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Nanami Touko

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Posts posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Good throw!" And just enough of an opening to place herself in harm's way. These lowlifes were going to be tossing monster killers about, Lati squinting as she slid the shortbow off her back and nocked an arrow. "First come first serve! I'm getting through you all to my dad either way, so make it snappy!"

    Lati to 6,27, equip shortbow

    They were here... Giovanna was here somewhere. "You," Sylm side eyed the elf that had joined them... Another stranger from somewhere, with a grudge on Kazran? It didn't matter, as long as she was willing to help. "We take the man on the left. You guard me. We push up from there." She didn't wait for a response, rushing ahead and blasting him with her magic!

    Sylm to 2,25, eldritch Brawler #3

    Talulah sighed. "If I must." She didn't want to play bodyguard to such belligerent people, but if they were all here for a reason... Perhaps there was someone worth fighting at the end of it all. Someone worth sharpening her blade on, like Miria had been...

    You MUST use me. I will not be denied twice! Feed! I must feed!!!

    Talulah winced. You'll have your time, blade... Unlike the last one, these bodies are not worth their warmth. I'll feed you. Patience.

    There was nothing further from the sword, Talulah gripping the regular blade in her reach and dashing forward to crack its sheathe down onto the fist fighter!

    Talulah to 2,26, steel sword Brawler #3 (hold if Sylm OHKOs him)

    Cass licked her lips. "Alright. Alright alright alright! Look at all the fresh meat you've got lined up for us... Don't mind if I DIG IN!"

    Cass to 2,10, sword reaver Brawler #1!

    "Well... It's good to see someone amped up. Time to get to work... Hope you've said your prayers, Kazran."

    Vira to 2,7, light Soldier #2

    "Ohhh, boy... So many people here I know... And have done stuff with. Iyeugh... Bad taste... Heyyyyy, boss lady~" Krystal slid up behind Natalya, running a hand along her armor, her special magic pushing right through it. "You wanna show off? Set a good example for all your mercenaries~? I think it'd be... Super. Cool. Eheh~" With a wink, she finished pushing her magic into Tasha.

    Krystal to 3,11, amp Tasha

  2. "What's the rush?" Sari spun the levin sword out again, giving it a fee practice swings as he strode forward. "You're all up in arms so quickly! There's no need. You'll all be dead on the floor in a moment. Feel free to set those weapons down. Save us the trouble... Won't you!?"

    Sari to 4,27, Levin sword Axe Armor #2

    "Come at me all at once or start running! We're here for the guy in charge; the rest of you are like wheat to be reaped!"

  3. Miz had put her winning tickets onto her card as Markus went about taking his turn... And for a time, it seemed like she had this win in the bag, but... Whether it had been luck, skill, or a keen eye mirroring her toss, Markus sunk his last ball into the hundred and took the score, a sigh leaving Miz-- but it wasn't that big of a deal, the woman elbowing Markus with a smile as he tried to play it humble. "Look at you, playing it cool... But, great work~" Miz latched back onto his arm, earnestly happy to only be here having fun, some giggles escaping her as her excitement overflowed. "What's next then, Markus? That was my pick... So let's alternate until we're all played out, yeah? I'm sure you didn't expect me to play arcade guide the whole time... I'm down for whatever game! Even if it's not something I know; I'll figure it out. My reflexes are strong... Maybe I'm a newtype, oohh~" She stuck her tongue out a bit at her little joke, squeezing his arm tighter against herself.

    Azame almost rolled her eyes as Leon moved in to tell her more, but the information he told her was quite alarming, leaving her growing more and more confused as it entered her head. "Wh-What are you talking about? If this was so important, the Captain would've told me! I met with her before we left, you know!?" She groaned, then gasped, then sighed, as Anne quickly removed herself from the situation... "Ah... Geez, what the heck..." Azame let out a large sigh, hopping off the table and pushing herself past Leon. "Whatever! I'll be in the car... You dweebs figure this out, Gawd. You try to be friendly to everyone and it blows up in your face, shows what I know, fuckin'... If it was that important tell my ass before I leave, fuck..." Her grumbling continued until it was out of ear shot, the woman slipping out of the bar for the car as she'd claimed.

    Senri, meanwhile, was in hell, that tail, so VERY clearly organic and far from an augment at this point, wrapping around him and clinging her onto him like the worst threat he'd ever received. His eyes were darting between all parties, hands nervously fidgeting as his fingers fiddled with themselves, hoping for any out, but... While Marianne had freed herself, he wasn't exactly getting anywhere. Even Azame had left, from whatever Leon had told her and Marianne removing herself from it all. "Ahahah... What a mess we've caused, ahah. My apologies for making things so, er... Complicated. Azame was, just... Trying to show us all a good time, and now the mood is quite ruined. My apologies... Sincerely." He did feel bad for her, even if he was still afraid for his life, so he tried his best to hide his fearful stutter and give Leon his most genuine words. "If she's truly grasping beyond her privileges, then don't mind us."

    "Exactly, like you'd care... C'mon, let's get this started." However, her excitement and enthusiasm seemed to have gotten ahead of herself, the course selected for the arcade's cabinet far more than she'd expected. If this had been a real motorcycle, she would've been fine, but the game's controls were just far enough removed from a real vehicle that she had trouble acclimating to them, leaving her score rather pathetic at the end of things. "Ahhh, geez..." She would try to keep going, not having the time to glance over at Catrin's, but she was sure that it was much better than her own.

  4. "Huhhhhh?" Azame leaned back and stared at Leon, question marks radiating from her head. "Who's that?" She hadn't been there for the meeting, the debrief, and no one had explained it to her before she was assigned babysitting duty on Leon. "Someone important we should be worried about? Because I've never heard that name."

    "That's... She's, security head for, AHI." Senri wasn't sure whether that would trip sensors one way or the other, but...

