a Wyvern Lord.

    Geese kills off another Wyvern Lord. Yeah... the Armands is down to half uses. I better hold off for a little bit.

    Milady equips her Wyrmslayer, has Roy equip his, drops him off into a forest, and then moves to block off a Manakete from getting to Roy.

    Yoder kills off a Wyvern Rider.

    Allen kills a Wyvern Rider.

    Lance kills the Bishop.

    Lilina ends a Horseslayer Wyvern Rider before he looks at Jerrot.

    Rutger kills a Wyvern Rider.


    Can this please...?




    All the gods have forsaken me.


    I don't know what would have happened if he crit'd.


    Huh...? Gale's group's not attacking this time?... Why?

    Shanna has no more weapons.

    Shanna: commence dodging! Dodge one!

    Dodge two!

    Dodge three!

    Elphin, you too! Dodge one!

    Dodge two!

    Dodge three!

    Geese ending another Wyvern Rider. Yeah, I better switch him before Armands breaks.

    Astore does the dodging too.

    Roy encounters his first battle in a million years. Roy is victor.

    Roy dodges a Silver Lance to the face and hits the Wyvern Lord.

    Elphin, dodge four!

    Shanna, dodge four!

    Turn 8


    Bern is the state of Wyvern Riders and Lords, but this is quite a bit.


    No... no...

    No, no, no, no, no

    No recruitment theme?




    I don't want to fight you and I'm not a child!

    I just want to spare your life!


    Oh thank god no Jill shenanigans is going to happen here.





    Okay, that didn't work. What do I...?

    Maybe keep him alive like with Douglas? I can try but he might attack someone like Lilina or Saul. We'll see.

    Milady rescues Roy and moves towards the goal point.

    Niime takes care of a Wyvern Rider for the Dark EXP.

    Elphin plays Niime.

    Niime does the same thing back on her original mountain terf.


    I didn't mean to use this but I guess I could. Milady would have to tank a Sage's Bolting without healing.

    It's Fortify but with green lights.

    Rutger kills a Wyvern Rider with a Killing Edge.

    Lilina kills a Wyvern Rider but not without getting hit.

    Saul physics Lilina.


    They weren't kidding when they said the bloodiest battle in Elibe history.


    Well, here's more.

    Astore dodges Gale.

    Milady tanks the Bolting. Ouch.

    Igrene dodges a Wyvern Rider.

    Dodge two.

    Shanna, dodge one.

    Dodge two.

    Dodge three.

    Geese kills a Wyvern Rider with Iron Axes.



    Geese hits and then crit-kills another Wyvern Rider.

    Shanna dodge four.

    Igrene dodge three.

    Yoder takes a hit from a Silver Lance Wyvern Lord. He hits back. He's nearly dead.

    Elphin dodge one.

    Astore dodge two.

    Geese kills a Wyvern Lord.

    Geese crits a Wyvern Lord.

    Elphin dodge two.

    Shanna dodge five.

    Turn 9


    So much fighting...

    Milady trades Roy her Delphi Shield for Elixirs, drops him, and moves towards the goal point.

    Geese crits and then kills the Wyvern Lord south of Shanna.




    Why hello!


    It is so fucking on.

    Let's see...

    Definitely buying that Elysian Whip. But my budget...

    Ugh, if Merlinus didn't die, I could have sold off that Knight's Crest and possibly this other Knight's Crest from Murdock. Oh well.

    Well, I guess I can buy as much as I can, sell off the Knight's Crest (and the other one if I can actually nab it), and have all my money for any other purchases.

    I can't use them all this chapter because Merlinus passed out but Shanna can carry three slots of items.

    She buys in this order: Elysian Whip, Speedwings, Boots, Energy Ring, Dragonshield, and another Energy Ring.

    Who I'm planning to give these items to:

    Zeiss - Elysian Whip, Speedwings, Boots

    Shanna - Energy Ring(?)

    Lance - Energy Ring (maybe two)

    I'm unsure of the Dragonshield but I still got the other Speedwings that I'm thinking of giving to Geese. If not Geese, Zeiss. All the investment on Zeiss.

