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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I don't see it being a thing like affinities or holy blood, but interesting to think about nonetheless. I think it's a good thing for supports like your Gilliam example. Using official artwork isn't really the best way to tell tbh, sure he's holding the sword in his left, our right, but he's also not fighting. Idk.
  2. I love the thief idea but I still want my pirate Moses xD
  3. Oh god, that Percy in the second Fates pic! Adorable. But is Percy ever NOT adorable? All of them are awesome though.
  4. Shut up and take my money. I also like the pirate lord idea, maybe they are nobility, but raised by the pirates...plot stuff gets them involved in the war or whatever and they find out who they really are. I'm thinking, dropped in the river in a basket as a newborn like Moses, the evil enemy ruler wanted to kill the heir of that country, so their parents did that in hopes that they'd survive and come back as an adult to fullfill their destiny. There should be a special thing put in there with them to tie them to their real parents. Maybe it's the Fire Emblem. This would work even without pirates, but it would be cool to see someone having to abandon the ways of pirates/bandits/criminals and learn to be a royal.
  5. Well who is this Zacharias I keep hearing of? When does he get a mention...just answer the second question so I'm not spoiled, please. I don't really have much of an opinion on Sharena yet, I disagree that the male lords are always made more important, I know, Lucina's kinda boring, but she's badass. And Lyn doesn't take crap from nobody, even if she doesn't appear in FE6. The deeper male voice on the title screen sounds like Yuri Lowenthal, or whoever was narrating the reveal trailer for Heroes, Echoes, and FE Switch. But it very well could supposed to be main characters if he voices one of them.
  6. Oh Dynasty Warriors! Sounds awesome. I played...a tiny bit of a Dynasty Warriors game. It was my friend's. I remember playing as one person and mowing down hordes of enemies. It was fun. I wonder how you level up other characters if it seems like you're only playing one at a time. Does the game control the others or something? Back on the hypothetical idea...how hilarious would it be if one of the refusal lines for MU was "not now babe, I have a headache" lol.
  7. So...how will this work before you get ice types? Will it be like, use whatever you have until you get one, then the rules apply?
  8. No worries, didn't feel shut down at all. The only game I've played with the breeding fleshed out like that is Pokemon, so not surprised there. The RNG is one of the best things out of that, I agree. Maybe it could even sometimes give you both kids at once. Twins! But it won't give you the same kid twice. It's seemingly random who's born first and whether or not twins happen and I can totally see people hacking the game to get two of the same kid for whatever reason. Or maybe if one parent is a higher level or promoted, their kid will be slightly more likely to be born first? Storywise, it could work like FE4 only without the parents dying, time skip, you know?
  9. Well like I said, not serious lol. The only thing I'd like to see out of that is the timeskip idea because how they've done kids before...time travel was okay although a bit of a cliche, but the deeprealms was terribad.
  10. Inspired by the bathing topic... A lot of us are tired of 2nd generation and think it's getting stale. What if it was implemented again in a slightly more realistic way? Think My Castle comes back, and adds a building/tent where the kids are made...you can add more to breed multiple couples at the same time. Couples at an S support will go in there on their own and there'll be something like hearts floating around above it to show it's occupied, but you can't tap it to see who's in there, you just have to guess. MU can refuse or welcome their partner's advances and initiate them too, which the partner can also refuse or welcome. You won't see anything for anyone but MU and their spouse, which since this will obviously warrant an M rating, why not have it look like any sex scene in a video game. Then there's some RNG to see if a kid was conceived, and if there was, after a certain amount of real time like a few days maybe, voila. There can be something like the female can't fight while pregnant or for a certain amount of time after the birth, or not, idk. The kids themselves don't grow up until after a story driven timeskip. After the timeskip, no more kids can be born, so you have to be careful how far you get. Each character will have their own set kid so every couple has the potential for two. RNG determines who's born first and who's born second. Maybe there can be items like aphrodisiacs to encourage a specific pair to go for it, and fertility treatments to make it more likely to work. Non serious of course xD But yeah, if this was added, what would your reaction be?
