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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. Beruka's seiyuu is Tazawa Masumi (田澤 茉純) who is a female.

    Damn, if their seiyuu was a male, the gender of the character would be clear, but now it just might be a classic case of a "crossdressing" voice....

    Oh well, they'll still be a female to me.

  2. It was my favorite point of Gaiden, and durability has always annoyed me tbh

    I want to finally be able to use the weapons I want to use, when I want to use them.That's why I set all of my Awakening units, when I can, with Armsthrift and Limit Breaker so I can set them up how I please.

  3. I think last week we got scans on Wednesday (roughly in the morning for the US and afternoon for Europe).

    EDIT: Sorry I just read you asked for when we got the preview. That may have been earlier but I forgot which day.

    Going by the two previous weeks schedule, it should come out sometime tomorrow :)

    Thanks! I guess I'll just sit and be patient haha

  4. Sorry about the quality, but at about a minute into the new trailer, when the streetpass avatars show up, one of them has a unique sprite. Potentially Kamui's promotion class.


  5. It looks like if you challenge another player to a spotpass battle, you can take one of their units from their team and add to your castle.

    The bathhouse looks fun for goofing off.

    This "My Castle" feature is essentially the Awakening Barracks on steroids.

    And S-Support doesn't seem to be a thing, but you can rub character's faces now, so is S-Support really needed?

  6. I really want a revamp to the old FE classes, and I think this will be the game to do it.

    There's not really much of a reason why every base class can't have two or three unique promotions. I'd personally rather every unit be able to promote to two or three classes that were tailored to them as a character, rather then promote to classes that are just cookie cutter promotions for that base class.

    If FEif doesn't do something like that here, then maybe the inevitable WiiU Fire Emblem will.

  7. I've been thinking for a while that it'd be pretty cool if parallel proofs changed the units class, while keeping the level for that class, but when you would switch to another class, you'd start at level 1 for the first time only.

    Let's say your unit is a level 9 Strategist, and you change him to a Paladin. Boom, level 1.

    You level him up to level 10, grab the skill, want to switch him back to Strategist.

    Use another parallel proof, and your unit is a level 9 Strategist again.

    This could limit the amount of stat abusing because characters would only be able to get to level 20 for each class once.

    We've seen unit's promote from base classes, and we've seen promoted classes switch to other promoted classes, but have we heard anything about switching base classes? It's possible that Felicia/Joker/(Pre-promotes?) have extra classes because they don't have access to a base class, but every other unit that has their base class would only get to promote to two upgraded classes, then switch between them as the player sees fit? That way every unit has 3 or 4 classes they can max out before they're done leveling up forever.

    It's currently 4AM here, so sorry if none of this makes sense because my brain wants sleep, but I had to put this thought out there.

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