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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. but do you have a cute maid catgirls are overrated ye that's what I thought
  2. Maybe when you give me my stuff back
  3. there's actually a half decent fanfic where jin and lancer fight https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6353529/6/Fate-Calamity-Trigger Felicia is best maid
  4. how did you know no u waifu pride I learn from the best stabbers put down the tree branch boy
  5. *points at waifu list* i'm sure that thing is drenched in my blood by now :'V
  6. sophie nee-san's too busy torturing me to find pics of the boobie lady
  7. yes that one person bby come back
  8. what did that whirl ever do to you it's not cheating it's a harem
  9. Today on HHH Yuki's sex life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn-enjcgV1o
  10. i'll 6/10 u a nee-san who doesn't stab me..?
  11. my dashing good looks and fine taste
  12. is that a yes to being one of my nee-sans or being in my arms *holding out maid uniform* Do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd5wObme1EU "I couldn't... Get the harem ending..!.."
  13. i'll call nee-san bby there's room for more than one person in my arms <3
  14. she's my virtual waifu you're my real waifu husbando bby EDIT: why is this happening to me
  15. I'll S rank her every day of the week son This waifu be mine
  16. I need to know on which route I can max between Kamui and Felicia so I can pick male on it
  17. [23:43:11] TheYukianesa: there is no more art [23:43:43] Sophiaஜீ: Is that giving up? stab [23:44:27] TheYukianesa: ;____; nee-sannnn yyyyy [23:44:33] TheYukianesa: i can't magically conjure up imagessssss [23:44:49] Sophiaஜீ: WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING [23:44:57] TheYukianesa: I haaaave ;A; [23:45:11] Sophiaஜீ: WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING AGAIN [23:46:07] TheYukianesa: B-B-BUT it's siblingual i swear no i won't
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