    Niime takes care of a Wyvern Rider.

    Elphin plays Niime.

    Niime takes care of the other Wyvern Rider.

    Igrene kills off a Wyvern Lord with her Killer Bow.

    Saul physics Yoder.

    Lance gives his support to Allen as he throws his Hand Axes at the Wyvern Lord.

    Rutger kills a Wyvern Rider with the Durandal.

    Lilina kills a Wyvern Rider.

    Yoder hits a Wyvern Lord from a distance...

    ...so that Fae can get that kill and a level.


    Fae levels


    So much is going on.


    It's finally over.

    Boy was that a threat! If I had a smaller team of my more competent fighters like Lilina, Geese, and Milady, I'm sure this wouldn't have been so bad.

    But sheesh was that intense. Haha!

    Igrene dodges a Silver Lance Wyvern Lord.

    Milady dodges a Bolting.

    Igrene Wyvern Rider dodge 1

    Dodge two

    Shanna Wyvern Rider dodge 1

    Dodge two

    Dodge three

    Igrene dodge three

    Geese hits a Wyvern Rider twice.

    Allen crit-kills a Wyvern Rider. That's another axe rank up for him in JUST this map. My gosh.

    Allen hits a Wyvern Rider once because his axe breaks. Dang.

    Astore dodges a Wyvern Rider.

    And another dodge.

    Allen dodges a Javelin Wyvern Rider.

    A weakend Wyvern Lord goes for Saul, misses, and then dies.



    A Silver Lance Wyvern Lord hits Allen and Allen strikes back twice with his Steel Sword.

    Shanna dodge four

    Turn 10


    Such sweet relief from the grips of reinforcements.


    Night-night, Gale.

    Elphin plays Niime.

    Niime kills a Wyvern Rider in Igrene's box formation.

    Igrene kills a Wyvern Lord with her Longbow and levels up.


    Probably her best level up so far. I don't remember all her level ups now.

    Everyone. Everyone.


    It is time.


    Such magnificence could not be contained any more.


    It is done. Zeiss has joined the ranks of the almighty!

    Allen trades Lance for the Javelin and kills off the Wyvern Lord from a distance.



    Lance trades back that Javelin and hits the Javelin Wyvern Rider once without damage.

    Milady invades the sanctum and kills off the Sage indirectly with her Javelin, to see if she draws attention from the Knights. She levels up.


    You so good to me, Milady.

    Saul physics Allen.

    Rutger hits once, dodges, and crit-kills a Wyvern Rider.

    Geese throws his Hand Axe at a weakened Wyvern Rider and slays him.

    Lilina uses Elfire to slay a Wyvern Rider in one shot. For her level up she gets...


    So much Magic! And that's a cap.


    I'm dumb and didn't realize Jerrot was my last unit to move.

    Knights are drawn to Milady's presence. While he can sink his Horseslayer into Milady, Milady kills him outright.

    The other Knight gets to live because Milady broke her Javelin on him.

    Niime dodges a Wyvern Rider and kills him.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Geese and Geese lets him live. Not enough power.

    Astore Wyvern Rider dodge 1

    Igrene Wyvern Rider dodge 1

    Elphin dodges a Wyvern Rider.

    Wyvern Lord misses Lance. Lance hits once and then crit-kills. Why do you do this to me, Lance?

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Lance. Lance hits back twice.

    Allen dodges a Steel Lance Wyvern Rider and cuts him down with his Steel Sword.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider wastes my Divinestone.

    Astore dodge 2

    Turn 11


    Yeah... I don't know if Milady is supposed to talk to Gale but I don't think she's going to be making it back in time.

    Niime kills the northwest Wyvern Rider and gets her S dark.

    Igrene kills off a Wyvern Rider with her Iron Bow.

    Geese puts down the east Wyvern Rider with his Hand Axe throw.

    Allen borrows the Javelin again to kill the Javelin Wyvern Rider.

    Lance takes it back and starts moving a little towards the others.

    Fae slays the other Wyvern Rider in an crit-kill blast.


    Fae levels

    Lilina and Astore can support. That's interesting. Anyways, Lilina kills off the southwest Wyvern Rider with her Thunder. I'll start moving south.

