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Nanami Touko

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Posts posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Tch." Louise walked as Scylla went to punch one of the remaining offenders... Her fist connected with the machine's head and then continued through, too far. With a crumpled torso like that, there was no way the pilot had survived. "No survivors for us to interrogate... But, I can't exactly blame anyone. I wasn't trying to keep them alive, either~" Louise quietly hummed to herself as she revved up her HEX's engine and pushed the machine towards the ship. "Time to return... And prepare myself for later. Hahh... Today went... Scarily well. I'm feeling the best I've felt in years... I'm piloting the best I have in years... Is it due to the environment? The people? Or am I just trying to push myself harder...? Mmm... Whatever the case... Sia. Once we've debriefed and been ordered at ease... I'll be coming to see you."

    Kazue was still breathing heavily... And as the fighting came to a halt, she leaned over in her seat, head in her hands. "We could not... Could not keep any of them alive. They are all dead... How... How could..." The reality of it all was hitting her like a brick, her damaged HEX standing still as the sounds of combat died down to nothing, not returning yet. A shaky hand made its way towards the comms, hailing Daeran. "H... Hey. Hey. What was that?" She slowly sat up, swallowing hard-- her mouth felt dry. "Protecting those people. That was right, was it not? And those were automated models... But this group. That was... They were all people. And we all... We all, just... The Lieutenant. Her rifle. She killed... She killed those people without a moment of hesitation... I..." Kazue had seen the final shot from Louise's machine. The beam pierced the cockpit and the machine crumpled like a puppets whose strings had been suddenly cut. Unable to keep performing... For the reason staring her in the face.

    "Mmgph...!" Kazue desperately yanked her helmet off, throwing up on the floor of her cockpit, the duty hoisted upon military soldiers too much for her in the moment.

    "Whew... All's well that ends well." Azame quickly hailed the ship as the fighting ended, turning her cameras on as she approached to board. "Greetings, Captain Silverwind! My name is Azame Fushimiya, ensign reporting from the CEN embassy here on Callisto... I was in the area on a search and rescue, and when I saw the combat break out, I couldn't sit still! I hope I was of service, ma'am. Permission to come aboard~?" Azame was bright, all smiles, but the tole of battle was clear on her face, chest heaving despite not having participated in combat. The stress of trying to keep folks together mid firefight always wore on her just enough.

    "[XO, if you wouldn't mind.]" Galatea appeared on the combat map in front of Alrenne, saluting him. "[Here is what I was able to discern from the shimmer. I did my best to recreate an outline of what it could have possibly looked like, but in all shots, there is something moving within the shimmer, obscuring vision. I believe it to be some sort of extra appendage on what I can only assume is a machine.]" The image popped up next to her, half of the outline of a machine that seemed to have been watching them. "[It doesn't match any machine outline from the CEN's database available on board the Imminent Dawn. If you recognize it, please inform me so that I may add it. If not, we are working with an enemy that we lack critical information on. Discretion is heavily advised as we move across Callisto.]"

  2. It seemed as though Chris had everything sorted out... in a manner of speaking, but that was all that could be done just speaking with Natalya. Ren hadn't seen more than their carriages, and it was true, they were gaining more and more people as time went on... They were almost a proper militia at this size rather than a mercenary company, but maybe that was what they needed going forward. A true force, not just swords for hire... Between the Underground, the stuff with the Escaflowne, Mercuria, all of it. They needed all the help they could get.

    "I'll make sure to relay the route to you, Chris." Ren rejoined the conversation and nodded, leaning into his field of view. "Will that do? How about you show me these siege engines, anyway? I've nothing else to do, and you've piqued my interest with all your going on about them... Maybe seeing how big they really are will help me get a sense for how much they'll need to move, too. Relay it to Natalya later."

    Syta glanced back at Laniva, something seemed to be getting to her... If everyone else was going to focus their attention on Kise for the moment, it was the perfect chance. "Lani?" Syta headed her way and held her hands behind her back, studying her face. "Something's wrong, but... I'm not gonna force you to tell me with all the others around. Still, if you don't wanna go out, or, food wasn't on your mind, we can do something else. Just a few guesses... Sorry if I'm prying." Syta felt it something of her duty to perk Lani up, now that they were... More than friends. Girlfriends, maybe...? Probably... That's how this works, right?

