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Everything posted by Squidorsky

  1. ...Amen to that! The moral of this whole thread is, Zelda is zelda! It is it's own game and it's own series with it's own choices on how to do those things. The end! (Unless someone else has something to say, i'm pretty much done with this thing...) So until E3 everyone! -Eriad-
  2. And just like that we have created a difficulty setting! Just kidding, But really back to an earlier point i saw, the final boss of zelda TP ( However dramatic it was) was seriously easy! My dog could probably have beaten him! Maybe that's because of the whole hit point deduction issue and over generous heart giving, but still, i bet one could have beaten him even with just three hearts. Can ganondorf get a little harder please! all you had to do was hit him a little bit with you sword until the clash thing then pummel him...it was really easy. The original ganon in Zelda 1 was extremely hard, I did manage to beat him though. But that was only because link had a limited arsenal of weapons and sword skills because all ganon did was fly around the room somewhat fast and he threw fire balls. Yet he was one of the hardest bosses in a video game that i've ever fought. He was only made hard because of the limited mechanics of the game that the player had to work with. and now as link's combat gets better and better it still seems like ganon is trapped in the past with the same programing he had in the Nes ( Maybe that's an over statement but you get what i mean) A final battle should be a desperate struggle between a hero and a villain one that only one will rise from. Not one where you can cast a fishing rod and make the enemy stagger and nail him with your master sword. ok so that was a glitch but even so their was no urgency in it. Ganondorf just walked real slow and hit for practically nothing. I bet mario galaxy yesterday and the ending had me pumped. SPOILERS: You had to fight him three total times, each one was the same idea but you had to figure it out as you fought him and their was never reprieve from his attacks. (Not so much spoilers but better safe then sorry.) I feel that's how a final boss ought to be. In the way of normal bosses they should be like shadow of the colossus' bosses. no i don't mean in scale but in the way you had to beat them. you had a couple weapons and a general idea of how to beat it but you had to figure out how to go about doing it and the pressure was on from start to finish. so keep the desperateness going throughout the whole fight ( You are trying to kill it and it is trying to kill you...why would either of them sit idly by waiting to be killed?) But most of all don't make the weapon you got in the dungeon be the way to kill it! That makes it so easy! If it was only the sword that had to kill it then you'd actually have to run frantically around trying to figure it out then go and pull it off. maybe you could still have the weapon you just earned help out but not be the way to kill it. Again just my thoughts and opinions so feel free to agree or disagree, but please give reasonable...reasoning...for your answers and claims......Unlike a certain some who likens zelda to...bread.... Au revoir! -Eriad-
  3. ...You might want to kill me for saying this but i hated link to the past and i probably won't ever play it again... ..OOT is my one true zelda love!! Adventure of link right? Yes it was ridiculous... if not for save states and codes to save my butt i would've never beat that game... ....Oops...I misunderstood your earlier comment then, sorry! Alright then some people ( Like XxWolfxX) Didn't like the three days thing but liked the music..... ;) Yay! A somewhat short post from eriad for once! -Eriad-
  4. Hm...You know what i think about zelda! It's that i don't think...Everytime XxWolfxX has posted i realized that they were more deeper than they seemed ( Or than i remebered them being.) The way XxWolfxX seems to put twilight princess makes it sound like a master piece! Yet ( to me) It was not. Maybe it was the wolf for me or the windwaker for others or the diffuculty not being what it used to but i realize why this happens, it's to try and please those who may want that new stuff. each "Gimmick is a way to please a new set or even an old set of zelda fans. But even through this "Experimenting" each zelda game manages to be a good game. ( I hated the wolf gimmick in Twilight princess but other than that i throughly enjoyed the game.) Upon further thought i think this series is most likely not "rehashed" per se, but a means to slowly catch the best things from each zelda. Like running a skimmer through a pool, you keep the good stuff and drop the rest. (Not sure that the metphor made sense but hopefully you understood it...) Some people hated majora's mask ( Like XxWolfxX) but i personally loved it. Some may have hated Link's awakening, i thought it was one of the best. some may have loved twilight princess, i didn't. it just goes to show the earlier point some one mentioned that you can't please everyone. But at least nintendo tries, and i'm more than positive that's exactly what nintendo is trying to do for the next game. Well...I'm done being wishy washy...Basically, yes i do like zelda, yes it has a special place in my heart, yes i was just being a whiner, most of all nintendo keep doing what ever it is that you do in zelda games that makes them such endearing games. Alrighty then, I'm sort of out of material to talk about so...yeah... Until E3! -Eriad-
