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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. He's my favorite piece of paper D':<
  2. It's amazing how I play 2 maps of FE and see that this thread suddenly has 2 extra pages
  3. well they're like ...sticks :V its like having a little piece of bamboo with long splinters as legs stuck to you
  4. My old chem teacher had a whole collection of those branch like insect things. Some kept escaping and crawling on us. Kinda fun.
  5. B-but... they took the time to name it Falchion so...
  6. Question why isn't the Falchion a falchion
  7. Hi damian and hello sara :3 I was so absorbed in smash I didnt notice lol
  8. I retract my earlier statement i hate all pokemon in smash
  9. ;_____; the mighty ice prince, yuki
  10. ino just sayin it's not neccesarily wrong but i'm not like that all the time maybe i'm a bit nervous about it cus im a newbie :V
  11. well umm i promise i'm not as much of a tit as my results make me out to be ;w; I think only go super cereal modo when I feel like a friend is being disrespected. If I'm disrespected I lol it off =w= My worst moment was when... Well long story short there was a guy on a forum that constantly lied and tried to get attention and he started involving my sis and talking behind her back when she was busy with me or other friends sooooo we had a long talk i kind of made him snap, break down and leave the forum even now when he sees me elsewhere he starts whining and lying :V but that's literally my worst moment I'M NAWT A BAD GUY BEFRIEND MEH
  12. well dayum i mean i know i can be a "screw the world" person but i never had someone read it off me straight off the bat
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genuflection ...it was? :'V
  14. I dunno, does anyone top "Fuck the world I need a best friend"
  15. obv Shinmai Maou no Testament forgive me
  16. why do i look like such a sour person compared to everyone else's results
  17. That was some mindwarping shit I guess... W-Well... This is... Strangely accurate...
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