    "Oh, AHI. Isn't that fine, then? Better than 'unauthorized civilians', pfft, you sound like some kinda movie star. Why so tense? We're all friends here, aren't we?" Azame shrugged and hopped up onto the table to get an eye on everyone not Senri. "Look, we let civvies take tours of the embassy all the time, and we're on good terms with AHI, so what's the problem, hot shot? We walk them through the halls, they get the gawk at some HEX machines, we have some fun talks; sounds like a great time to me."

    "Oi oi, I'm not you, actually making eyes at other women. C'mon now, Catrin." Selu pouted and smacked the cat woman's back, gently, getting dragged into the arcade section and changing her tune immediately. "Right, games...! Mmmm... Hmmmmmmmm... Bikes!" Selu broke away from her girlfriend and dashed for the motorcycle stand, leaping onto the bike and leaning forward on it... Very purposefully arcing her back a bit and smirking over at Catrin. "Well? You ready to lose, babe?" I'm already in this deep... I might as well really mess with her, right? It can't get worse than it already is... Surely?

  5. Senri let out a quiet sigh of relief as Marianne worked her magic and got all eyes on her... Which meant they were going to be leaving soon, getting away from wait why are you getting up why are you looking at me no what NO-- Senri's eyes couldn't help but lock onto the helmet as they walked towards him, shrinking some in his seat, that tail flicking all but confirming, in his mind, that something was going on. They spoke, a rather feminine voice, but he was too panicked to be worried about any of that right now. "Ah, ahah... Haha... I've, just never s-seen augments like. Yours. Before... They're impressive. You, erhm. Work for AHI, r-right? I, haha, I've... Seen you at the headquarters before," Senri, shut UP, why are you still TALKING!? "with that uhm. Tokiwa, individual? Yes? Ahahah. When I've been there on business. Was just impressed. That's all." Senri was sitting perfectly still, but his hands were a fidgeting mess under the table, eyes flicking towards the rest of the group. Please hurry up?

    Azame watched Marianne perform her little attention routine, eyes LOCKED onto her hips as she turned around, jaw going slack, only realizing she was gawking as she almost drooled. "Fuck. So glad I wore shorts today. Right~! Let's go~! Gonna bring 'em all to see the ship, Leon, just a little tour between friends. I mean, when do you get to see something like the Dawn, eh? Crazy impressive isn't it?" Azame walked past Marianne, giving her a serious set of bedroom eyes as she did, before looking back at-- "Oh! You made friends with them already, Senri?" Azame stepped towards the helmeted individual, put an arm around their shoulder, and then flinched as they recoiled away, putting her hands up. "Whoa! Sorry! Just trying to be friendly... Figured since you were talkin' to ol' SenSen here, you were buds... Are ya? You wanna come see the ship too? The more the merrier, right?"

    AZAME WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Senri screamed internally while trying his best to maintain his poker face, knowing that if he gave up the ghost, things could get violent... Now that he was closer, he could see that the 'outfit' this individual was wearing wasn't just casual wear... This bomb of a situation is way too dangerous. How did I get wrapped up in this?

    "Just you watch." Miz smirked with the most confidence she had since they'd met, spinning the orb once more before tossing it down the lane... Twenty, fifty, twenty, one hundred! "Haha~! See? I'm a natural~!" However... The next set of rolls didn't go so well, a bunch landing in the gutter ring, leaving her sighing. "Well... It has been a while, but, hey! I still hit the one hundred once, and I think I did pretty great for not having played in a decade. Hmph~ Let's see you do better, huh?" She stuck her purple tongue out at him and took a step back, arms folded.

  6. M closed her eyes as she was warned, shaking her head. "He didn't," she bit out, suffering a sigh. "It was all his honor guard... The people upstairs. We made a mess of the host that was here before, barely lost anyone, but... it was like running into a wall. A wall that stabbed back... He didn't step off his throne until it was just me, tossed me aside like a doll and then caged who was left to be sold... I wish... He'd done more. That we'd done enough to get him to step up, but we couldn't, even... They're strong, Roxanne. I'm to going to give up and I'm not going to martyr myself... But it won't be easy. No matter how angry you get." Her mandibles clacked as she pulled herself off of the wall, turning to head back to the people leading this force. "So watch yourself. You won't get the chance to fight him if you go in there guns blazing. Learned that well enough..."

  7. She'd expected a lot more than a single punch and getting thrown against a wall, body ready for a worse pummeling, especially after what Kazran had done to her... She wasn't ready for the emotions that poured out of the sheep, the truth that slipped off her lips, the emotional blank that M was drawing in response to it all. These complete strangers had not only saved her and those who remained, but her daughter, making this attempt pointless, fruitless, and nothing but a waste of good people against someone that would've been cut down days later. "... ... ..." She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She had no answer. No excuse. Nothing would cover what she'd lead... The two that remained, Istavion and Kika, what sort of grudges would they harbour? Despite what they'd said today, it had likely been said to pump her up, to get her into combat, to make her face what she could.

    "I won't cry," she began, tears welling up, but none falling, quickly wiping her eyes on her sweater to rid herself of them. "I don't deserve to. This was my fault. My impatience, anxiety, distrust... I have no one else to blame and I have no excuses to make. All I can do is fight until Kazran is dead without giving up. When that is done, and when the crew has been avenged, that is when I will allow myself tears. I still won't deserve them... But for now... I must be strong. I must aim well. I must put a bullet in that man's heart... For all of us."

  8. "You said you needed a healer!?" With the threats removed, Krystal squirmed herself out of Tasha's grasp, almost stumbling over as she landed, huffing. "Goodness... You gotta be more gentle with a flower like me, y'know? Honestly... What am I gonna do, cast a spell at one of you and get turned into ground beef? Pah! I know when to switch sides, so don't get my allegiances twisted, okay?" Krystal rolled her eyes a bit and sauntered over towards Miria and the... elf? She looked, ghastly... Eyes red, veins popping, pale, halfway passing out... "Whoakay... Rough. Let's fix that." She set the Physic aside and pulled out a Heal, getting to work. "There, isn't that better already~? And, hey, where'd that gold armor go? I didn't even get a thanks for all the work I did... They don't have aaaaany idea how EXHAUSTING healing work is, Gawd." Despite her whining, Krystal was looking more radiant than before, almost enjoying doing the healing work. Exhausting, hah~ Whatever I put in flows right back into me... Some sorta circuit business, I guess, but it doesn't bother me any. This is great~ Perfect for the nerves after all that nonsense...