    Rutger ends the other Wyvern Rider by Killing Edge crit.

    So while I could have made Zeiss fight, why didn't I?


    Zeiss and Milady for pro ferrying team.

    Shanna and Jerrot Rescue-Drop Lilina in range of the Manakete.

    Milady equips the Al's Sword and uses an Elixir in front of the boss. If he hit, he would have just enough Attack to kill Milady.


    Nearing the end.

    Horseslayer Knight misses Roy. Roy and his Steel Sword fell the Knight.

    Lilina takes massive damage from the dragon--but not enough to kill her. She strikes twice at the dragon to very low HP.


    Oh would you look at that! Special boss quote with Milady! Zeiss should have one too.

    Milady's all like, "I have no words. Have at you!"

    Murdock misses Milady. Milady hits him twice for small damage. This will be a while.

    Some punk Javelin Wyvern Rider hits Milady. Punk.

    Turn 12


    Let's change it up for a bit.

    Milady kills off the Wyvern Rider for sword EXP. She still gets hit in the process.

    Roy goes in front of Murdock with Rapier in hand. Roy will get left with 2 HP if Murdock hits.

    Saul physics Lilina.

    Allen carries Fae with him.

    Lance takes her and they ride together.

    Niime physics Lilina for staff EXP, I guess.

    Shanna trades back Zeiss his Iron Lance. It's slightly more accurate than the Gant's Lance.


    I'm so proud.

    And that's 60 EXP into his promotion.

    Jerrot rescues Astore and moves south.


    I tried my best.

    Lilina will heal Zeiss to end Turn 12.


    Roy isn't that great, to be truthful. He isn't promoted.

    But I guess being able to stand up to a Level 20 General without dying is actually pretty great.

    Murdock and Roy trade blows, Roy hitting twice.

    Turn 13

    I think it's time to fast-forward.

    Hopefully I get the gaiden.


    Uh... what?

    Did it just give me the generic quote when it gave a special one to Milady earlier?

    That's not how it--okay.


    Please get this over with in this turn.


    Well... that didn't work out as I hoped.

    Jerrot and Zeiss are going to have to Rescue-Drop Astore away.


    Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away!


    I think one more turn will do it.


    Totally necessary.


    And so it is written.

    Crushed under my boot.

    Not enough EXP to level Milady. Dang.

    Turn 17


    Let's talk to Gale with Milady. Maybe he is recruited by his lover?

    Lilina heals Milady. Staff EXP opportunity will not be wasted.


    I'm stupid.

    Here's my stupidity in full.

    Because for some reason I keep thinking Yoder has a Physic staff and just automatically hit A.


    It still doesn't heal Yoder so...

    Zeiss and Astore Rescue-Drop Lilina so Niime can reach her.

    Niime trades Lilina for the Heal staff and heals Yoder.

    Elphin plays Milady.


    Shall we?


    Well. He's not being recruited. No recruitment theme.

    I could try leaving him alone?


    I don't have good feelings about this.


    Uh huh...





    Either you get recruited next chapter by me sparing you

    Or you're the Camus archetype


    I honestly don't know.


    Nuuuu, my precious bb Milady

    Well that didn't work.



    What do these screens mean?


    Peace out, Gale!


    Stairway to the gaiden?


    Two weapons?

    Maybe Erishkigal?


    I don't remember. Nergal's weapon.




    I was supposed to keep Milady and Zeiss alive for this gaiden, wasn't I?!


    Hey. The "Elder" Revelation.

    Dark magic is referred to as "elder" magic to shamans and druids.

    I think it might be Erishkigal or the S dark weapon.




    My god. This map... this map was a bit stressful!

    That was pretty hardcore compared to the past chapters.

    Now that I know what to expect, it's not a bad chapter or anything; just, when you're ill-prepared for massive reinforcement flux like I am, it can be stressful.

    Though with 20/20 hindsight, I definitely should have used stronger or effective weaponry.

    Also, stocking characters' equipment might have been a good idea.

    I still got through it somehow.

