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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Maybe it can be fed to baby kittens? 5/10. Cereal that tastes like eggs and bacon.
  2. Okay Azure is now Gull and Dracula, haven't added to the OP yet, but I'm fine with it.
  3. Lasers. The proper way to complain about the weather is...
  4. Don't set your alarm anymore. You're in your house and you keep hearing weird squeaky noises coming from one wall.
  5. It always amazed me that blue whales are so huge yet they only eat very tiny krill.
  6. I thought Gull was Homs' character, am I wrong?
  7. Side note: It's Darios. An O not a U. Have not played FEW but this is on the main site. I only nitpick because Darius is my Dunban fankid. To add to the topic at hand: Roy with Roy Koopa glasses would be awesome. I like the ideas of pokemon and yoshi mounts, and Ganon as a beast unit. I agree that actual FE characters should be given priority. Random stupid idea, Xenoblade 1 spoilers:
  8. Sorry to see you go, but you did already post...so what do you suggest we do there?
  9. There was a guy named Boyd in my school and one time he walked into the classroom and tripped and fell into the bookshelf and all the books were on the floor. There was also a guy named Heath, and some Matthews. But the Boyd was closest to his FE counterpart just because of that bookshelf incident. There was a teacher whose first name was Darin and my friend joked that she was going to call him Marquess Laus.
  10. Well with all due respect, can't everything do this? Like rabbits will dig burrows in hidden areas when they become pregnant, so the babies will have a safe home. Humans will start preparing for the baby, wolves and other wild canines will start finding a good den. I think at a certain point most everything can go "I'm going to be a mom!" It would be impressive if horses could tell really early. Like, almost at the moment of conception. It might be a bit of a stretch but I think most female mammals are really confused and scared the first time they give birth, but eventually after a few times they learn letting a male have his way with them at a certain time of year or whatever results in babies later.
  11. They are much smarter than you'd expect! I'll add wolves, crocodiles, and owls to the list.
  12. Oh yeah, and I'll add: I do want more FE characters who aren't in yet before more alts, particularly laguz.
  13. Somebody did make this. *pats his head* I'll second everyone saying I'd be okay with alts based on non FE characters. Actually having non FE characters could get messy real quick... Like for this boy, I could see a dismounted Xander or Leo in his outfit and maybe with a Monado replica. I know both of those have a lot of alts already but I really can't think of any others that would work because they'd have to be blond and male. Lucius? Nah that probably won't work...
  14. I do this as well, but Chloey does have a point, I remember Shoblongoo saying it's better for the reader to be familiar with the source, because then they can tell if canon characters are in character or not. Yet, acting like the reader doesn't know the source is generally a good idea.
  15. Is the mom in The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That a bad parent because she allows her kids to go to the moon and stuff on their own with the Cat who may very well be an imaginary friend?
  16. Ooooh I didn't know Richter was Simon's great great grandson or whatever. But nuns aren't supposed to have kids or do things that can lead to kids, unless she was no longer a nun? Also: I actually think lucario is Shulk's spirit pokemon and ninetales is Fiora's, so I like that a lot. I'll add you to the OP tomorrow, everything looks good.
  17. Since we just lost a player, I suppose you can join.
  18. Hawkwing has told me he has to drop out because of college stuff.
  19. Because Camilla is a creepy thot. Would it be possible for FE characters to have pizza?
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