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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. Gray is the best Merc

    Tobin can be a great Archer, or an okay Mage

    Kliff is fantastic as anything, but his spell list as Mage is super useful

    Faye has a ton of Strength, and gets good spells as both Cleric or Mage, so either of those is best

    People say Atlas is best as Merc, but I stand with my boy Soldier Atlas.

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember Duma healing back ~40 HP in one go when he's a dangerously low HP. Maybe this is only on Hard, but I think it does happen, just to put Duma back at the threshold. 

    My Alm promoted at Lv18, and had 27 Str, 21 Def, 24 Spd and 22 Tec as a Lv16 Hero on Hard, and Duma was 2-3 turns of Gray and Tobin bullying him until Gray crit'd and Alm bodied him.

  3. As long as Duma's HP is above a certain point, other units can attack him, so hit him with your highest damage unit as soon as the threshold is about to go under, and then have Alm finish him. As long as Duma has less than 3x Alm's damage left in HP, Alm will instantly finish the fight, as far as I know. As long as your party isn't full of invalids, Duma shouldn't be much trouble.

    In my hard mode play, my DF!Gray did a crit taking Duma from ~50 down to 15 HP, then Alm just stuffed him full of Falchion.

    By the way, taking Jedah out makes setting up for Duma a lot easier.

  4. I have a tragic, gameplay integrated headcanon about Clair, Tobin and Gray



    which involves Tobin (head)canonically dying, some sort of distraught over Gray and Clair's growing relationship, mixed with Alm's growing distance to his childhood friends and Kliff's cold attitude towards him, leading Tobin to do a solo-charge on a Rigelian base (like Lawson's or Gazelle's maps, something before Act4, but after Desaix) out of pure anger, dying after the fact in Gray's arms or something. This changes Gray and makes Clair a comforting force for him, which (ironically) leads to their marriage.

    As much as I would love to try and pull this off in-game, too many things prevent me from actually doing it. My need to have a full party, and the fact that Tobin can't actually die that early in the story being the biggest factors.


    .....I like tragic headcanons...

  5. It's a great game, probably one of, if not the best FEs released. Great presentation, great battles, great music... the list goes on.

    Only some of the dlc is worth buying. If you need to get good money/exp, the fledgling Exp map is all you'll realistically need out of all 6 grinding maps, and the 4th tier classes are fairly unnecessary additions, albeit looking badass as hell, so getting all of those is a personal choice. The best things the dlc gives is in the form of the Free Gifts anyways. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, KongDude said:

    Mature or not, she's still half his age

    Age in relationships matters a lot less after you become an adult. Celica is far from being a child, and older men/younger women is how a majority of medieval relationships were built, as far as I know. I don't personally ship it, but I certainly don't knock people who do. 

    Now if there's anyone who ships, say, Faye/Mycen, well...

  7. 4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    That or Saber is her dad from one of the women he made cry, as Jesse mentions.

    Yeah, they definitely have some relation, especially since they, as a couple, have been a fan pairing for years. 

    The funny part is, in reference to their relationship in fan's eyes, IntSys has chosen to, apparently, make any hints towards them being connected is through blood-relation.

    How rude.

  8. 6 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I need to know more.

    Saber mentions late in Ch.2 or early Ch.3 or something that he has a younger sister he hasn't seen in forever, she had hair like Celica's and should be around her age. Genny has hair close in color to Celica/Saber and is close to Celica's age so it hit me like a Claud and Sylvia situation. Only problem I can find with it is that Genny was dropped at the priory very early in her life (infancy?), but maybe she had enough hair for young Saber to get a good look at the color? 

    I don't know, I could be completely off base with that though, as I haven't read all of Saber's base convos yet so I have no idea if he mentions anything else about her, but it just stuck out to me in that way for whatever reason.

