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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. 58 minutes ago, MrPerson0 said:

    Here is the list: https://pastebin.com/TcjKdU03

    I forget if previous games didn't match voice actors with their characters, but that unfortunately is the case here.

    Marc Diraison and Carrie Keranen, huh? Interesting indeed.

    I guess my assumption that Hebert was Valbar is dead, but Dodge and Papenbrook are present, so they're likely Leon/Kamui. My suspicion that Daymond was Tobin seems to be right on as well.

    Seems like the VA work is really top notch here (and nearly identical to Gundam IBO's cast), but the lack of Silverstein worries me. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Reflex said:

    And Amanda Win lee was in very, very recent game Persona 5 who's had other regulars like Cassandra Lee Morris, Mercer, and Mittelman.

    I thought that Lee retired fron regular voice work and now only does very specific roles, like Persona. Not sure if that's true 100%, but I remember reading that somewhere not too long ago. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    There are actually passive skills: https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/miscellaneous/skills/

    Some of the passive skills include stuff like Bowrange+1 and 2 for Archers/Snipers/Bow Knights, Banish Terrors for Falcon Knights, and some passive skills are obtained via weapons such as Null Critical, which you get from Mila's Ring.

    Ah right, I keep forgetting those are skills because of how most are just integrated into the classes.

  4. 1 minute ago, Volttekka said:


    The skills linked to the weapon, do they have to be applied to combat? I'm mostly asking because if it forces them to be applied then any weapon with Mercy is useless for actual combat.

    It costs HP to use any skill, I don't believe there are any passive ones, but ones that could be considered passive still have to be manually activated (those cost 0 hp).

  5. Is the combat mostly the same? Yes, though you may find it easier to double attack (and in turn, get double attacked) often, as they changed the calculation for doubling back to how it was in Gaiden (+1 Speed is all you need over an enemy to double, and it applies to enemies as well).

    Is the weapon triangle still a thing? No, and this makes the game both simpler and more complex, as it means there are no blatant advantages in unit match-ups, so strategy is arguably more important here.

    If a unit learns a skill from a weapon, they have it permanently, but can only use the skill if the weapon they have equipped can access that specific skill. Switching the weapon over to someone else does not carry the weapon's exp, nor any skills with it. Same can be applied to magic spells, once you change a mage to a cleric, or vice versa, no magic carries over.

  6. 45 minutes ago, PeaceRibbon said:

    By the by, based on footage I've watched, I'm wholly convinced Saber is voiced by Keith Silverstein. Wouldn't be surprised to see his name in the credits. Also MMMM his voice is so good.

    Yeah, it's very much a Silverstein voice. Considering the amount of Gundam IBO VAs appearing in Echoes, Silverstein appearing wouldn't even be a stretch. 

    Now, I wonder if Carrie Keranan or Erik Kimerer will be present in Echoes...

  7. 31 minutes ago, Carnation said:

    Not that I'm 100% sure about this, but I can't shake this feeling that Kliff could be voiced by Chris Patton. All I was thinking during the Kliff/Tobin support in one of the gameplay videos was "why does his voice remind me of Baccano of all things?" I can't say I'm super familiar with his roles because he mainly dubs anime, but in some of his lines Kliff kinda sounds like him.

    It doesn't even seem impossible for him to be in Echoes, considering that he's also in another upcoming game.

    Whoops, had Boey on the mind when I wrote the first part, ignore that, haha.

    I'd love to hear Patton in an FE game someday though, but isn't he Texas based? Echoes is dubbed in LA, if I'm not mistaken.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Xeph said:

    ah, must be me then, they just don't sound similar to me.

    Cherami's Mae in Echoes is a more pure version than her Mae in Heroes. In Heroes, she makes Mae sound a little older, probably to contrast with her roles as Gwen and Caeda, think of the same way Sam Riegel makes Stahl sound older to contrast with Raigh and Donnel.

  9. Celica is Erica Lindbeck, Mae is Cherami Leigh, and Boey is Chris Hackney. Other confirmed VAs are Alm (Kyle McCarley), Lukas (Greg Chun), Faye (Amber Connor), Clair (Alexis Tipton), and Genny (Eden Riegel).

