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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. i actually like twilight princess tho
  2. and shadow the hedgehog and sonic lost world and sonic genesis and sonic drift
  3. www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTeNnP_JUJU big rigs
  4. 1v1 me marth vs lucina whats ur nnid
  5. at least marths dagger isnt blunt at the tip :VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV >plays lucina too
  6. i would if marth didnt get slammed into the ground
  7. Shock is right, you lose appetite after a nap
  8. you mooch off the class nerd cats always make funny faces id know i have one except mine always wants to fight me (fun and games, i can feel that he's not biting to injure me compared to his angry moments) and because of that im the only one in the house that can handle him
  9. I'm always reminded of this when paper cuts are brought up
  10. Sweet wait doesn't that ..nevermind
  11. does it come with free sunglasses tho
  12. hello there I'm Yuki it needs more love
  13. >yuri i lold harder than i should have http://elsword.removedfromgame.com/
  14. Good evening Hey- *hides all Chrom stuff* Hey Sophie :D
  15. he would be if i knew wether to put him on the waifu or husbando list
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