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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. I made a couple interesting (farfetched?) observations concerning the recent leaks, recent interviews, and where I hope this all doesn't lead in terms of characters added and gameplay mechanics.

    It's a couple paragraphs, but I have a tl;dr at the bottom. Anyone else thinking this way? Or was this just too off base to even be plausible? Figured I'd post the link to it because there's a little too much written to just put it all down here. 


  2. 27 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    My only question is whether or not Robin will be using magic or if he'll be stuck using a Levin Sword.

    Seeing as how Corrin has her dragonstone integrated into her sword moveset, they might make Robin a thunder mage swordsman, but you can switch out his swords, or something.

    It's hard to tell because we really know precious little about how weapons work in the game right now.

  3. 2 hours ago, KongDude said:

    I seriously want to know how healers work in this game. In a game that consists of a lot of hack n slash, how exactly will healers be effective?

    Healing staves have a function in FEW, according to e3 Lianna having the option to heal an allied unit. I guess it'll be more for having a healer on your team, switching to them for party heals once the on-map items are all used (kinda like a more complicated version of Samurai Warrior's item sets).

    There are probably multiple different staves present in-game. Who knows, we could get buffing staves, fortify, physic, berserk, etc. Liss could also just beat the ever-loving stuffing outta fools with said staves.

    I'm excite. Lissa is one of my favorite Awakenings. Hopefully we get an official news article or website update concerning this soon!

  4. Randal sounds like he shares Deen's VA, Joe J Thomas (Raven from Tales of Vesperia), and Shade sounds like Kate Higgins (Lissa from Awakening, Serra from Heroes, this is interesting because Kate wasn't in the original Echoes cast iirc).

    Emma amd Yuzu sound super familiar, but I'm not certain who they are, though it is late at night right now, so maybe my ears are tired? I'll give another listen tomorrow.

  5. The only other non-dlc infantry sword user I can see them adding at this point is Ogma, which would be used as justification for adding Barst as an infantry axe unit. We all know Barst doesn't have a prayer to get in without Ogma.

    I hope, if he does get in, Ogma has an alt. costume of his blue armor from Mystery/OVA. He looked so much cooler than how SD/Heroes makes him look.

    Oh, and Takumi is getting in before any other archer. That's just common sense. Jeorge and Virion have fans, but they pale in comparison to the Taco Man.

  6. Lucina and Ogma for Swords

    Takumi and Jeorge for Archers.

    Draug and Effie for Knights

    Leo, Frederick and Jagen for Horses (Magic, Axes, and Lances respectively)

    Caeda, Cordelia and Hinoka for Pegasi

    Camilla and Minerva for Dragons

    Gaius and Felicia for Daggers?

    Barst and Basilio for Axes

    Oboro and Azura for Lances

    Robin, Merric and Linde for Magic

    This would make 7 Awakenings, 10 Shadow Dragons, 11 Fates (if my counting is right). This would be my ideal cast, anyway.

  7. I recently finished a Hard/Classic run of 5 units on each side in classss I don't normally use, no grinding (though the exp is so funneled, everyone was in their final non-dlc tier by mid Ch3).

    Alm, Gray (Mage), Tobin (Soldier), Kliff (Mercenary), and Faye (Cleric)

    Celica, Mae, Boey (Archer), Genny, and Atlas (Mercenary)

    Gray and Fate were terrible, but Tobin got 7 or something lucky Speed levels, with a 15% growth, and Kliff was Kliff, Alm's side wasn't tough at all. Celica's side was almost solo'd with Boey, like I unleashed pandora's box by getting him out of Mage, he just grew every stat ridiculously fast.

    It was a fun run that could be even more fun once the rest of the Villager Forks come out.

  8. I want a minute or two long trailer showcasing the scenes from which the stills on the website were pulled, a short run of story exposition from a narrator, and then a minute or two of quick jumpy gameplay, so we have to slow down each frame to find hidden nuggets of playable characters and whatnot.

