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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. It's a nice timesink if anything. I originally picked it up for the art but I ended up really liking it.
  2. In other news, I need to start grinding through dungeons in Elsword again. I've been neglecting it for a few days and I don't want my clothes to burn off. after i make pancakes or, well, crêpes technically
  3. no, not really but I guess it's fun to do anyhow
  4. tablet what have you doooooone YOU BROKE THE MATRIX I MUST TRY TO FIX IT oh hey it randomly fixed itself :u unless Dusk had anything to do with it
  5. Damnit this tablet keeps double clicking I keep having to wait 5 min to friend people djzkenfkenfiznfjfj heya Pierre
  6. I was about to ask why you posted in bright red lol
  7. I had to drop my Kamui for a bit since I agreed in on a friends KLK theming. But anyway, if you're curious, you should check out the Hello Hi Hey topic in Far from the forest. It's a chat topic. :D

    1. stitchedwithlove


      Ah ha ha, fair enough. I'll probably always remember you as Kamui. :P

      Ooh, I will go check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. Starman


      i 2nd this

      She was pretty nice last time, it be cool for her to stop by again! owo)b

  8. I guess my morning is far too early for most of America to wake up, haha.
  9. Absolutely. I have a bad habit of being on my tablet too long. Goodnight everyone!
  10. Haven't you ever wanted to kill a man with a pelvic thrust
  11. Thanks bruh I spent half an hour looking through pixiv yours is manly
  12. My Skype name and username is the same as my username here Feel free to pick between Yuki, Jin and Robin. Some people call me Yukia too i guess lol
  13. ok well if everyone is joining i want in too :V
  14. Kim it is then still getting used to names
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