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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Have my own entrance music! WYR have Baby Shark play whenever you enter a room or The Duck Song play whenever you leave a room?
  2. *kiddo walking around in cardboard armor and holding a wooden spoon* "Nothing to report! Nothing to report!" *raccoon gets in* *raccoon gets killed with wooden spoon* "Nothing to report!"
  3. Kids with them as the parents would be like, let's just say their power level is over 9000. Gatekeeper Boy must be a saiyan in disguise. He doesn't have a crest but he doesn't need one. Combined with crest of flames...oog. Saiyan + crest of flames = a few generations of people who completely wreck anything thrown at them. Until the Empire sees them a threat and starts having them forcefully sterilized or killed preferably before they breed. It's sad, but it is how it is. Maayyyybbbee it's better for it to be male Byleth for this reason lol.
  4. Does anybody have thoughts on the Starbucks thing tho
  5. Is that male or female Byleth you're shipping with him? What even is his sexuality? But yes. This is the prequel comic.
  6. ...Ew! Both are probably disgusting. WYR have wings on your butt or feet on your head?
  7. Double post ladies and gentlemen! I give you...the Starbucks on campus at Garreg Mach! ...And some stuff leading to it. This is copy pasted from Discord convos. Feel free to add stuff.
  8. Cats. My first cat was named Scamper and he liked watching the toilet flush.
  9. I've seen this and it's great. But "going through their phases" lol is that a PMS joke?
  10. I have a major problem with not being able to sit down and write even if I do have ideas.
  11. I think everybody's starting to burn out on this contest...I certainly am...
  12. More effective against males. For Mage: Which spells should and should not be used in these situations? 1: It's raining. 2: The grass is dry. 3: You're surrounded by enemies.
  13. 10 and a half. What's the phone number for 911?
  14. Justice. It's funnier. WYR go fishing with Flayn or hunting with Petra?
  15. Jeritza sleeps naked and Jeralt just wears a pair of boxers, if we're going there. - Anonymous Informant
  16. Because you are a puppy. Why did Jeremiah the bullfrog cross the road?
  17. Heads up guys, there's no way you can help her now, she's given up and I'm okay with it as her friend. Thanks for the attempts at helping her though.
  18. A pokemon game for Discord. I HAVE A CLAUDE NOW Here are the lion boys, although Dimitri has evolved since. You can change the natures, and I had to do so for the lions, but Claude came with the right one.
  19. I read that as "Dedue is fucking a mountain" He is Big White Lion. Good boy in general. Don't piss him off. He will snap your spine. In half.
  20. Annnnddd so I have a luxio named after Dimitri on Pokecord... Yes that was our very own Rezzy from here. #TroubleNuggets
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