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Nanami Touko

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Posts posted by Nanami Touko

  1. This was going to work. It had to work. The people around Kazran were falling, even his beloved wretch... Which meant she had to do her part. "KazRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" All she needed was his attention, as her hand came up, and a dark energy swirled around her fingers... Nothing left her hand, no blast, no spell, but her eyes glowed, red, burning, as the cold around the man crept in and the shadows grew. "You die. You die you die you die you die...!"

    Sylmaria idle and HEX Kazran

  2. Cerea's arrows stung, but nothing would stop here. She was here to do this... Kazran could wait. Cereza had to go. But, first-- "taking that for the elf," she yanked the silver sword from Talulah's grasp and pulled out an arrow. "Mom, I made it... I made it, and I'm going to show these people what a real Islexian is made of...!"

    Lati to 19,27, trade Silver Sword from Talulah, Killer recurve into Cereza!

  3. "黙れ!!!" Kazue barked back at the comms, eyes glaring daggers towards the machine that handled communications... "YOU do not know what that damn kitsune wants of us! All we have been told is your past and that she would attack this place today, and here they are! We play her game! I will do what I must... She does not know what I aim to do and it will throw her scheme into disarray-- I will not play this creature's game!" Kazue shut off her comms completely, focusing on the enemies in front of her. She just had to break through...

  4. "What-- Hey!" Talulah was stunned by the sudden sword thrust upon her by the... elf? It was a wonderful sword, for sure, but... "What in the world...? Fie, if I must..."

    Talulah to 18,27, silver sword end Fighter #11

    "Rrhhnn... Stupid, magic, work when I need you to...!" Sylm shook her hand, but the sparks continued to zap around it, unable to form a spell. Kazran's screaming was nothing but the final cries of a cornered beast to her. He would die all the same... "But I need you to work..."

    Sylm to 16,27

    "Hey, Tasha, wait up!"

    Alvira rushes to 19,21

  5. The Kn rumbled, partly due to her charge, partly do to the return strikes from nearby machines, but none of them were near strong enough to pierce the ablative armor. "Kn, reversing thrusters for another charge!" The announcement from the battleship came in nice and clear, Selu nodding and open broadcasting her own message to the machines in close proximity. "This is Warrant Officer Sélumine Binoal, and this is your last chance to disarm and surrender, Callistan rebels! Do not underestimate the firepower of a prototype!"

    Selu to 5,13, ram into REM 2!

    "Eject, NOW!"

    "Like that call for surrender will ever work," Louise muttered with a groan, pushing her machine forward some. "Bright eyes to Sunrise Squad," a terribly cliché name, given the ship's own moniker, but the military loved its funny callsigns, "incoming Arde models. Looks to be light on the mobile engagement weaponry, so bait their ranges and blow them up. Snipers on the ridges... Be careful on the approach. Bright Eyes out."

    Louise to 29,16

    "龍 が 和が を 食らう!"

    Kazue had her plan in mind, but that didn't mean leaving her allies high and dry, rocketing up the cliff side into one of the enemy models!

    Kazoo to 29,9, heat halberd into the Lancer-S!

  6. "Looks like we got here right on time for the party!" Versaris ran into the room just as the man bellowing from ahead let his voice be heard. "Charming. Excuse me, miss, you look a bit undergeared."

    Versaris to 14,26, trade Silver sword to Talulah

    "And I don't think I'll be needing it for this rabble, so keep an eye on it for me, would you?"

    Iron sword stick Merc#13

    "Aly, take care of the other one, would you!?" In truth, he could feel the magic radiating almost sickeningly off of the woman's sheathed blade. Hopefully an alternative means she won't resort to that... And, I'll have to ask Tio why magic is suddenly more sensitive for me. So many new things today...

    "Knock knock!"

    Cass to 29,8, crack a skull with her swordreaver!

    "It's the Gaffneys, and they're fucking pissed!"

    "Rrrr, so loud... So boisterous, annoying, ringing in my ears... The only loud sound I want to hear is--"

    M to 28,9, bang! Into the myrm

  7. While that barking might've intimidated some and invigorated their opposition, it only served to steel Lati's will further. "Yeah. Yeah, you're here. This is the day that I put this behind me and make this name worth something."

