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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. I really hope we see it soon. I need confirmation that Oboro and Takumi can marry. I beg you IS don't pull another cordelia

    In one of the magazines, it showed Oboro supporting with Takumi, so I think they may be able to boink.

  2. So if the default art is using the mature build the only one we haven't seen is child male Kamui? Am I mistaken?

    I believe the way it works is that there are only two builds for either gender, and they're set up like this:

    Medium Male Kamui (Default)

    Large Male Kamui

    Medium Female Kamui (Default)

    Small Female Kamui

  3. Hello... I was drawn out of my permanent residence in lurkland due to the sheer amount of hype in this thread. So hello to all!


    Become consumed by the hype.

    Join us in summoning the leaks.

    (But seriously, welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!)

  4. Judging by the screens in this post, we still can, but the assets/flaws are slightly more cryptic this time. The Kamui in that pic has 'agile' as her asset and 'frail' as her flaw. What seems to be different, though, is that you now also get to pick a secondary base class that the avatar can change into, rather than simply having access to all base classes (the Kamui in the pic has Miko/Priestess).

    If the Hoshidan Lancer can promote to War Artist, I'd definitely go that. If not, Samurai it is.

    As for Nohr, I'm going Mercenary, like always.

  5. By the way, not sure if this has been posted yer but the more active leaker sided with Hoshido and went FeMui. The rest of the guys seem to be too engrossed in fellating the artbook.


    Wow, guess this shows that Lancers are on Nohr too...


  6. If you have a basic understanding of Katakana, just for ease when reading names/Nohr classes, and some specific kanji for weapons/stats/skills/Hoshidan classes, then I'd say that's more than you would need to play the core game. Heck, since it's a strategy game, trial & error + patience might just be enough to get you to the end, or at least that's how it happened with me and Super Robot Wars J back in the day!

    But, Fire Emblem is a very text heavy game series, same goes for 98% of all JRPGs, so not knowing Japanese may dull the game a little if you're one for story, as most summaries wouldn't include little details unless they were important, HOWEVER if you don't care too much for story, and you're like me, where you just want to play the game, experience the chapters and the characters, and have fun messing around, trying to find what works, then by all means, go ahead! You already have it easier than I do by previously owning a Jp 3DS! The game + a Jp 3DS + a Jp Pre-paid Nintendo card = $250 out of my precious savings... (But I'm so hyped I don't even care. Money well spent imho!)

    My personal plan is to wait until someone starts posting chapter-by-chapter summaries, so I can follow along whilst playing, still get the gist of the story, and experience the game in my own way!

  7. I'm guessing that it'll end up being either:

    A) All the characters revealed so far, regardless of gender, have kids. If they marry each other, the couple gets two kids (swapping hair colors), but there are more characters, not revealed, that will have no children, so you make make some very customizable families (Tsuku and Orochi's kid, Shara, was Tsuku's kid, with Orochi's hair color, but there's another kid in the game that's Orochi's kid with Tsuku's hair color).

    B) Children are still tied to their mothers, but the haircolor doesn't change in order to keep consistancy. This would at least make it easier for fan-artists, amongst other things. I think this'll be the most likely, as Shara looks a lot more like Orochi than Tsukuyomi, however, this may just be intended.


    C) There are only a limited number of kids, tied to only certain characters, that only appear when certain pairings are made (Tsuku & Orochi make Shara, but Orochi & Hinata / Tsuku & Sakura wouldn't result in kids. Hinata & Sakura, for example, would also be able to have a kid together). This would promote canon pairings, and would open a possibility of a sequel featuring the kids. In my opinion, this would be the least likely possibility.

  8. I have a thing where if male and female are selectable in a character creation game, then I HAVE to play as both.

    So far, FE Awakening was the most fun experience with doing that, so I'm extremely excited to do the same for if/Fates.

    And hopefully, this will turn out like Awakening, where I play through the game 100+ times just for the sake of making characters and fleshing them out, then add them all to the logbook, and finally, pick the ones that I think would work best together, recruit them into a file together, and then never use the actual unique units in-game, only focusing on my own.

  9. Poor Oboro, no one is shipping her with Takumi...she'll be drinking herself into oblivion at his wedding, won't she?

    I'd be happy to ship Oboro with Takumi!

    Too bad she's already going to be married to my M!Kamui before Takumi gets hitched ;)

    Edit: I posted this before I answered the topic question haha


    Marx + Pieri

    Camilla + Lazwald

    Leon + Luna

    Elise + Cyrus

    M!Kamui + Elphie

    F!Kamui + Joker

    Aqua + Odin


    Ryouma + Kagerou

    Hinoka + Saizou

    Takumi + Kazahana

    Sakura + Hinata

    M!Kamui + Oboro

    F!Kamui + Tsubaki

    Aqua + Suzukaze

  10. Im probably gonna use Kamui for a few runs, like I did with Robin. Usually just for speedruns or challenge runs or something.

    Otherwise, I'll name my male unit Matthew, and my female unit Mattea, based on myself, and the genderbend version of myself I use for things where I get to choose gender.

  11. Male/Nohr: Felicia or Pieri, probably. Charlotte is possible too. I would also say Luna, but Severa was my kid too much in FEA....

    Female/Nohr: Benoit, Cyrus, or Suzukaze. Joker may become a booty call. Like Luna, Lazwald and Odin would be considered, but Inigo and Owain were my kids too often in Awakening...

    Male/Hoshido: Kazahana, Setsuna, or Oboro. Even when I don't play as a male on Hoshido, they'll all still be main fighters for me.

    Female/Hoshido: Hinata, Tsubaki, or Suzukaze. Probably going to be Tsubaki more than the others.

  12. They did say they'll be playing Fire Emblem again today and tomorrow, but I wonder what the timeframes will be. Ah well, I'm not too worried if I miss it, I sure someone here will write all about it!

    I gotta admit though, I was a little disappointed they only showed 1 full chapter. Maybe they'll do one from the Hoshido side today?

  13. Wow, I was a few minutes late on checking the site before the update haha

    Edit: Hamada Kenji is Asama, not Hosoya Yoshimasa, like I previously thought. He looks very hippie like though haha

    Setsuna is best girl.

    I'm waiting for the hate of Pieri's and Oboro's voices to begin. I personally love them, but I know they're gonna get flak.

    Lazwald sounds mature, Luna sounds kind, Odin sounds calm. I.....was not expecting that.


    Adventurer class looks awesome! Promoting transformable units! Dark...Bred? Blood? Bread?

    Okay, the ninja promotion looks absolutely baddass. I love it.

    And Asama is voiced by Hosoya Yoshimasa, sounds like. Male Robin came back wrong? haha

    Now, if only they'd update the site to show more characters. I wanna hear more half-second voice clips!

  15. This is my guess. I wonder if Tsukuyomi will also receive the same treatment.

    I'm gonna go ahead and call that the majority of the Hoshidan side will be getting the same treatment.

  16. They had to cut away from the screen at some points because there are still a lot of bugs. The game's localization is still knee-deep in development, so maybe the demo'll be out in time for the Winter holidays.

  17. Corrin is not Kamui's localized name. The player said she named it Corrin (after herself?) to give her a closer feel to the character. I'd say she just wasn't allowed to use Kamui, or whatever the real localized name is, for promotional reasons. If memory serves correctly, she says you can name Kamui whatever you want.

    btw, the only localized name I dislike is Leo for Leon.

    Xander is fine for Marx, so I can dealio, and Kaze/Rinkah for Suzukaze/Rinka are just......laughably pointless.

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