    "Me? Oh, I'm nothing special. Anyone can do this with enough practice... Speaking of~" She quickly patted Versaris on the shoulder, heading Renais's way. "Your turn! Be gentle with her, Sari... What's most important is that you focus on what you've just said. It might damage the staff, but that's fine. Better than you, and besides, except for the really fancy ones, the most important part of a staff," she let her own slide down until she was grabbing the head of it, pointing at the crystal fastened to the top, "is right here. The conduit gem is what matters the most, so if the wood splinters or the shaft breaks, so long as you can salvage the tip, it's all good. Though, you don't strike me as a girl with lots of experience with shafts and tips, so maybe get some help with that." She winked, gently pushing her ahead. "Go on, then! Show me whacha got~"

    Versaris sighed. "If you don't want to do this, Renais, we don't have to... I'll be gentle if you wish, and only use the flat of the blade for impact. Keep your hands spread far apart on your staff. That'll avoid me hitting your fingers-- as well as with future assailants. They'll swing for body blows, so they won't notice your hands on the staff immediately. Just be careful..." Hopefully she was fine with all this... And your remarks. Don't think I missed those. Geez... Between her and Jeremiah it almost feels like I'm back in Lufiria.

    "Ara? A new guest? Of course, mikon~ Come on over, don't be shy! My shop and my deals are open to all~" This one wasn't one of the Tigers... Perhaps someone from Eslcas' town? She'd heard the sales pitch and couldn't help herself, it seemed... "Come in closer, feel free to inspect anything-- you in the big hat! Don't hide under that~ If you're a mage, surely you can't resist... This~!" She'd picked up and held out a Thoron tome, wiggling her bushy brows. "I can smell the thunder magic radiating off of you... This must be a dream for you! Even if the spell is out of your power at the moment, imagine it, reaching for one of the strongest spells as soon as you were ready for it, unbridled thunder magic at your heart's demand! For the low, low price of thirteen thousand gold... Unless you wish to discuss a perrrrrrmanent discount on ALL of my wares. Sixty six percent off any purchase. Knock this hefty tome down to only four thousand three hundred and three gold, how can that be!? So cheap!? So affordable! Just ask, just ask~" Her tails bristled behind her. The prospect of a proper sale was so close...

  3. Marigold watched Owen and the Belrose walk off, eyes locked on them the whole time until they disappeared down the hall from her view in the cell... Then she turned back to Kieran and got comfortable again. "I'm not letting go. Who knows where you'll disappear to if I do... And hope is not a good sound. I felt like some fucking self help pamphlet. Disgusting." She stuck her tongue out, huffed, and flopped again. "Gimme a reason to hold onto it and maybe we'll be able to compromise."

    Iris listened intently to Ullr's instructions. It was her turn, then... She nodded, getting ready to attack, but-- "... If you know that, then why are you bothering to come over here?" She let go of her stance and folded her arms, scowling, eyes finding their way to Jeremiah and locking onto his face. She was managing to not give into her instincts, her pupils remaining wide and at attention, even if parts of her were screaming to put on an aggressive stance, something in her screaming to run. She glanced at the sword at his side for a moment... That was it. Whatever that sword was, it was a danger to her very existence, more than a skilled swordsman alone could ever be. "... ... ... ... Hhh. You're lucky. You're so lucky that I'm a good person. That I'm nice... Say whatever you have to, to make yourself feel better." Surely he wasn't about to come up with an apology now... ... No... If he is, then... That means he took the time to think and thought he was wrong, doesn't it? Not just, pressure in the moment... Her eyes fell from his face and her expression softened some, shoulders sinking a bit too. "Mmm..."

  4. "Three hundred? Here." Ichika didn't bother hesitating, handing over the requisite gold. "Thank you for your patronage, miss. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the festival...?" Ichika wasn't sure if it would be right to offer that back to them, but it was all that came to mind, gently pocketing the item. "I will do my best to be careful about miss Alouette's feelings. I do realize that I am being quite pushy in respect to my own feelings about birthdays and their meaning, but... I will figure something out. I have an idea, that I may avoid trampling upon her wishes. Thank you, again." Ichika bowed and then turned to hurry after the two, not wanting to hold their day up any longer.

