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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. i dunno, haven't played it i play hisoutensoku tho oh What type of beer? Brown? Blonde? Strong? Light? Specific brand? What about your fries? Thick? Thin? What size of package? What sauce with that? tell me the specifics
  2. "Shut up, asshole, I know where you life. I'll beat your face in." "The hell is wrong with you you stupid whore?! Talking shit to people?!" "Stay out of it, Belgian. Or maybe you wanna (I have no idea what fittie means tbh lol)" "I'll remodel your face, Netherlander"
  3. Kgoa je mulle bewerkn da gaak doen jn hollander. what does that even mean tho
  4. Ey wadde is da me joen je dwoazn oere?! Betje felle beginn klappn tege de menshn?! That's right. In Tekken you stay on the ground. I prefer the air
  5. i love juggling people as marth and lucina
  6. first thing I see is Kamina glasses and think kamuina
  7. it was basically that but on the windshield Correct 'morning
  8. no M16's work too but the birds have a 80% dodge rate it's the weapon triangle coathanger -> bird -> M16 -> coathanger
  9. i was actually able to keep sort of straight for a while with chuckles but the bird on the windshield near the end fucking KILLED ME
  10. every time i see a bird i get vietnam flashbacks
  12. Same. But it should be clearing anytime now :V
  13. fucking damn it now i can't stop laughing WELP THERE GOES SLEEP
  14. the horse dances you dance on top of the horse you play a set of strapped on drums while dancing
  15. if my paypal didn't update by now i'm going to bed EDIT: fuk you paypal
  16. well it comes in handy being the only somewhat japanese speaking user in some forums it does let me have some good lulz with friends when they try to do it Friend: SHIMESHIMESHIMESHIMESHIMESHIME Me: Excuse me, I think you meant shine as in "die". You're just going TIGHTER TIGHTER TIGHTER TIGHTER
  17. I can't read kanji for one My japanese is rather broken, so I tend to prefer having someone else do it :V I salvaged this half off someone else's attempt and half off my own version. Like I translated what they SAY in the FEi trailer and when shadowofchaos' translation came out I guess I wasn't FAR OFF but still not that well done
  18. So I added English subtitles and I found the name and shit
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