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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. Since this week's Famitsu showcased 16 units between both parties, I'm going to assume the next few Famitsu issues will feature 3 or 4 for each party, with the extra numbers in there just in case we get more newcomers like Faye. We'll likely get some boss descriptions too, like the green paladin, Greith, and Desaix, among others.

    The Famitsu issues leading up to the week of release (5 weeks from now) will detail game mechanics and other interesting stuff, kinda the same way Fates did, with the issue just before release being a recap of all the information given, but until that issue, characters are fair game (possibly 4 weeks of new Hidari art makes me wanna cry, I'm so happy).

    Hopefully the site updates every Tuesday until then, just so we can save the clean .png files.

  2. From the looks of the first trailer from the Direct, Greith (Geyse) won't be a Dread Fighter anymore, instead adopting a more unique look, complete with his eyepatch, beret and scarf noticable, plus wielding what looks to be an axe, implying it might be an enemy-only promotion for Mountain Thief. 

    This could also possibly allude to there being a playable Mountain Thief added, but that's a lot less likely. 


  3. I want to assume the game's gonna add an extra section to the end of the game where you get to control all of Alm/Celica's party for a short time, which is where the dlc content and extra dungeons will probably take place.

    With that assumption out of the way, I'll start by saying that marriage, and supports in general, could be nice to see in Echoes, but ONLY if it acts in the same way the GBA games did it. Map based conversations, marriage happening after the game ends, and definitely no kids (not that I terribly mind kids in Awakening/Fates, but we've had it for two games now, and if a Genealogy remake is arriving someday, that'll use the kid gimmick as well. I just don't want it to burn me out). The only reason I have for thinking they'll create some final "True" ending chapter is because I know IS wants to push Alm x Celica, but they can't really do that unless they get some time together outside of some cutscenes, amongst other things.

    The only supports I actually really wanna see are Gray/Tobin, Clive/Clair, Valbar/Leon, and Saber/Genny.

    PS. I know it's off topic, but I just wanted to put my 2 cents on Soleil.


    Being an Olivia-lover like myself gives me a connection of sorts to Soleil, and that meant I tried to find any means necessary to combat anyone who badmouthed her all those months ago, regardless if I made any of my thoughts public or not. People think what they want, and I can't make people think differently, so at the end of the day, I realized it was pointless to use any of the connections I had made to prove any point at all, and because it's been so long, I forget most of the points I had made to begin with. I think Soleil is an interesting character, through and through, and, in my opinion, the changes made to her in the English version actually made me find her even more endearing. Her orientation is such a minuscule part of her character when you look at the big picture, it's exhausting to see how many people make that out to be all she is. Regardless of whether or not you view her as lesbian, bisexual, or straight, she was never intended, in my mind, to be viewed as such in a major way. Her feelings towards her sexuality were meant to be a stark extension of Laslow's personality, same as Ophelia's hyperbolic version of Odin's, nothing more. Her real, intended personality, was her morale-boosting ability, her carefree nature, and her strong will, with the liking girls/cute things aspect being relegated to her "gimmick". But, like always, the majority focus on a minority and blow things out of proportion. That said, I greatly enjoy her representation in Fates, both Jp and Eng versions, and I love her voices in both. I don't care what she does in bed with someone she loves as long as she's happy, but saying that just shows my papa-bear status I hold towards my FE famjam. I'm sorry for writing so much, and it ended up being wholly pointless, just as I expected.

    tl;dr - Soleil's nice and I like her.


  4. Python is my favorite Alm-side unit, for whatever reason. I think it might've been how he looks in his portrait in-game? From his map sprite, it seems like his hair color/style is still the same, so that's a good sign. I don't mind the Villagers either, and they look cool in Echoes, so they may end up becoming favorites on mine. I like pretty much all units on Celica's side, most notably Valbar, Leon, Kamui, and Saber. Valbar and Leon's bromance is something I hope gets a big part in Echoes, and from the sounds of Leon's lines on the website, it might just be.

    Archers, I find, ironically have a terrible time actually trying to hit enemies. It seems like no matter how high their accuracy looks, they never land their shots, even when I unequip their bows and let them go barebones. Peagasus Knights, Mages and Mercenaries are definitely the best units in the game though. And Sisters armed with Moon Spears. 100% hit rate Nosferatu is ridiculous.

  5. Here's what I'm thinking of the cast so far:

    Alm: Kyle McCarley (holy Mikazuki batman)
    Lukas: Greg Chun (listen to Eldigan's clips from Heroes)
    Faye: ??? (her battle quote sounded like Stephanie Sheh, but her map select quote did not. Odd)
    Celica: Erica Lindbeck (I had to look up clips of her voice to compare rather than my own ear, but it sounds pretty close)
    Mae: Cherami Leigh (this one is obvious. For a quick example, compare her lines with Gwendolyn's from Heroes. Voice is the same, just different infliction)
    Boey: ??? (he has quite a few lines out now, but I'm stumped)
    Genny: ??? (I have no clue honestly)
    Saber: Keith Silverstein (his voice is pretty obvious. Reminded me immediately of Zhuge Dan from DW8)
    Valbar: Kyle Hebert (compare with Bartre from Heroes, his voice is pretty distinct, even when gravelly. Just listen to Valbar's level-up quote to hear it best)
    Leon: Lucien Dodge (sounds like JYB, but not quite, just like Dodge's role as Li Dian from DW8. Or it could be Micah Solusod, as he can sound like JYB as well, but Dodge is more likely)
    Kamui: Bryce Papenbrook (this one is pretty undeniable as well)

    Of course, my ear isn't perfect, but I've always been great at telling voices from short clips (I ID'd Nobunaga Shimazaki as Male Corrin from just a single "はい" during an early Fates trailer). Still, the cast is sounding great, regardless of who any of them really are. Can't wait to hear more!

