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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. why would you want me to give you something like that
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcGPYxpPt6Q bitch does she look like shes joking
  3. Fire Emblem if: NEE-SAN Y cousincest isn't technically incest in japan iirc
  4. Fire Emblem if: Nohr Fire Emblem if: Hoshido Fire Emblem if Limited Edition: Pick a Waifu and Pray that she isn't Your Sister
  5. Youtube just seriously recommended my own channel to me
  6. Well my rips aren't the greatest but they're always first
  7. Ugh what a night My mother got drunk and, after both my parents told me more about my family history, went on about how I don't care about my grandparents (I do, I visit them once in a while, but they're a town away and I really prefer to go with my childhood friend as a buffer since he's so good at talking, which I'm not, tho they don't mind), which basically turned into a discussion since my dad defended me on it and my mom is real stubborn when she's drunk, literally ignoring what we say. That and I feel treated like a kid despite me literally being an adult and I hate that shit. On the flipside, I learned that I'm the only child of a dirtpoor and a rich family. Apparantly if it weren't for a small mistake my grandparents made, I'd be the heir to millionairs.
  8. apparantly according to my friend my fire (irony) safari has charmeleon
  9. well i like boobs like any other dude or in some cases chicks maybe it's just a little too much for me
  10. am i the only one who doesn't get the appeal of camilla i dunno maybe i'm just not a fan of the big boobie lady characters felicia is so cute tho
  11. *twirls through pages* Oh that's fine I like Sebastian
  12. Well what a morning. My report improved since last time so I guess that's okay... Still need to push a bit. I also bought the first volume of Black Butler on my way back since I've been meaning to try it out.
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