    Lati spends her double move to 19,25

    "Cereza!" Lati wasn't going to be Sylmaria. She wasn't going to make this a shouting match. That wasn't her way of doing things... "You know who I am! You knew my mother." She pulled her greatbow off of her shoulder, an arrow in the other hand. "And you know she was always a better shot than you... Come on. We're Islexians. You gonna follow that worthless oaf's orders, charge down my allies, waste your talent on the rabble? Or are you gonna prove that you were the right choice for him. Make good on all your did to my mother. Come on, Cereza! Fix your mistakes! She lived. I was born. You gonna let that go?"

    "Hello, shining and golden. We meet again~ It must be fate... Or you, must be incredibly strong. You wanna keep showing off that strength? Gotta say, really loving your work." Krystal pressed a hand against Miria's arm and stroked along it to her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Gimme more of a show, would you~?"

    Krystal to 28,14, rizz up Miria

  8. "Foolish girl...!" Talulah rushed ahead of Sylmaria, shoving the dragon back some... She'd succeeded in her attack, but wounded as she was, her life was in serious danger. "Come, soldiers of Kazran! You will find I do not bend so easily..."

    Talulah to 14,27, shove Sylm

  9. "I'm perfectly healthy now, Aly, thanks to Renais, so I'll be shutting up even less... Sounds like the fun's just getting started ahead of us. Wouldn't want to miss it, yes?"

    Sari moves to 13,23

    "Cereza..." Lati's blood began to boil, her calm exterior remaining, but her eyes growing sharp, her body tensing. "I'll kill you."

    With heavy steps, Lati equips steel greatbow, double moves to 17,23

    Sylmaria took the ballista bolt in stride, clutching onto the arm that was struck for only a moment, letting the blood run down it, forcing a clenched fist. It stung, it screamed at her, but it was the kind of pain she needed to kick her adrenaline back into what little action she could muster. "You'll DIE like the rest you crowing WITCH! None of them have stopped us! You are not special! You will NOT BE DIFFERENT!

    Sylmaria to 14,26, BLAST Wyvern #6!

    "Mrah!? Mrrhn, Seila... You've been real focused, huh. No time for your pretty kitty... But, we're in the middle of a battle, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. Feeling okay as I can be, now... I'm surprised these losers are going down as easily as they are. For a first job, this one really takes the cake on showing our worth." She swung two fists quickly into the air, smirking. "And there aren't any more around to keep showing off on~ What a let down, ehh? Leaves me wondering what else is hiding in this place... So let's kick some doors down."

    Amera gives Seila a quick kiss before rushing for 27,12

    "Eugh, battlefield love..."

    M moves to 26,11

    "Ahh, battlefield love~"

    Krystal moves to 24,13

    "Great teamwork, Roxy." Cass patted her on the shoulder, huffing, but plenty alive, and with plenty more in the tank. "I'm sure my brother is routing them on the other side as we speak... Kazran really looked down on the Gaffneys. That was his first, and last mistake... Now. Let's go find out what secrets he's hiding around here while he breaths his last, shall we?"

    Cass to 26,11, Physic Roxy

    "Eyes are open, Natalya. Don't worry." Alvira moves with the tiger, not knowing what she was thinking, but thinking the same as well. Probably has the people he trusts the most closest to him... The strongest people, because that's all this damn country cares about. Might makes right. She quickly flipped through her light tome... It was on its last legs. Something that Tio would probably be happy about, but nothing that helped her in the moment. "Let's get this show over with..."

    Alvira to 20,13


  10. Louise had been going over things in her head ever since that damned fox revealed Leon's identity. For one, she'd been right to feel wary of him, and it was both vindicating and upsetting to know that. For two... Sia must have known. She'd shut down the thread as quickly as she could, and didn't seem at all surprised by the reveal. Why was he here, then? Some CEN deal? Frustrating. Frustrating frustrating frustrating... What do you see in him, Sia? A former mercenary, and not just any sell-sword, the scum of Earth, from one of the worst mercenary families in history... Why? He's changed his tune, so he deserves a second chance? They're MURDERERS! Not the fancy, military regulated kind, the kind that kill civilians, non-combatants, anyone that gets in their way! So why!? Because he's hot!? Because he regrets it!? Ugh. Ugh! Disgusting, disgusting, awful awful awful, I hate this! I hate him! ... I hate feeling like this. I'm going to be sick...

    Her head spun, as orders to launch arrived. It wouldn't do anything to keep spinning over this. Asking Sia wouldn't help, not now, not after the battle. It didn't really matter what she saw in him, what deal was made, what the situation was... She swallowed her feelings and the vile sensation in her throat, eyes forward, opening up the communications app.