  6. 17 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

    I...I just realized. They're implying that Kamui is from Jugdral - Isaach, in particular, since that region is already Asian-coded/based. And that's in the same world as Valentia. It makes so much more sense now....

    I think it might be more as a reference to Chon'sin, seeing as Valm (Valentia) is where Chon'sin is located. 

  7. Saber's Jp voice is unmistakably Koyasu. Koyasu was also the narrator for the Direct in Japan, which is why Saber got a lot of screentime, and also why Niles, Validar, Lon'qu, and Navarre were mentioned during the Heroes trailer.


    Alm sounds like Kyle McCarley, Leon like Lucien Dodge (or JYB, but Dodge is much more likely), Saber like Keith Silverstein, Lukas like Greg Chun (his voice is identical to Eldigan's in Heroes), and Kamui is almost certainly Bryce Papenbrook. Valbar could be Patrick Seitz, which would make him 3 different Armor Knights across the series, and Mae could be Cherami Leigh. I see a lot of people saying Celica could be Erika Lindbeck, but I'm not familiar enough with her to make an assumption. 

    Those are my thoughts. 

  8. The folks at BTVA are currently working on figuring out who voices who (and yes, BTVA is actually fare more trustworthy than IMDB and they are quick to fix any mistakes as well). Currently, this is what they have so far:

    Male Corrin: Cam Clarke, Yuri Lowenthal

    Female Corrin: Marcella Lentz-Pope

    Ryouma: Matthew Mercer

    Azura: Rena Strober

    Sakura: Brianna Knickerbocker

    Garon: Travis Willingham

    Jakob: Ben Diskin

    Gunter: D.C. Douglas

    Silas: Max Mittelman

    Saizo: Ben Diskin

    Rinkah: Stephanie Lemelin

    Arthur: Cam Clarke

    Odin: Kaiji Tang

    Laslow: Liam O'Brien

    Niles: Yuri Lowenthal

    Charlotte: Brianna Knickerbocker

    Selena: Julie Ann Taylor

    Asugi: Gideon Emery

    Caeldori: Julie Ann Taylor

    Rhajat: Stephanie Sheh

    Yukimura: Paul Eiding

    Marth: Yuri Lowenthal

    Ike: Jason Adkins

    Robin: David Vincent

    Lucina: Laura Bailey

    Jakob is almost certainly O'Brien, not Diskin. "Stiff upper-lip" is impossible to mistake as anyone but O'Brien. Zola and Izana have him as well.

    Lowenthal isn't Niles either. I know my Lowenthal, and Niles has Mercer's tone. Lowenthal is definitely Hinata, though.

    Aside from those, Imari Williams is Benoit. It's unmistakable.

  9. Marx: 27

    Ryouma: 25

    Camilla: 23

    Hinoka: 21

    Aqua: 20

    Kamui: 19

    Leon: 18-19

    Takumi: 17

    Sakura: 15

    Elise: 14

    Felicia: 19

    Joker: 22

    Kaze: 26

    Cyrus: 20

    Mozume: 15

    Izana: 29

    Ashura: 38

    Gunther: 60+

    Saizou: 26

    Kagerou: 24

    Asama: 26

    Setsuna: 16

    Oboro: 17

    Hinata: 17

    Tsubaki: 19

    Kazahana: 16

    Rinka: 18

    Tsukuyomi: 14

    Orochi: 27

    Nishiki: 19~

    Yukimura: 33

    Yuugiri: 36

    Crimson: 23

    Fuuga: 50+

    Lazwald: 20

    Pieri: 19

    Luna: 20

    Belka: 17

    Odin: 19

    Zero: 29

    Elphie: 16

    Harold: 24

    Nyx: 60+ (Physically 12, or so)

    Charlotte: 21

    Benoit: 22

    Flannel: 18~

    Flora: 19

    Kanna: 12-13

    Shigure: 17

    Shinonome: 19

    Kisaragi: 16

    Siegbert: 19

    Foleo: 15

    Midoriko: 13

    Deere: 18

    Sofie: 17

    Gurei: 18

    Mitama: 15

    Hisame: 16

    Matoi: 17

    Shara: 17

    Kinu: 16

    Soleil: 17

    Ophelia: 16

    Eponine: 17

    Lutz: 13-14

    Ignis: 18

    Velour: 15

    I don't think I missed anyone playable.

  10. I'd be fine with it, personally, but I know for a fact the majority of the FE fandom would just get up and leave then.

    For FEif in particular, I'm probably just going to A-Rank a couple of girls, never marry, and live with the bonuses like that, same as Awakening.

    I don't care much for Kanna, so I'd be okay with giving up my paired ending tbh, but hey, that's just me, and I'm already odd.

    waifu harem life is the best life

  11. Tried my hand at making my Avatars:
    Matthew, for my Hoshido run, who will get Samurai (War Artist) as a secondary class.
    Marriage options are Oboro, Kazahana, Setsuna, and Kagerou.

    Mattea, for my Nohr run, who will get Thief (Adventurer) as a secondary class.

    Marriage options are Flannel, Cyrus, Benoit, and Zero.

  12. For males, I think Shinonome is the coolest looking. Lancers are my fave Hoshido class.

    For females, my vote is definitely in for Ophelia. I think I may have just found my Nohr wife. However, the oddest thing about that is Owain was constantly my son in Awakening, so.....my family is going to be messed up if I go on Nohr....

  13. Well this sucks. I have to be F!Kamui to have two kids

    It's possible female units will be able to have two kids also, we just haven't seen any.

    It's also a possibility that only Flannel will be the giver of two children, which has the same amount of chance as above.

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