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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Marinas are where boats are docked and a friend of mine has an OC named Marina. N is for Nigel Thornberry.
  2. "Who's the hot babe in that photo?" "My wife." "Oh is she home? What's her number?"
  3. Kickass is a movie about a teenager who acts like a superhero to impress girls but ends up having to become a hero for real. L is for lion.
  4. Worry and hope they're okay. Maybe try seeing if they're on on any other site they frequent. You woke up and your legs are cramped and you can't move without it being very painful.
  5. Pray. Hard. Your neighbor is really nosy and you swear you saw them watching you with binoculars.
  6. Next topic is: Things not to say at a job interview. Question: How do you know when the next poster will be on the next page?
  7. I'd say a tissue, in case you sneeze and blow snot and boogers out of your nose. Are zebras really white with black stripes, or could they be black with white stripes?
  8. "I would like to announce that I just farted!"
  9. You may have a virus. Or your browser is being a butt. What's funnier, banana costumes or gorilla costumes?
  10. Hell no not while hiking. You carry it. Why do parents tell their kids not to lie, but also make them believe in Santa, who doesn't exist?
  11. There was a crack in that hazmat suit.
  12. The moon. EVERYWHERE'S A TRAMPOLINE WYR have twins or one kid, but they have autism?
  13. Get them help. That upside isn't worth them ruining their life or overdosing and dying or both. Call a hotline that specializes in this problem and get them into rehab. You have two kids. One is in the gifted program in elementary school and the other thinks his toothbrush is haunted.
  14. Do normal mode first. I don't think hard is even available for a first playthrough. Beware of suspicious houses in Blood Runs Red.
  15. 72. All male humanoids are advised that this extends to trying to water Piranha Plant with a certain...part of their anatomy. Dr. Mario won't reattach it if it's bitten off because of stupidity. SNAKE STOP BRINGING IN BOOZE ALREADY, IT'S CAUSING IDIOTS. 73. Shulk is allowed either a sign that says "the vision came too late" or a T shirt that says it. He doesn't need a sign, a T shirt, a hat, and a megaphone all at the same time. Also he needs to get his twins out of Master Hand's office, they're being little scamps and interfering with paperwork.
  16. Film my favorite ones. WYR photobomb Kim Kardashian or play billards with Prince Harry?
  17. If I have extra money, buy them a new one. If not, look for their parents. There's a huge blizzard coming and you don't have enough money to buy enough food to last through it.
  18. A children's book about a hawk with a broken wing and how the wildlife vet nursed him back to health.
  19. Play a FF I haven't played yet. WYR have a pet rat or a pet parrot?
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