    [Leon-- if that's even your name. If you ever. Ever. Give me reason to believe that you have betrayed anyone on the crew, I will kill you. You do not deserve to be here. You do not deserve anyone's forgiveness or second chances. Were I Captain, had I been put in this situation, you never would've made it on this boat. So ride out what leeway you've been given. I'm in no position to remove you-- so don't you dare give me a reason to. I will not hesitate.]

    She closed the app; she didn't want to see his reply if he even bothered to send one. "Bright Eyes, launching." She'd changed her callsign before things got underway. Her last one had been a crude joke, a jab at herself, but despite the disgusting welling in her, for once, it wasn't at herself. "Even if I will never trust him... Sia does. And she believes in me. I will do everything I can for her..."

    Louise to 32,18

    Kazue's thoughts were centered. She would make good on her plan even if it got her into serious trouble... The main road back into Remansburg was near the other side of the base. All she had to do was engage the enemy as they came to her, and then make her escape as the pilots fought. "I am sorry, Captain. Leon. Markus. Daniel. Daeran... Everyone. Even if this is dangerous, I must do this."

    "正義の味方, 行きます!!"

    Kazue to 31,14

    "Yes, yes..." Selu was hitting buttons all over her console. Real combat. Real combat in the Kn... She hadn't expected this, not today, not soon, perhaps not even ever... But she had to be ready. Whoever these people were, they had come to take or destroy their technology, and she wouldn't have it. "You're not taking this from me..."

    [Catrin, everything all good over there? Catch up with me as soon as you can. I'm engaging the first target I can make contact with.]

    "Rhongomyniad, launching! Target secured! Engaging combat!"

    With the extra booster the engineers had hastily plugged into the Kn's framework, Selu was flying, an enemy target already in her sights!


    Selu casts Guard, and ROCKETS to 6,8, spearing REM #1!

  11. "Hoooo, kayyyyy... Looks like it's miss golden armor again. Hey, cutie~" Krystal walked up next to Miria and leaned onto her shoulder for a moment, tapping her back with her heal staff and rushing the girl with an immediate blast of curative magics. "Don't forget who fixed you up when this is all over... I'm open to all sexes~"

    Krystal to 17,12, Heal Miria

    Mrow shoves the Cass

    "Ah, hey... Guess this does get me closer. Leave some for me, Roxanne! Can't let you have all the fun~!"

    Cass to 24,11, Hand Axe Archer #4's teeth in

    "Better bring out the real reinforcements, you're just embarrassing yourselves now!"

    Alvira to 19,7, Light up Soldier #14

    M sits at 18,13 and meticulously unloads and reloads her revolver.

  12. Talulah took a deep breath and collected herself as best as she could. The exchange had ended in her favor, but it had shown her quite plainly, that none of Kazran's forces were to be underestimated. It may soon be time, Yscavelne. Drink deep and ready yourself for the show...

    Good... I must feed. Their mana is strong. It is vital. Release me. Release me.

    Talulah Idles

    "And leave you all alone? Me? Never. Look, Renais is right there. I'll ask for a fix, so don't worry... You're cute when you're embarrassed, not when you're scared. I'll be fine." He teased her a bit, but he capped it off with some reassurance, trudging towards their pink healer. "Renais! Mind fixing me up? Siege weapons, so pesky. Hard to dodge what you can't see coming until the last second..." He noticed the priest, then glanced back at Aly and motioned his eyes at the staff wielder.

    Versaris to 10,30

    Lati let out a sigh and let her body relax. "That's all them. Forward--" The shouting from the dragon ahead of them made her eyes go wide, boots crashing into tile as she ran off towards it. "She's mine. Don't you dare die before I kill you."

    Lati to 12,25


  13. "CEREZA!" Sylmaria announced her presence in the hall with all the grace of a collapsing tree, rushing past one of the pillars and slamming the nearby swordsman into the ground with a blast of her magic!

    Sylm to 15,24, put Merc #12 into the dirt

    "You can roar! You can scream! You can swing your blades and do everything in your power to cut us down! But so long as I'm STILL ALIVE! KAZRAN WILL DIE TODAY!" Her voice was hoarse, but her proclamation sounded out into the hall half as loud as the cheering, her vocal chords worth the cost of drilling fear into these fools. She held her hand up and let her magic radiate, the weird black, white and blue energy enveloping her claw, eyes glowing red. "The beasts have come! Your nightmares given shape and flesh! Flee if you wish, but you will be chased down all the same!"