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Lord         20.00    34     15      16      16      16       7      10
    Allen      Paladin      13.20    52     25      21      24      14      14       5
    Lance      Paladin       8.91    46     16      17      25      12      10       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight  10.80    41(+7) 15(+2)  21      28      23       9      11
    Rutger     Swordmaster   8.39    46     18      28      25       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop        8.48    36     17      21      21       4       5      20
    Lilina     Sage         13.49    35     30      12      19      16       6      21
    Astore     Thief        17.92    32      8      10      17      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper       12.43    42     18      19      19      11      12      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker     9.46    54     22      17(+4)  18      15      14       2
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  16.85    56     25      26      22      11      16       6
    Zeiss      Wyvern Lord   1.60    42     22      18      14(+2)   8      15       4
    Niime      Druid        20.00    27(+7) 21      20      16      15       5      19

    Reset: 7

    Lost: 4

    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
  12. DD x Cath otp

    Get ready for the next chapter, and don't worry.

    It'll be fun.

    Annnnd I have no clue why they put the next gaiden so close but whatever.

    Crack otp

    Yes, yes. Fun is a word.

    I was pretty surprised they were close together.

    @MisterIceTeaPeach: I believe it now!

    It's the way that these strategy games go. Beginning, it's easy to lose them and hard to raise them at first. Just like later in the game, they use status staves to immobilize your trucks. It even's the latter, but that is why that we have status staves for. Not that status conditions hardly happen in FE7 Normal anyway.

    See...there are ways to prevent them altogether even here...


    It stays the same. Roy will find out this lecture no matter what.

    Accurate status staves...

    I see. That's good to know!

    Hey, have you noticed Roy hasn't promoted yet?

    BTW next gaiden is the last one. Assuming no specific items break or people die, you should be able to access the good ending.

    I've noticed since like Chapter 15. The boy really needs one.

    Here's to hoping!

    Cath is really one of those characters who's not really worth getting (see: Hugh), but IS made their recruitment annoying to troll all of us completionists who insist on trying to recruit every character possible.

    Well, that was chapter 20Ix. Not a difficult chapter, but an annoying one (although at least there are a lot of walls to grind weapon ranks on?). In general, I think the gimmicks for the gaiden chapters in this game (lava tiles in 8x, the poison jets in 12x, disappearing bridges in 14x, spears of light in 16x, walls in 20Ix) all seem really underwhelming and don't really have the effects IS was looking for, which is a little unfortunate.

    Good to have you back! Next chapter is going to be funnnnnnn, one of my favorite chapters in any FE game. I have faith that you'll manage to get this Gaiden requirement first try too (I think that would be first try for every single requirement? That would be awesome!).

    Just to raise hell for a blind player like me. And one that tries to be completionist for recruitment. Part of my logic is, "Well, even if I don't use them, at least I can use their stuff." Cath doesn't even get that honor. It's disappointing.

    The light spears in 16x gave me a couple of scares since I didn't know their pattern, but it is what you say: overall very underwhelming. I guess they are still there to be some kind of nuisance.

    Fun times! And we'll see (though not for long) if I got the gaiden on first try!

    *It's an awkward split again. First part ends before Turn 6's enemy phase

    So I think we're off to kill Zephiel or something--and last gaiden. Hurray!

    [spoiler=Chapter 21-1 - *The Wyvern Invasion*]


    Epic music is epic


    Such menacing airs this man has.


    Can this beat out Cog of Destiny's or Victory or Death's unit count?


    This map is sizeable for GBA standards.

    I see that they want to use these mountains to split my group up.


    Armory and Vendor right next to us. With how you guys say THAT chapter and everything, I don't anticipate good things.

    At least, I think this is THAT chapter.

    Shop as fast as I can and get out.


    There's this single village here which should be very easy to get to via flier.

    Here's a weird peak tile. I suppose I can check it out with the Member Card-carrier.


    As well as this tile too. Why is there this only plains tiles in this mountain-concentrated area?


    Even this plains tile is suspicious.

    Nothing much else to note for the map. It's time for enemy roll-call.



    As it's Bern, there are a lot of Wyvern Riders and Lords. Archers are probably there to clip my wings and the Sages and Bishops for someone like Milady.

