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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Sorry for double posting but this is obviously the best answer ever to that question and idk why I didn't fully expect to get it. Again: Where were you born?
  2. I can bench press 50 pounds. Where were you born?
  3. With a chainsaw. What do you sexually identify as?
  4. Chillary Clinton is awesome, but not as random as a rainbow T Rex fairy. I guess the latter is "most random"
  5. For a second I thought you meant your brother was wearing the lolita dress. Now I'm thinking you're wearing it, right? Lol a younger brother in a lolita dress would be priceless though. @Res I'm not even a parent (unless you count fur babies) and I can just nod in understanding at that. Kids can be demanding little buttheads sometimes...my brother is STILL one and he's going to be 14 in November. But you didn't say what the costume actually was, I asked if it was a donut. At least he/she still wants to go as the same thing! When I was in preschool I picked out this clown costume that required gluing all the yarn on the wig piece by piece...and then at the last minute I decided I didn't want to be a clown anymore, and my mom made me wear it and didn't let me get a different costume. Took me years to figure out why. So yeah, you burnt your finger, but it wasn't for nothing. My mom put together the clown wig for nothing. Or she would have if she would've given into my complaining.
  6. Lol I think that's hilarious even if I don't normally like Halloween costumes that could potentially offend people. @Res Nice work! Unfortunate that you burnt yourself though... I never got themed candy baskets. It was always just the orange pumpkin no matter what I was. So I'm assuming the one who got the donut basket was...a donut?
  7. Mine is a last minute one with a bit of a story behind it. I went to get my hair cut last weekish and the subject of Halloween came up. I said I felt like a boring adult because I hadn't dressed up in years even though I swore I'd be 80 years old and still wearing Halloween costumes. I lamented that I had nowhere to go this Halloween so I'd just be sitting at home in my pajamas, and my hairdresser said I could be a Walmart shopper. Turns out I did have a class at the workforce services today so I went in this! Warning: not my best angle...my hair looks stringy too, but worth looking at just for the awesome shirt. Post yours! Discuss Halloween plans!
  8. That's stupid. They could've made him a reaver or something.
  9. I never did anything like that persay, but me and my friend were both FE fans and we'd just talk about it.
  10. The tears of my enemies. Where were you on the night of the 18th of October this year?
  11. He was wounded and can't fight as a result. Mine (that hasn't been said already): More dark magic. Not restricted to only a couple bosses and one ally who's not even playable until a second playthrough. Give Micaiah the option to not sacrifice Pelleas in first playthrough. The game is too long for second playthrough only characters sans Sephiran, I'm fine with him the way he is, but give me Pelleas. No reason to not have the option to let him live from the very beginning...everybody would let him live then I guess, but is that really a big deal? Then get rid of the player having to make the choice and just show Micaiah deciding to let him live.
  12. REALLY. If there's a scratch on the disk that I dumped it from, would that ruin the iso? I don't think there's any scratches...but I might have a lead here. But I did...use an iso not dumped by myself first. I dumped my own because I thought there was a problem with the one I downloaded.
  13. You might have noticed I haven't put anything past the giant crab in, and wondering why. Well, I would if I could, but Dolphin keeps crashing in the scene right after that, and the people at the Dolphin forums don't have a solution. Apparently I'm the first person who has had a crash there, so nobody knows what to do, story of my life... Just a heads up and request for input. If I can't get this to work, I'll have to invest in a better laptop because atm, my phone is more powerful and no way in hell this thing will do what it's supposed to. And of course, investing in anything takes time. I'm unemployed and living on SSI, job hunting, so yeah, very little disposable income. It's really quite sad, but it didn't look like anybody was following it anyway, BUT I do still want to do it. I have lots of great ideas, including an OC love interest for Dee Kat, who she meets in Leuda and he tags along for Lynari Desert to help find the unknown element. They go their separate ways after that/while she's tackling The Abyss, but naturally bond to the point of romance afterward. I'm a fanfic writer at heart, what can I say... Discuss?
  14. You guys are HILARIOUS. I think the food swears aren't to be taken seriously, actually. And I think if she named the pegasus Apples, it was like, a cute and clever pun on its favorite food. I can feed my cat cheetos and not joke about cannibalism. His name is Cheeto lol. If he was named after his favorite food rather than his color, his name would be Deli Ham. He won't eat hamburger, eggs, chicken, or turkey! He only eats ham and his kibble and actual cat treats. And the occasional salty snack chip/cracker/cheeto if he can get it. I love it when steeds get names though, it fleshes out their riders a bit. I've named quite a few canons myself, I named Haar's wyvern Somnus, the latin word for sleep lol. But I really don't know about going on wikis and putting up those names... Apples does really sound like a name Marcia would come up with though. Although...male or female pegasus? THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW! The name is gender neutral! For the record, Somnus is male in my headcanon. That name sounds masculine enough. @Nóatún There probably isn't just one person "in charge", but you can try finding somebody who's made a lot of edits/contributions and asking them? Maybe they know something we don't or they can say "oh, so and so put that up, ask them".
  15. OMG, this better be canon! I would be sad if it wasn't. If it's not in Recollection then, I bet it's somebody putting headcanons in the wiki...should somebody try to contact the wiki runners? I don't mind it at all myself, but I don't go around putting my millions of headcanons in canon wikis, it's kinda wrong.
  16. I don't think it's anywhere in PoR. It being in one of RD's sorry excuses for supports seems possible. OR, it's in Tellius Recollection? That has a lot of stuff in it that didn't make it into the games. For example, Ike likes birds because of how free they seem. That's nowhere ingame at all.
  17. Yeah, good question, I only assume it was in a support? If not, somebody put their headcanon in the wiki and nobody cared to remove it yet...
  18. Dolphin has a wiki where they list common problems and the solutions if they exist. Here's RD's: https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Fire_Emblem:_Radiant_Dawn Try there, and if you still need help, ask on their forums.
  19. Gunfighter = soldier I assume? I'm not too keen on shaman for mage, considering there's already a shaman class that uses dark magic, too confusing. BUT I have no alternatives... Bird tribes: crow, eagle Beast tribes: bear, wolf No dragon tribes, instead there's: Snake tribes: rattler, viper Would be cobra but I don't think cobras actually live in the US/Wild West. Rattlers would have the rattles of course, vipers would have bigger fangs.
  20. Shigure and kitsune don't rhyme though? Sheh-gurr Kit-soon Did a joke go over my head...? EDIT OH. You meant sheh-gurr-eh and kit-soon-eh. Carry on then. Pronunciations sometimes...I swear.
  21. Good point! Still, it is kinda immature to know you're supposed to consult with your sister and fellow goddess before you decide to purge the world, but refuse to. I guess people go back on their bargains a lot though and deities are normally depicted as having the same emotional baggage and mental processes as mortals though, so that's that.
  22. Yune and Ashera's squabbles remind me of the Greek gods and their little spats. Or any real world mythology for that matter, but I'm most familiar with Greek. Also Yune is awesome. "How would you like it if I called you a dark bag of organs? I'm not talking to you now!" Lol. Ike and his bluntness, but nobody can really blame him, he was just repeating what he and everyone else had been taught their whole lives. Kudos to Mist for being the MVP there. And nobody expected the "dark god" to be a tiny little girl. Tellius lore is best lore.
  23. I read that as "steals" instead of "heals" and I was like wut. You've got to remember that Ike himself, or anyone who knew him, wrote that. The person who did would've heard the story through the grapevine and it would sound that way to them. I think.
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