  14. "Get off me you fuck! Worthless, the lot of you-- can't stop one girl, your liege's own daughter!"

    Lati to 10,28, killer recurve into fighter #10

    "Come and face me, then. We carve to the center of this mess."

    Talulah to 14,24, hold

    "Giovanna! I'm right here with you! Kill them all!"

    Sylm to 13,23

    "I look forward to seeing you try, Aly... Shall we catch up so you can show them exactly how you're going to do that~?" Versaris gave a look to the charm he'd fished out of the chest before pocketing it and clutching a hand at his side. "Need to get one of the healers to fix this up, either way. Maybe Renais didn't get too far ahead..."

    Sari to 10,35

    Amera 18,12 Punch a mage

    Cass 19,12 Heal Roxi

    M to 18,11 and

    Alvira to 17,10

    Krystal to 15,9

  15. "Whoa, hey, Lani-- T-Tasha!? What the heck is...!?" Alvira was very unceremoniously moved, though at least Tasha had warned her of that much in advance... "Hah, geez... Thanks for getting me closer, b-but... Mhnn..." She lifted me so easily... I should ask her for that in private. Goodness... With that pleasant thought in mind, it was time for a change in temperature...

    Alvira 15,10, Blizzard Soldier #5

    Cass 16,13, Swordreaver Archer #2

    M 16,10, .38 Soldier #6

  16. "For you, anything." Sylmaria almost felt herself smile, biting the side of her cheek. She couldn't let go of her anger, her frustration, her focus. There would be time for tears. Time for vulnerability and sadness, time to speak with Giovanna when this was over. For now-- "if those of you that ride at Sylmaria's side will fight with her, then turn to those beside you and strike! Cut the down the same as Kazran will be! He falls today!"

    Sylmaria to 12,27, blast the Bow knight

    "Ohhhh, goodness, what a bunch of wounds... Here, shiny! Keep fighting~!"

    Krystal to 10,9, Physic Miria

    "Mrrrrhhhh..." Amera was feeling rather listless. Seila's magic had proven itself extremely useful, time and again, and here she was, milling about and just keeping up with the group. "Gotta do something... Even if it's something dangerous." With the forces ahead of them, something dangerous was definitely the plan...

    Amera to 15,11, swing on pirate #5

  17. "Ah~! H-Hey..." He felt himself blush, also letting out something of a yelp that he hadn't been prepared for, smirking and reaching a hand over to pet her hair. "Maybe I'm into that. I just think it's nice to take a breather when we have the chance... This isn't going to be easy, so we should relax and loosen up while we can~" And I don't mind getting that fire lit for later... "And we're alone, anyway. No need to get so embarrassed, Aly... Cute yelp, by the way."

  18. Versaris looked around and shrugged, stepping past Alriana and nabbing the key with one hand, while he gave her rear a quick spank with the other. "Considering we've been given a momentary reprieve from their forces, and I'm too injured to fight without you worrying... I'd say now is the perfect time to rile you up some. You don't like it?"

    Versaris to 10,40, trade the chest key, rile up Aly, pop open that box

    "Now who is... Is..." Sylmaria stared at the incoming forces, and at the head of them... "G... G-Gio, Giovanna, GiovaNNA!" It was her! She was safe! She was okay... "I-I, I came back! I came back to kill him, and to save you, and... And... you're okay...!" Sylmaria's vision was a bit blurry, the tears forming, her eyes glancing towards the nomad riding next to her only friend, wearing armor of similar color and pattern... "Are... Are they... If you, change sides, will they...?" Sylmaria didn't want to kill anyone that respected Giovanna. Anyone that was willing to fight at her side of their own wishes, not Kazran's... But if she had to...

  19. "HhhH!" M hissed, hoisted and moved, but struggling the whole time. "Do not TOUCH ME!"

    Cass 13,11 take M, drop on 13,10

    "Enough barking," Cass said, picking the moth out of Miria's arms and dropping her, M recoiling away from the both of them. "She just saved you from certain death, moth."

    "Hhhhsssshhhhhhnngn... Fine... But never again...!"

    "Mrow... You sure are an odd one, miss Moth."