    Nintendo's presentation is only going to be a half hour, so there's not a whole lot of time for Warriors if they're also doing stuff with 3 or more Mario games, Arms, Splatoon, and Pokemon.

  9. 22 hours ago, The DanMan said:

    Sam and Eden Riegel. Calling it now.

    I'm legit going to be angry if they don't pull that off. Both have experience with FE, and they'll probably be in the cast anyway. It would be the perfect treat for VA memes.

  10. With the new info, I suspect we'll be getting around 25-35 characters, what with Hyrule Warriors having 19 in it's initial game, and FEW will have to have a significant lead over it to warrant it's huge roster being a point of interest for the first batch of info.

    My assumptions are also based on the idea that Archanea/Ylisse/Fates are the base game, with other continent characters being dlc.

    I think it's safe to assume that each game will try to have at least 1 unit of each proposed type (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Magic, Horse, Flying, Dragon?, Armor?), with some overlap and stuff.

    Since Chrom and Marth are confirmed, and Corrin, Ryoma, Xander and Lucina are pretty much guaranteed, they won't be included in this.

    Archanea: Ogma (Sword), Barst (Axe), Gordin/Jeorge (Bow), Linde (Mage), Caeda/Minerva(Flier), Tiki (Dragon), Draug (Armor)

    Ylisse: Lon'qu (Sword), Lissa/Vaike (Axe), Virion (Bow), Robin/Tharja (Mage) Frederick (Horse), Cordelia (Flier), Nowi (Dragon), Gaius (Dagger)

    Fates: Azura (Lance), Takumi/Niles (Bow), Odin (Mage), Leo/Gunter (Horse), Hinoka/Camilla (Flier), Jakob/Felicia (Dagger), Effie (Armor)

    Bosses (playable?): Camus (Horse), Gharnef (Mage), Hardin (Armor), Gangrel (Sword?), Walhart (Horse), Validar (Mage), Garon (Armor)

    DLC: Sigurd (Horse), Roy (Sword), Ike (Sword), Lyn (Bow), Hector (Armor), Ephraim (Lance)

    Obviously a few more than my proposed cast number, but I think the actual playable list will be comprised from the characters I've noted. We also could get skin change dlc, like Navarre for Lon'qu (or vice-versa).

  11. 4 hours ago, Thane said:

    the characters seem a bit plastic-y, almost like they're shining.

    This is exactly how I felt about Dragon Quest Heroes. In fact, this looks eerily similar to DQH. Koei possibly reusing the same engine again?

  12. 27 minutes ago, JSND said:

    Nah i'm fine with those


    The real worry is DWA influence

    DWA, assuming that means Advanced, was my first DW game and I have fond memories of playing it back-to-back with FE7 when I was a kid, so I wouldn't actually mind a DWA map with classic DW battles going on at every step forward. 

    That said, I do hope this game ends up being more like SW or DWGundam with it's mechanics, at least moreso than it being a copy of Hyrule Warriors, which is what I fear it might end up being.

  13. I hope Warriors doesn't shy away on info releasing like Echoes did. Every week without a Famitsu article just kept making me more dreadfully anxious. Hopefully this one is a bit more consistent, like every two weeks.

    e3 should be fun as well. I wonder if Nintendy has the stones to put out a trailer for FE16 at e3, or if that'll be a TGS thing.

    Anyway, Warriors games are my bread and butter, so I'm beyond hype, playable roster be damned. 

  14. #1: Yes

    #2: Yes, but there are 3 pitchfork items available when the free dlc is done

    #3: Yes

    #4: Yes

    #5: Yes

    #6: Yes, like the Ridersbane and a couple other choice items

    #7: Yes, however, exchanging profile cards isn't actually a feature in-game, as far as I know

    #8: Yes, unfortunately

    #9: We actually have no idea what they'll do for English audiences. Maybe they'll be a sixth Mila's Gift free dlc or something

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