  5. Well i definitely see your point, narga rocks, for choosing LTTP as the base for the later games...My first zelda was OOT so that's what popped into my head the most... Lots of interesting points here... I know your post wasn't directed towards anyone...but i felt like responding to them in my views. ( It's sort a supposed to be a discussion, right?) 1. But it doesn't have to be like that! Has anyone played the Uncharted games? Albeit they aren't that like zelda, in that you don't collect weapons but in that game you still do a lot of things that i could see happening in a zelda game. The text in those games were short and understandable and quite fun to listen to. In th efirst uncharted you're exploring an ancient temple as nathan drake ( The main character) with this friend sully. If there were simple cutscenes with voice acting like uncharted then maybe it could work like that? That may be true about the chrono trigger stuff but other games from square enix had the main character talking and they were masterpieces as well ( Fina fantasy) So really legend of zelda could go either way, yet it hasn't not even to at least say it did... 2.....Not much to say here, very true stuff 3. Has she ever been really important to the plot? She as one of the series mascots should definitely be more important. 4. Humorous? changing gears? My point with comparing zelda to metroid was that they were similar and since metroid is trying voice acting why should zelda? 5. Unfortunately most of those twists...serve to dull the games. Five hour ocean travel...Really bad wolf thing...The twilight in general( I really hate the wolf mechanic but more so the god awful song that plays when you get into a battle in the twilight...it sounds like they gave a two year old a piano and said two year banged on it for a while and they went with that song. Where's the good music like the dark world theme from ALTTP! My point is that yes, every long lasting series copies itself especially final fantasy, but there is always one guaranteed difference in those games that sets each apart from the last. The characters. Squall wasn't a thing like tidus, and zidane was nothing like cloud. That always made things take interesting turns. When we are playing as the same guy doing the same thing, fighting the same guy, saving the same girl, with the same sword, there is no suspense or twists or turns to follow. I can't say i've ever been affected by a zelda game that much. Where as final fantasy 10 ( Especially it's ending) hit me hard even though i played the previous game and it followed things from the previous game. Maybe voice acting is not what zelda needs...My only real gripe is that i want to actually be shocked about the next zelda. I want to be talking about the ending for weeks or even months rather than the one hour that i usually do then its out of my head. I watched Code geass in december of last year and i still can't get the ending out of my head! I know nintendo can do something with that effect, because many of their games have left me shocked to the point of wanting to tell everybody about it, Namely Fire emblem 4 (Specifically the end of chapter 5) Make him talk or don't, add a difficulty setting, i don't know! It's time the legend of zelda was told in a new fresh way one that will shake the very foundations of hyrule as we all know it! ( Excuse my lameness....Please note, i am a big fan of zelda! I love the games an di am not tired of the "staleness". after all i do own all of them! so that's not my point for this) Thanks everyone and let's keep on discussing! Thoughts on ganondorf? should he come back...again... -Eriad-
  6. Well, EXCUUUUUUUUUSE ME, Ninja monkey! Ahem... I don't know it just seems...outdated...Even though that was how my childhood was with the older zelda's (and even tom and jerry) not speaking. But you're right there is no reason for him talking...then again there is no reason for him not to talk either. But in the new metroid, ( Which i consider to be legend of zelda's sister series albeit with a girl instead and in the future) Samus talks! Why can't link! Those were also good enough for samus in prime yet now she has graduated to voice acting. Shouldn't everyone's favorite green clad hero "graduate" too? It might be a bomb, but it might also shed a new light, a new view on age old series. I say it's worth a shot, why not at least try it! That's my opinion though of course... -Eriad-