  11. I would go wtf? It would get an M rating then...but I'd still buy it...shamefully. And I'd be like what's next, having to have a sex scene before 2nd gen if it's included?
  12. By "switch around" I meant like...say you're at the training tower, and the one you want to do has a bunch of lance users and your team is full of sword users. You can take the sword users out and replace them with axe users. And it won't change. You'll have the advantage. The teams in the training tower don't change to have an advantage over the player. They don't change until you complete a map there. And you can always do what I described.
  13. I agree orbs need to be easier to get...but you do know you can go back and switch around to prepare when you use the training tower?
  14. Huh, must be a popular mom name. And yeah, everyone there noticed how sleazy the guy was. But my favorite thing was Cerai and Leo talking about their terrible roommates xD
  15. Lissa: "I've been called delicate...but only by big jerky brothers!" Lol.
  16. Chapter 7: Together We Ride May 1, 651 Melior, Crimea Rosso the blacksmith winced as he replaced the bandage on the burn on his leg. Having a magically inclined daughter was interesting and he was proud, but he had learned the hard way she wasn't entirely safe with the magic. Keira had been going on about magic infused weapons since the day after that big snowstorm, and when she finally got an idea of how to make one, she had convinced her father to start a fresh blade so she could cast fire on it. And it blew up and now Rosso had a nasty burn. Luckily the forge was made of fireproof stone...or else it would've been an even bigger disaster. He had nearly exploded himself, yelling at her and he almost threw out all her magic tomes. His wife calmed him down and they decided that a better consequence would be forbidding her from going to the library for a week, which was probably where she got those ideas. Even though she was twenty, she lived under their roof still, so she had to follow their rules. Keira had felt extremely guilty, so she accepted that and apologized around ten times, swearing to be safer in the future. She had a shaman friend now. Which was great, considering how shy she normally was. The young man was two years older than her and part of a band of mercenaries. It was fun to hear his stories. Rosso's favorite was the one where he distracted a bandit leader by blasting a tree where nobody seemed to be with dark magic, and the bandit went over there, and one of his wyvern rider friends swooped down like a bird of prey and finished him off. When he mentioned that there was blood everywhere, Rosso's wife Irene nearly got sick to her stomach. Keira just looked interested. She was his girl, no doubt about it. The two of them were hanging around Rosso's shop at the moment, since their usual stomping ground was off limits for a few more days yet. Darcen came through the back door. "Keira told me why she's grounded from the library. I can have my friend Amiel see if his heal staff will do anything for that, if you want." Rosso turned to him and shrugged. "Well, the burn cream seems to be clearing it up...but I suppose if you can have that arranged, sure." The bell at the front of the shop rang. He turned and walked toward the front to greet the customer. The man was dressed in green mage robes, and had neatly combed black hair. Rosso blinked at the sight of him. "If you're looking for the magic shop, this isn't it. It's down the street to your right." "No, I'm actually not. You're Rosso Stonton, Melior's finest blacksmith, right?" The man paused. "I know you're confused, you're wondering why a weather mage such as myself would be looking for a blacksmith. Allow me to explain. My name is Maraj Windsor. I work for Lord Ludveck of Felirae. Milord is short on mages. He's asked me to do some recruiting, and I hear your daughter is a talented young climate mage." Although all users of magic tomes could be refered to as "mages", only the users of fire, ice, wind, and thunder fit the term officially, with light users being "monks" and dark users being "shamans". The four other types were known as anima magic collectively, and further divided into "climate" and "weather". Keira walked in just in time to hear that. "Why is he short on mages? And why does he need more in the first place? The war's over." "Oh, you look older