    I think it's time to whip out some legendary weapons.

    There is a Bolting Sage near the boss--but at least it isn't status staves, right? Right...?

    I swear if there are a reinforcement of status staff Druids/Bishops, the words: they will be there.

    The boss is protected also by two Horseslayer Knights. Who is the boss?



    Meet Murdock and his capped level and massive HP and Strength.

    Now isn't that a sight to see? Not even endgame and we have a Level 20 boss. That's such a huge jump.

    While I want to pelt him with magic, his Tomahawk is quite threatening.

    Also, hi random Knight's Crest.

    Being a Level 20 boss should mean a Level 11 unit gets 100 EXP from him. That's just massive.


    Why Fae and Jerrot? Maybe I'll need the extra help. Fae can have some of the unpromoted mooks.

    I did a little bit of selling. It was just things like low-use Iron Swords and Vulneraries that I'm not likely to use anymore.

    I'm going to be giving the Maltet to Lance rather than Milady for now. While I would like to give it to her, since she's likely to face a lot of Wyvern combat, I'm also not going to risk it breaking.

    Besides, I can give her a Wyrmslayer, raise her sword EXP, and it should be enough to kill the Wyvern Riders in one-shot and the Lords in two.


    I actually have no idea how I'm going to start this out. I guess I'll be splitting into two main groups, with Zeiss acting as an independent carrier for Roy.

    From left to right, the Paladins are Jerrot, Allen, and Lance.

    I'm not anticipating good things about this map.


    Titular name for both the game and the chapter.


    Ominous music time.


    Hey Gale! Do I get to recruit you?


    Maybe Gale's group will be like Tate's, Klain's, and Perceval's. Could I finally get an Elysian Whip?


    ... you what.

    ... *looks at unpromoted Roy*

    ... you what.

    I don't... yeah, I don't. I don't know how I would have Roy get into a fair fight.

    But I mean, I guess I could try to have Roy attack him and see a battle quote?

    That would be such a waste of EXP, though.


    Hey Yoder.


    Good. Glad to see we're on the same page.


    Good question.


    I'm not surprised.






    I think we all know that Zephiel isn't going to keep something so precious far away from him.


    Yoder, I swear if you spoil this like Ranulf does in FE10...


    Noooooo, my narration!


    I wanted Roy to find out. Why, Yoder, why?


    Yes, by all means. If you happen to have S Light that would be great.


    Huh but... didn't I go out of my way to get legendary weapons?

    Now you're just giving them to me?

    I assume it must be the bow that I may have missed out on in 20x going the Ilia route.


    I got some units to be new legends.

    Roy isn't included.

    Turn 1


    I really dig this new theme.


    And with new themes are new units.

    Badass old woman now has a new companion: badass old man.

    That capped Resistance. It is the stuff of legends.

    And hey, he has A light and S staves. I can dig this.

    Now, I could wait for Niime instead of using Raigh, but I don't know if I would do the same with Saul and Yoder. That's hard for me to consider.

    Still, with practice, Yoder could use Aureola. I'll take up that offer.


    Nice. Murgleis gives extra Speed. It's not too heavy either.

    Saint's Staff is pretty cool too.

    Fae goes to Allen to get picked up and heading towards the south.

    Lance equips the Javelin, goes to Allen's south, and drops Fae off to the west.


    Rectifying Niime's low HP.

    I'll check what's in the shops.



    Now my only problem is: I don't know how many chapters this game has. Will I see more Physic staves than these ones here? I already got a good stock from two chapters ago...

    There's two cavalry-effective weaponry in the Armory. I don't like the implications I'm getting.

    I think I'll get one Silver Sword, two Silver Lances, one Armorslayer, two Horseslayers, and two Halberds.

    After Elphin plays Shanna, I'll get two Lightning tomes, one Flux, one Divine, and a Pure Water.

    I feel so noobish without knowledge of what's ahead. I'm a pretty bad spender in Fire Emblem...

    Change of plans. I think I'll have Geese get rescued by Zeiss for possible shenanigans.

    For now, Jerrot will be carrying Roy.

    Saul physics Niime's new HP just in case.


