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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. >opens facebook >sees new elesis DK official art >yo i need to make a sig out of this
  2. hi damian *hears bell* oh.. well.. bye damian
  3. And now I'm so bored again that I'm actually studying for the test next hour. Worrying about tests gives me a strange sense of thrill. while i could just browse the net
  4. Well this day is turning out interesting.
  5. I'm gonna make my password "incorrect" so that every time I forget, it'll tell me "Your password is incorrect."
  6. I was actually reminded of Band of Brothers now ...*gets out collection case*
  7. i love this and lol two red mages both ice masters
  8. rin is superior in every way though
  9. she's actually sitting seiba does it straight
  10. Wall of text ahead People are nice I guess. It's... Odd to explain, I guess it's sort of an atmosphere. We tend to have pretty gray or rainy weather in Flanders above all. I mean there are still nice people, but everything is very impersonal. Thanks to our overly lenient systems, we have a lot of people from the middle-east or nearby coming into Belgium who are, more than usually, just here to take advantage of said lenient systems. Mind I know a lot of good people that are foreigners, but the majority is undeniably here just because it's easier. I don't blame those people, I'd do the same, but a lot of them don't even bother learning our language, western beliefs or culture or even some common sense (Russian girl in my class is 22... While the rest of us are becoming 19. And she's literally the dumbest person I have ever met). They also get priority above people that really need the help they're snatching up (mom's friend is a widow with two kids and no home, has to go on a waitlist. Foreigner drops in, gets a place to stay instantly.) and tend to be pretty... Arrogant or rebellious. I see gangs of Armenian 19yo's in black BMW's all over the place and acting like snobs. I guess this sort of makes a disconnect between not only Belgians and foreigners but teenagers and adults. And because of the quick technological developement, people get even more disconnected. I've seen 8 year olds brag violently about a soccer game and spend the whole time on a smartphone. Besides that... Just parenting in general being pretty crap. My dad got hit in the face by a motorcycle helmet while just strolling, and the dad of the guy who did it DEFENDED it. tl;dr: Gray/rainy weather, annoying foreigners, technological developement, bad parenting and a heavy disconnect between people because of all of it. wat
  11. nowhere to be see in gray belgium :V
  12. We started watching all of our presentations that we'd be hosting on Safer Internet Day in class today, and one group (Privacy) set up a site that checks how strong passwords are (yay i got 100%). My classmate talking then says "I actually connected this PC to my PC at home and got all your passwords". People start getting nervous and I just start laughing like an idiot because I know the school servers (even tried breaking into (or out of) some of them sometimes) and know that's just impossible. Red Mage is my soul class I'm really good at a lot of things on the fly but I can never seem to hone my skills and then people pass me by literally with everything all my life
  13. I was just about to say "that looks kinda like koto koto's stuff"
  14. "Favorite Colour: Grape Purple, Royal Blue, Crimson Red, Olive Green" i'm very picky
  15. Blue is the colour of true men and women
  16. #TeamBlue Same :V Supposedly. :VVVV
  17. Oh. I also checked on Marth Hunt today again. Still no Marth. ...But I got Zelda :V Owch. It'll pass, I guess?
  18. oh hey CA is out february 11th shweet
  19. you're either getting rekt by Saiki or Dark Ash otherwise you have no excuse :V
  20. Ciel >>>>>>>>>>>>> Lu & everyone else
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