    Talulah was halfway to passing out when the healing began, coughing and finding her strength as the blade began to eat away at the incoming mana rather than her own. "Thank you... mmhhn..." She was still exhausted, but she forced herself to stand up straight, pulling herself off of Miria's shoulder and holding herself up. "Thank you. Both of you... I'm not going to apologize for attacking you, because I feel the encounter was fruitful for the both of us... But I would like to speak with you more on what your armor is. It was similar to mine, but... Different. Yours... Isn't coming from within a weapon, is it?" Talulah ran a hand through her hair as it slowly regained its black sheen, the white fading with more and more of Krystal's healing.

    "Ah, gratitude... You're plenty welcome, hun~ Anything to help you feel better and get the bags out from under those eyes... Rough night?" She winked, but Talulah wasn't flustered, smiling softly.

    "Yes... Many. The relief is... Welcome. Please provide her some, as well... I will be fine, now."

    "Uh huhhhh... Elves sure are stoic, huh... Alright little lady, some for you too. Eat up~"

    Since it seemed like Talulah wasn't about to go ballistic on the girl again, Lati moved past the small group and headed towards... "Princess Cassandra, yes?"

    Cass turned around, heaving her axe onto her shoulder, her mouth still splattered with blood. "That's me... Who's asking? Look, we gotta regroup and keep moving, we can't let the shit head upstairs prepare any more than he likely has for what's about to hit him." Cass was about to turn to speak with Natalya, but Lati grabbed her arm.

    "My name is Lati... Serdio. Kazran is my father. I came here to kill him, but it seems like I'm late." Lati was ready to take an axe to the face, but all she got was Cassandra's shock, still pulling away from the woman.

    "Hah!? What the fuck? Where've you been all these years!? Owen! Natalya! We've got a pretty important visitor!" She finally wiped her mouth on her sleeve, spitting some out onto the dungeon floor. "Lord, it's a whole Kazran killing buffet... Who else did this guy piss off?"

    The fighting seemed to have stopped... Sylm clutched her casting arm, shuffling forward, trying to meet the head of the group. She had to make sure... make sure Giovanna hadn't been down here, hadn't been killed in the skirmish. Truly, the idea that her friend could've been down here hadn't dawned on her this whole time, making her movements panicked and rushed, racing forwards towards... "Vermeil." With a knife in his neck. "Got what you deserved..." If he was leading he never would've suffered Giovanna helping him... He was a decent commander and a powerful archer, but pride was always his biggest issue. Too prideful for monsters, too prideful for women, even in the midst of combat where those elements faded into the background... "Guess your pride wasn't strong enough today." That meant Giovanna was upstairs... Hopefully. "I'll just reach you first... I'll spearhead the group, I'll make it to you. Be safe. You have to be safe..."

    Versaris walked up behind Aly and ran a hand onto her head, petting her a bit. "Good work... Didn't expect that guy to falter so easily. Was ready to snatch an arrow out of the sky... But I'm glad I didn't have to show off. You guys might not even need me, soon. You've caught up impressively... I'm really proud of you, and the Tigers, for how far you've all come. But," he looked ahead to the stairs leading up, "we're not done yet... not yet."

    The sounds of combat had died down to nothing... Leaving M with what was left of her crew and... She took a deep breath and slipped around the corner after Roxanne, storming up to the woman and spinning her around. She didn't say anything, she just pointed a finger at her cheek and then turned it towards her. Roxanne deserved this and so much more, but it was a start.

    Amera, meanwhile, was feeling great! Stretching, muscles loose, feeling all worked out... She turned around a few times, sniffing the air, ears twitching, before she turned and ran down several corridors on all fours, turning one final time into-- "Seilaaaaaaa~!" She didn't stop, or slow down, full on tackling the mage to the ground in a tight hug, arms around her, kissing her cheek, purring and nuzzling against her. "We did great, didn't we!? I'm sure they'll keep us around after a showing like that! Right? Right!? We've found a group again~!"

  9. "Heh. So cute..." He hadn't expected her to get so flustered, gently patting her hair as she finally released him, all smiles and ready to help with the machine work. "Right, diagnostics. I'll start on some of the machines lower down the list, and then we can meet in the middle. Feel free to correct me if I make a mistake, it's been a minute since I've done something like this, but I'm pretty sure I remember the process."

    Mm... I really hadn't expected her to react like that, but... It was so cute. She really makes it hard to hold back... Can't believe how wonderful she is, really. Guess people are blind to brilliance over the slightest rumors, huh? Their loss.

  10. "... Did I say something wrong?" You made her cry... Did I say too much? This is probably a sensitive topic, maybe I should've-- With a speed he would never have expected from the woman, his face was suddenly enveloped in a soft darkness, having to slowly, and a bit forcefully, pry himself free-- enough to breathe, still held close to Amy.

    "Ah, h-hey! Don't go killing me on accident there... Geez... I'm glad those aren't upset tears. It's okay. Take your time. Let it out... I was just being honest." He couldn't help a bit of a smirk-- and then he heard a whistle.

    One of the other engineers, baseball cap, purple hair, wide, knowing smirk. "Y'all havin' fun? Amy, y'know yer still on the clock... Ain't nothin' serious right now, but don't sit there all day with yer boyfriend, yeah?"

    "Ahh, haha... Sorry, sorry. I was. I'll, I won't keep her long... Here to help out! Really. Promise." He didn't want to get her in trouble, hugging her and giving her a tight squeeze, still feeling the incredible grip she had on him, even if he'd escaped the plush embrace of death. "You're wonderful, y'know that? What say we get to work and you can give me something to help you with?"

