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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/TheYukianesa i was joking :'V
  2. Well I wish you all a good day if anything lol. I'm gonna catch up with my anime.
  3. Hey everyone. I conked out since my last post and just woke up again, about 2PM.
  4. The Dutch name for it is actually "The Genius in the Mousetrap" randomtrivia
  5. Yeah... I don't blame them though, I know how it must look. It's like 8.47AM here lol
  6. Bleh, feeling kinda crappy. Just got hit by the flu like a jackhammer. I don't even have the energy to grab my phone (my tablet was next to me). But that's not the worst the worst thing is that by staying home for this I'm once again ditching my classmates during virtual office. I get sick frequently during winter but they might think I'm just playing, same with the teachers. oh and 'morning
  7. and now i depart for the land of dreams to be rudely woken up by an alarm clock g'night
  8. the one i have here is technically oudated
  9. >points at literal waifu list on my profile
  10. how dare you ill have you kn-- ok you're right i don't
  11. same. I got ash and kula but s'about it. do i play all the games you guys play
  12. Well I'll need to get used to melty I'm a jack of all trades but I'm playing like 7,5 fighting games and a bunch of other crap D':
  13. I'll look into it when I'm on my PC again
  14. https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/download.aspx it's basically direct IP to IP connection you only have to free up a port to host a match by which i mean you have to host because i can't open ports for some danged reason no matter how hard me or my dad try
  15. CCCaster? no actually I usually use hamachi :V if he plays sonic i'll resign right here
  16. that we should I play current code rev1.4 btw
  17. i would but i'm actually about to shut my pc down and switch to my tablet i play H-moons Shiki Nanaya and seifuku Akiha bet you didn't see that coming
  18. there's such a thing as blazblue pve? i mean there's the cpu but y'know ok fite me in smash ): Ice Pride
  19. fight me in blazblue chronophantasma ;D I tend to MVP a lot more with my Blazing Heart than most classes I've partied up with tho Chung (by that i mean his only good advancement) is pretty good too. but i'm the ICE prince nobody wants to touch cold metal
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