    Last one to move is Jerrot. Milady is far to the east.

    Lance is the southmost Paladin. West Bishop is Yoder.

    Will end turn with Jerrot's rescue and moving south.

    Haha, Bern's theme for enemy phase. Classy.

    Turn 2


    I thought I was in range of the Sage. That's strange.

    So that shenanigans I was talking about?


    Commence shenanigans.

    Geese is equipped with Armads. Heads will roll.

    Milady rescues Niime.

    Elphin plays Milady.

    Milady equips the Javelin, drops Niime onto the forest, and moves in range of the Wyvern units.

    Rutger cuts up a Sage into ribbons with the Killing Edge crit.


    Yoder is southern Bishop. Allen is the southeast Paladin with Lance to his west. Allen has a Hand Axe equipped for an incoming Javelin Wyvern Rider.

    Merlinus will move to Astore's west to end Turn 2.


    I called this. I so called this.

    Also, is that Gale?... Fuuuuuuuudge. Milady and Zeiss are not close by.

    Not Gale? Gale didn't speak if he was the Wyvern Lord.

    Anyways, Killer Lance Wyvern Rider misses Milady. Milady has just enough Attack to kill.


    Do you like shenanigans? I do.

    But even better: OVERKILL SHENANIGANS

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider dies to Milady.

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord and Milady miss once. Milady gets her second attack in.


    Not even Wyvrn Lords are a match for the power of peaks.

    Here. Take another overkill.


    Not too bad.

    Iron Bow Archer hits Allen. Allen fails to kill the Archer by missing one of his attacks.

    Longbow Archer has little change to his Lilina in a forest.

    Milady also misses one of her attacks to kill a Steel Lance Wyvern Rider. Dang.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider goes for Igrene and gets two Iron Bow bolts lodged into him, killing him.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider goes for Geese. Pathetic. Zeroes across the board. Will never hit Geese.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Allen. Allen kills him.

    Elfire Sage misses forest Niime. Niime hits him once.

    Turn 3


    These are some enemies, I'm telling you.

    Zeiss helps out Geese by attacking the Wyvern Rider with his Iron Lance. He gets hit back for minimal damage.

    Geese misses the weakened Wyvern Rider once before crit-killing him by Hand Axe throw.

    Milady takes out the Sage with her Javelin since he's higher leveled.


    Not exactly what I wanted because I want S dark but okay. I'll take it.

    Igrene goes for the Silver Lance Wyvern Lord with her Iron Bow.

    Elphin plays Milady.

    The weakened Wyvern Rider dies to Milady's Al's Sword.

    It's the return of the chicken dragon as Fae kills an Archer in one shot. From 91 EXP to 176 EXP off a Level 20 Archer, FAe will be getting quite a bit of levels this chapter.


    Sure. Speed and Res.

    Saul gets rid of a Knight blocking my path.

    Yoder kills off the Archer also in my way.

    Rutger and his Iron Sword crit-kill the Bishop.

    Lilina whips out the Thunder and kills the other Archer. I wanted him out of the way in case he targeted Fae and wasted a Divine Stone charge.


    Important positions right now. Lance is the southwest Paladin with the Killer Lance; Allen has an Iron Axe next to him. Time for them to tank the Wyvern Rider and Paladin group south.

    Merlinus moves south to end Turn 3.

    Oh boy. More Paladins and Wyvern Rider groups...

    Steel Lance Knight foolishly misses Lilina and is one-hit KO'd by her Thunder.

    Killer Lance Wyvern Rider misses Lance. Lance hits once without crit.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Allen and is subsequently killed.

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord misses Allen. Allen doesn't have enough Attack to kill in two rounds.

    Longbow Archer misses Lilina.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Lance.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider dies to Allen.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider. Allen. Dead. Yep. I'll be having them tank here for a bit... maybe with Lilina and Fae. They have a healer and they have a back-up girl. We'll see. Allen gets an rank up in his axes for this.

    And another Steel Lance Wyvern Rider dies to Allen.

    A Silver Lance Paladin wraps around to get at Lance. Lance hits once and then crit-kills. Good. Need to lessen the density in this area.