  7. Zelda is one of those crazy cool series that manages to find it's place in everyones heart. For me I was first introduced to zelda...through smash bros for the n64. It was a long time ago and i honestly thought link was some kind a parrot man...( Hey! I was pretty young!) but i soon feel in love with th eseries and this parrot man became the great hero named link that would act as a huge influence on my life. ( Well not life changing but still...A role model i suppose. Maybe that explains why i barely talk to people...Just kidding.) I soon discovered the manga adaptations of LOZ games and the 80's cartoon ( And eventually those god awful CD-I games.) and i began to think it's time for this silent hero to talk! Gasp! NO!! Absolutely not! It would tear a rip in the universe! I'll kill nintendo if they do that!! You may be saying some of the above...but why? What's so wrong about him having a voice? (The cd-i games don't count because that was not made by nintendo! It was all Phillips' fault!) Doesn't it seem awkward to some that the dialogue goes like this: Zelda: Will you go on this quest to save hyrule? Link:.... Z: Please? Link: No Zelda: Hyrule needs you! Please will you go! Link: Yes Zelda: Great! Most options link has for talking are generally one sided, they give you the choice to say no but ultimately you must press yes. But some would say that link is supposed to be you. But this really isn't the case anymore, it was during the nes years but as time passed link became his own character. he shows emotion in his face specifically in wind waker and Twilight princess. He shows concern for tetra, for his sister. In TP he shows hate towards Zant and ganondorf, sorrow when midna almost dies ( Both times) and relief when he finds that she is alive and the end, and love for her at the end. I can't say I had much of those feelings running through my head as I did any of that, after all it's a game...we shouldn't be a part of it, just along for the ride. Consider video games to be like books for a sec. You would not write yourself into harry potter while harry says nothing the whole time...it just seems dumb! That's precisely what zelda feels like though. it like someone took a beautiful play and removed all the parts of one character namely the main character and said, no put yourself in this instead. Would any play be as good as it is today? Long long story short i think link should speak in this new upcoming game. It would be a huge change and a huge risk ( I don't think it would be but many do) but that's how you innovate and make the next big thing! By taking those risks! Square enix switched from turn based final fantasies to the ATB system and look how well that did. In the early years of the gamecube metroid prime was released and many fans thought it was going to ruin the metroid series...yet look at it now! Three FPS metroid game slater from that and people love it! Why can't the zelda team switch things up for once, throw us something we didn't think would happen. Lately all the zelda's have all be rehashes of OOT and earlier games. The master sword...three dungeons to get it, kill ganon with it...It's all been the same! Make ganon and link be friends until ganon betrays link! Make Link a knight of hyrule this time not some rancher, Make link a wash out living in the gerudo desert getting by by fighting in a colosseum, make hyrule be locked in a war where on hyrule field at one point in the story you must fight a whole army of moblins and sinister people with the help of hyrule's knight. Imagine a zelda game starting with the initial cause for starting the adventure was because of a war! It throws you down in the middle of a huge battle and you begin fighting you way through to zelda and the story begins. Give link a voice, change his look, give him long hair, give him a more knightly outfit. I don't know just make it different! So link i say to you raise your sword, equip your shield and let your voice be heard throughout all of Hyrule! -Eriad- After comment: This turned out more like an article than a post but do tell what you think! Yes on link speaking, or perhaps no. but do explain why...not through some boring one comment answer. Maybe you have some ideas that i didn't list, some thoughts on Zelda in general. Let's hear your thoughts!
  8. Oh well you can't please everyone now can you? That's no good regarding the bug thing. Here's hoping they can pull on through! Keep on moving! -Eriad-
  9. ...Um...Same to you... In any case you're entitled as much to your opinion as i am to mine, so let's not get into an argument, eh? Forgive and forget, no? Well good luck to all of those still doing this project, i hope things are still going smooth, if at all. -Eriad-
  10. Levin was dressed up in a bard outfit...flirts with sylvia...If you consider the manga's to be canonical, then he was very goofy and funny in them... Even in th egames he was a bit of a screw around...How was he not the smiling type? Not a fan! Nintendo themselves couldn't make a better mug!! (DISCLAIMER: This is all my opinion, if you do not agree with it that's fine, To each his own right?)
  11. Seriously... Now that's more like it! I agree with the body thing...How would i go about shrinking it? I suppose the shoulder/arm on our right should be shrunk, any thing else? Ugh Fe8 colors...Bleugh!! But i suppose you're right...Can't say the fe7 colors are working...
  12. This is what i used... Click here ...Um i'd say i was pretty accurate but you tell me... What do you mean by having CS art at your college?...Cs...Continuum shift!?
