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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Guys lets talk about the real god tier char now shall we ok i actually rarely play him
  2. no carl is a better puppeteer than ken just not a better character you actually have to know what your doing to play carl
  3. Ken's setups are crazy good and he's still a worse puppeteer char than relius or carl
  4. I actually yused to play yu in p4a but he was so disgustingly good i migrated to mitsuru who was also disgustingly good so i migrated to yosuke, naoto and aki and then i swapped to the sho's in p4au i pick up yu or shadow yu for a good troll tho i can play any char relatively ok (not a big accomplishment considering)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYbQ3vjZDGU Here's the two people I usually play with. He never uploads anything of me but I'd consider myself slightly below their level
  6. what colour do you have in BBCP's online mode if any of you have dark blue i'm gonna beat the hell out of you to get my green back after my horrid start into CP
  7. salt is bad for your body, bitterness isn't your dp button can't save you now I can play tommorow afternoon/evening if anything. I kinda have to hit the sack right now.
  8. i wouldn't actually know i don't have dough for Xrd ;A; though a friend brought it over and most of my Accent Core shit still worked for Ky so
  9. I like it more in BBCP than in Ultimax or Xrd :V i'd advise against playing me then :VVV Frosted Ezreal is best though I play some Redeemed Riven and Ashe on the side
  10. relius was fairly okay tho oh because uh idk i don't really like versus in that game and people get mad at me when i play against them i hope you don't play competitively the rust is real Frosted Ezreal
  11. son i deserve that high tier DO YOU EVEN REALISE THE STRUGGLES I HAD IN EXTEND edit: Terumi's j.5D>j.2D revolver bullshit is gonna mess with my head in 2.0
  12. terumi was never good tho you just pressed buttons and got control of the match shotsfired if you think that's bad Kagura got completely neutered lol. I sub Terumi and Kagura and main Jin so Jin is the only stick I have to lean on.
  13. if you like ROCK N ROLL and METAL alongside classical styled 1v1 2D fighters then I'd say it's up your alley when whenever i'm challenged and free :P
  14. you can do shadow world too and there's another song but I forget which one it depends on which persona button (or both) you push yeah that's also the only reason I play Rise sometimes Ky/Sin masterraces
  15. well that's basically why I still have the game i'm just poking fun at the fact that the game isn't really "good" i'm the kinda guy that would buy dancing all night without thinking twice
  16. you mean the most unbalanced arc game out there with its free DP button and autocombo bullcrap pick yu or mitsuru to win yeee, I have the game too but it's almost too painful to play from a competitive perspective (especially if you put it next to Arc's better games like BlazBlue or Guilty Gear) to the point where my sensei and rival even sold it off i main the sho's btw :V
  17. I was half expecting a laser to randomly fire through me I need to stop playing LoL lately
  18. trying to catch up with my animu before the backlog gets too great equal for games keeping my blazblue skills sharp virtual office internship school work friends in general nagging me to do things
  19. too much things to do all at once i haven't even touched my books in months
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