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Everything posted by Chigai

  1. Hello, people of the roleplaying thread! Recently I and a few members have been holding an RP using Roll20, and because a few of them were disinterested after a while... They left. In their stead, we've decided to set up a recruitment thread! We're only accepting the best of the best, and for now, only 2 will be eligible to join us. This is... Sort of a mix between Warhammer: Fantasy and Fire Emblem: Awakening. If you require backstory on either, I will direct you to one of the people with us who is a buff on all of the lore of Warhammer. As for Awakening, you are free to message me. Fire Emblem: Ghosts of Altdorf currently has a liiiiiittle bit of plot so far. Here goes. Our story began with the adventures of a special few after the canonical events of Fire Emblem Awakening. During one of their own explorations they inadvertently brought the end of their own world as they bridged a connection to a land that knows only war. Their original timeline destroyed by the bane of all life marked by an 8 pointed star, chaos incarnate. They returned into the past of their own world by accident. Our heroes, done to one of the original group, must now try to save their own home's reflection before it suffers from the End of times. They are not alone in this task, as from the world they traveled to they have help from a land known simply as, The Empire, know for it's engineers, sorcerers, traders, and soldiers in the old world stands as a bastion of hope and courage in the trying times against Chaos, Greenskins, and vile dark gods. As the end of times draw nearer for both worlds, The Empire, and all of existence needs heroes like ever before, for the alternative is enslavement to the laughter of thirsting gods. Note that characters in this roleplay CAN AND WILL die. Our GM describes the enemy layout to be fitting for "Lunatic ++". Be wary. No, we won't reset, and no, we don't bring anybody back... Maybe. For your character application, we need information about the character, back story, class, and race. You will also need an account at roll20.net and, preferably, Skype. Your stats will be randomly calculated by dice once you are accepted. Our two people recruited will be decided by an anonymous user, decided by the quality of the character and their likelihood of fitting into the story. Don't be hurt if your character isn't chosen! Note: This is an RPG. We will actually be playing some mix between Fire Emblem and Warhammer Fantasy. The system leans more towards Fire Emblem. Other Note: Remember, any questions can be sent to me, and will be forwarded to the person deciding who gets in if necessary. EDIT: Whoops, almost forgot! The deadline for your character submission is Monday, August 24. EDIT 2: The deadline will be moved back if required and we are now accepting three characters. Good luck!
  2. Alvar: Do you demand to know such personal tastes from a man?
  3. Takao/Nori: Well... A social outcast who grew up to be both a priest and a thief? It's a half and half thing. Nori: Well, sometimes I just keep leading people on and lying to them and it gets a bit out of hand... Seiko: Er... I think I was actually about 4 years old and living in an orphanage by now. If only I knew where to find the orphanage... I could find myself! Baby me must have been SO cute! Alvar: Err... I'm... Let's leave that one for another time. Seiko: Well, you're just the cutest gal in the world!
  4. no character specified defaulting to Chigai Chigai: U-uh... No... My moral compass is generally to be nice to others...
  5. I guess I'm trying to write for some characters and try to get a hand of their dialogue and whatnot. And Tali made one, so technically I get to make one. The characters! xChigai-- A shy manakete of the moe tribe. Seems to hold a very high standing in the religion of Naga. xTakao-- Chigai's father. A 5,000 year old manakete who claims to hail from a place called Valentia. xNori-- Chigai's mother. A mysterious and cunning manakete hailing from Ylisse. xAlvar-- A mysterious man who claims to come from another world. Chigai's fiancé. xSeiko-- The adoptive child of Chigai and Alvar. A cheery and upbeat boy from the future. all of these have something to do with Chigai haha whoops oh well Ask awayyyy! (Click near their names to see some mugshots.)
  6. Um... R-red haired people just naturally combat blue-haired people! Didn't you ever study Wumbology?! THIS IS WHAT IS WAS ALL ABOUT!
  7. why do I feel so awful all the time I just want to be a good friend but I end up being offended and getting depressed and it's really getting to a point where I just wanna leave SF forever and I just hnnnng and whenever I start thinking about it I feel like someone who begs for attention and I just wish I could be a different person like you know what all I really want is a boyfriend and nobody close to me is gay and I'm just gonna lose it eventually oh my god I'm just so done with everything please I don't feel like I'm me any more help
  8. Probably a lot. Well. Honestly, Lupus. He's similar to Alvis. ... TOO similar. Emerald ;w;
  9. So, er, Hawke... G-got any "interest" in manaketes?
  10. Did you make a thread not thinking that people were going to ask you, "Why Laurent?" yes ;w;
  11. Ah, Tali... I-Is it true that humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they’re a part of something bigger! They want to blame all the world’s problems on a single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone’s control? Also why choose Laurent over some huge muscular axeman?
  12. Well, I mean, err... Board games aren't particularly my thing but lately I've been shown the world of "table top" games and I'm pretty interested. Well. This is a complicated one. Errrrr... Merric. I'd steal Merric's cloak and have it for myself! ... Except for that weird triangle hat thing. Kind of like elementary school lunch period?
  13. This is the only Ask Me Anything though, um... The others don't even exist (other than Tali's )
  14. So if all of our husbandos got into a fight, who would be the last two remaining? Dozla and Laurent get to sit out so they survive ;w;
  15. RIP my sleeping schedule ;w;"

    1. DreadFighterWillow


      Aaah ik the feels.

    2. Blitz


      what happened?

  16. Owain has been in so many answers here that I'll just say Cynthia. Cynthia would love that kind of stuff. WCWY slap across the face several times for little to no reason?
  17. He's my friend and my husband Was I friendzoned?
  18. I mean, it's pretty bad... And rude. Don't do it. It hurts people and makes them feel sad. thieves actually backstab people pretty often especially when we promote into assassins
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