  9. Leon with Valbar is the only SoV pairing worth supporting.

    I do like Gray/Clair, but only when it involves a headcanon I have that involves Tobin dying, and of course Zeke/Tatiana is sweet too, but I prefer Zeke with Nyna, and Tatiana deserves better than a Char. 

    Clive/Mathilda is fine, Boey/Mae doesn't do anything for me, Saber/Genny was okay, until certain lines in the localization made me think that Genny might be Saber's sister (like that's ever stopped FE pairings in the past, but that's neither here nor there), Jesse/Est is fine but I pity Abel too much to fly with that.

    As for Alm and Celica, I like them better with Faye and Atlas respectively as opposed to each other.

  10. It's pretty fantastic. The world building is great, the characters are full of personality and give looks into their pasts, which past FE games almost never did, the story is interesting, there's a bunch of fun mechanics, cool animations, good voice acting, FULL voice acting...  

    Maps aren't a huge deal for me, and some maps in Echoes aren't even bad, but I can see how it could hurt someone's opinion of the game.

    But with all the good this game brings, along with the nigh-confirmation of a bright future for the series, how can you call Echoes anything less than amazing?

  11. I think it's safe to say, besides Corrin, Ryoma, Marth and Xander, whom are all practically confirmed playable, Robin, Lucina, Alm, Celica, Roy, and Ike are all incredibly likely. 

    It's also a safe enough bet to assume Takumi, Camilla, Lyn, Hector, Ephraim, and maybe Sigurd, Seliph and Micaiah have really good chances of getting in as well.

    I'm hoping for a 20-30 character cast, give or take 5 for dlc. I imagine some bosses, like Nergal, Zephiel, Gharnef, Camus, Lyon, Black Knight, etc. will make an appearance, but them not being playable won't injure my hype.

    Can't wait to see another 5 second trailer at e3!

  12. I feel weird being the only person who uses Soldier Atlas, but damn he looks good as a Soldier. Not so much as it's promotions, but he definitely rocks the Soldier look.

    His low Spd doesn't matter there anyways, and I give him an Iron Shield to patch up his Defense until the Armor base stat blesses him. His Strength complements the class nicely too, he feels like the Cannon to Valbar's Glacier.

  13. 1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    As you know, it's common for FE games to have the Sound Test feature. In fact, i think every game has had it since either Thracia or Binding Blade. Anyway, to unlock Sound Test in Echoes, what you have to do is, at the title screen, press up, down, left, right, up on the D-pad. You'll hear a little 8-bit jingle if you did it right. 

    Sound Test will then be found in Extras.

    Interesting, I wonder if Easy Mode is somehow unlockable too. Has anyone tried?

  14. No censorship from what I can tell. The alcohol not being consumable was in the Jp version as well. Considering how much Silver alcoholic items sell for tells me that IS decided to opt out of letting it be consumable in favor of just making it selling fodder.

    You can still give wine to the Mila Statue for refreshing fatigue, if I'm not mistaken, so you could look at it as being free fatigue cure bottles. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Spectraman said:

    So how hard is "Hard mode" for Echoes going to be? Can anyone compare it to any other FE game modes

    It's a good difficulty. Not too tough early on, but it ramps up a fair amount towards the middle of Ch4. Comparing it to Eliwood Hard mode wouldn't be too far of a stretch.

    1 hour ago, Spectraman said:

    How should you go about promoting characters? Should you always promote them immediately or wait, because I heard it is not worth it to max out and then promote.

    Since growths are better in Echoes than in Gaiden, going 2-5 levels above promotion time is useful for trying to get the most out of a unit, but gaining exp is pitifully slow at Lv10+, so going above that is pointless.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Hoshidokoala said:

    Does anyone have links to all the playable (plus Berkut, Fernand, Rinea, etc.) character portraits with their emotions please?

    I've uploaded them all on my Tumblr, though when I started uploading them all, I forgot that having a tag just for them all would've been useful.

    I believe there's an archive feature on Tumblr, but I only use the mobile app so I'm not sure how good it would be to find the posts in particular.

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