than I expected." Maraj produced a small smile. "That's a good thing..." "Answer the questions." Darcen demanded. "You look like a mage too! This must be my lucky day." Maraj said. "Well...put it this way. The queen has done nothing about Daein and their new queen. Lord Ludveck aims to do so himself." "Why should she? Queen Nyra hasn't done anything worth doing anything about." Rosso rolled his eyes. "YET." Maraj waved a hand in a "silence" gesture. "Queen Elincia is too trusting. We all know how cruel King Ashnard was...what makes you think his daughter will be any different?" "She hasn't done anything bad." Rosso repeated. "Like I said, not yet. Let's cut to the chase. If your daughter and her friend help Lord Ludveck, they'll get paid a good amount. I'll even mentor them a bit. Deal?" Rosso turned to Keira, who stared blankly at Maraj's face. Darcen stepped forward, his deep brown eyes narrowed. "Hold on a second. You expect us to abandon all we've ever known, to work for a noble we've never met, to be mentored by a man we've also never met before now? On such little reasoning? I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous. No matter how much the pay is." Maraj glared back at him. "Well, that's your decision. I didn't come for just any young mage, I came for her." He pointed at Keira. "It won't matter if you come with her or not." "He's right, though. I will not allow my daughter to go with you." Rosso growled. "Not even if she wants to." Turning to Keira, he added: "I'm sorry, but it's in your best interest." "Don't worry Dad, I smell something fishy too." Keira whispered before turning to Maraj with a confident look on her face. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to refuse." Maraj looked at all three faces before shrugging and hanging his head. "I see. Well, thank you for your time. Come to Felirae if you ever change your mind." After he was gone, Rosso sighed. "I didn't trust that man. He looked slimy...real shame, it would be nice to get some extra funds from Keira's magic." "I have an idea." Darcen perked up. "I remember my...bosses? Hard to call them that, they are, but they're more like my friends. They've both told me 'that mage friend' of mine is welcome to join the group. Only problem is the fort doesn't have a free bedroom..." He looked at Keira. "You can see if someone is willing to share, or bed down in storage...Cerai mentioned the stables but I'm pretty sure she was joking." Rosso smiled. "I trust you, so I can accept that. Mercenary work pays well, right?" "It depends. Sometimes we get a lot of jobs, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we end up having to hunt and gather for food." Darcen paused for a second. "Having a laguz around helps with that. They're natural born hunters and he can tell which plants are edible and which ones aren't by smelling them." "It still boggles my mind to think of a cat laguz with wyvern rider adopted siblings." Rosso said. "Yeah, it is quite the story." Darcen admitted. "But anyway, like I said, if you're concerned about earnings, they're not as steady as what you're used to." Rosso scratched his chin. Keira looked at him. "Dad, I think I want to...I'm a little concerned about having to use magic on actual people, but I can get used to it." "Oh, you've never fought before?" Darcen blinked. "No, she hasn't. My wife used to be a traveling mage, she taught her everything she knows." Rosso lowered his voice. "Keep her safe, please." Darcen nodded and turned to Keira. "Well if a fruit vendor's son like me can get used to battle, so can you. Just stay on your toes and keep your eyes peeled, and don't rush the enemy! Believe me...I know that from experience." Keira grabbed her tomes and a week's worth of clothes from back at the house, meanwhile telling her mother about the plan. "Darcen is a good, talented boy." Her mother said, smiling. "If I were to let you go on adventures with anyone, it would be him. Stay safe and write often!" "Thanks! I'll come back for the rest of my stuff next time I'm in town." May 1, 651 Whitefire Mercenary Fort, Crimea As Keira and Darcen walked up to the door, a voice from a tree almost made Keira jump out of her skin. "Password?" "Two things." Darcen looked up into the tree. "One, there is no password. Two, what is it with cats and sitting in trees?" "You're no fun." Samba climbed down and stretched in typical feline