  5. "You are fussing over this more than some of the younger miko back at the shrine..." There was something up, and perhaps it was the wrong idea to push things, but Alouette had eyed the pin again, and then again, so her mind was made up. "I shall not be long. If you need to leave for the moment, we shall meet up with you at the park. Do take care, Alouette." Ichika stood there with her money bag out and her hand on the hairpin, waiting for the vendor to specify a price. There seem to be some complicated feelings here, but I cannot ignore how much she is looking at this hairpin. She must really want it... Hmm. If she is not fond of gifts on her birthday, then... Yes, that will do.

  6. Amera leaned in towards the petting because Ember was right, she wasn't picky about her pets, as long as someone knew where to scritch at her. "Mmhnnn... Good... Bwah! Focus, no losing focus, uh, we're yeah, food." She waved Bella off, but then squinted at her wording, pointing two fingers at her as if to say 'I'm watching you', before turning back to their exit of the castle... Which seemed like it was going to be halted by a shop? "This wasn't here before..."

    "Oh, yeah. That's Mik-- Er, Kise. She's a kitsune that's been travelling with the Tigers for some time now... She's got a lot of really interesting wares, but, they're all pretty expensive... Not something I can afford. Plus... If you want a discount, there's a, uh, a caveat." A very suspicious caveat, honestly, but so it goes...

    "Reeeaaally... Well... Hold on there, Miria." Amera turned and followed after Jesse, peeking at what was available. "Can't hurt to look..."

    Kise turned her attention to Jesse immediately, sniffling the last of her negative feelings away and smiling brightly. "Of course you can~! Customers, customers~ How exciting...~" She hopped off of Akai, tails aflutter behind her, hands gently clasping themselves behind her back. "Welcome to my little pop up shop~! I've been all over the continent, so I've got pleeeeeenty of items for sale... They're rather expensive, but also very rare! I do believe the price is justified... Buuuuut if they're a little too rich for your wallet, we can discuss a discount~ All I'll need in exchange is a little bit of your... Time. Eheh."

    "We're just gonna practice our footwork, and I'm gonna show little miss Reni how to use her staff for more than wounds. If you two are fine, don't worry about us, don't worry~ You've got someone else to focus on, right?" Lucretia shot Ullr a wink and then looked at Iris-- Oh... What's got her so suddenly bothered? She followed the lizard's gaze towards... Jeremiah. Hmm... "Alright, Versaris, whenever you're ready." Whatever it was, it was between her and him.

    Iris had spotted Jeremiah at about the same time he'd noticed her, giving him a fierce scowl before turning her head away and grabbing Ullr's arm. "Come on, Ullr. We can keep going now-- away from them. Wouldn't want to get in the way." She said that bit loud enough for Jeremiah to hear, still bitter, knowing it was wrong to continue like this, but... I don't have to like him. It doesn't matter who he's friends with... "Come on. I'll dodge this time." She walked a bit away from them and got herself into a fighting pose, eyes focused.

    If you'd rely on me, you'd--

    Be quiet. You're boring me. I don't need you; I never did, I never will. Maybe this is harder for Aly because her voice got deeper into her mind, but you? You missed your chance. Now fuck off. I have better things to do than deal with this parasite in my brain.

    A sharp hiss met Iris' thoughts, but the voice was well and truly gone... For now.

    Lucretia did her best to ignore Iris' petty moment, focusing on Versaris. "Don't come at me full power; if you're anything like Jer over there, you'd really knock me off my feet, but use your technique properly and all. I can take it, and it'll be good for Renais to learn~"

    Sari was a bit unfocused, looking at Jeremiah after Iris' moment, seriously confused. What the fuck happened? He'd be asking about that once they had a moment to themselves, but it seemed he was conscripted, for now... "Alright... Just be careful. Even if Jeremiah thinks you can handle yourself... Ah, no choice but to get into it." Versaris drew his blade and, with the same speed as always, charged into Lucretia's guard.

    "Hup!" The swing was weaker than normal, he'd held back, but what he didn't expect was for it to meet staff instead of armor... "Hah, hyah, hah!" Lucretia was in full motion, staff spinning to meet his sword wherever he swung from. Told you, pretty boy~! I can handle myself, but... Geez, if you were putting your all into this, wow, you'd be knocking this, clean out of my hands! After a moment of swings and blocks by the healer, he backed off.

    "Geez! I'm... I can't believe a staff could weather something like that, but more than the staff, that you could... I know I wasn't going at one hundred percent, but... Still. Your guard was shockingly strong."

