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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. What the hell is this. It looks like a fan made video with death metal in it. Not something official.
  2. Tepid Canyon, heading south The trio of blonds, led by Link, found themselves on increasingly rugged terrain. Eventually they reached a gorge, and the hylian's ears pricked. "Fiora is across here." "You say that like you think it will be easy to cross. Man, where's Dad and Uncle Dunban when we need them?" Rickson complained. "The two of them together would be able to make a bridge or something!" Link blinked. "Well...they don't call me Hero of the Wild for nothing. I'm actually quite good at parkour and moving about in terrain like this. Are you kids tired?" "Homs live on a landmass that used to be a living being and it's still standing. Trust me, we're used to climbing." Violet said. "But I think this...will be unwise to cross without some help from something." Link's ears pricked and his head shot straight up. "There's something that will help in those bushes! But be careful getting it out." Shulk's twins reached in and took out three white chickens. Violet raised an eyebrow. "I'm all for food, but..." "We are not going to eat them, and for the love of the golden goddesses, do not try knifing them! It takes...a lot of know how to kill a cucco safely." "Link, it's a chicken." Rickson said. "Take my word for it." Link picked up one of the cuccos. "Okay, watch." He rushed at the gorge and jumped. The cucco began to squawk and flap, and the hylian hero was propelled safely to the other side, a chicken hang glider. He then put the cucco down and called to the other side. "See?" Violet immediately followed, apparently the braver of the two. Rickson shook his head, muttered something about "logical", and flew across himself. The cuccos scattered as a clearly hostile mechanical creature charged toward the group. The thing looked almost reptilian or alien, but also clearly not of an organic nature. "Holy crap!" Rickson shouted. "A mechon!" "It shouldn't be much of a threat to all three of us!" Shulk had told Link about mechon and how they were once vicious monsters, but now with peace on the Bionis, they were rarely seen and when they were, they were docile. The mechon shot a laser from its head, which Link's shield blocked. It then whipped around because it had heard Violet behind it and slashed her with its sharp bladed limb. She let out a pained yell. Blood was leaking from a wound on her belly. "Stay back, I have a plan!" Link pushed the twins back, mainly Rickson, who was about to charge with a blood frenzy look in his eyes. The hylian pushed a button on a small device in his hand, which produced a blue glowing sphere, which he threw at the mechon. The mechon became distracted by the object, picking it up in its graspers and making a confused whirring noise. Then there was a blue colored explosion and the mechon was reduced to a lifeless pile of scraps. "Bombs always work against things like this." Link explained. He then looked at Violet and winced, but before he could say anything, a small glowing wisp, a spirit, rose from the remains of the mechon. The little spirit circled Rickson and Violet. Both twins were following the spirit with subtle movements of their heads and eyes and confused looks on their faces. "My children! Thank Bionis you're safe! At first I thought I was seeing Shulk coming to my rescue. Ricky, you really do resemble your father. Like, extremely well." "Mom." Rickson rolled his stone gray eyes. "You haven't called me that since I was five." The spirit seemed to dim in response. "It's really quite confusing. But really, you actually are still five...in the timeline where you never leave our home." "What math formula do you think explains that?" Violet asked her brother. "I have no clue." "...Excuse me." Link piped up. "What's this about timelines again?" The spirit brightened, showing an image of a young woman in a tank top, skirt, and knee high boots who resembled a slightly older Violet with green eyes and darker blond hair. "Shulk has told me about you. He said once you grabbed the Monado and destroyed his TV and he had to save up for a new one because he couldn't take the one from home into the Hub. He was quite peeved about that for awhile...you're Link of Hyrule. Shulk said you're actually one of many Links that live in different eras." "You did that?" Rickson turned to Link. "Why?" "One day I just wondered what would happen if we switched swords..." Link's pointy ears seemed to droop in embarrassment. Fiora's spirit laughed, causing her to bounce around in the air. "Anyway. Shulk's not going to be happy seeing me in this form...I mean, he'll go home and I'll still be normal, but he won't think that at first. He'll think I've had my body taken from me yet again. And honestly, at least the mechonization still gave me a physical form." Brief pause. "Before I was spirited, I saw him being thrown in the direction of a hill above some waterfalls." "That is where we will look then, if you will lead us." Link smiled. "Although perhaps not as quickly as possible...your daughter is bleeding." Fiora's spirit dimmed in sadness. "Oh no." "I can still go on, Mom. It just hurts." "That girl, Annie I believe? She has a magic healing staff. If we find her, she can patch you up." Rickson pointed out. "We can dress the wound temporarily." Link said. "With some grass and basic first aid." "If only we had my friend Sharla with us." Fiora commented. "She's the best field medic I know." The wound was sutured shut with grass, but it was clear that it was only a temporary fix. Regardless, they were off.
  3. @TheGoodHoms @PeaceRibbon Try to get them to agree to travel together in as few posts as possible, so I can post without interrupting flow.