  11. Ichika was prepared, morning as it was, only adjusting her hair a bit as Alouette knocked on her door. "Hello, yes. My apologies for leaving it until now." Ichika opened the door and ushered the woman inside, moving past her and sitting on her bed. She pulled her sword onto her lap, holding it steadily in front of her. "I cannot tell you all of the details, as this is a secret held by my family... But you have glimpsed some of it due to your abilities, and not knowing further will chance causing you pain in the future. This blade... Is cursed." She held her gaze firmly on the red head, making sure she understood the severity of her words. "It is incredibly powerful, disguised to look like any other sword, but I will never draw it..."

    She sighed and set it aside. "I am allowing you this knowledge because I trust you will avoid peering too deeply into it... The women in my family go on pilgrimages with the blade at their side in order to grow accustomed to the sensation of it, as we take care of its safekeeping. That is... all. All that I can safely tell you, at least. If there is anything else that you wish to ask, please ask it now. I will not be bringing this back up in the future... And will once again hope, that you do not peer into the blade further. By accident before, I can forgive, but... It is a temperamental sword. Too much attention could awaken it, and I am not yet suited to resealing it."

  12. Thesephine watched him pass out completely... She let out a small huff and leaned back against him, pulling out her phone and curling up on his lap. "My fault for getting my hopes up and assuming, I guess... Not that I'll ever tell him that. Hmph. I'll just wait for him to wake up, then..." She idly flipped through Callisto's net, finding some of the streamers live to watch while he napped. She slipped a set of earbuds into her ears and flopped against him completely, getting comfortable.

    "Hey! Leon~! You havin' fun over here?" Azame butted into his conversation with the... Biker? Giving them a wave and a smile, then turning her attention back to red. "You should head on over to my table~! I've got two real lookers talked up into a visit to the ship... don'cha wanna get in on the action? Ehhh?" Azame leaned past him towards the bar, waving down the bartender. "Two of your strongest, please! Not for me, though. Gotta drive the car~"

    The arcade was booming with music, games, people playing, lights, all sorts of sounds in between... It was striking. She'd played a few video games here and there, things that you could play on your phone or on a computer. This was all classic stuff, stuff she'd read about but never gotten her hands on. "Let's do a racing game!" She almost jumped in place as she said it, eyes wide, staring all around. "I wanna go head to head with you, but I feel like you'd kick my ass in a fighting game or those carnival games... Maybe I can watch you do those later, but! I'm good at going fast... I think I can take you if it comes to racing."

    She giggled a little as Catrin couldn't stand still, swaying a bit along with her, her energy quite infectious... Glancing past her... "Whoa." She'd seen plenty of augments, but... "Those are crazy," she muttered, impressed, a bit stunned, looking her all over. "Catrin, you seeing this...?" The couple walked away, Selu almost whistling. "Can't believe anyone would get augmented that far, but it was immaculate. Dang."

    "Of course I've played skee-ball you doofus~ Heheh. I wouldn't suggest it if I hadn't... Don't get cold feet on me; I'm gonna play circles around your score. I've got that middle hole all figured out." Miz winked, taking her card slapping it into the machine, ready to play, picking up one of the balls and effortlessly tossing it with a spin, only to catch it without even looking. She put her other hand on her hip and leaned forward some. "You've met your maker, Markus~ Hope you're ready to get creamed... You want me to go first, set the score, or should I let you kick your feet around in the pool before I splash this wave of points over you~?"

    Senri's eyes shot off of the helmeted individual, focusing hard on Marianne, only using his peripherals to watch them now. "Great, now they're looking at me. Thought I was being inconspicuous enough... Let's just hope that Azame brings Red back with her and we can convince them both out of here and back to the ship. Or at least, out of here... Geez, this is not what I signed up for today..."

    "... That was you?" Tristan had heard the news of it, never looking too deeply into it, but he recalled something about stolen plans and a disgraced student, but... To think it was Amy? That's what she was implying, anyway... Well... That changes... "Huh. Never thought I'd meet the person responsible face to face... Oh well. You're here now, and I trust that anyone who wanted you on the Dawn would've also known... If I can trust their discretion, I can trust you. Maybe you're a really good actor, but... I don't think so. I think you're a genuine engineer that got stuck in a terrible situation. Life's put you here, after it all... And you should be free to explore anything you want. You think the other engineers are gonna care?"

    He slowly slid a hand into her hair and smiled, gently cupping her face. "I bet if you showed everyone here your plans they'd be jumping up to help you with it. Whatever it is you're working on has to be a slam dunk... You and I both know you're way more than a pretty face. They don't put people on ships like this if they don't deserve to be there... And you deserve it every bit as the rest of us, Amy." Phew... Laid it on a little thick, but I meant it all, so... It should be fine. Yeah.

    "Where to start... Shared hobbies? Simply asking to train together, some co-op simulations against enemies rather than going toe to toe with each other. Just saying hi back to the one that messaged you... At your own pace, of course. Maybe for now, rest and enjoy some recreational activities. Movies, books, a swim at the pool. I think they have a hot tub section... It just wouldn't do to strain your emotional state so soon after what happened, but, you should try and push your boundaries once you've returned to a comfortable medium. Does that sound alright, Esther?" It would likely be difficult, given how Esther seemed, now and from her file, but it was something she was going to have to do to get along with the squadron. They were going to be on Callisto for a while, after all...

  13. Without any hesitation, powered solely by her selfish goals and the magic of the sword, Talulah brought it down hard on Miria's shoulder, dragging the weapon back for another blow, red eyes glowing and watching for Miria's maneuver...!

    "Huh? Fight now?! W-Wait--!" Miria was still trying to process what was going on. Why was she being targeted right now? Was this a Shroud too?

