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Thunder Mage Ilyana

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Status Updates posted by Thunder Mage Ilyana

  1. Thank you for the birthday posts! Even though I haven't been active for the past 3-4 years... :)

  2. Happy Birthday it's your sweet 68!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! contact me when u have wifi.

  4. or... ike used ragnell to shave his pits it always makes a clean cut. and have you noticed that the sword has a bunch of dents and scratches on it? that's because his pit hair is sturdy just like him. 0_0

  5. Thanks!...didn't know they had razors in FE. :O

  6. that's probably the best guren pic there is out there.

  7. everyone's changing there avatar in the forest.

  8. well... you're good at photoshopping though right?

  9. i guess you're right i really don't want to train est. BTW did you make all those Katua pics? you're really good at drawing. :)

  10. snipers are cool! but the bad thing is that katua can't activate the tri attack. :(

  11. Good Luck in your career as an author! someday your work will be even better than Harry Potter! :)

  12. Eight Years is a really good story i just clicked on the link today and read all five chapters. i never got bored reading it.:)

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