  4. YES. Nobody cares about how many subscribers somebody has. Or at least, nobody should care. Care more about how many people comment on the videos.
  5. Ribosomes are protein things in cells. I think protein? S is for sand.
  6. Not too keen on the redesigned elder dragons, but I LOVE how Elora looks in Spyro Reignited.
  7. The internet was originally made as an easy way to share and access information. Why does it matter who has the most subscribers though? PewDiePie still has his channel, so what if T series has more subscribers, people who like PewDiePie can still watch his videos and life will go on.
  8. A meme that came from the Sonic cartoon. Q is for quirky.
  9. I'd rather you not use Ariel. Repurposing OCs is hard to do right and I'm afraid using her in such a role would...not work well. The hands are basically gods, so you'd get a god, which would be OP.
  10. We have our first interaction! This will be great! Gull and Koen team up woo! Just try not to drag the interaction on for two pages, like I have seen people do... Wow, I knew Metal Face would chum around with him. I just knew it. Becoming a robot? Check. Hatred? Check. Overconfidence? Check! @Hero_Lucina, think you can handle that?
  11. We already have female Robin, so...not sure if both Robins can exist at the same time. Have you played Metroid though? I kinda want someone who's seen Ridley in his source to do it.
  12. Outer space yay! O is for oranges.
  13. Same. I think it may have been a highland area, or more of an evergreen forest where as Makna is a jungle.
  14. Because nobody likes to do goat RPs I guess. Correct answer: Someone who stays up all night wondering whether or not there is a dog. Is it true that unicorns don't exist today because they missed Noah's ark?
  15. Thanks for understanding. Not sure if Galeem will be needed very much.
  16. As a male gym teacher: "All the girls get apples if they massage me." Apparently this actually happened somewhere.
  17. I'm not willing to have a Galeem relation at all, actually. You may be a Pit kid.
  18. Okay, new thing. Spirits can be rescued and written by anybody, and control of spirits can be transferred if needed. I have also decided Mumkhar/Metal Face is buddies with Ridley, so if someone can claim him, that'd be great.
  19. ((Some fighters can be NPCed, or written by whoever writes them first. Link is an example, I will be NPCing him.)) It had come without warning. Or rather, without enough of a warning. Shulk, wielder of the Monado, savior of his home (although many of the fighters could say they, too, were saviors of their home), had become the resident Oracle of the Hub. He'd hoped he'd stop seeing visions of impending doom once peace returned to his homeland. But he didn't mind being called Oracle, and he was glad that he had seen the toilets explode and nearly flood the Hub Central before it happened. Saved Master Hand a lot of work. Preventing flood damage was less work than repairing it. Wario was no longer allowed to have the spicy curry that grants fire breathing ability. Galeem found a way around the Oracle's ability. That mysterious sphere of light surrounded by feathered wings somehow delayed the vision, simply uttering "I am Galeem" before attacking with sinister beams of light. Only Kirby was able to escape, and everyone who was not a captured fighter was reduced to helpless spirit forms. But, the visiting children and younger relatives of the fighters were saved by Master Hand. The lord of the Hub's last words before being vaporized echoed in their ears: "Go! Find your fighter relations! Save this world!" We now see the twin children of the Oracle himself... Western Edge of Tepid Canyon "...He's not moving!" A small blond girl fidgeted with her daggers, a worried tone in her voice. "I really think you shouldn't have tased him when he was down." "Hey, Master Hand said the possessed fighters would resist with all their might! It's not like I have thunder and lightning in this thing!" "Yeah, but what good would it do if we killed him?" Two blue eyes flickered open, and the hylian hero slowly rose to his feet. He blinked. His brain felt like it was full of fog...last thing he remembered was getting hit with a beam of light, and then nothing but darkness... "...Violet and Rickson?" "LINK!" The girl hug tackled her father's closest friend in the Hub. "Thank Bionis, or...whatever higher power you want, you're alright!" "I feel like I got struck by lightning." Rickson looked guilty at that for a second, but Link had more important questions. "...Your parents. Where are they?" "Dad's still in the predicament you were." Rickson explained. "No idea where he, or Mom, is. Master Hand saved us kids. We all kinda went off in separate directions to find who we most want to find." "He said the non fighters would have lost their physical forms and become spirits, guarded by dangerous enemies...and killing those enemies should bring back the spirits." Violet added. "HALALAHELP!" Violet nearly jumped and got into a defensive pose, daggers pointing outward. "What was that?" "...It almost sounded like your mother. She's nearby!" "I just heard gibberish and it honestly sounded like a scary witch." Link smiled and patted Rickson's head. "Keen hylian hearing never lies. That was Fiora. I'm sure of it." "Lead us to her then!" ((Feel free to not meet up with the main group right away, I'm fine with a few posts as intro.))
  20. Unfortunately no...I don't feel comfortable with giving a big role like that to someone who made one sentence descriptions, and not sure on the villain roles yet.
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