    No time for that now...! Miria took a defensive stance but this new individual was quick. Her sword came down hard and despite blocking it from dangerous damage, the cub's shoulder was easily sliced into. She grit her teeth and pushed back her assailant.

    Miria felt the wind in her blade, and made a slash to center-mass. "If you want a fight I'll give you one!"

    The blow connected, solidly, Miria's sword tearing into Talulah's coat and spilling blood... but it was like she didn't feel it, not flinching, recoiling, pausing, as a flurry of blows rained down on Miria: shoulder, leg, arm, and as the final swing spun around aimed at her neck--!

    "Khhh...!" The blade was held at Miria's neck, trembling in Talulah's grasp. "I... s-said, you... Would not, kill... her...!" With a straining in her voice and a clear struggle on her body, Talulah forced the sword away, ramming it back into its sheath! The shroud swiftly began to fade away, the elf coughing as she fell to her knees, veins pulsing red, edges of her hair fading to white.

    "Eat wh-what you, must... you damn, greedy sword... We, kill on m-my, orders. Not yours..." The woman in gold was likely going to be confused. Talulah would explain later... Hopefully Lati stops anyone from killing me after I pass out... Only a matter of time, now.

    She stuffed two fingers into her wound from Miria's blade, slathering her blood across the weapon's sheath. It slowly began to disappear. "That, will buy me a f-few minutes. Healer. We, need one."

    I can't keep up-- Miria was simply outperformed and outplayed. Despite her attack connecting, Talulah was too much. Multiple hits were against her. She was already down. She hadn't felt so afraid, so beaten...

    The blade of her opponent stopped at her neck, and she said something regarding not killing her. Miria, confused, only backed up a smidge, trying to keep herself up. "W-What?" Miria took the opportunity and poured the vulnerary around her body. Her breathing was heavy, and she could only come up with more questions.

    "I-- huh?! Who, what, why--" Miria held her blade at the ready again. She didn't know what to think now. "Who the hell are you? W-Why did you attack me?! What are you talking about?"

    "Hey! Hey, hey there, uh..." Lati wasn't sure what to do now, walking up on the scene, trying to fix the mess that Talulah had suddenly created... "I'm, my name is Lati. I came here to deal with Kazran... She's, Talulah, I found her along the coast, collapsed, helped her back onto her feet, have been traveling with her... I don't know what this is all about, but... She's not, bad? I think? I, I don't know why she attacked you, just... She didn't kill you. Held back. So let's... Let's just... I don't know. T-Talk about it...?"

    Talulah coughed and staggered herself to her feet. "Talk once, sword's... satisfied. Gonna... Pass out, few minutes. Need a healer."

    Miria listened as the other woman approached, and explained their situation. "You're here for Kazran too?" She shook her head, and pressed her fingers to her nose. "Well, okay... If that's the case then, I would've appreciated the heads-up first." She sighed, and thought about Talulah's strange words again. "L-Look."

    She poured some of the vulnerary onto Talulah's wound. There was some frustration she felt but... If this person needed help...

    "Look, that should hold for a little bit. We have some healers just, don't try to dig your sword into the next person to turn the corner, okay?"

    Talulah pushed Miria's hand away, shaking her head. "No! That won't... Help, anything. You don't, get it. Healer. Need a healer..." Her steps were dragging, but she did her best to begin moving, eyes ahead. "Any, h-healer will, do..."

    Lati ran a hand through her hair, raking a deep breath. "Yeah... I would've appreciated some heads-up too..."

    "A-Alright, jeeze. Come here then, you're dragging your feet." Miria took one of Talulah's arms and wrapped it around herself. She gave an exasperated sigh.

    "We should be just about finished up there, and we gotta hurry. The fight's not over yet." She started moving with the other Shroud-user in tow. She could only hope Lati was right and Talulah wasn't too bad.

  14. "Quarry this you useless scum suckers!" Alvira charged up another light spell and dashed around the corner, blasting it into one of the axe men hiding their bow toting leader! "You hid back here this whole time, huh!? Some fucking boss you are! Can see why Kazran stuck you down here in the dungeons, but I bet his bitch ass is gonna hide behind his men too!!"

    Alvira to 11,34, Light Fighter #5

    "Now, now, Alvira." Versaris stepped forward, casually, flicking his blade towards the other axe man, a jolt of lightning sending him to the floor. "It's not polite to yell at the dead. Alriana!? I'm ready for you!"

    Versaris to 12,33, Levin Fighter #6

    Talulah draws Yscavelne, activates shroud fully!

    "Kakugo!" Between the sword's demands to fight this person, and Talulah's own drive to become stronger no matter what, she resisted the call of combat no longer. But be warned, blade, I am NOT killing this individual... And if you take issue with that, you know what you must do.

    HRRRAHHHH!? Foolish wielder! Foolish! I will feast upon your mana instead!

    Talulah could already feel the draw of the blade sinking into her own skin, wincing, but it mattered not. To battle!

    Talulah to 15,16, attack Miria with Yscavelna!

    "H-Hey! Talulah!? What the fuck!?" Lati had been confused since the other individual showed up... They hadn't barked at them, threatened them, made it seem like they were a part of Kazran's forces, so why was she jumping them!? "Hey! Hey, stop!"

    Lati to 14,16, panic!?

  15. "Yeah I bet you'd like to finish a shot... Maybe later, cutie." Krystal winked at him and then sighed as he moved along with his machine. "So taxing... Just gotta make myself look small, maybe Tyson won't notice mmmmEEEE!?"

    Suddenly, gravity was gone, and Krystal was staring down a rather irate looking tiger woman. "I, I-I was working under Kazran to stay alive! Gawd, p-put me down! You, you have to do whatever you can as a clouded in Islexia, y'know!? Little wink of the eyes, shake of the ass-- doesn't matter if I have horns, they just see meat. A-Alright? But if you, people are seriously here to seriously kill that fucker, seriously... Then I'm just trying to help." She whimpered and stopped struggling in Tasha's grip, whining a little. 