  13. .......HAVE YOU SEEN HER CHEST!!! It is that huge!!....Do you even know what litchi faye looks like? ( Not to seem rude.) What about the neck needs fixing...it looks fine to me and my neighbor and siblings... The head thing was done on purpose not because i wanted to fit it in the limit...it just so happened that i got lucky and it fit. If you look at her in game story mode art you'll see what i used to as reference for the head angle and just about the rest of the mug...( Though the panda needs work...i'll fix that later...When i feel like it) But nevertheless i'm glad you liked it! -Eriad-
  14. Ah...At last i made it home...Long day for me... Thanks for the example shadow of chaos, it actually makes alot of sense ( Though i'm no artist so don't think this is the last of pillow shading from me but i'll work on it) Alas here is my litchi i mentioned so long ago...if a couple of hours is considered a long time... Details on this... - Full custom ( Most likely full of pillow shading also... ;) ) -Litchi Faye ling from Blazblue ( I'm really in love with blazblue if you couldn't tell, It's just one of my many phases, don't worry it'll wear off soon...;) ) Well as i said above expect pillow shading, that's what i expect...So don't harp on it too much... Alright gents and ladies, i'm tired ( Thirteen hours in a car can do that you know!) So i'll see you all later! See ya! -Hyrulian man-
  15. I seem to like pillow shading...If it wouldn't be too much to ask could someone tell me where it all is and how to avoid doing it because i honest to god have no idea what the term mean (And i've been spriting for a long time) Thanks for the luck i'm gonna' need it. ( Three siblings can make a trip very long sometimes if you know what i mean.) Thirteen hour trip here i come! See you on the other side!! -Hyrulian man-
  16. Last day of my trip ( But certainly not the end of spring break!) As such i decided to make goodbye sprite...Maybe i'm weird but so what! Any way here it is! Some details on it... -full custom! -Noel from Blazblue ( What's not cool about that!) -...Um...made by me...(Obviously) -Finally i'm out of details... Yeah i made a litchi faye ling sprite back at home so expect that either tomorrow or after that. As you can see i'm a bit of blazblue frenzy ( Can't wait for Blazblue Continuum shift!!) Hope you liked it! Also if your staring at this post and thinking what on earth is blazblue, then my advice to you is to just go out a buy it. If you like fighters of any kind i guarantee that you'll love this!! Trust me!!) Later everyone, Wish me luck on the thirteen hour trip i have to go through tomorrow...Sigh... -Hyrulian man-
  17. Well no, i don't know how to do that...Could you: Either send me a fixed version (By this i mean one with a good header) of a fire emblem seisen no keifu rom? ( Via Pm) Or explain to me how to do it. (I'd prefer the first option as i'm no good with hex editing a junk...but it's up to you.) This makes no sense because in the past i've used this same method to patch the very same rom with the very same ips file and it worked yet now it's not...I'm throughly frustrated as you might be able to imagine... Well...I'm going to bed before i throw the computer through the wall...) EDIT: Ugh...i feel like an idiot...It was my rom the whole time. I found a better rom and it instantly worked...Well all's well that ends well i suppose! Thanks camtech for at least trying to help me out ( Unfortunately you can't help my own stupidity...) Later everyone -Hyrulian man-
  18. Well as the title says i really need help with this! I have patched translation ips files and hack ips files numerous times but suddenly it's no longer working! I have tried soft patching and hard patching but nothing seems to work... I'm trying to currently patch fire emblem seisen no keifu roms a simple patch i found that simply replaces the portrait of fe4 characters with portraits styled like FE5. yet no matter what rom i try it on, or what method i have of patching it does not work at all! What's really frustrating about this is that i have patched FE4 NUMEROUS times yet it's not working. Currently i'm using zsnes as my emulator, a clean japanese FE4 rom, and ipswin as my patching tool. If any one knows how to help then please please please speak up! Thanks, -Hyrulian man-
  19. Will do! See you all on Tuesday! (That's when i get back home...) Well actually as you may notice i have a computer here so i could logistically still sprite and what not but...I'm on freaking vacation! You know what that means, rest and relaxation! So on that note you may still here from me just don't expect me to be on for long and to get any sprites made. Later everyone, Happy Easter ( Tomorrow that is!) -Hyrulian man-
  20. Alright! Sounds great! I'll have to try that when i get home! Well if i haven't already said this i live in florida but for spring break we drove up to Pennsylvania...as such expect little to no sprites from me... But i did manage to finish some sprites before i left...however i forgot to upload them so we'll have to wait! Until then, -Hyrulian man-
  21. That would be nice...A.K.A (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!) Maybe you already answered this but it's late over here so sue me... Any way what i was wondering was how do you insert your own midi files. Like let's say i wanted to insert Final fanatsy music or older fireemblem's music into Fe7. How would i go about doing that? I'm asking this because that link April provided isn't working becuase i haven't a file on that site...:( Thank you, thank you! Well it's bed time for me!..Yeah i'm sorta lame.... Yawn... -Hyrulian man-
  22. Ugh hacking's rough stuff...So i decided to vent my frustrtions away by making some more mugs! Here's some, all made by me! Yeah Hyrulian man attempts full custom!! Well at least on Ike and Micaiah. Celicia has custom parts on her but mostly only in the hair. Hope you like! (I'm thinking Ike's colors are too dark, i need to change them to a lighter color, any suggestions?) Later, -Hyrulian man-
