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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Smash version: FE Echoes version: I think I prefer the Smash version, how about you guys?
  2. Yeah, but what "thanks" would a barmaid be offering? If she's offering sex then that still makes her a prostitute.
  3. These are the best things ever. Who knew Sain was a poet? LOL! Have you ever RPed as Sain? Because you should xD
  4. Yeah, any family being murdered is grounds for being mad, but starting to hate commoners THAT much and refusing to see eye to eye with them and realizing they're not all bad people, I'd think would be more likely to come from a wife and kids being murdered. People tend to be closer to their spouses and kids than extended family.
  5. Yeah, the manor burnt down and his family was murdered. I wonder if there was a wife and kid or two there...he appears about the age where he could've fathered a kid or kids under the age of 10ish. That'd be plenty of justification. But we don't know whether this family was a wife and kids, or like, aunts/uncles/cousins/etc. And I literally just got to the part where he says that. But seriously, can we talk about the part where Clair totally puts him in his place? I wanted to give her a standing ovation! Mister Badass Noble Knight got schooled by Little Miss Proper Lady lol.
  6. I thought that was just for amiibos and I was ignoring it because I have no amiibos lol. Thanks. I thought that dancing scene with him and Rinoa was neat. Fernand was kinda standing there awkwardly though xD Speaking of him, will we find out more about why he hates commoners so much sans the guy in the castle saying his manor was burnt down by commoners? I'm hoping so. He needs more justification for the giant flaming arsehole he is, that's not enough imo.
  7. Yeah, I've met him. Not on the battlefield, I just now got to where you control both armies. @Res Where is the download DLC option though?
  8. Like I said the maid was mentioned earlier, so she did exist. I put the dialogue in the OP. Damn right, those two mages have sparks. Was that a thunder magic pun? I guess it was. Annnndd another person voted for both Saber and Boey picking up that hooker. Omg lol. I'm wondering what lines they would have used there. Something like: Saber: Hey, want to see my sword? Or help me polish it? Or both? Boey: I'll let you be the mage now, I lay down and you blow me up. Sorry those were terrible. *shot* Boey better not use that line on Mae eventually though. She'll blow him up alright, but probably with actual magic instead of...doing the other thing.
  9. Mae mentioned her before that though. Boey teased her about being seasick and she teased him about drooling all over himself about the maid. So yeah, there was a maid. But yeah, Boey had to bring her up again for the reason you stated. Who voted for that threesome up there? The thought of Saber and Boey either taking turns with the maid or at the same time...yeah, that was a joke xD
  10. I just got to Zofia Harbor and omg, the talk about that "maid" offering her "thanks"...have we just seen our first canon prostitute? I'm loving how much more mature FE is getting, honestly. Now they just need to do the same with Pokemon Even Boey is getting all hot and bothered lol...I guess cute mage boys are still boys, and anything goes for most prostitutes as long as they get paid. Some probably don't even care about the money. What do you think? EDIT - Here's the dialogue to refresh memories, luckily it was on the main site!
  11. I'm not sure what a pitchfork is, does it change people to villagers? I wasn't kidding when I said I was an OC hoarder btw...I need a bigger house or at least not an apartment before they escape from my head and start eating my food. Good lord. This place won't even accommodate half of them, there's only one bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen/living room. Well at least they probably wouldn't be too keen on the multiplication if they were all cramped up like that. And I don't mean math and times tables. NOBODY is keen on that kind of multiplication I'd assume. Meh, I might just have to grind up birth control pills and spike their food and drinks...some places do similar with stray cats. But it might actually hurt them, don't want that, plus birth control pills probably aren't cheap anyway. I need to put the OCs on birth control SOMEHOW though. And I need to stop adopting every scraggly homeless thing that shows up in my head and letting them stay. Well at least the OC vet will snip the males for free, but there is a limit of like, one free vasectomy per year...and then I'd have to pay for extras. But I always let them become fathers first, otherwise it'd be mean, but...maybe I need to start being mean. Quite the dilemma I've got here.
  12. I didn't notice Mikoto's, probably because she IS unplayable and therefore gets very little screen time. We need a ginger character with a face full of freckles now. Somebody go to the OC forge! Make one for a romhack or something. I have enough OCs. But every time I say that, I end up making more anyway HALLLPPP! I'm an OC hoarder! They keep multiplying too because I can't find it in my heart to spay or neuter them...I only give the males vasectomies, but I let them father a kid or two first. I might have a bit of a problem here lol. So what I've heard is true then? He was decent in the retaking of Zofia Castle but I grinded on terrors a bit first. I guess since promoting doesn't require any special items or anything, it won't hurt to promote him and see how he does?
