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Everything posted by Sentacotus

  1. Yeah it really depends on your situation. For me I held off a long while on getting a Switch mostly because I couldn't find one. I actually got BoTW first on Wii U and then picked up a discounted used copy at a local game shop for my Switch. For me the Switch was a big convenience because I work a job with a bit of a commute now and I also get in earlier than I need to so I'm on the go more often to me the Switch was a godsend. As for the cost I think its priced right where it should be for the base hardware. To me the biggest cost comes with the SD card you know you will have to get if you plan on having anything digital. Hell (excuse the pun) I even got Doom physically and there is still a 8GB install. Plus there are other accessories like the pro controller a power add on (optional obviously) and soon you are up to potentially 450. If I do remember correctly though when the Wii U came out at first the 32GB model was 350 while the white base model of 8GB was 300. *Pro tip by the way if you are looking to save on a spare charger on the go the S8/S8+ phone chargers which also use USB Type C work on the Switch.
  2. Definitely looks cool. Hopefully it doesn't fall victim to the micro transaction plague seeming to go around with multi player titles. Moreover I hope they don't pull a Street Fighter V with little in the way of single player. SCII was the only one I really got into and that had a plethora of modes in it. Mitsurugi looks like a bamf by the way although a bit young.
  3. It will be awesome BoTW was a great start on where to take the franchise if they can build up from that base and fix some of the flaws with it like having more people to interact with, ability to customize/fix weapons, better dungeons they will really have something special on their hands.
  4. I'll mention games other than Fire Emblem since this is well a FE Forum. GBA: Leaf Green/Fire Red: great remasters of timeless classics Metroid Fusion: kinda semi difficult but a great metroid Metroid Zero Mission: A wonderful remake of the original Metroid with a extra level at the end F-Zero GP Legend: A average but fun racing game think with a story mode and all DS: Chrono Trigger: a great way to get the physical game without spending an arm or leg Pokemon Heart Gold/ SS: Still the best gen and set of pokemon games IMO Super Mario 64 DS: I always liked playing as the different characters in the 64 game and the mini game room Any Castlevanias: They are all very good and its honestly hard for me to pick one though portrait of ruin i think might be my fav
  5. Regardless I think its great news for the N. While they do screw up from time to time I really do think the way they are handling the Switch is moving in the right direction. Hopefully these sales figures encourages Nintendo to keep drinking whatever is in the waters there.
  6. They can be nice especially the ones offering up physical goodies but typically now in days just getting a physical game with its case is more than enough for me.
  7. I would have to go with Nohr Corrin the most though thats mostly because of how badly Nohr's path is written out as a whole.
  8. Its actually kinda weird dynamic with me. Now I'm out in the real world earning and saving up my own money. I usually wait awhile to get games either on a steam sale or once they've gone down in price. Yet this seems to still grow my backlog. I find myself spreading my time across many titles at once. Also with working IT and all I find myself console gaming again more since the last thing I wanna do after long patching and SA work is sit in front of another screen. I've also wasted tons of hours using my Roku streaming anime netflix etc because after most long days I just want to lay back.
  9. I'm glad you enjoy it. It definetely is a time sinker for sure! So much to see and do hell theres even that adventurer cave mini game that is big on its own.
  10. Fair enough i know they are side titles and all but for example Reindhardt was announced for Heroes and a bunch of people flipped out and liked the guy and i'm just sitting over here wondering where he came from. I do own echoes, warriors,and heroes along with all of the other titles back to FE7 maybe its just me gaming less in general.
  11. Now I very much realize that this might be because I'm out in the real world adulting, paying bills and rent, and working a job during the week but anyone else feel like Fire Emblem is a bit hard to keep up with these days? I mean I still love it don't get me wrong but it seems like every time I turn around there is a new character announced for Heroes or something that I have never heard of. Its kinda like with how Pokemon was to me after like the 4th gen I just lost track (hell I don't even know what gen they are on now). Anyone else run into this?
  12. I'd probably get it digitally since I already own a physical copy on the Wii U
  13. I got it last week at bestbuy for 30 bucks seems like a fun game I'm just trying to find the time to play it.
  14. I was kinda half joking I do think it was kinda odd to have all of the build up in the Cell saga to make him stronger than Goku and be the next in line so to speak after he died against Cell. I do kinda think he couldn't quite figure out what he wanted to do with Gohan. On one hand he was built up so well against Cell stopped training and got weaker then gets a massive buff to be as strong as if not stronger than SSJ3 Goku to get beat the episode after. But I'm getting a little off topic lol.
  15. Ahhhh Mystic Gohan the Gohan we all wanted but books and Chi Chi ruined.
  16. Very cool i the VC game on steam and it seems like a perfect fit for the Switch glad to see its third party line up expand more!
  17. I love it just as my general go to gaming forum. Sure i know that the core of it is Fire Emblem which i also love but i love going on here to just discuss about games and sometimes even anime. Its a community that has many different gaming opinions, civil, with a touch of humourous shitposting. My kinda place...
  18. I have it on my PC and loved it so much i got it on my Switch a perfect kind of game for the console imo.
  19. Final Fantasy XV: how past chapter 6 the game becomes locked on a linear path granted you can go back after completing it but the way you do it is so hidden and convoluted. Breath of The Wild: Dungeons are underwhelming and i feel story could have been a little better. Fire Emblem Fates Conquest: Story. I dont get this concept of only wound the other team and having no consequence to Corrins actions. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: i feel like the devs couldnt decide who to focus on so they decided to switch who you play as every couple of chapters and parts. I'm sure i have more but thats off the top of my head.
  20. Hmmm didn't know Tekken really wanted Sasuke in their game....
  21. Is it just me or do i like just finding all of the purple coins to get the neat outfits and collectables already have all of the stickers just need a few more souvenirs and an outfit here asnd there.
  22. That and he appears before critcal points like the bridge in Cerulean lol
  23. For me its a toss up between Zelda and Fire Emblem leaning more towards Zelda. Others I like are Halo, Metroid, and I guess Smash.
  24. If the DLC is like an expansion pack in the days of old (think like what Yuri's Revenge was to Red Alert 2) in which its either a new game altogether or adds actual gameplay elements to the game I have no issue with it being 15-20 bucks where I take issue is this trend of microtransactions to simply play the game or pay to win.
  25. The new NBA 2K game should be startling sure its just EA and a sports game but I wouldn't doubt other companies taking the same approach lets hope not.
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