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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. I can't believe they actually made Sephiroth a hidden boss in FFXV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHpsty9LJb4
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckscJTLVETA&feature=youtu.be Come at me Arc Police That makes 3 BBCPE songs I've arrived first with on Youtube
  3. Did you go through Artorias' story before the fight?
  4. I've never seen a more accurate representation of the Sif boss fight
  5. I just saw my clock jump from 2 to 3 AM and was confused as all hell
  6. ikr I should be an Atlus employee
  7. i doubt that I think it's just a tic I have because my dad always had fancy names for our internet connections Ascalon is the lance/sword Saint George used to defeat a dragon I feel like the name symbolizes human willpower and strength
  8. I noticed I have an odd tendency to name all my hardware "ASCALON", as in "ASCALON-PC", "ASCALON-TAB", "ASCALON-MOBILE" So I did the insane thing make my own logo for it and steal find an avatar for it and then make backgrounds for my hardware and just linking that shit cus bg's are large. PC, Tablet Locked, Tablet Unlocked and Phone in order http://oi62.tinypic.com/162a98p.jpg http://oi60.tinypic.com/33xzj8x.jpg http://oi61.tinypic.com/hvcu9s.jpg http://oi57.tinypic.com/bfon6t.jpg
  9. i got my old save file to run again where is your motivation hue hue hue hue hue
  10. oh man the new cordelia lucina amiibo sure is looking good
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4l7urSSiC8
  12. that's not how you spell code geass
  13. Evenings make you feel three times sicker
  14. does that make me the prince of heroes and the other princesses the princesses of heroes
  15. all these princesses and i'm the only prince i feel small
  16. I'm just guessing with #RR's arrows, he's in that area somewhere afaik. I'm the furthest away ;w;
  17. Hunh... Wasn't it suicide? After locking the pilot out of the cockpit.
  18. it takes one to know and i don't even know i made the sig from an image online it's because we're europeans English is easy for us to learn not only because it's so widely used, but also because our dialects have hints of it.
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