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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. 9 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Yeah, I thought the numbers for Alm's party were a bit strange. I just assumed the player retreated back to Zofia Castle before recruiting Delthea to get a good screenshot.

    Dunno if the days are consistent though. 14 days have passed, which may not be enough time to go to the end of the map and back for both characters.

    Then again, Nintendo can totally break the rules if they want to. Debug tools and all.

    That's true, it might just be half a party filled with placeholders for all we know.
    But I always like looking at little details in pre-release stuff and thinking "They added this there for a reason".

    I just thought it was interesting, other than that, there's not much else I can really see in the video besides what's already been mentioned. Time to go back to twiddling my thumbs until a new one pops up!

  2. Putting a little life into this dead topic, but I noticed something whilst sifting through this video just a few minutes ago. This might've already been mentioned here but (minor spoilers on playable cast ahead):



    Alm's party has 13 units in it, but he hasn't accessed Luthier's village (and if he has, yet retreated so reinforcements from Desaix's castle are in front of it, Mathilda still hadn't been recruited, as reinforcements would've stopped when Desaix's defeated). With Faye, Alm's party should only be at 11, Luthier being 12th, and Mathilda being 13th. If neither had been recruited, which having Mathilda is impossible at this point anyways, who are the extra 1/2 units?

    Celica's party is a little less confusing, but still interesting to note. At the end of Chapter 2, Celica should be at 8 units (Celica, Boey. Mae, Genny, Saber, Valbar, Leon, Kamui), with Chapter 3 adding Palla/Catria, being 9 and 10, Atlas being 11, Jesse 12, Sonya/Deen 13, Est 14, and Nomah 15. As the video continues you can see that Jesse's dungeon is cleared, and Sonya/Deen is defeated. If one assumes Celica has cleared Greith's fortress, the unit number is exactly what it should be, I just thought it's interesting that Celica's squad had cleared it's main goal of Ch3, yet Alm had barely begun. However, this also brings up the questions, "Where does the Masked Knight fit into this? ", "If he does fit in by this point, and Est is recruited in the same location as Sonya/Deen, who is the 14th unit?" and even "Is the Masked Knight playable at all?".

    Just a couple things to think about. If anyone has a solution, please let me know.

  3. I think we're going to have to wait for someone to leak an early version of the game, as 3DS games have a layer of encryption on pre-download that can't be brute-forced without the key released in the update on release day, or at least that's what the pastebin on the Reddit thread said. 

    I still have my fingers crossed that someone can pull something from this though, but with 18 days left, it'll only be 2 weeks until someone gets their hands on a copy, I'm sure.

  4. 1 minute ago, KongDude88 said:

    In one of the videos, Boey attacked with Celica and Mae within three spaces, and only Celica appeared in the top left. I guess no Mae and Boey support despite their ending?

    It could be that getting at least the C-Support is the trigger for getting support bonuses in battle, so the person playing in the video might not've gotten Boey and Mae supported together yet.

  5. I'd play it. The Meme Team (my affectionate name for Valbar/Leon/Kamui) is my favorite squad in FE as a series, so there would be a good chance I'd easily put hundreds of hours into it over the course of a few weeks.

    I'd also play a game based on Clive/Luka/Fols/Python, but half of that team doesn't even have a face yet. Crossing my fingers for a site update in 2 hours to remedy that.

  6. 1 minute ago, Crushie said:

    Oh yeah totally forgot to check where Massey is based, thanks for the info! Just got some intense flahbacks from Baccano while watching the video where Kamui attacks.

    AlsoI really love that Robbie Daymond is getting more and more work.

    No problem! Kamui's quotes in the NWR video do sound deeper and more gravelly than he does in the first video, enough for me to even be confused myself, so really, it could be anyone still!

    Yeah, I like Daymond as well, been watching Gundam IBO lately and his Gaelio is georgeous, and that tone sounds exactly like what he's using for Tobin, assuming of course it is him.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Crushie said:

    Highly unlikely but he kinda sounds like Bryan Massey (Ladd Russo from Baccano or that one guy in the first episode of FMA:Brotherhood). Papenbrook is a safe guess however.

    I don't know, from what I've heard from Massey, his voice is pretty distinct and gravelly. Kamui sounds like his VA is trying to be deeper than his normal voice (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kvd_k6jRmUU it's more noticeable here, where he sounds nothing like Massey). 

    Also, someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the VAs we've assumed to've heard thus far (Cam Clarke, Kyle McCarley, Robbie Daymond, etc.) are LA based, while Massey is Texas based, and Papenbrook is LA based as well. I'll admit I'm not too well-versed about where VAs are stationed, but like I said, anyone who does know can correct me.


  8. Just now, Azz said:

    Kmaui's voice sounds very familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

    I think it's Bryce Papenbrook, just working his range that FE Heroes has him do. You can here it more in some of the earlier PAX videos.

    34 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    But Kliff... Kliff is taunting me. "Just say the word" sounds like somebody I should recognize, but just can't.

    Could it be Max Mittelman (Leo, Kaden, Forrest, Gordin)? It's sounded a bit like Kaden after listening to it a few times. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:


      Reveal hidden contents


    I had a hunch it was april fools but what really clued me in what Leon's kanji-fication being roughly translated to "lover boy"

    that's pretty hilarious




    To be fair, Echoes!Leon seems to be played as a blood knight with great adoration for Valbar, his big bro, so maybe the Kanji naming isn't too far off mark.


  10. 12 minutes ago, KliffIsTheOG said:

    I think that it's just a generic soldier or a member of the royal guard given his name is masked soldier

    Royal guard is possible, but making his hair color the same as Celica's has to be for some reason. He also sounds like he's voiced by Ono Daisuke, who has a thing for voicing semi-important characters in FE (Frederick and Kaze). Though I agree his being her brother is unlikely, being her cousin wouldn't interfere with her claim to the throne while also having the drama behind him being a surviving member of the royal family. He could have a bunch of scars under his mask and armor where he was attacked by Desaix's men? Who knows.

    I believe a rough translation of the text is "if you want to live, escape while you can" or something. Feel free to correct me on that.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Night Zap said:

    My guess is he joins at the end of chapter 2

    I think you can see him in the map before Deen/Sonya in one of last week's english trailers. I remember seeing people thinking it was Atlas at first because of his red hair amd being a Cav, but it'd make more sense for it to be this guy.

    8 minutes ago, Aera said:

    Hopefully this doesn't happen. But we know what IS would do.

    I have this immense sense of dread for this.

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