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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I didn't mean entirely subjective. I guess my attempt at saying "3H had a good story and Fates doesn't, why do you think 3H's story is bad" nicely fell on its face. @Etrurian emperor I don't remember this, can you show me the dialogue?
  2. Tell them to get the fuck out of my house I'm trying to sleep. WWYDI Sylvain gave your grandma a flower?
  3. I've seen this term used for Edelgard and Dimitri and I have no idea what it means.
  4. Deirdre and Sigurd falling in love instantly comes to mind... Your point here though, probably shouldn't be "FE has shitty writing" but "People worship certain characters and yell at anyone who dares disagree". Fates had bad writing but I'll have to disagree on 3H having it, and I'll ask you what is "well written"? Well written is kind of subjective, not entirely. And to back up my claim, I consider a story well written when it makes me care about the characters and enjoy their interactions, not the only factor but a big one for me. Fates failed at this. To a lesser extent, if a story can surprise me with a twist it's not a bad story. 3H did this with "Jesus Christ the Pope is a dragon get in the car!" Loved it.
  5. Kiss a stinky kitten. I love kittens. WYR only eat McDonalds for the rest of your life or never eat out again?
  6. I'm just popping in here to share something wholesome, kinda related to my last entry. @Ottservia @Anacybele might enjoy it the most.
  7. Sell him to the greenhouse. WWYDI there was a chicken in your toilet?
  8. 20 minutes early. WYR annoy Seteth with a kazoo or annoy Frederick with a harmonica?
  9. Both are big kitties! I guess a lion because floofier. WYR dunk your face in nacho cheese or sit in mashed potatoes?
  10. Collapse and probably die. WWYDI you found a little fairy?
  11. Look for them. WWYDI the 4th wave of DLC for 3H showed more about the Agarthans, saints, and Nabateans...but Thales had a massive harem to the point that Kronya and all of her generation was his kid, and Solon joined up with the player to overthrow Thales and take his harem?
  12. Yeah, basically all this, but how he died could have been done better. Greil went down fighting. Jeralt was this badass mercenary leader/knight captain and he lets his guard down for one second and he's gone? I'm not buying it even if that weapon was coated in lethal poison. Other than that you make a point. Jeralt is kinda Greil 2.0 and I can accept that. @lenticular I hate that too! You can turn it off in the options menu.
  13. Ate meat. WYR have a roommate who never flushes the toilet or a roommate who never cleans their dishes?
  14. I eagerly await the fourth installment of the anime known as My Hero Academia.
  15. RIP 😞 He didn't suffer too much, I hope.
  16. Ancient tribes who lived on islands liked to throw these into volcanoes. W is for wiggly.
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