    "All I did was give him some of my magic so he'd get all... adrenalined up, y-y'know? See for yourself... He's working that machine twice as fast as normal. It's just some help. P-Put me down...?"

  16. Kagi swings down as hard as they can!
    8 damage!
    The draco is felled...

    Kagi gains +38 EXP, +2 axe WEXP

    Willow socks the bandit into an early grave
    12 damage
    The bandit collapses...

    Willow gains +30 EXP, +2 brawling WEXP

    SIlvano SCHWING!
    13 damage!

    The bandit fights back!

    Silvano gains +12 EXP, +1 sword WEXP

    Rina brings out the tome!
    a light touch, but enough!
    9 damage!
    The bandit collapses...

    Rina gains +34 EXP, +2 light WEXP

    Cyrus heals Rina +15 EXP, +2 staff WEXP

    Jilyn approached slowly, sword at the ready... but her ears picked up the far off sound of hooves. "We must hurry..."

    Jilyn to 11,14

    Enemy Phase/Turn 4

    "Go around him, boys! We'll crush his tagalongs and then swarm him!"

    The bandits nod and ignore Rivane!

    "Mages, engage him!"

    Mage #4 comes for Rivane!

    Mage #3 does the same!

    "Tch... Why are you even here, Rivane!? You know this is our territory! Get outta here! More at stake than our lives my ass, you just want more for your own!"

    Marcos skirts around Rivane!

    The pegs loom in menacingly...

    Player Phase/Turn 5


  17. "Well... Th-This isn't so bad... They're winning. That's good... I guess I can help them to keep winning. Gold Armor still didn't thank me... I'll get my due after this is over. Hmph." She sighed and then looked around the group, eyes falling on... "Oh. Oh, my~" Another clouded individual, it seemed... Cute girl... Or, guy...? Krystal squinted some. It didn't matter much, they had a rather large and impressive ranged contraption. Range meant safety. "Heyyyy~" Time to work the magic...

    "Hey, cutie. Nice toy you've got there... Wanna show me how it works? You're probably pretty good at handling it... I'm good at handling a few things, too~" Krystal gently touched a hand onto their back, smiling with severe intent... Then glancing to the left. Geh!? Tyson! Fuck. If he sees me helping them he's gonna knock my block off... He was always one of the more aggressive people around here, rrrrr... h-help, anyone...?

    Krystal to 18,25, brave Chris, panic

    Sylm to 17,23

    M to 15,24

    Cass Idle

    Amera to 6,26

    "I'll hold these stragglers off with y'all! Lemme at 'em."

    "And that's their leader..." Versaris pulled the magic sword out once more, not wanting to get caught unawares by an errant knife again. That had been too close. "Let's see if people right under Kazran are worth anything..."

    Versaris to 9,33, equip Levin Sword

  18. "...o can hear me... ...od. To the Wes... I'm trapp... ...o hav... ... sav... m..." The voice was fading back out, though with one final surge... "Miz. Miz'Githon. Find me... And I will teach you the secrets... anima magi... when... ... stron...r ... Con...ct... Y... ...gain..." The voice faded away into nothing, leaving Roxanne with her thoughts.

  19. There seemed to be someone up ahead. Someone in golden armor... Talulah had been about to call out to them, when Yscavelne began shaking in its scabbard.

    Release me. Release me! Feed! I must feed on this armor! Now! NOW!!

    "Kh!" Talulah gripped the sword, but that only made things worse, her hand clenching tightly against the blade, unable to tear it away! "Rrhhh... You, I don't know who you are... But, prepare yourself!" The blade was drawn, half against her will, but... Anything that makes myself and Yscavelne stronger... Is worth doing!

    "...llo... hel... ... ...ead... e..." A voice slowly sounded into Roxanne's mind, quiet, distant. "If... ... an... hea... ... resp...d..." It was so faint, so distant... Ever so slowly becoming more clear. "Hello... Hello? Are you... mmm... Can you... ...r me...?"

  20. One arrow had been annoying enough, but two? And one the size of her arm!? "What's wrong with you people!? Rrrgh!" Feeling Roxanne's healing on her and words behind her, Alvira rushed up to the archer's face! Remember what Tio taught you... Magic takes the shape you want it to. Spells listen to what we think and what we say... so...! "Light...!" Pushing her intuition to its limits, Alvira encased her claw in a light spell, punching the magic I to the man's shoulder, before reeling back and punching another into his face! "And stay down! Huhf... I wonder if Cin would be proud of meooouch...! P-Punching hurts...!"

    Alvira to 10,30, deck his halls

    "Alright, forward. Let's see if we can catch up to whoever attacked this place..."

    "Acknowledged. Moving forward...."

    Lati to 14,11

    Talulah to 15,12, engage Elixir

  21. "Heeeeeeeyyyyyyyy!!" Krysral shouted after the fighter in gold, waving her staff at them. "Where's my thanks, huhhhhh? Saved you from the brink and you didn't even turn around!! Ungrateful lot, Gawd... What, you still need MORE, or something?"

    Krystal idles and Physics Miria

  22. "So rude." Thesephine sighed... But... Even she could see that he was getting incredibly tired. He ran another simulation, a simpler one. She would've complained if he didn't seem so worn out, but even she had something of a conscience, slowly leaning back and resting properly against him. "Daeran," she began to speak, her voice softer and calmer than it had been, "I've told you something of a lie... I didn't recognize you at first, of course, because I had only heard your name. But, as soon as you mentioned who you were the son of, things clicked... I am well aware of your position on this moon, and your father's. I'm spoiled, yes; I'm not so blind as to think that I'm well behaved. I just don't care about that-- what I'm getting at is that I, am not just some girl that wants to see how a machine runs... I'm plenty informed about how HEX machines work. I look into my father's work all the time... And I had been..."

