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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. A Pokemon anime short about a feral espurr who is trapped and taken to a pet shelter, where it is discovered that he absolutely loves hoodie sweatshirts! A grandmotherly old woman who volunteers there knits him his very own hoodie, which leads to him finding his forever home because that is just adorable.
  2. Ship everybody with your mary sue/gary stu self insert. EVERYBODY. Even characters who have a canon partner. Even characters who are too young. Even characters who are too old. Even characters who are of a race that wouldn't be sexually or reproductively compatible with as before mentioned self insert. And the self insert parents a kid or two with all of them. Write out the sex scenes in intimate detail with vulgar language. The proper way to Christmas shop is...
  3. Some term that Gen Z made up AND YOU DAMN KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN! Z is for zebra cakes.
  4. Anacybele leaves because she had the wrong convention. She was looking for the Kelly convention. Firestar (Warrior cats) and that cat Pepe Le Pew was always chasing at the Glitter Box from Puss In Boots.
  5. OBJECTION! Shulk cannot show his visions to others, he can only verbally describe them. Only Alvis can do this. Furthermore, @Purple Mage, Shulk's parents died in a blizzard when he was four and he nearly died himself and it may have stunted his growth, he is a bit of a shorty boy. He'd be wanting out of that ice cave, honestly. Kagero storms in yelling because Saizo is supposed to be helping Ryoma with some stuffy boring meeting, according to Saizo at least. She drags him home saying he's sleeping on the couch tonight. Kaze, with his henpecked brother gone now, gets more confident and hits on Sakura, and Sasuke punches him. Roy Koopa and Roy of Pherae at a convention for guys named Roy.
  6. With animated gifs of dancing boxer shorts. The proper way to go swimming is...
  7. Some weirdo comic villain with a long ass tongue. W is for walrus
  8. Okay peeps I have made a map! ' Location descriptions to come later. Traced over the official WoL map taken from IGN. Feel free to question and comment and help brainstorm.
  9. Snow is God's dandruff. Why do dogs fetch sticks?
  10. Force yourself on them. But then you will go to jail...and get homeruns from fat hairy guys named Bubba... The proper way to chew bubble gum is...
  11. Run into battle naked. No wait, that might actually work to your advantage... The proper way to help the homeless is...
  12. "Why did you print your resume on bright neon pink paper?" "There was nothing stating it had to be a certain color. And honestly, I wanted it to stand out over all the other resumes you get."
  13. Fancy way to say "egg". P is for Pakistan.
  14. Sharla is Dr. Mario's canon spirit, and they make such a great team that Master Hand allows them to work together on the medical stuff as often as they want. Dr. Mario had Sharla some scrubs made because he didn't like the skimpy outfit she was wearing. He told her it was because medics in the Smash Hub are required to wear proper medical attire though. Sharla works on basic injuries in the field mostly, and Dr. Mario prescribes medication. The younger fighters (Ness, Lucas, Bowser Jr etc) get lollipops from Sharla after she treats them. Bowser Jr is rumored to purposely get cuts and scrapes so he can have a lollipop. When asked if she knew anyone who could be added to the medical team (because the World of Light conflict is BRUTAL), Sharla suggested the machina doctor Linada. Master Hand brought her in and all she did was make things awkward like asking Fox for the nitty gritty details of how he was born because she thought he was a homs/volff hybrid. She also thought Pit was an entia with wings in the wrong place. Master Hand almost sent her back, but then she saved ROB's life so he let her stay. Neither Sharla or Dr. Mario had any clue on how to perform surgery on a mechanical life form, but to Linada, it was easy. ROB was heavily injured and only surgery could save him.
  15. Because engineers can build anything, and a patient one will build your worst nightmare if needed. Where is the cake?
  16. With the Spanish word for soup. The proper way to act in Brazil is...
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