  23. Always good to have fans! in unrelated news ( Though semi relevant)... I wanted to/ have been planning on making a hack with the characters posted previously ( Obviously not with the random sprites and such, the original characters.) I am working on the story and trying to complete the cast and make them look better should they need it ( Referring to graphics) So here are my two biggest problems..1. Music practice comes first and foremost so that limits my time to do it. 2. I don't have the knowledge nor the utilities to do what i want to do. ( This entails adding my own music, maps, events and more.) I have been getting help from someone but they are going away...thus i'm back to zero progress... What i basically need is, flat out help with map insertion, inserting music, Custom events, basically anything i need to know in order to make my own fire emblem game from relative scratch. if you would like to help then please PM me. Please know that due to reason 1 previously cited i don't have alot of time to work on this, so don't feel rushed on helping out, take your time making/ gathering what i need...Or just hang me out to dry... Well that aside, expect more sprites later on...Maybe...Music can be a bi...well hopefully you know what i mean...;)
  24. you're right, it can be a passion that's hard to hide...But why hide it! you are a good singer ( I'm sure of it!) that's something most other people couldn't even think about being able to do! My final advice to you is to revel in your abilities instead of the way others do things. maybe other people do things more smooth, well so what! If every one were to be smooth then...well i suppose no one would be; the term would not exist. Stop worrying about what others think or say. The fact that you are a junior in high school and can sing like no ones business ( I may have never heard you sing but I'm sure its some good stuff ;) ) should be enough for you. Everyone has their strengths and everyone has their shortcomings. My strengths are not in the social area...I literally walk around school all day without saying a word on some days. but i can play piano and learn music alot better and faster than other people. so really don't bring yourself down with your inferiority complexes or lack of faith in yourself. Instead be happy that you have such marvelous talents that many people would love to have and enjoy it! there is always people better than you at things. For instance my spriting used to look like a huge mess of terrible splices and such but that never brought me done, instead i wanted to get better. I knew my crap sucked, but that never once stopped me or even hindered me! It actually made me want to learn it and get better at even faster. And now look at me! Take my Full custom zelda avatar for example. its alot better than my original works, still no were close to perfect but i can't get enough of it! The same goes for you and your singing. Love your self and your talents and rejoice in them! Nobody is perfect, but it's everyone's differences, strengths and talents that make them who they are and make this world that much more interesting! So keep you head held up high. Everyone in this board believes in you...it's about time that you believe in yourself... Good luck, i know you'll do great things, -Hyrulian man-
  25. Wow it's been a while... but!!! Voila! Well let me break it down some...At the top is cress' battle sheet...still a WIP so i wanted some input! Below that are some more portrait changes for my new idea for this hack, out with the old in with the new! I'm not going to list names...as i don't have the names for some and as of right now even if i did name them it might change. so if you feel like critiquing them or just want to applaude them then describe i suppose...Names...so hard to come up with good ones!! Under my new hack sprites are the projected looks for the "Holy weapons" in the hack. They aren't final but so far i really like some of them! Next to that are some screw around mugs. The two of the pokemon trainers are FULL CUSTOM!! (NOTE they aren't supposed to look like Fe mugs, though i'm somewhat sure that they could be inserted if one wanted to. I made them to commemorate the release of Soul silver and Heartgold! maybe i'll make some more if you like these ones enough...Next to them is a Shanan (FE4) mug. Next to him is Deidara of the akatsuki from Naruto. ( I'm not that much of a fan of it but my siblings are so i decided to try to surprise them or something like that). Under the male poketrainer is Solid snake from MGS One and next to him is his FULL CUSTOM nemesis Gray fox! finally there is Spider man who is full custom...really random though... Under them is Ragna and Jin from Blazblue and battle sprites of them made by me! under them is Selvaria bles from Valkyria chronicles and a battle sprite to boot! At last we near the end and we get to a for fun chart i made based on FE4 but with my characters. My hack is based off of Fe4 so i thought it would be cool/ funny to allude to my favorite fire emblem but with characters of my own. also this serves as a chart to show who has full blood... but their may be more people with the holy blood... Well that's all for today! sorry for the hiatus...My schedule is all over the place. Later then -Hyrulian man- P.S. (I tried to heed Nadesico's words and make all if not most of them more original. Tell me how i did!) (Also if this post is too hard to follow or if you all want a breakdown of it then ask. i just wanted to show everything that i had been making up to now! Hope you like!) For real this time, -Hyrulian man-
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