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Thunder Mage Ilyana

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Everything posted by Thunder Mage Ilyana

  1. I would like to donate 8 of my finest generals to bring down the non believers ^_^ HOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  2. fe6: Sofiya, Roy, Tate fe7: Jaffar, Legault, Priscilla, Fiora, Sain, plus more fe8: Joshua, Gilliam, L'arachel, Colm, Lute, Knoll fe9: Ike, Ilyana, Zihark, Shinon, Volke, BK, Stefan, Haar, Jill fe10: ^_^ , Laura, Aran, Volug, Nailah, Nolan fe11: Catria, Palla, Julian, Frey, Merric, Lena
  3. I say Red Fox of Fire! that sig about JillxMist is so true! ^_^
  4. *giggles* Ah, the joys of driving for the first time. I love driving. It's one of the best thrills I get in my otherwise boring life. A problem I had when I first started out was starting/accelerating too abruptly. The only way I got better was to recognize that it's not right for my passengers to lurch backward whenever I hit the pedal. Rest your foot on the accelerator, and push down very slowly. One of my worries was that my car would be in the way for drivers behind me when the traffic light turns green, but it's really about starting smoothly and accelerating once the car is in motion. Speed control is another issue that takes a little time to figure out. I have a tendency to speed. Knowing this, I would always look at my speedometer too often (3 times every second is an exaggeration, but yeah). Now I trust my instincts and set a speed I'm comfortable with, gauge how fast other cars are driving, and follow them. I think that's the easiest way to drive at a good speed, especially on the highway. Right turns. I love turning! I think turning curbs is mostly speed control and partly just knowing that the curb is farther away from you than you think. Speed...I brake well before I make the turn, and approach the curb slowly. Once I turn the steering wheel, I accelerate. I always keep the lines on the road in mind to make sure I'm not too far on the right side of the lane or the left. I hope this helps! wow! thanks for the tips! it's been about a month since i started driving and i only drove about 9 times already and i'm getting the hang of it. i've been driving in the residence area the whole time and i'm driving like the others on the road (not the aggressive drivers/drunks/speeders) i drive at about 2-5 under the speed limit. now i'm practicing parallel parking and i did well on my first try but i keep messing up every now and then.
  5. 1) Then why would the javelins break? Heck, they'd last a long time as you could just keep getting the javelins back from the enemy corpses. It's durabiltiy would have to be higher for this to make sense. 2) Not really. Elincia can support anyone in FE10, but her only lover ending is with geoffrey. So why can't she support 5 people at the same time? Heck, Shinon doesn't even have a lover ending. 3) The horse would consume energy though. 1.)maybe the javelins are tied to a string that the user pulls back like what the generals do with their lances in the GBA FEs but that's just me and my imagination 2.) 3.)i thought horses could run for miles without being tired. the fact that the ones in FE are carrying knights in heavy armor might cause them to bring down their movement
  6. according to lute in FE8 pegasi are born from the blood of a monster who turns people into stone. because their impassable???
  7. so how many of you have to do AP homework over the summer? im taking AP European history and all i have to do is study about 40 rulers(their names and the dates they ruled), answer some multiple choice questions, true/false, matching, definitions, and 22 short answer essays (3 paragraphs each)and all this work for 2 chapters. anyone taking AP European History who uses the text "Western Civilizations" by Judith G. Coffin and Robert C. Stacey need any help?
  8. *coughcoughMICAIAHcoughcough* <_< cough*Hector*cough* cough*Ephraim*cough* Yeah, but he said "Start off", Hector and Ephraim come in later, whereas Micaiah is the first Lord of Radiant Dawn. Bolded being true if you either play Lyn's story first, or skip her story and move on to Eliwood's. whoops! i totally forgot about micaiah! but what i meant to say was why do you start off with a lord who uses swords in every series? i.e. Magvel, Akaneia, Valencia, Tellius, Elibe, Judgral
  9. Wow! that's interesting i think Serenesforest will last a long time. Congratulations on beating those other FE forums! this is probably the best FE website of this time! did you know that if you type up Fire Emblem on Google this website will be the first website on the list after the wikipedia links?
  10. what's FESS? i found this website when FE RD came out and it's helped me a lot. can someone tell me the history of this website?
  11. i got some! how can one bandit destroy all the buildings in one village? how does spinning an arrow before firing it off make it stronger? why do characters have colored hair? where are the gems made? why do you start off with a lord who uses swords in every game?
  12. i found out about this website from google while looking for fire emblem
  13. Fail: myrrh leveled up to lvl 20 but realized that i only have one more use of dragonstone left. Win: Assassin Marissa equipped with only slim swords (0dmg) surrounded by 4 cyclops (full health) OHKO them all!
  14. if i see a spelling error should i report it? i mean everyone else seems to be reporting much more bigger errors on this site.
  15. or... ike used ragnell to shave his pits it always makes a clean cut. and have you noticed that the sword has a bunch of dents and scratches on it? that's because his pit hair is sturdy just like him. 0_0

  16. lolololol! the serenes forest part was funny!
  17. Thanks!...didn't know they had razors in FE. :O

  18. is it possible to switch back to the old IPB 2? this newer version is taking me 5 mins to post a reply which took me only 10 sec. to write.
  19. any body else noticed that you can delete your own votes?
  20. actually i can't even see your emoticon. all i see is a white square with a red x in it followed by the words ":awesom:"
  21. also whenever i click on "show all emoticons" the list of all the FE character emoticons don't show up Edit:WTF! i didn't post twice did i? i was actually waiting for about 5 minutes before seeing the board again.
  22. also whenever i click on "show all emoticons" the list of all the FE character emoticons don't show up
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