  13. I'd liberated Zofia Castle and during his big speech, I thought there was a speck of dirt on my top 3ds screen and it was driving me nuts enough to want to remove it. Took me a bit, but I finally realized he has a freckle or small mole. I find that pretty funny lol. And speaking of Clive, is he really a bad cavy and I shouldn't bother with him too much? Want to know. He unlocked paladin already so yeah, next time I can use him, is it worth promoting him? Now watch all the replies be about the second thing and none about the first thing
  14. Turned out great! To everyone else: Charlie is a friend from DeviantArt.
  15. It was cute, yeah, but I rolled my eyes at how OVERLY cute it tried to be.
  16. Oh really? I thought that would just make it even worse. I feel dumb now. Thread is now a My Musings thread.
  17. It shows the attack power, but not the amount of damage that will be done. Why'd they take that out or not use it? If it was that way in Gaiden, they left enough things from that in, they could've used the combat forecast we're all used to and nobody would care. Got the game yesterday and have some musings other than me complaining about the combat forecast. Solution was simple and now I feel like an idiot, derp. Prologue was incredibly cheesy. 10 year old kids don't say things like "we'll be together forever, I promise". Most obvious hint at a later ship I've ever seen in my life. DISNEY handles hinted future ships between minors better. In Lion King for example, Simba and Nala were close and yeah they'd want to stay in each other's lives, but there was no mushiness like there was between Alm and Celica and they went "eww" at the idea of romance. Granted nobody told Alm and Celica "one day you two are gonna be married" but still. Other than that I'm enjoying the writing so far and it's better than Awakening and Fates. Slayde is despicable, but I loved his "hog feed and horse piss" quote. Profanity always helps a story seem more real and epic imo. People swear. For a lot of different reasons. So when a character who would clearly be the type to curse like a drunk sailor at times never does, it takes away some of the realism for me. Looking at you, Team Skull. Yeah, ratings blah blah, marketed to kids blah blah blah...but anyway that's my opinion. Faye, girl...I hate to break it to you, but you're setting yourself up for a broken heart. I don't think Alm's the type to have an open relationship or sister wives, and even if he did, he'd favor Celica anyway. Faye got the short end of the stick in character development and that's just sad. All three male villagers have distinct personalities and their interactions are great, but all Faye does is look at Alm and think "boom, pregnant". I've heard of girls saying that about a guy they find attractive/cute/sexy, so yeah. I made Gray a mercenary, Tobin an archer, Kliff a mage, and Faye a cleric, but she's already benched unless I somehow need another healer before long. I don't want her to get any support levels with Alm, they already have a few points toward C, because all he's going to do is reject her anyway. Gray, lol. "Clair is a girl, and if we rescue a girl...you follow? Hmm?" The ship has already sailed, is that bad at all? Lukas is a cool dude, but he needs something extra. Constantly serious types like him are always more interesting when that seriousness is turned into a gag. I don't want an overly forced gag like in Awakening and Fates, but I still want a gag. Something like Gray taking Lukas' lance and hiding it somewhere, then putting Tobin on the spot and saying he sold it and now owes Lukas a new lance, and after some back and forth, Gray goes "Just kidding bro, here's your lance, I hid it from you for shits and giggles." I'll use this thread for more opinions as I go.
  18. I had enough trouble with her back in the day before I really knew what I was doing. Before I knew to train a female geodude, she'd completely sweep my team. I'd go in there with a male nidoran/nidorino and expect double kick to do the job well enough. This was back when I wouldn't do much past just using my starter and sometimes whatever I caught in the area, and on top of that, I'd picked cyndaquil, so rollout HURT. So I think people just hate her because she could be a bitch if you're new to Pokemon or not good at it yet. That or the memes exaggerate.
  19. Added a world map and fixed the lores to include miasma!
  20. Why not? We already have a male dancer in theory named Inigo. I was on a small FE RP forum for quite some time...until site drama forced it to shut down, which is a tragedy because the people there were all awesome and we considered ourselves a family. Anyway, one person had a male dancer I think. Maybe he was posted on DA instead, but I know I saw a male dancer OC. Or a few. Why not also...female bards?
  21. Groose's theme! xD But the video just shows me a blank green screen with Groose's theme playing...
  22. Probably better than I can do xD As for a site where you can make them, idk. You might have to print it on something other than rubber.
  23. Wow. there's a shapeshifter in Warriors? Awesome!
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