    Speaking of Prompto, his VA (Robbie Daymond) sounds like he's Tobin, however that's just my opinion. Max Mittelman, Kyle Hebert, Lucien Dodge, Bryce Papenbrook, Grant George, Doug Erholtz, Kaiji Tang and Doug Stone sound like they're Gray, Valbar, Leon, Kamui, Clive, Python, Jesse and Mycen respectively, but no confirmation yet.

  10. In both of my playthroughs, I've made him a Soldier, and it really works well with him. Until he gets to Baron, I've left him equipped with Shields, his base Str keeps his head above the water while he waits to get the boosts from Tier 3, then I gave him a 5* Steel Lance and he was easily one of my best damage dealers on Hard.

  11. 4 hours ago, Raybrand said:

    I'm worried that if you have 1 or 2 units that are total powerhouses then they essentially have no weakness in battle

    Yeah, this won't happen. Your units in Echoes are pretty much on the same level as the enemies you fight (up until the last parts of Ch.4 onwards, where enemies take a huge leap in stats). Since your unit's growths are still fairly low, and the RNG is different than recent games, finding a unit that can become a true "powerhouse" is rare. 

    Alm is probably the closest thing to the kind of powerhouse you're thinking about.

  12. I bought the first pack of Exp/Gold/Item dlcs for the Jp version, plus the late-game Gold dlc, but I'm out of yen on my account right now, so that'll be it for me.

    However, I plan on buying the Season Pass for the English version because I have a lot of expendable cash, and FE is the only thing I feel like buying stuff for nowadays.

  13. 20 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I was thinking of Barons too, but I also gave one to Zeke because Zeke. What's the best option for Pegs, in your opinion? Mathilda has the Duma Lance, and that thing wrecks house.

    In my current file, Palla has the Saunion, Clair has a +5 Steel Lance, and Est has a Javelin. Catria has the Dragon Scales, just so I didn't have to give her a shield that clips through her Pegasus. 

    In general, I like to keep Palla and Est as ranged fighters, while Catria hangs around to finish off whatever survives the spear rain.

    I didn't recruit Zeke this playthrough because I was curious if anything would happen to make Tatiana leave my party if I strayed too far from the village. Beginning Ch.5 and she's still hanging around, so I guess she isn't that attached to him.

  14. I gave one to Clive, since the 1-2 range makes it so he isn't suiciding to deal damage, and I'm currently working on the other two (Gold Marks are the bane of my existence).

    I'll totally slap the other two on Baron!Atlas and Lukas though, as Fols is rocking the Romphia and Valbar has a nice +5 Silver Lance. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Starsphere requires collecting all 12 Star Shards and a Black Pearl. To my understanding anyway. Not too sure why the Black Pearl is needed, but I guess whoever is making the Starsphere isn't as skilled as Gotoh in Mystery of the Emblem.

    So do the solo Star Shards function the same as in Mystery, just raising growth rates, or ? I'm just about to pick up the Goddess Gift 3 and I'm not sure what the Taurus's purpose would be.

    The Gold Marks are going towards another Gradivus though.

  16. So it looks like these classes, apart from Celica and Alm, won't be keeping the unit's unique color palettes. It makes sense, being dlc and all, but even reclassing a unit through the Villager Fork lets them keep the colors. 

    A bit disappointing, but the classes look so badass, I almost don't care.  

    I'm assuming the site doesn't go into detail on what the circumstances for the promotions will be? Is it a map that we get an item from? A free equipment item that we can use to class change? Is the dlc itself just a Mila Statue with a special purpose? Will we be able to use it more than once?

  17. Gray - Mercenary, there's really no better option.

    Tobin - Archer, or Mage, but he doesn't get a lot of variety in spells, though promoting to Sage can get him Physic.

    Kliff - Mage, or really anything, but he learns Excalibur, Arrow, and Aura as a Mage, so that's really useful.

    Faye - Since she's new, it's hard to say what she should be, but generally people go Pegasus Knight or Cleric, and I just have to say those people are missing out on Mage Faye. She is an absolute monster. Have never made her a Cavalier, but Cavs are pitifully useless in Echoes, so I'd imagine she wouldn't be doing much.

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