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Everything posted by Sentacotus

  1. HOLY WHT THE FRICK? Thats awesome even though I do already have a physical DS version.
  2. Couple of things here. Just because you have a 9-5 does not mean you have to be miserable doing it. While its tiring it is possible to find fulfillment in what you do and get joy out of pushing yourself to develop professionally either through training, certifications, and even schooling. Perhaps I have a different perspective being in the IT field I always love learning to do new things and acquiring new skills. As for youtube/twitch being real job as you indicate. I would say that's not the intent behind it (you can make money from it maybe even a living which I'll get to in a minute). I mean lets face it you have to get 1000 views for maybe a dollar in ad revenue which is sketchy now given youtube's almost tyrannical and biased crackdown on everything not MSM. I suspect like most if not all people he just did it for fun as a thing to do and built up a base over time. I mean you listed off some of his experience he was working IT, then did alot of time at Sierra, and then did Real Estate now I'm not saying the guy's anywhere close to rich but I suspect he's also had time to build up savings and get established in life by working hard in those stable professions and on the side he did Youtube for fun, was very good at it, and built a following. Moral of the story? Is youtube made as a means for anyone who uploads to be able to make money? No. Is it made to provide a stable income. Hell no. Can some people be successful if they approach it with a no BS attitude, outline a business plan/plan of action, and produce high quality content daily? Sure. But then again that's pretty much the case with anything in life. They are just human I'm sure they get just as downtrodden, worn out, and tired of the mundanes of their Youtube stuff like anyone else at a "normal" job. You gotta remember as soon as you do something for a living it ceases to be a hobby and for fun and now its for keepsakes and gets serious. My dad makes amazing BBQ and knows the ins and outs of it as a hobby yet he never would want to do business with it aside from the liabilities it then becomes serious and therefore less for fun. I too watch MJR btw an amazing content creator.
  3. No problem. Might be worth checking Ebay as well compare it to Amazon. Awakening is a great game to get discounted even if its a used copy.
  4. Got rid of Twitter and my work is allowing access to the forums (for now).  So I'll be more active on here.  Good to be back.

  5. There's used copies on Amazon for about $27. You could also look up local retro game stores (non retail like Gamestop). While they are not guaranteed to have it they might at a lower price. 2nd and Century is pretty cool I have one right by me. You could also check out eStarland. I believe you can order from them online but I haven't done so I usually drive up there. https://www.estarland.com/search?q=fire+emblem+awakening
  6. Lets be honest though the best ship of all time is Wii Fit Trainer x Olimar.
  7. Yeah it was from Melee really liked using Roy and Marth was kinda cool too. I saw a advertisement for Fire Emblem on the GBA (Blazing Sword) in a well put together booklet for GCN and GBA and decided to get it. Legit thought Eliwood was Roy at the time.
  8. Lower reps higher in weight if you're looking to build strength and get a little more muscle mass. (though starting out don't overdo it for obvious reasons) Use a spotter especially starting out. Don't skip leg day no matter how much it sucks. Take your protein though not too much. You want to be at a 3:1 ratio carbs to protein and try to keep the protein shake intake between 20-22g as thats about how much your body can absorb at a time the rest just ends up getting wasted.
  9. I'd totally be down for a classical ancient theme. Centurions style units, Cretan archers, War elephants it would be exciting!
  10. Matt Mercer, Laura Bailey, and Kyle Herbert were always easy to pick out for me
  11. Its funny because honestly I cared way more when But yes Gladio is so swoll he could get any chick he wanted
  12. I would say anyone who is a commoner or coming of age story its more relatable so Ike/Alm. I do also like Lucina's time traveling with the other kids to try to prevent the apocalypse Terminator/DBZ Trunks style.
  13. Of course I don't think anybody wouldn't want them. Its just a matter of what you want first the earlier games like 4 and 5 or Tellius?
  14. Ocarina of Time and MM on N64 especially after the 3DS remake their polygonal textures did not age well at all. Plus the touch screen to switch those damn iron boots is a life saver
  15. Because they are done in just about every game. In a game where tactics and one on one engagements are important it essentially devolves into 4 OP lord units gang up on dragon healer out of range and kill dragon.
  16. 1.Favorite Wii U Pro Controller and Xbox 360 controller both just felt so perfect Least Fav PS1 and PS2 I could never get used to them at all especially once Halo got me into habits for FPSs 2. Wireless 3. Not really I'm more into the games and systems themselves though I suppose if I saw something cheap I would.
  17. I think there is a case to be made for Madden 2008.
  18. Honestly I don't particularly care for them one way or another. Though lets be honest FFXV is the best bromance out there.
  19. I think I speak for all of us when I say we need Great Saiyaman. Matter of fact make him Yamcha game breaking tier ;)
  20. Tellius remasters would be great as far as F-zero GX goes I'd rather them VC it and make a new follow up F-zero game entirely. GX was released like what 2003? I'll get out the sad violin now...
  21. Here's a better question what else is left? I can only think of that would feasibly be brought over would be Smash 4, Mario Maker, and Xenoblade X
  22. Honestly in my book Smash 4 was really good I'm not sure what else there is to add. Obviously some balancing tweaks here and there but really where else could we go? We could get a more complex and established combo system but then it would be more like other 2D fighters like Street Fighter which is not really what Smash is about. Maybe more single player modes? Something I'd like to see on the Switch in general and something that Smash is great for would be an achievement system that displays with your profile. Could be everything from single player challenges to winning a certain amount online matches in a row. Might be neat.
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