    Silver Lance Paladin gets killed by Allen.

    And another Silver Lance Paladin death by Allen.

    Javelin Paladin misses Lance.

    Turn 4


    That is a very dense area, and I want Roy to get going. Like I said, I may have Lilina and Fae hold back to support the two Paladin bros.


    I'm also not very sure what's up with this guy. He hasn't moved.

    Maybe I should investigate with Shanna's Member Card as well?

    Actually, I may be able to have Yoder help out instead. At least for this turn.


    Why didn't you do this before?

    Allen switches Lance to the Killer Lance before taking out the Paladin adjacent to him.


    I like where this is going. More of these, Allen.

    Lilina kills the Archer in the forest directly with her Aircalibur. Let's see if that Wyvern Rider moves when someone's in his range.

    Milady visits the village.


    Milady: Actually, I was a part of the Bern Army.


    Frightening the citizenry for a... Knight Crest.

    Okay. Game, look. I know you gave me a crapton of Cavaliers, but you also gave me quite a few magic-users that are a little more useful at times.

    More Guiding Rings would have been great.

    You taunt me so. Not an Elysian Whip.

    Saul physics Allen just in case.

    Zeiss rescues Geese for possibly more shenanigans.

    Elphin plays Igrene for movement.


    Shanna still keeps heading east.


    How much more of this?



    okay sure

    just pop up there when Zeiss is nearby

    with Geese


    And another group popped up near there. Jeez.


    Are you guys for real?

    You guys...

    Is this the real life?

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord dies to Yoder. Aw. I wanted EXP to Allen, Lance, or even Fae.

    Well, that Javelin Wyvern Rider moves. He's in for a real treat attacking Lilina with her Aircalibur. She dodges and cuts him up.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Allen. I can see this is going to get real text-heavy because of all these reinforcements.

    Divine Bishop misses Lance.

    Lance doesn't kill a Steel Lance Wyvern Rider with his Killer Lance. Honestly, Lance. Why do I give you such nice toys when you don't utilize them properly? He does get a level though.


    An odd but acceptable one.

    Allen's going to be killing some Wyvern Riders for a bit. Here's the first one.

    Here's a second one.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider goes for Shanna. Too bad I left her on an Iron Lance, right? She kills him.

    And another Shanna Wyvern Rider kill.

    Make that a third.

    Something new: Allen kills a Silver Lance Paladin. Hurray...?

    And another one. Sheesh. Allen's going to break his Iron Axe soon.

    Allen crit-kills this Paladin.

    Allen doesn't kill a Wyvern Lord.

    Shanna weakens a Silver Lance Wyvern Lord.

    Yoder gets hit by a Silver Lance Wyvern Lord. He hits back once.

    Javelin Paladin misses Allen.

    Turn 5


    This is getting crazy fast.

    Jerrot drops Roy near Milady. GET TO THAT THRONE. THIS IS HELL ON EARTH.

    Zeiss switches Geese to the Armads and drops him onto a peak to Shanna's west.

    There is a Longbow Archer that would be able to hit Zeiss. Shanna goes for it and kills the Archer.


    Out of all the things, you get Defense.

    Milady rescues Roy and punches it eastward.

    Niime physics Zeiss.

    Saul most definitely physics Yoder.

    Lance doesn't kill the Javelin Paladin with his Killer Lance. ffs, Lance.

    Allen takes out the Silver Lance Wyvern Lord and levels up.


    Lord and savior Allen. His moniker.


    I don't want to risk Yoder getting hit on counter.

    Southeast Paladin is Lance.

    Ending turn...


    Which god has forsaken me? I think it's Naga.


    Maybe Anna.

    Shanna breaks her last Iron Lance on the Knight. Yep. I totally forgot to restock Shanna's equipment. Fun.

    Surprsingly, Javelin Wyvern Rider went for Lance, not Yoder. I guess because Yoder can counter him.

    Physic Bishop heals up a Wyvern Rider. I hate you.

    Wyvern Riders see Milady with Roy and want her to come crashing down. Too bad I gave Milady a Killer Lance. Suck on that! She doesn't even need to crit because they suuuuuuck compared to her. He does hit her, though.

