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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Agreed. I looked this up and it's a mod BUT the creator has a fat fetish. I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.
  2. I agree with all of this. If people want "showing", that's what fanfiction is for. "Show don't tell" really doesn't work as well with video games as it does with books.
  3. Because you haven't employed monkeys with typewriters yet. Who is Weed Eater Saint Granny?
  4. Probably what you did. WWYDI A llama named Carl stabbed you?
  5. Wake up and realize it is a new day. What are cookies?
  6. The kind that's food or the kind that's...porn? My answer will depend. How many idiots can you fit in a bag?
  7. Go "dammit!" and click out. WWYDI you overheard "...And then I shot the elephant" in a grocery store?
  8. A method of transportation. Why do I have a laptop?
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z9743GsK0Cq8u1rV7nzXDyP6wdpohhvgxMyK2DJuHFY/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Laugh. And watch the Deadpool situation happen again. WWYDI your neighbor was outside in a chicken suit?
  11. Can admit that wasn't my best idea and in hindsight it should never have been posted. Despite me saying it works though, it's one of those things that I wouldn't write in a fic project. I've written smut before but that's a whole other ball game. Fair enough.
  12. Yeah, I just looked to see if this was a cheat and it's not? Somebody modded I guess.
  13. It was not serious. I wouldn't write that in a serious fic. Furthermore, if Lucina can have a brand in her eyeball, and the brands can supposeably be anywhere, then why can it NOT be there? If this is the only argument you have then you're part of the problem. Not all fanfic is "And then they all kissed Kevin and got super pregnant" Very few, actually. Point I'm trying to make is, like, say somebody wrote a fic that fixed the Sigurd and Deirdre romance development. Would you scoff at it because somebody else wrote an Mpreg fetish fic with horrible grammar? If you scoff at all fanfic because of the actions of a few fanfic writers then that's closed minded. Same goes for scoffing at all fanfic because of a joke headcanon one fanfic writer made. Learn to tell the difference.
  14. I'll just say that if you complain about "the story was lacking" or "this part needed more writing" or "this part needed to be showed", and turn around and say you hate fanfic, then that annoys me. Fanfic is a way to fix this and people act like all fanfic is like the cringey Sonic OCs on Deviant Art that nobody wants to touch with a 10 foot pole. I hate the trollfics because of this. They make it so people hear "fanfic" and don't take it seriously.
  15. "I thought you said EAT Gnasty Gnorc!" Oh lawd he comin Chonk
  16. Cuss. WWYDI Felix was yelling profanities at Dedue in Burger King?
  17. Because he wants you to rub his belly and then bite you. Why do little kids stare at people in public?
  18. Time for a non entry, feedback if you want, just a thing I had to write. I'll accept feedback in PM if you don't want to clutter the thread, and in case it's not obvious:
  19. Not notice until the guys started noticing and freaking out about it. And then be "meh" but also "you poor boys" WWYDI you saw Mario climbing out of a manhole?
  20. I see. I actually found it myself by googling. So I can agree with your points. Shinon is the only one who really gets called out on stuff. Maybe Felix does though? Idk, but if he does not much.
  21. I figured that, but I forgot what exactly Clive says to "fire Alm". To the point I don't remember him doing so. Is there a script where I can find this online?
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