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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I already have a boy cat. Also the "protrusion" is close to the anus, so you're good if you keep your face away from there. WYR combine Blue Lions and Black Eagles into Navy Gryphons or Blue Lions and Golden Deer into Green Lynels?
  2. I think the best way to figure this out would be to talk to someone in that culture, which also sounds very difficult, if not impossible. Good luck though.
  3. When caterpillars become butterflies. N is for nice guys.
  4. Alfonse and Veronica so Hel doesn't show up and make me an undead minion like Lif and Thrasir. WYR read Calvin and Hobbes or Garfield comics?
  5. I'm Team Bella Ghidorah. Bro, do you even lift?
  6. This reminds me of that one question: "Why is it okay to put naked statues outside but it's not okay to be outside naked?" Same. I don't have to wear formal stuff often but I hate it. Go commando if you want though. In the formal clothing. Nobody's gonna check.
  7. It'd be funny. For like five seconds. But what about using it to change reality to give humans obvious heat cycles like animals, complete with the heat scent? Women can still decide whether they want to conceive a kid at this time, that free will is there.
  8. Eat my own sweat. WYR turn into a wolf or a tiger?
  9. Nobody minded when I did Xenoblade three prompts in a row. Chloey does Shadow Tactician/Crazy Summoner/Grima a lot. Claude doesn't appear, but he's involved in mine.
  10. Dress in something that looks like I'm gonna commit a heinous crime. WYR open a daycare or a homeless shelter in your house?
  11. Yogurt with a sock over your head instead of a Thanos mask. Why is Bugs Bunny's name Bugs?
  12. I always did okay with the written test to get a permit. Don't even have a motorcycle. I walk or get rides.
  13. I don't have one myself. Sometimes I wish I did but the hassle to get one is too much and I kinda freak out behind the wheel. @Ottservia Mine is leaning more towards light hearted. I've got some great scenes that I just can't wait to share, but I must not rush the end and shoot myself in the foot. Again. Like I did too much.
  14. If I'm in a car going 60 mph and wind speed is a thing that exists and I throw a triangle out the window, how many cupcakes can Pedro buy with one human soul?
  15. I'm not interested, no. Thank you for the insight.
  16. I'll just add a thing here, kinda going where @Shoblongoo went with "Some Christians say the bible is 100% the law and some don't" The Bible was written eons ago. Back in those days, it was perfectly acceptable for a man to marry his female slave without her consent and rape her. It was acceptable for a man to do this to multiple female slaves. If a woman wanted a divorce, they beat her and threw rocks at her. This was also perfectly acceptable. Therefore, when the Bible says "marriage should only be between a man and a woman and anything else is sinning", I take it as a sign of the time it was written in. We do not throw rocks at divorce procedures today nor do we keep slaves and rape them. With the changing times, views on what is acceptable and not acceptable must also change. I just skimmed the topic, but I don't think this point was made yet.
  17. Where monkeys live. K is for kickboxing.
  18. "Eleanor! Lord Byleth!" The door flew open and another teacher ran in. Byleth blinked. "Cyril? What's your issue?" Cyril bowed. "A Golden Deer student is missing. Virgil Victor. He didn't show up for lunch and his friend Rhonda is worried sick." "Son of Ignatz and Bernadetta." Byleth tilted his head to recall. Those two had been a slow burn...they were both introverts and didn't interact too much, or at least not that Byleth had seen. Clearly they had bonded without him noticing, when he learned that they had married and produced a child who was now enrolling, it was a nice surprise. "Rhonda Kirsten, daughter of Raphael and Leonie. Yes, those two are close like their fathers are. I'm not surprised she's worried sick." "He's been gone all day!" Rhonda, a bulky girl with curly orange hair and round yellow eyes, walked in looking terrified. "I'm not allowed to look for him in the male dorms. Landon chased me out. He was holding a lance. A training one, but still! Astor says the Death Knight who terrorized Garreg Mach twenty years ago is back!" Twenty years ago, the dorms were laid out differently. Nobles on the top floor and commoners on the bottom. Rhonda would be allowed then because she and Virgil were both commoners. Byleth was wondering if changing it to male dorms and female dorms because of his policy that everyone was of equal standing was really as effective as it seemed. "I wouldn't believe a thing Young Master Hresvelg says." Cyril said. "All he does in my class is make up tall tales. Mostly about how his parents could beat everyone else's in a fight." "At least he comes to your class!" Eleanor huffed. "He skips mine. Somebody needs to light a fire under his butt." "He did that himself once. In the dining hall. With his fire magic. On burrito day." Rhonda butted in. "They had to hose him, and his chair and part of the table, down." (sneak peek of Write Your Butt Off Entry?)
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