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Posts posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. 1 hour ago, Archeleon said:

    Understood about spells and reclassing, will have to wait.  In regards to spell set, I meant to ask if you have a limit to the spell choices from your learned pool. Faye can learn 6 spells through the Cleric line; does she have access to all of them during combat?

    Once a character learns a spell, they can use it whenever they please, as long as they're in that class. Mages cannot use Cleric spells and vice-versa.

    1 hour ago, Archeleon said:

    Since you can only have one item equiped does that mean that when resolving combat the game goes back to the default level weaponry when calculating damage while a shield/ring is equipped?

    If you have a shield/ring equipped, the unit defaults to the basic weapon of that class. Of course, all skills associated with the weapon/shield are removed as well once it's replaced in the unit's inventory.

    1 hour ago, Archeleon said:

    I asked about SP because the main site lists "SP" (costs/requirements?) as a factor of Command skills in Echoes.I know little else about it.

    I haven't seen any mention of SP in-game yet, though I'm only on Ch.3, so I still have more than half the game left...

  2. 7 minutes ago, wslegolas said:

    Oh I see, so the class changing stems from the villager -> tier 1 classes. That item sounds very good indeed.

    Thanks for the info!

    Yeah, male Villagers promote to Mercenary, Archer, Cavalier, Soldier, or Mage. Female Villagers promote to Pegasus Knight, Cavalier, Mage, Cleric. I'm not sure if the Villager reclass item is in the postgame or if it's a dlc item, but it's in-game, so hopefully we can grind them to have full control over our units!

    No problem!

  3. Class changing is much more like the GBA games rather than recent FEs, as in there is no reclassing outside of Villagers (Archers can only promote to Snipers, Sniper can only promote to Bow Knights, etc.). There is an item you can get that reclasses a 3rd tier unit back into a Villager, and you branch out from there.

    If stats are below the promoted classes bases, those stats are buffed to the bases. If all stats are above the bases, only 1 HP is gained upon promoting.

    Mila Statues can be used infinitely and (if Gaiden is anything to go by) there's one in every dungeon. Their only purpose is to promote your units, and to give offerings to lower fatigue.

  4. I just have to ask, when promoting units to the highest tier, do they retain any in-battle model uniqueness (Saber's DF design being different from Kamui's or Jesse's)? Or is only their base class model unique?

    Also, if you reclass a non-Villager unit to Villager, do they keep their color scheme when promoting (Ex: Luka becoming a red Archer, Fols a green Cavalier, etc.) or do they all just get generic color schemes? I'm assuming they'd all have a generic model regardless.

  5. Ideally, the names would go off of the localizations used on the Choose Your Legends site for Heroes, but that's all for playable characters (plus Rudolf, Judah, Desaix and Greith).

    According to that Dutch Reddit poster a few weeks ago, Berkut and Fernand are keeping their english names, as he said the demo he played was the english version. Rinea could be renamed Rinean, but the poster admitted he didn't remember her part well.

    We could see a lot of renaming of bosses, especially Saizo, Garcia, and Wolf, just to disconnect them from the actual playable characters sharing those names. We've already seen Slayder changed to Slayde, so anything is possible, really.

  6. That was a fun read! I'll post my impressions as well


    This won't be as meme-y as the original post, forewarning;

    Alm: I love the armor, and I'm honestly so glad they decided on green hair instead of blue. Probably one of my favorite designs in the game.

    Gray: I guess part of the reason they changed his hair color is because Alm reclaimed green? I think he looks cool, but ultimately, probably because he's a villager, his design doesn't really stand out to me.

    Tobin: RIP Pink hair, you will be missed. Like Gray, he looks good, but unfortunately doesn't stand out.

    Kliff: He looks a lot more sarcastic than I had envisioned, which is great, but falls to the same stigma the other 2 villagers do as well. 

    Faye: She's cute, and I honestly don't mind her personality, but she isn't my type, and doesn't have the same level of interesting design as most other characters do, so she too falls to the wayside.

    Lukas: One of my favorite redesigns. His original look made me think he was some kind of hotheaded idiot, but now he gives off a polite airhead vibe to me. Really like this one.

    Silque: Now that's one cute cleric. Her old design can't even hold a candle to this one. 10/10

    Clair: Yet another cute design! Not a huge fan of her bangs, but her armor is nice and I'm slain by women in tights. Thank you based Hidari.