    As does this one before he dies.

    This one misses and dies.

    Allen breaks his last Iron Axe on a Wyvern Rider. He's got his Hand Axe for now.

    Lance still doesn't crit with the Killer Lance on a Wyvern Rider. Wasting my Killer Lance uses...

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider dies to Allen.

    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider dies to Geese.

    And one dies to Lilina.

    Can I just say this map is actually being threatening on Normal Mode? I bet this is utter hell on Hard.


    The return of that one audio glitch where the crystals don't make a sound.


    Damn, girl. Your Magic is crazy high.

    Milady gets hit by a Silver Lance Wyvern Lord and hits once.

    Allen kills off a Silver Lance Paladin.

    Lance still wastes my Killer Lance. I hate you too, bud.

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord and Allen trade blows.

    Wyvern Lord misses Niime. Good thing she has new HP because he would have killed her with her base. He misses anyways and she hits back.

    Geese does another crazy overkill to a Wyvern Lord.


    20 Strength!

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord misses Yoder and Yoder counters.

    Lilina finishes off a Wyvern Lord. The power of Aircalibur.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Geese.

    And now that's weird. Javelin Paladin went for Yoder... when the other ranged enemy went for Lance. I don't get it. This one dies and that's why I'm confused.

    This Javelin Paladin goes for Yoder too. More Light training, I guess.

    Turn 6


    I feel betrayed by the gods.

    Niime moves onto a mountain and physics Milady.

    Shanna kills off the Archer.

    Igrene finishes a Wyvern Lord and levels up.


    Insulted like the first time Lugh leveled up.

    Elphin plays Igrene.

    Igrene kills a Wyvern Rider from the forest with her Longbow.

    I made sure Elphin hid himself in a forest but Geese kills off a Wyvern Lord to protect Elphin.

    Yoder kills a Wyvern Lord so now Fae can take that forest.

    Fae blasts fatal energy to a Paladin and nets herself another level.


    Fae levels

    Saul physics Allen.


    Is this a secret Killer Axe?

    Allen finishes a Wyvern Lord.


    This man is a legend.


    Milady stays out of sight of the Manaketes.

    I hope no one dies...

  13. It what?

    If you mean +5 growth to characters with Mark's affinity, this site says it is a myth.


    She means the Tactician Stars. For each star you get, everyone gets +(number of stars) Critical Evade. Those you share the same Affinity with also get an additional bonus of +(number of stars) Accuracy and Avoid bonus.

    The choice of which Affinity you were and that you even made a tactician (apparently you don't get Afa's Drop if you don't make a tactician) affected the gameplay--even if minor.

  14. I'm serious ONLY do a transfer play file on Fixed Mode

    Otherwise it's like data transferring a 0% growths hacked FE e.g. level 13 Mia, FIFTEEN speed. Apparently a stat will stay base until level 20 if its growth is below 80%

    Rig the BEXP levels. Or rig normal levels if you can level up in the first turn. We're still running on GBA-level caps (ex. Mia has 30 Speed cap as Swordmaster; your current Mia has 13 [count the promotion gain] more natural levels to get that 30--and we're talking about something with 60 Speed growth so it's pretty likely to happen). And she caps on Speed unpromoted at 20 so she's not that far off.

    How have you been using the BEXP? No rigging?

    Current playthrough, when I wasn't paying that particular attention to Oscar's Defense in rigging, he had 19 Defense as a Level 20 Cavalier.

  15. More Wyvern Riders! Yesssss. I love Wyvern Riders!

    Kent and Lyn are the new Julian/Lena for this game.

    Nice three turn. Dem Wyvern Riders breaking this game and its system.

    In the test run i did previously, the story promotion still happened, so either the fix patch doesn't do its job, or its intended. He can still promote with a guiding ring though, but if he's a sage going into Cog, he'll demote to a mage I think.

    Would you be holding off promoting Eliwood until the promotion event then? What happened when he got demoted to Mage? Level 20 Mage with negative stat gains, re-promoted, jump back to the level he was originally or to Level 1 Sage?

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