    She huffed, twirling a strand of her hair, "hoping to meet you and hoping you would, be excited to meet me as well. Know who I was already... I suppose I shouldn't have, assumed that, or... Something, anyway!" She huffed, voice getting a bit angrier again, but only for a moment, calming herself once more and crossing her arms. "If you require rest, then get it. I won't touch anything. You can shut the machine down and lock the controls... Just... M-Make sure you show me more later, okay!? These machines are amazing! This next generation is so much better than the last that they can't even begin to be compared and I MUST see how well they perform in all areas! I'm far too curious. And you can... Can, a-ask, me about, my dad's work and, if... If you're interested-- you SHOULD be interested, as a CEN pilot, you know!?" She huffed again and turned some to face him, face ever so slightly red, gold eyes staring up at him, small frown adorning her eyebrows. "So just. Just, sleep. Okay?"

    "I can just do extra credit to make up for it if I fuck up, no?" She pouted a little as he talked about doing things 'properly', almost groaning at how much he sounded like a teacher. "It wouldn't hurt you to take things a bit less seriously too, daddy." Vivien slammed him with the pet name and stuck her tongue out before leaning away and sighing. "Sure, I can look at stuff with you... I know a little bit about HEX machines. Saw it in those documents I got access to when I-- ah. Hm. 'Spose I shouldn't talk about that stuff so openly... Well, whatever." She then re-latched onto his arm and squeezed tight, clinging onto him with all the effort her little body could muster!

    "Let's go then! You can be my good luck charm... Alrenne equipped, plus ten to social anxiety resistance. Even if it adds a negative modifier to your embarrassment, mrhrheheh." She stuck her tongue out again, but had no plans to let go, leaning into his arm as hard as she could without making it uncomfortable for her-- if he was uncomfortable, that was too bad. He'd signed up for Vivien and was going to get the full package.

    The information came at them like a punch to the face. Beam weaponry, beam weaponry that couldn't possibly had been registered to a battleship with how precise and small the hole was. Small in relation to a battleship's cannons; the Dawn's beam weaponry would've melted the entire top half of a HEX model if it were struck unprotected. No. This was a rifle... A proper, working, beam rifle, technology that the CEN had only begun testing on mobile suits.

    Louise covered her mouth to hide her shock, gently hugging herself. "This is... That's too much, all at once. Beam weaponry, and... And what, is that? Those kinds of boosters, that kind of precision, all on... It has to be a mobile suit, a HEX of some kind, something-- but, that's impossible. We flew here on the Imminent Dawn, sporting the latest in CEN technology. Is someone on this moon beating us in the arms race? And this drastically? What the fuck... I think I'm going to be ill. That kind of precision and power is... The devastation... And you sent the Ensign back out knowing this...?" Louise had to bite her lip behind her hand to stop herself from snapping at the commander, knowing her place in the rung. Even if she was with Sia on this occasion, she was still just LTJG; an outburst at a superior officer would result in serious reprimand.

    "We're lucky she survived," Louise managed to say, the ire still present in the back of her voice, but she did her damndest to not look at the Commander while she said it. "This is... not good. And if you didn't find the Ambassador at the site of the attack... It's safe to assume he's either dead, or they took him. With beam weaponry like that, there might not even be a body... Fuck." Louise had used her rifle in the previous engagement, but it was bulky, slow, required recharging, it wasn't the most precise, it was easily countered by a close engagement-- she could have continued the list in her head, but it wasn't a weapon like this. Fast and precise beam weaponry in the hands of mobile suits would change the face of war forever. Not in a good way... "Captain, we need to return to the ship as soon as possible and inform everyone of this. We need people on this... If we have any hope of finding the Ambassador. Or what's... left of him." She grimaced again, her face having gone pale a while ago. Dammit. Dammit! This is the worst news! How could... WHO could... Argh! DAMMIT!

    "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into, Catrin." She reached a hand up and gently flicked the woman's nose, smiling somewhat confidently. She'd never had someone after her this severely, or at all... It felt good. It felt great. All she had to do was wear stuff like this and she'd have Catrin all over her like she'd lost her mind? I like this... I really like how this feels. I should do this more often. Sure, she's gonna drive me into the bed harder than an industrial drill later, but... I like that too~

    She hopped off the counter with a wide smile, leaning into her girlfriend and holding her hand. "Let's go to the arcade, then. Set some unfair scores on the machines. You're augmented and I'm a great pilot. I'm sure we can ruin some stuff on there, yeah~?" She tugged Catrin along, smiling even wider, even giggling some. "Today's already been great, so whatever we do, it's just gonna make it better~"

    "Heyyyy, don't say it like that... You're gonna make me seem irresponsible." Azame grew a bit red at all of the things Marianne was pointing out, squirming some in her seat, her ears flattening a bit.

    You ARE irresponsible! You're offering too people-- one, barely an acquaintance, and the other, a STRANGER, a free tour of a military vessel!! Azame!! Think!! Senri screamed in his brain, still all smiles, Azame looking towards him.

    "You can come too, Sensen. I'm sure you're interested-- and if not, it's gotta be better than sitting here trying to look cool while you swirl around that glass. I know you've only had one drink. He did the same thing at the other bar, Anne, I tell ya, this guy's a real card.

    Urhgk. He flinched ever so perceptibly, still smiling, letting out a chuckle. "If you're determined to get us onto your ship, then, by all means. I've never seen the inside of a CEN battleship... Even if it's just the hangar, I'm sure it's quite impressive." She's not going to think, she's just going to think about Marianne's ass. Jesus. Somebody save this woman...

    "Right~? Well, you two think on that. Don't you worry about space, Marianne, I know exactly how to make us both fit." She winked again, having cheered right on up, glancing at Senri's empty cup. "Speaking of only one drink... You two want me to fetch you something from the-- y'know what? I'm gonna~ And I'll surprise you both. This place makes a great Ring of Jupiter." Azame pushed herself up, bounce quite pronounced as she sprung up, hips swaying to show off everything.

