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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Is it a female sea monster? Females need female voice actors. Generally speaking. They don't lay eggs. They're more humanoid than bird but I do headcanon them with bird behaviors...like fluff fluff strut as courtship. What if the Legend of Zelda games were instead Legend of Zane and featured a heroine named Linkle on a quest to save prince Zane?
  2. Same reason OoT got away with the gerudos using hylian males as breeding stock with an E rating. ESRB logic. Why were the ritos in WW humanoid birds, but in BotW they're actual birds?
  3. Well, that's when you use your imagination. Like, me saying Nifl civilians live in igloos and fish and trade fur and bones, none of that is implied, but is just me applying the culture of a real world group of people who live in a cold and snowy area. Eskimos. Not every headcanon has to be based on something you can actually see ingame, but if it makes sense it's good. This makes sense. Perhaps there's a holiday or festival involving these marble patterns?
  4. Sigh. You'd think if people say Fates needs more worldbuilding, then this would be something that they'd want to do. Very disappointing.
  5. Only I can answer this. Because he's the only royal boi and now he's strutting around like he owns the place thanks a lot. Although he kinda does anyway. When will the US government shutdown end?
  6. Wow, does nobody else want to talk about this?
  7. I mean, I'm sure, somewhere in the world, a man is having sex right now. Just like how somewhere in the world it's snowing at any given time. Your point?
  8. Because pimples aren't supposed to be there. It's a common name though, so this would be kind of pointless and not work that well. Side note: You share a name with one of my Xenoblade fankids. I asked this same question in this topic lol. Where did "I don't give a rat's ass" come from? Was it ever a good thing to be given a rat's ass?
  9. Yes, and Tifa Lockhart was born in a maternity ward with a heart shaped lock on the door. Serious answer: I don't think last names really count because the parents only choose the first name. Why did Pringles stop making the cheese ones with artificial flavoring? They actually tasted better before they switched to natural flavoring...
  10. This isn't really world building or a headcanon, but good to know regardless.
  11. Let's world build! Nifl commoners live in igloos, and many are nomads but there are some towns and villages. Their main industry is ice fishing, but there is a decent demand for clothing and other objects made from the bones and skins of the local wildlife such as seals, arctic foxes, snowshoe rabbits, etc. Often these goods will be traded with other nations and the fish caught will stay in Nifl to feed the people there. They also hunt, but a lot of their food is fish. Muspell has a lot of warrior tribes that fight each other over territory and resources such as farmland or hunting grounds. Sometimes warriors from these tribes will be drafted into the military, Helbindi is an example. Muspell people in general are tough and hardy and what farmland does exist isn't very efficient, mostly only enough to feed one family. They are generally a nation of bandits who will pillage and invade for things they need or want. Manaketes do not consider themselves loyal to any nation. They live in tribal hamlets across the world and many are mercenaries who will fight for whoever pays them. Manaketes that live in Muspell sometimes have problems with the warrior tribes attacking them for their valuables. Askr tends to try to forge alliances with its manakete tribes. Embla ignores theirs. There are not many manaketes in Nifl because it's too cold for them.
  12. Realism would be interesting, but the rainbow hair and eye colors might be jarring. Basically this.
  13. It was more like "there's a place called Crimea" like OP's Valla. Ostia is also a swear word in Spanish. I think it means "oh shit".
  14. Because you like that musical and you started associating it with your own life. Did Cloud's parents name him that because it was really cloudy outside when he was born?
  15. She does sound kinda more "divine". But I think I'll keep her where she is, because like you said, her bloodline were humans to begin with. Snake, well it depends on whether or not this Boss is altered biologically. Basically Dolly the sheep was still a sheep, even if she was cloned. Same concept. I think Snake is a really successful soldier and that doesn't come from being a clone, but from years of training.
  16. Because waterbending. Can waterbenders do crazy things with their own urine?
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