    "Hwhew... Hahh, first lesson, Renais!" Lucretia was huffing quietly, clearly winded more than Versaris was. "Your staff isn't just for healing! The crystal at the end is where the magic comes from, so you've got a whole shaft of wood to block, parry, and deflect incoming attacks~ It'll take practice... but it's a great skill for a healer to have~"

    Gean rattled off a bunch of what she knew, Cass smiling. "Great!" She slapped Gean on the back as they walked onto the ship, chuckling some. "Ship's gonna need a captain too, so enjoy your promotion, Captain Aegean. I'll supply whoever you need to man the ship... Now for you, little lizard. Wanna have a race, then?" Cass pointed off the Maelstrom's port side towards a set of rocks jutting out of the waves. "I can swim pretty fast, but you've likely got me beat... Either way, I wouldn't mind getting wet. We did come down here for a swim, after all... You wanna join us, Gean?" If the lizard could see in the dark, that made one thing simple-- she'd be their eagle eye in the crow's nest. Give her an eye glass and she'd be able to see anything they were heading against.

    "So. Last one there's chum, yeah?" Cass didn't bother waiting, cheating her start and diving right off the side of the ship, arms and tail in full swimming motion! "Catch me if you can!"


  7. With discussions of where to take the group next and allegiances being realized fully, for the moment, the Falcons had nothing more to do but to move. Their base would no longer serve any purpose, the chances of their returning to it slim. Everything was packed up and they set on their ways towards the south; towards Bravia. It was early spring, so the sun would come late. A good five to six hours they walked along the countryside, Rivane keeping their rear guarded on horseback. Either the knights had no real catch on their trail, or they had doubled back to acquire reinforcements. Either way, it was a welcome reprieve, and it made setting up camp all the safer with no one visibly on their tails.

    Jilyn had been tasked with taking care of Rina, given her bindings and their slight familiarity, so she sat with the woman a small ways away from the rest of the group, helping her with her hair and her armor as they all began to settle down for rest. "I am sorry for this, Rina," Jilyn offered. "Hopefully they will realize that you are not a threat and they will undo this rope... For now, please, bear with it. Shall I fetch you something to eat or drink?" They had rations, for the moment. Once Jilyn had finished with Rina's hair and armor, as she waited for the woman's reply, she began stripping herself of all her jewellery and gold. She would present it to Rivane and he could see it sold as he saw fit.

  8. "Ohhhh, Uncle J~ Wow, what an upgrade-- or a downgrade? Don't fancy yourself old enough to be an uncle yet, Jerbear?" Lucretia snickered along as they walked, heading outside. "Honestly, I'd love to be an aunt-- but not if I'm still single by that point, good gosh, that'd just be a terrible reminder if how unlucky I am when it comes to guys... Which isn't something I'm gonna keep feeding; I just gotta meet the right one. Jeremiah was so close. Small snag of being married, but hey, there's gotta be more than one guy like him out there... Right?"

    Versaris looked at Jeremiah, tried to imagine another of him... and failed, snickering to himself. "Of course. No rush, now, at least... What's done is done. I'm sure you'll tell me before disappearing again." It was... Oddly reassuring to have Jeremiah at arm's length. For the moment, it meant that they could sleep properly, without worry of being assaulted again. If they were, the man wouldn't hesitate, especially if the Underground was looking for revenge. It wouldn't last forever, but it was a comforting thought. "Guess I'll just watch these two learn their stuff--"

    "Nuh uh, pretty boy!' Lucretia had slid over to him while he was lost in thought, grabbing his arm, Versaris flinching heavily.

    "Buh, wha!?"

    "You're gonna help me show off some methods of defense~" Lucretia smiled nice and bright as the courtyard came into view, taking her bright smile towards Iris and Ullr, who seemed to be going at it. "Geez, looks like no one can sit still with what's looming ahead~ Good for them... Though-- whoa!"

    "Okay... Okay. Jump is for attacking or backing away only... Don't jump to dodge. Don't do it..." Iris had to repeat things into her mind to get them to stick, focusing as best as she could. Ullr stepped in to swing at her and this time she sidestepped swiftly to dodge, leaving her completely open to his next fist, which she brought her fists up to block-- "Bwah!?" Even with Ullr holding back, his fists were like logs, Iris swiftly losing her footing and falling over again. "Hwahh... Ow... Y-You're really strong, Ullr." Instead of being upset, she was more impressed, jumping right back up and nodding. "I think I get it... even if I'm not very good at--"

    "Are you alright!?" Lucretia had run over when the block had sent Iris onto her butt, staff at the ready, aiming it at her. "What a hit-- this is supposed to be sparring, young man, shouldn't you be holding back!?"

