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Thunder Mage Ilyana

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Everything posted by Thunder Mage Ilyana

  1. Ah sorry for the annoying questions! By "near perfect success" I guess I was just asking for the process that has had the most success in getting the translation to work. Guess I'll have to buy the first two versions again in physical form... Edit: Actually one more question if anyone can answer. Does this mean that I have to have both Hoshido and Nohr physical copies to play them translated or can I just have one physical and the other 2 as DLC and still play the last two translated?
  2. So there's a lot of pages to read through and I apologize if this has been asked before but is it possible to play your translation with the downloaded version of If? I have all 3 versions and my JP N3DS is running 9.9.0-26J. Also, if possible, is there a recommended guide to follow that has had near perfect success of getting to play the translation patch?
  3. Thank you for the birthday posts! Even though I haven't been active for the past 3-4 years... :)

  4. I am so confused as well and usually I'm out of my mind when I haven't eaten 5 helpings...
  5. Yeah the DLC goes into the SD but I've heard a lot from gamefaqs that the full game + all DLC takes up about over 1 gig.
  6. Don't worry! You also have the eShop option if your SD isn't full.
  7. I saw this on the news. Thousands of flights have been canceled because of the volcano eruption. Even Obama and other national leaders had to cancel their flight to the funeral in Europe. Don't worry you should be back home within a week.
  8. Hey Serenesforest longtime no see. been busy with school and yesterday was the national senior skip day (i didn't skip though). Apparently the seniors were supposed to tell the faculty what day we arranged senior skip day to be. only about 10% of the seniors at my school went to school. Teachers are p.o. about this. how were ur senior skip days seniors?
  9. Mario Kart Wii was hard for me to get all gold in all Grand Prix modes. Getting barraged by blue shells, pow blocks, and thunders really made me mad. ^_^ F-Zero GX was hard at first. Very Hard Story mode was very hard.
  10. i use the left side of my brain to move my right hand
  11. Happy Birthday it's your sweet 68!

  12. 10 more generals but this time each having different personalities: ^_^ :P <_< ;_;
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