    "... Lord. Good luck, Marianne," Senri muttered as he sunk into his seat some. "That woman is a hurricane... And you're in the eye of the storm. Anyway. Please don't panic. The person at the bar speaking with her red headed associate isn't human, and I noticed it far too quickly... their tail," he continued, leaning forward and speaking quietly, glancing towards the helmeted individual once again, "moved far too biologically to be a prosthetic. I've been around plenty, aesthetic or otherwise... It's too organic. I don't know what they are, but we should really take Azame up on her offer and not, be here."

    It seemed Amy had caught his intended meaning and shirked away from it quite readily. He wasn't sure he could blame her... It seemed quite the sensitive topic, so it would likely take a bit of gentle prying. Still, he was determined, so he didn't let the diversion get him down. "All the important things that we need to make sure the ship and the pilots can keep running. I've just been charting the Dawn's paths around Callisto, making sure that any of the flight paths we take while we're lifted off don't go through civilian areas or cause too much disturbance. A ship can be quite loud in atmosphere... Mmm..."

    He leaned a little closer and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head, staring down into her eyes. "I did mean your other work, to be candid about things... But, given how quickly you swerved, I'm going to assume that's off limits for now. That's fine... Promise. Not at all bothered. I just am interested in what that mind of yours is cooking up, Amy. You're beautiful, funny, fun to talk to and plenty knowledgeable about your work, so I know whatever it is has to be incredibly impressive." He couldn't help himself, winking some to try and sell the deal. "Just think about it. I think I could be a good wall to bounce ideas off of."

    "I think that if anyone expected this to be easy for you, they'd be off their rocker," Cheryl said with a small wink, being a touch unprofessional for a moment. "Let's have you avoid that individual for now, yes. Later is a good idea... If you're not feeling anything wrong with your medication or your head-- anything to do with your response to Newtype weaponry, I'm not going to send you over to Rosa yet, okay? You just let me know if I'm wrong about that, or if that changes, and we'll have you examined right away." Cheryl took a few more notes and then set down her notebook, leaning onto her desk some.

    "This is going to sound a bit canned, Esther, but... You're young. Off the cuff, if it were up to me, the military wouldn't be turning children into soldiers because of aptitude at being Newtypes... but, you still want to do your best here, and I respect that. I suggest, that you buddy up with one of your crewmates, especially during combat. Have someone both to watch out for, and to watch out for you. That sort of camaraderie goes very far in situations like this. It might sound cheesy, or like something out a movie, but the Dawn is a very unique ship... And those sorts of unique relationships between pilots mean life or death on the battlefield sometimes."

    She let out a sigh and leaned back. "Listen to me rambling-- is anything else troubling you, Esther? I feel like I'm doing so much more talking than I should..."

    The arcade was much louder and full of people than she'd expected, all kinds of machines going at once, plenty lighting up. It seemed they even had a section for ticket games where you'd be able to test your physical skills and win a prize. "Skee-ball..." She eyed that for a hot minute and then slowly let go of Markus' arm, swaying hers behind her back and bending over some. "Well, we should get separate cards, for sure... That way, I get to beat your butt at some of the games here, right~?" She chuckled menacingly before heading in, waving for him to follow. "Come on, come on!"

    Up at the counter, Miz was already buying herself a card and loading it up with tokens to play, stuffing her wallet back into her purse and then cocking an eyebrow back at Marky Mark. "You ready, shades? Cuz I drive a mean race car... Probably. Heheh~ I know I can beat you at the ticket games! I don't go to the gym every morning for show. These guns are gonna give you a run for your money~"

  23. Sylmaria was breathing heavily. This was the most combat she'd ever been through. Her throat and lungs were burning... And she finally felt alive. Like she was doing something right for once. Every time Kazran had ordered her to do something for him, it felt sickening. Like a part of her was doing something that she couldn't ever take back... Had it felt right to kill Clouded under his command? Yes, but it hadn't felt good. Her psyche had always been at odds with itself taking lives... But now?

    "I'm going to enjoy this until I collapse."

    Sylmaria to 16,22, Blast Wyvern #6

  24. "Hhhsshhhhrhhhh, flying vermin..." M had been unloading and reloading her revolver with excessive accuracy, fingers not missing a bullet as they fell, out and slid back in. "Nothing like reloading a revolver in the heat of battle... the feel of a silvered bullet into a well oiled chamber... Hhh..." M shook her head and slid around the corner, smile wide, gun raised. "Quit flapping your wings... You'll blow the dust up into my gun."

    M to 13,24, .38 Special into Wyvern #2

    "What the fuck, wyverns now? You boys are late to the party! It's almost over!" Cass sighed. She'd been about to chase after one of the priests, but with a much more immediate threat, he could wait...

    Cass doubles back to 17,24, Light on Wyvern #5

    With the archers where they were and the danger of them, Amera grumbled in place and fidgeted some, knowing that she couldn't advance, but not wanting to retreat...

    Amera Idles

    "If you're gonna kill someone, you've gotta put more into it than that. I thought Islexians were meant to be some real tough bastards. Working under Kazran soften you up? Don't get to see combat that often? Guess it doesn't matter." Lati casually ran past the man and then let loose another arrow into him. "You won't be seeing combat again."

    Lati to 13,7 shortbow Wyvern #7

    Talulah watched as this woman casually took the heavy thrust of the man's spear against her armor, then removed it, fired back, ran off like it had been nothing and fired again. "Speak for yourself," she scoffed, clutching at her side some, "these are not foes to be trifled with, Lati... You, say you are in awe of me, but in effect, you just stopped a raging bull. You are a terrifying woman."

    "I'll take that as a compliment."

    Talulah to 16,8

  25. Sari snapped his wrist and flung the blood off of his sword, sheathing it for the moment. "That's that, then... Take care while you advance, I'm going this way. I'll see you around the corner, hopefully." He moved past the water and turned face first into a cavalcade of archers... That was swiftly being broken down by the rest of the group. "Well. You've always been bad with archers, Sari... here's your chance for some practice."

    Sari to 6,31, levin sword equip

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