    Amera to 15,7

  20. Versaris sheathed his sword and huffed, holding his right arm. "What, you think I won't?" At least Aly couldn't hide her frustrations about this... It was rather cute, all things considered. "I'll make sure she sees to it right away when we leave the area. Promise... As much fun as it is to have you doting over me like that. You're adorable, you know?" He couldn't help smirking, knowing it would likely frustrate her, but that only made her look cuter...

    M was really feeling herself. She hated to admit it, but this group was much more competent than her own men. "I should've waited. I should've waited and I'm fucking pissed off for not waiting! Which means you get the brunt of it!"

    M to 15,11 .38 Pirate #4

    "Everyone, behind me!" Lati pulled her short bow out and glanced both in front and behind her. Reinforcements on both ends, and no easy way to combat them. "I'll take you all on!" I can at least hold this side off...!

    Lati to 6,30, shortbow on

    "Khhh... Fine. Don't let yourself die, archer!" Sylmaria groaned, heading closer to the other reinforcements... Too many knights, too much armor. "And me without my spell... Damned magic, work more, when I want you to." She tried to form the spell in her palm, but she was truly spent, the magic fizzling. "Ghh... I'm too damn tired. This fight needs to end, and soon."

    Sylm to 8,26

    "Got it, Lati. Stay alive."

    Talulah to 10,28

  21. "Tch!" Whoever was operating that ballista was getting better with his aim, Versaris wincing heavily at the sudden wound as rhe bolt grazed along his right arm. "Well... Haven't been hurt since Luthier. Kudos. But." As Aly turned the mages into mince, Versaris drew the beautifully intricate silver sword he'd purchased, letting his left hand do the talking this time.

    "If you're going to take me out, it had better be all at ONCE!" 

    Sari to 11,39, silver sword Ballistician #1

    "More reinforcements, eh!?" Alvira whipped around and cracked her tail against the tiles, rushing up to square off with one of the horsemen. "I don't think you shitbirds get it. It doesn't matter how many of you there are! As long as we're still standing, you all meet your makers!"

    Alvira to 9,7, Light Cavalier #12

  22. "Alright... Get that wyvern. I've got my eyes set on someone else..." A sneak thief has rolled in behind the current forced, Lati knowing that he was likely fast enough to cause significant problems to those around her. "He won't get through my armor, but everyone else..." She rushed up alongside the wolf man who had just toppled the horseman, yanking his chakrams off his back and holding them out for him. "You, hold these instead. And you!" Then, the greatbow, almost as tall as her, slid off of her back and got one of its ends rammed into the floor, the spike on the end of the arc holding it firm in place. "You die!"

    Lati to 6,32, trade equip Ullr's Chakram, steel greatbow into Thief #1


  23. Versaris managed to dodge a bolt that seemed to arch out of one of the nearby rooms, cursing under his breath. "Suppose I can't complain about warmachines when we have our own... Aly, let's clean this room out. We can't have that firing on anyone else that gets close."

    Versaris to 10,35, equip levin sword, open door

    "There are likely more than these... I cannot aid you with the wyvern, but I shall position myself to handle the rest."

    Talulah to 6,29

    "Right behind you Tasha!" Alvira didn't hesitate to whip out her tome and follow after their leader, raining down magic on the axe wielder in their way!

    Alvira to 11,5, Light Fighter #8

    "Mrow? We're trying to get her closer?" Amera noticed was Miria was up to, running up next to Roxanne and giving her a shoulder tackle of a push. "Go get 'em, laser girl!"

    Amera to 12,9, shove Roxanne

    Cass coughed up blood, her own, for once, but shook her head to stave off the sudden blurriness that followed. "Not that easy to take down... Laser girl, come on." Cassandra walked up to Roxanne and slipped a hand around her waist, smiling at her as she pulled her close-- not the prettiest visage with all the red. "Go make these flies regret coming in here, yeah?" She let her go with a push, shouldering her axe and taking a deep breath. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me! Who's next!?"

    Cass to 13,9, shove Roxanne

    "Brutes." Krystal rolled her eyes and wandered up behind the armored woman with the giant sword, not even bothering to flirt. "Here. Gonna hedge my bets that all you women are tuna eaters and plenty involved, already. Just go kill something or whatever with your big funny sword."

    Krystal to 11,7, heal Laniva

    M fiddled with her revolver some as the dark mage ran up and blasted the priest with one of her spells. "No, no, that's not enough, not for these magic types. Like this--" BANG!

    M to 14, 10, commit a war crime

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