fashion. "So! You've finally decided to join our merry band?" He tilted his head toward Keira, who nodded. "Great! I'll go get the twins." Surprisingly, instead of shifting back and opening the door, Samba ran around the fort toward the back of it. Darcen and Keira almost had to sprint to keep up with him. "You'll get used to it." Darcen said. "Just about every time we go somewhere, we have his furry butt leading the way..." "I thought laguz only switched forms to fight." "Apparently not, right?" "I guess so..." Out back, two wyverns with riders were circling above. Samba pricked his ears and climbed the storage shed. "Hey! He's back." The wyvern riders stopped circling and moved to opposite sides of the yard, then both flew at top speed toward each other until Cerai turned and flew back to her side. Leo let out a holler. "I win! You owe me twenty gold!" "Hey!" Samba repeated. "I thought you guys grew out of playing Chicken!" Both landed and dismounted. Samba got down from the shed and returned to human form. "We kind of did." Leo said with a smirk. "But she bet me twenty gold she could still beat me. And you saw how wrong she was." Cerai punched her brother in the shoulder. "Okay, alright. I lose. I owe you money. Whoop de doo-oh hi Darcen. Hi...Keira? Is that right?" "Yeah, you got it." Darcen said. Keira was fidgeting awkwardly beside him. He turned to her. "Go ahead." Keira stepped forward. She had seen the twins before, but never with their wyverns this close. Both of the winged reptiles were eyeing her curiously. She could tell they were the same genders as their riders. According to the books in the library, male wyverns had bigger fleshy ruffs on the sides of their faces. Cerai's wyvern had blue eyes, Leo's had brown ones. Leo had a birthmark that Keira hadn't noticed before, a simple splotch below his left eye. And of course, they were both redheads with green eyes. Clearly siblings. She put the box of clothes and tomes down on the ground. "I'm joining. I hear you're okay with that? But I'll have to share a room or something?" "Yeah, another magic user wouldn't be a bad thing." Cerai smiled. "Nor another woman, we...have a bit of a sausage fest right now." She chuckled at Leo's blank stare. "Hey, it's true!" "I didn't think you'd put it that way." Leo admitted. "Well, as far as the rooms go...I think Freya's is barely big enough for just her..." "Neither of us have had roommates since the air force academy, I couldn't stand mine..." Cerai paused. "You won't constantly remind me to do dishes and never do it yourself, I assume? Well I suppose since the dishes are on a rolling schedule and everybody takes turns..." Keira was about to reply, but Leo interrupted. "Oh, please. She couldn't have been worse than mine. Remember? He was a slob and just about once or twice a month, he'd lock me out and make me sleep in the hallway because his girlfriend from outside the school was over. I'd find my pillow and blankets out there!" "Why would that be a reason to lock you out-oh." Samba's eyes widened. He was thinking: typical beorc and their hormones, but wasn't going to say it. Cerai shrugged. "Anyway. There's an extra cot in storage, we can easily set it up in my room. Make yourself at home."
  17. Posting the new chapter after an eon...again. Sorry folks! Sometimes it takes me awhile to come up with things and get the time to write it. Anyway. Poor Leo in sexile lol! It's slang and it happens a lot in colleges with dorms I hear...if you're still confused, sex + exile... Maraj is an actual boss from RD's part 2, had to look up his name and appearance. All I remembered was a mage boss in the cave chapter.
  18. A and B: True, but it's fantasy so it doesn't have to follow real life. C: So did One Piece make pirates lame then? Same concept. I don't want to start a debate...and I might be wrong, One Piece might not be about pirates, but you get the point.
  19. Yeah although I love the ninjas because hey, they're NINJAS, I agree with everyone saying we'll just have thieves with knives unless there's an eastern style setting again. Either that or they'll become a series staple? I mean pirates have always been a thing in FE...and everyone always goes "ninjas or pirates, which are cooler?" Ninjas hands down xD
  20. Don't try to deny it, mister. Everybody knows you were raised by wolves...
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