    "Whoa, another tiddy mons-- ER--" Iris cut herself off real quick, shaking her head. "He is! I asked for the help... And, trust me, he is holding back. I just, uh, I don't think I'm cut out to, block punches. Or hits. Or anything... I just gotta dodge. Get better at dodging... That's all. I'm fine, really! Butt's a little sore, that's all."

    Lucretia shot Iris a quick squint for her comment, but sighed. "... Alright. Alright! If you're sure. Just, take it easy, you two... We're gonna be over there, me and Renais, so if you need a healer, just shout." Lucretia pulled herself away from them and sighed back at her original group. "Sorry... cant' help myself, sometimes... Forget that, though, everything seems fine. Renais? Staff out~ And Versaris, get ready to swing on me."

    "... Are you... Are, you really sure that's a good idea?" He glanced at Jeremiah, even holding back, it felt very improper to swing on a healer.

    "I can take it, tough guy~ This body isn't just meant for looking good... now get that sword out and get ready~!"

    "Whoa..." Amera watched the interaction, nodding sagely like she'd solved some mystery. "So you're a PDA cat too. It's fine, totally fine, I get it. Sometimes you just can't wait for a private moment to get pets from your human. I totally understand." Amera continued to nod as they fully joined with the group, tail swishing madly, eyes locking onto Seila. "Speaking of~" she said, loudly, "it'd be great if someone pet me right now... Just sayin'... Be super nice and cool..."

    Syta couldn't help laughing at that point, holding her stomach and almost keeling over. "Geez! Hehehee...! Ahhhh... Amera, you're really funny. Heheh... Mmm. Food sounds nice, so without further adieu, let's get some! It'd be nice to see what this town has, anyway... I imagine since it's on the sea, it'll have a lot of nice seafood--"

    "OH IT DOES," Amera blurted out, ears standing at attention, smile wide. "They've got the BEST fish and some serious lobster here... You're gonna love it-- I certainly do~"

    "Pfft...!" Syta had to stop another laughing fit, quickly heading towards the door. "C-Come on, everyone... Hehah...! Let's get some food, in us... Geez...!" She's such a cat! I can't handle it...!

    "Er, hah. Gean, maybe I made a mistake somewhere. Tactics? I got all that up here, don't worry. Quiet boat in the middle of the night is all planned out. I just mean captaining the damn thing." She headed towards the Maelstrom, hands on her hips, taking the ship all in. It was an impressive Galleon, three masts, multiple decks and floors, cannons, the whole lot. It had enough space to house a crew to maintain it, and the Tigers in transport. "See, I might know plenty about fighting out at sea, but I've never actually captained the damn thing, so... Anything you can tell me about what it takes to run a boat, I'm all ears. For the safety of our men at Eslcas, we might have to sail with a minimal crew, and some of you might have to take over required jobs... Don't want anyone getting involved in this that isn't ready for the toughest fight of their life. A lot of the men working the docks are just trade sailors, not privateers... Merchants that can pull the lever on a revolver, or fire an arrow, at best."

    "To my captain... Heh." She's back in Hecatia. Ren amused themselves with the thought as they followed after Chris, watching the cat explain himself quite swiftly and without pauses, hopefully not too much for the tiger to handle. The evokers were present as well, it seemed, Ren giving them both a small bow. "Christopher is, to my understanding, as they mentioned, a siege specialist, so I imagine... Trebuchet, ballistae, that sort of thing. Is that about right, Chris?" Natalya would know best on how much they could carry of that sort of machinery.

    "Well, sorry to disappoint, boss, but he told me he was sorry for everything and more, and that's all I've been waiting to hear for years... So I figured he could use another shot. Whether that's now against Kazran, or later on, whatever it is, I'm sure he'll prove himself instead of hiding his tail between his legs." Marigold slowly grabbed and held Kieran's hand, looking away from him and the rest. "Not saying he deserves to be let out of the cell; he was still a fucking idiot, but... He understands, both what he did wrong, and how his beliefs have been hurting both himself and others. It's a good start... Gods, listen to me, sappy as fuck, ugh! When did I get this optimistic!? This is your fault, Kieran!" She looked back at him with a huff, flopping into his shoulder and play punching him in the side-- and she made sure to hold back, well aware of how easily she could hit harder than intended with her body.

