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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. So with this I think it's safe to assume the website will be updating later this week.


    I like the look of Forsyth and Python, even in low quality. Jesse doesn't look quite like I hoped he would (I was hoping for something a little closer to Jack from FF Type-0), but it's not bad. Atlas looks fantastic though, now his base Str stat makes sense!

  2. 2 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Apparently she's in a relationship with Berkut--or maybe he's hitting or her. Given Berkut's social standing (as the Emperor's nephew), she must be pretty important herself.

    I wonder if she'll be a female Rigelian villain or simply just an empathetic character.

    One thing that has me worried is that, if you squint, you can notice how this could turn into a pseudo-Zeke/Tatiana type deal.

    Berkut could find out something he doesn't like and try to peace out, Rinean is kidnapped to force Berkut into staying with Rigel, etc. etc.

    I hope they don't do this, and it's probably just baseless worry on my part, but the thought crept into my mind and now that's all I can think when I wonder about how they both fit into this, and where Zeke and Tatiana could fit.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Iridium said:

    Hero is not on the table and could never be on the table, because it is Alm's promoted class.


    14 minutes ago, KliffIsTheOG said:

    Hero was the name of the bow wielding class that Alm promotes into

    I'm aware of this, but it's possible Alm's could just get localized as Lord. That said, what I meant by "Hero" was just something in that vein of thinking, rather than a class name that has been used in every English FE game (barring Fates) as an unpromoted Swordmaster. 

    They could've called the class Ranger or Vanguard to continue the Mercenary themed naming, or even Swordmaster, which would actually fit with the 2nd tier naming. 

    It's not really a big deal, just odd looking to me.

  4. Deen is gonna be a hot stud, if Saber gives any indication of the design focus of older age Mercenary class units, but to that same idea, I'm assuming Sonya will get the sexy treatment as well, which will be very interesting to see. 

    Unfortunately both are extremely redundant units, so I'll likely go with Sonya (like I always do) because she actually has plot relevance, but I'm hopeful that Echoes will make the choice harder on me. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    That could be a Dreadfighter as the 3DS versions of the class wear weapons on their back.

    That's true, it very well could be. Even if it is, it's still nice to see generic classes in this game going so far as to make unique sprites for one-off bosses, as nothing on the sprite suggests any relation to the shinobi origins of the Dread Fighter class.

    It makes me excited to see what some of the endgame stuff is going to look like in terms of quality and detail!

  6. 26 minutes ago, KoolioKenneth said:

    I honestly can't figure out Leon at all. His voice clip sounds a lot like Max Mittelman, but his in-battle grunts sound identical to Ray Chase. It's really throwing me off, since I feel like I've heard his exact voice somewhere before, yet at the same time he sounds totally unfamiliar.

    After listening to the clip a few more times since I made my other post in this topic, I'm almost certain it's Lucien Dodge. Sounds identical to Li Dian from Dynasty Warriors.


    If you skip to 1:20, you can hear Li Dian's character selection line.

  7. Even if there's no Famitsu, my hype is still at it's peak right now. Next week is our best bet, not just for Famitsu, but for the website to update again as well!

    My assumption is that we'll be seeing Mycen, Clair, Python, Fols, and Matilda for Alm's side, Palla, Catria, Est, Atlas, and Jesse for Celica's side, whenever Famitsu or the website gives us updates.

  8. 5 hours ago, KazeNinja17 said:

    Personally, I would like for them to include a new character to Celica's route since they're doing that with Alm's route.

    I want to imagine we'll be getting at least 2 new characters on each side. Celica's side doesn't have any recruitable characters for the fair gap between Est and Nomah (if I remember correctly there was a good gap at least) so they could add one there, or just make whomever you didn't choose between Deen and Sonya initially, be recruited there instead. I hope we get a playable pirate with a change of heart or something, I like the design for them now. Regardless, it's fair to say we'll be getting all playable character's art by the time the Japanese release comes around, so it's just a matter of time. If Faye ends up being the only new playable character, I'll be quite disappointed.

    Oh, and Berkut is probably going to be a post-game character or something, I feel. Maybe we'll even get a Creature Campaign-esque post-game where we can recruit notable bosses like Slayder, Desaix, Greith, Judah, Rudolf, etc.

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