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Everything posted by Chigai

  1. floats my boat actually Also, I think it's more about my disliking of male Kanna's hair. I don't get why the entire family's gotta wear a leotard.
  2. From what I've read in the supports, both genders of Kanna act generally similar, and they're so adorable... But in terms of design, male Morgan all the way and female Kanna all the way.
  3. Let's seeeeeeee... [spoiler=1st gens]M!Chigamui x Zero/Flora (followed by a quick A support with either Harold/Gunter and a good headcanon) F!Chigaimui x Harold/Gunter (I can't choose ._.") Azura x Benoit (maybe i dunno) Leon x Belka Flannel x Pieri (followed by the good headcanon from before) Nyx x Odin (I expect a super high magic Ophelia from this pls) Elfie x Xander Harold x Luna (if I decide on Gunter) Joker x Camilla Kaze x Elise Silas x Charlotte Lazward x Elise (like we didn't think anything was wrong with charming merc x loli in the last game) [spoiler=2nd Gens] Male Kanna x Sophie Female Kanna x Ignis Deere x Ophelia Velour x Shigure Foleo x Soleil Siegbert x Eponine Midoriko x ... Wait I'm out of male children to pair up err Midoriko x nobody.
  4. Because they make life worth living for me honestly
  5. I'll give it a go... Sully: Woman's Power; +3 Atk when fighting a male unit. Joshua: Gamble; %Luck of gaining or losing +1/3 Skl or -1/3 Skl for one turn. Morgan: Like Mother/Father like Son/Daughter: If Morgan is in the same class as Robin, +2 Atk, +3 Skl. Lute: Natural Superiority: When next to another magic using unit, +5 Skl Miriel: Prior Knowledge: +2 Attack when fighting an enemy of the same class as an enemy she has already defeated in the same chapter. Ephraim: Reckless; Skill% chance for +4 attack in exchange for -3 Def while fighting.
  6. I predict I will win for like a few minutes maybe half an hour if I'm lucky
  7. Owain because he deserves to be the main lord. WCWY give your childhood toys to?
  8. Tbh Naughx's husbando was a better one for me but yes Fee's brother would make a good friend
  9. This one better be a better husbando than Fee (who isn't even a husbando)
  10. "Do dogs just like us because they think they're prisoners and they've developed Stockholm Syndrome?"
  11. May we influence your pairings? If so: Sarn x Cynthia Frederick x Chrom Nowi.
  12. Post and I'll give you another really nice compliment aww thx <3 Post and I'll give you a Smash Bros. main.
  13. What's the difficulty? Did you plan pairings?
  14. Chigai

    hey y'all!

    Welcome!! Uh, try not to spoil yourself TOO much. Kinda ruins the fun.
  15. If Dozla isn't dead then Dozla can't have a ghost, soooooo...
  16. Post and I'll give you a really nice compliment. <3 Post and I'll give you a message telling you to do something.
  17. not a splice, technically, but noteworthy nonetheless
  18. Post and I'll give you a wooden sign. Post and I'll give you the last blue kitty avatar?
  19. We've all been duped unless we all get Fee? FEE IS NOT GOOD AS DOZLA OR EVEN CLOSE YOU TRAITOR
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