    "Owen's right about one thing, at least... You're coming back alive. Even if I have to drag you back myself. You got that...?"

    "Aaaaaaaaand... Done~" Kise flopped against Akai, her stand setup fully, multiple weapons, tomes, trinkets on display, all on different well kept, lacquered, proper wooden display stands. She'd set it up in the courtyard right next to the main gate that led out to the town, giving her an eye on everyone that came and went, along with, hopefully, a few customers... That cat boy had run past her before she could call him over, leaving her ever so slightly discouraged, just nuzzling against Akai and sighing hard. "Hahhhhhnnn, my boy... It's so difficult, this world... I get to six tails, and what happens? A mad man gets the jump on me because of my feelings, and now I'm back down to fiiiiive... Nine is so far awayyyy... It's just not fair... Mmmhnnnn..."

    Her whining was met with a similar whine out of Akai, the wolf snuggling her a little with his own tails. He'd been with her for quite some time, even if not all the years. It was painful to see her so discouraged, but there was little he could do. He wasn't a combat familiar beyond his physical attributes, no real magic of his own to assist her with. Still, he could tell that it was getting to her, so he could comfort her as much as he could.

    "I just... Hahh... It's really, not fair. Everything I've been through. Everything I've worked towards... Set back in such a swift and unkind motion. Even a monster has feelings, you know? Of course you do, Akai... Mmm..." She sniffled and buried her face against his fur before she could cry, hugging him tight. "Thank you..."

    The wolf let out another whine, nuzzling her closer. People should buy from my master, he thought, content to be on his best behaviour if anyone showed up. If he had to pretend to be a dog to get people to feel comfortable, he was fine being a 'good boy'.

  9. "Nonsense." Ichika picked up the first one her eyes landed on, a hairpin with a blue flower jewel adorning it, nodding and turning her attention towards the cat that was assaulting Alouette with kindness. "Excuse me. I would like to purchase this. Please ignore any protests that Alouette proceeds to attempt, my gold situation is very fine and I am not in the market for anything, myself. One's birthday should be celebrated properly, so a gift is in order, yes." Ichika nodded again, gently taking out her gold purse and rummaging around for coin. "I am unaware of the market value of these sorts of things, so please name your price."

  10. "Rina..." It was both shocking and heartwarming to know that some of the knights still held her in such high regard. That they would see her, rightfully, as Empress, despite Evelyn's ploys and attempts. Beyond that, that Rina would accept her as a ruler despite her father... "... Thank you. Though... It is as they say, gold is... It is scarce. While my jewelry will aid us for the short term, we are a full band, planning travel, with mouths to feed, weapons and armor to maintain, and supplies to procure..."

    She sighed. "If I can help that at all by using the good looks my parents have bestowed me, then I will not shy away from it. Understood? It's just a little dancing... And you can help me with it, if you're worried about me being... ogled too intensely, or something." She didn't voice it, but she didn't quite appreciate Rivane's decision to keep Rina bound... Still, it was a safety measure, that much she grasped. At mention of a map, she perked up some, slowly making her way over to watch. She hadn't been taught much about the roads that crossed Halspria, so she couldn't help being interested.

  11. "I suppose 'Goodbye, terrorist filth', wasn't clear enough for them..." Louise continued her focus, rifle up and out, aiming for the one just past the bogey on her tail. In a sudden twist of her HEX, she flipped her machine to face them, still coasting along as the front facing boosters ignited, letting her movement press on, while she aimed down sights... "Yes, focus on following your lead unit, ignore me... There!" The rifle lit up with energy and the concentrated beam of light and fire pierced through the machine trailing behind her assailant, straight through the cockpit. "Pft, hah! Hahah! Some terrorists! Can't even dodge fire from someone in their first live fight... Idiots~" She popped the spent barrel and went about reloading the rifle, taking off her helmet and running a hand through her hair before letting out a loud huff. "I didn't think I'd get this excited... But I'm having the time of my life, and sticking it to all of those stuck up fucks that thought I'd never cut it. Mental problems, pfhah! HAH! Do you SEE any problems here!? They're dead with barely a single finger lifted!" She chuckled quietly, before composing herself somewhat, letting out a sigh, and hailing the bridge.

