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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. 1: No race is all evil. Or all good. This is unrealistic. 2: Laguz cannot use beorc weapons or spells. 3: A third Tellius game should expand on the wolves and possibly show foxes and coyotes. Not every animal needs to be a laguz. 4: Maybe this can work if there's a dark magic cult creating monsters? Like Nergal's morphs? Then you'd cover the "abomination" thing.
  2. Sith, Jedis aren't allowed sex. WYR play the KFC dating sim or a Barbie game?
  3. Depends on how scary of a haunted house it was supposed to be. WWYDI whatever's in your profile picture attacked you?
  4. It's a pre Awkward Zombie. Meaning it was the Awkward Zombie artist before she started the site.
  5. Give them candy. WWYDI God demanded tacos?
  6. "Why are you wearing that ugly mask? Halloween was yesterday!" "Why are you wearing that mummy costume? Halloween was yesterday!" He's a werewolf instead.
  7. You have a magic rope that can create gusts of wind. And tie up bad guys. Big Bounce
  8. Lol nice. WWYDI Alois showed up at your house asking for cookies?
  9. This reminds me of (minor Three Houses spoilers just in case) Just the way you worded it, you know? It's a good point too. If a miracle doesn't happen, XRay, it means his time was up for whatever reason :(
  10. 114. Run around doing cartwheels yelling "I'm pregnant!" regardless of gender or sex or whatever. 115. Pretend your workplace is an omegaverse story. You are the alpha and you're rutting. Dry hump any coworker you dub an omega and fight any coworker you dub an alpha.
  11. Life itself. Did anybody wake up Green Day? If not they've slept through October too!
  12. Aww. Dang this sucks. That's all I can say that hasn't been said, sending good vibes. @Anacybele Also, if they will wake up but won't be able to do anything on their own ever again. Like if they will wake up but will be kept alive by machines, I think that's a good reason to let them go. Nobody wants to live like that.
  13. Refuse. REFUSE. WWYDI a jigglypuff appeared in your house, sang you to sleep, and drew on your face with markers?
  14. You have explosive diarrhea and can weaponize it. Fluffy Shield.
  15. Freak out and be very annoyed. WWYDI your phone turned into a toy airplane?
  16. I'm gonna reach around over here and pull out something wholesome. S is for skittles.
  17. You shoot laser beams that turn people into furries. Thunder Pants.
  18. PUNKIN CHUNKIN Why is nobody afraid of Mickey Mouse?
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