    Clive: Wew, what a dude. He seems like he'll be quite an important part of Echoes, like he should've been in the first place, and he looks the part. Having HiroC as a voice helps a lot too.

    Forsyth: Why did they take your beautiful hairs away, my dude? Damn. Not saying this design is bad, quite the opposite, but it's nothing compared to how I hoped he would've looked (though, then there'd've been too much purple?).

    Python: Hot. Best boy.

    Luthier: Okay, now THAT is a redesign! Close enough that you can tell who it's supposed to be, but so much cooler than I had hoped for. Badass.

    Mathilda: She got a huge age upgrade, which is interesting. I love her armor and hair. What a gal.

    Delthea: Not quite what I was expecting, but I'm happy with the results. Not initially, mind you, but she's growing on me. 

    Tatiana: Wowza. 11/10, would ditch my waifu on another continent for.

    Zeke: Char/10

    Mycen: Jagen/10

    Celica: I'm really impressed with her upgrade. Unlike Alm's, her Awakening art didn't do her justice at all. This design is fantastic.

    Mae: I have a think for pink hair, and Mae hits a bunch of my other buttons too. I thought she looked pretty good in her original art, but now? Wow.

    Boey: Settling on a hair color for this kid couldn't've been easy, but white fits him well, and could the flame in his official art's hand be a double reference to not only his starting spell, but also his once red hair? Hmm.

    Genny: So floofy. Much cute. RIP pink ponytail, though being proto-Lana isn't a bad thing at all.

    Saber: Koyasu gets all the hotties.

    Valbar: They could've easily taken his original chin and turned him into an Arthur clone. I'm really glad they didn't. Love the armor.

    Leon: That's my boi. I can't wait to snipe with him. His design is oh so pretty.

    Kamui: I love the Asian prescence his design gives off. I'll miss the seafoam afro, but the redesign is so good I don't even care.

    Palla, Catria, Est: They look like how I expected they would. Nothing special.

    Atlas: He got big. Now he has the arms to support his original base Strength. 

    Jesse: He looks like he got beat with the Arthur stick. Are people sure he's not just Percy, all grown up?

    Sonya: Holy hotness, Batman. Would hold hands with 10/10.

    Deen: The edgiest loser this side of Greith's desert. I might choose him over Sonya once or twice, but nothing about his design hits any points with me.

    Nomah: I want him to read my kids a bedtime story, if Echoes had kids that is (I'm glad there isn't).

    Conrad: Pretty boring, if you ask me. Celica pulls off the color scheme a lot better. Oh, and he loses points for trying the Lucina gambit. 


  7. 1 minute ago, Azz said:

    I'm pretty sure the credits have been datamined but all we got were names. There was nothing on who did what.

    I have a pretty good ear, if you point me towards where the credits are, I could try my best to play match game with them (though, it seems FE brings in a lot of relatively new blood so I could easily hear voices that aren't in the game at all, but still).

  8. Just now, bonewalker said:

    Where can I find them? (If I can at all)

    There's the MEGA link, I got it from /feg/ earlier, but it's nearly a Gb large and my download speed is garbage, so it took a while.
    The quotes in question are about 2/5ths of the way down, starting with V_Result, followed by character name and _die_00 (for generic one) or 01 (for unique one).

  9. 4 minutes ago, Azz said:

    Wait what!

    I am not okay with this. Does IntSys want to traumatize me?

    Apparently it sounds like all units have a generic one used when any unit dies in their vicinity (Python says "Sorry... wasn't fast enough", roughly), and quite a few units have a more heart-wrenching one when a best friend/lover/sibling dies (Forsyth saying "...hey...Python...this is some kind of joke..." if Python dies).

    Examples: Tobin and Gray, Clive and Clair, Luthier and Delthea, Boey and Mae, etc. (Kliff only has a single generic one sadly)

  10. 27 minutes ago, lysander said:

    One Chapter of Gaiden is generally around 10 maps but could realistically be however many--one chapter in particular had either 15 or 16 in the original, I forget.

    Echoes is going to have even more than that, thanks to the dungeons having multiple monster battles in the same area. The post-game could be a giant "dungeon" with any number of new units, but the dungeon could effectively be endless. Think Lagdou Ruins/Tower of Valni, but the floors just keep going.

    I'd personally put hundreds of hours into just that alone.

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