    "Captain, come in... These few won't take long. Thank you for the data... You really saved my skin."

    Louise PLASTERS Arde 3-S and H&As to 19,20

    Kazue boosted down towards the incoming enemy forces, making sure not to make herself a free target.

    Kazue to 20,20

    "Hope you don't mind if I back you up, Kleiner Blitz~!"

    Azame to 18,20, repair spray Markus

    "Already logged, sir. I'll have the ship's computers analyze it while we clean up here. Galatea?"

    "Reporting," the AI appeared on his dash, saluting in her odd, Greek dress.

    "Right, the footage I just saved, can you run it through image processing and attempt to make sense of that shimmer? Maybe there's a proper shape that can be formulated by the ship's processor."

    "Acknowledged... I will have that ready for you as soon as I can."

  12. "We should continue to the park, should we..." There were some complicated feelings buried there, ones that couldn't be dug out with such an early acquaintance. Ichika kept note of them, at the least. Maybe one day she could prod the woman over them. It felt like Alouette was full of secrets, but given he relation to Lorelei, there was a chance those secrets wouldn't be hers to keep for long. Such is the cost of mingling with royalty... It was the same in my homeland. As soon as you are friends with them, everyone knows your name. A dangerous friendship... Ichika nodded sagely to herself, turning back to catch, perhaps too easily, Alouette's pause of fascination over the jewelry. Before words towards that could be spoken, she began to leave for another venue, but luck would have them pause.

    One of the workers at the jewelry store seemed to recognize Alouette, Ichika giving them a small bow when asked if she was a friend or not. "I am not sure yet," she answered honestly, "but Alouette has been pleasant to speak with so far, yes. Speaking of, Alouette, which one struck your fancy the most?" Ichika was already fishing for her purse to purchase one. "Even if you claim your birthday to be unimportant, it is a celebration for each of us only once a year. Unlike eating, sport, play, listening to music, which one may do a myriad number of times in their life, you would be lucky to see eighty, ninety birthdays. It is special, so... Since I have no use for all of this extra gold, please, choose one."

  13. It wasn't Marigold's place to chime in anymore. Kieran had recognized the worst part of what had happened, so she didn't have the energy to continue with the elephant in the room finally being seen.

    "Yes. Hello... My name is Miredy. I was locked up there, yes... They were transporting me to Kazran. He'd purchased me for his collection, when the lovely mercenaries stormed the place and saved myself, and, yes, this child. She was there too... Surely you didn't think better of such an organization, yes?" Miredy smiled, but it was sympathetic, something very close to pity. "I understand your feelings towards the Belrose family and name... it's a hefty shackle-- just like being a monster when an Islexian looks at you... And it's not something that good will, or even good actions will shake off so easily. So. I didn't come here to mediate, or admonish you, or anything like that. I wished to see how Syndra would carry herself in the face of someone that harmed her and her friends... Would she react like her family's name suggest she would? She hasn't so far. You're still breathing. I'm impressed, especially considering all the barbs being flung... But."

    Miredy cradled Jane closely and stroked her hair. "You must realize how truly, truly awful the people you spoke with were... You did it to save not only yourself, but your family, so I cannot hate you, or blame you, but... Let the truth sink in, and think on it. If the Tigers were any weaker, this child would've been sent to parts unknown." Considering how undesirable Jane likely was to most humans, considering her insectoid Clouded lineage, it was more likely the girl would've either been raised and broken down for parts, or simply killed as she was. She didn't dare speak it; Jane didn't deserve to know that truth, not so young.

    "Mrahh!" Without the distraction in place, Iris continued to abuse her mobility, this time jumping in place over Ullr's fist, but you can't avoid once you're airborne until you land again... So his second swing caught her in the gut and took her back down to the ground, making her roll away from the force of it, coughing. He hadn't swung any harder than normal, perhaps even less so, she was just... Frail. "Hrahhh... Hahh..."

    Use me, and--

    "Be quiet...!" She immediately snapped at the weak attempt of the voice to show up. Was it going to try and weasel into her aggression now that it didn't have her magic? "Mrahn, hh... Again... No, jumping, against a quick opponent... I get it. If you, swung low... Left, or right. Then duck. Up isn't a good choice..."

    Cass pulled Aegean and Alriana past the dungeon situation as quickly as she could, taking a separate hallway to make sure they didn't step right through the conflict. The smell of the ocean quickly hit their nose as a pier with several soldiers and sailors began to come into view, folks checking stock and maintaining the ships, making sure everything was ready to go at a moment's notice. Things were dire, after all. "Allllright! These are our personal ships. The Maelstrom and the Stormway's Charter... Owen named that one." She chuckled quietly. "We can check one of them out, make sure things are right for your group-- you'll have to walk me through the details you know, Gean, but I'm happy to learn... Aaaaand at any point, feel free to jump off into the water. It's a bit cold, even now, but I'm sure you two won't mind at all. Just keep clear if a shark swims by, or get Aly here to bite it back, hah~"

    "Hmhm... Sure, Chris. I'll hang out with you." Ren was very, very amused by this cat, nodding and gently holding their arms behind their back. "Then, what's first? Do you need to catch up to miss Natalya, or do you have to get your things ready for this attack like Lady Cassandra mentioned? I'll help out if there's anything that I can do."

  14. Rivane was a good man, that much was certain. There wasn't more to say to him now, nor anyone it seemed... There was just one loose end left. "Rina, stop." Jilyn approached beside Rivane, arms crossed. "My father is dead. The  High Tower has slain him and my mother-- good riddance, but they mistakenly chose to paint me with the same brush. A part of me cannot blame their fear, but it is misplaced, and now we find ourselves in this situation... If you weren't aware of Evelyn's plans, then you can help me, can't you? Maybe you think yourself above working with... Ex knights, of Halspria," she glanced at Rivane and then Cyrus, "but I wish to see the bloodshed stopped, which means ending this war... And with Evelyn on her warpath, all I can do is turn to Bravia. Continue what I had been doing in aiding them. They will end this war, the people will be free to recover, and hopefully, I will take my seat as the next Empress. I can only preach peace and hope the people listen..."

  15. There was much that Jilyn wanted to add and keep saying, but Rivane spoke out and made clear his stance on everything, even going as far as to, seemingly, attempt to intimidate her as he continued on. She didn't flinch in the face of his approach, didn't shrink or back down. If he was trying to intimidate her, it wasn't going to work, not over this. "... If we can make it closer to Bravia, I will tell you, and only you, Rivane. This is simply... At least if it dies with me, Evelyn will never know. That is the second best outcome, as much as it would be horrible. So I will do anything else I can to help in getting us there... Anything else." She huffed and looked over at Cyrus. He likely knew what she was alluding to... Even if he wasn't aware of the exact nature of it. "Don't tell him more than necessary, Cyrus. You heard him."

  16. "Wha-- Because it concerns the duration of this damn war! This is not information to be thrown about like a ball while playing catch!" She couldn't help herself finally getting incensed, folding her arms. "So pardon me for caring about the safety of incredibly important knowledge... Cyrus, if you are who you say you are, you know damn well what speaking further could do for our chances. Quiet yourself, I beg of you, even to Rivane. I know I'm not in any position to bargain, but... I... Please. We've worked too hard to put this under any risk..."

  17. "You're the one..." Jilyn was halted for a moment by Raz's words of revealing clothes and a veil, but she shook her head and stood up, almost charging Cyrus, but with the current company, any hostile action was dangerous. "You can't tell them! Any of them! You know better, if you really are who you say you are... Even if Rivane is made of sterner stuff, if this knowledge falls into the wrong hands... You can't. Please."

  18. "... I cannot tell you what I have that would see Bravia to victory. I cannot tell anyone... If you were to know, if you were caught, it would send Evelyn to the highest levels of alert. She'd call down her entire army on us... For now, chased by her, perhaps some of the Middle Circle that she trusts, we might escape, but if she knew that I... No, I cannot say. I'm sorry..." Her gaze remained downcast, eyes glancing around like she was searching for something, looking far off to the future. 

    "If... If you must have my body, then so be it." She shivered slightly, but then swallowed, steeling herself. "As long as I make it, and I can put an end to this madness, nothing is beyond me. As for Bravia, I have full faith in them. We turned our swords upon them at my father's behest, and they have done nothing but try and survive this insane war. They will wish to see it ended, I'm sure of it. As quickly as possible... But all I have is my word. I can't imagine it's good enough, but it's all I have, so I must insist. Rivane. See me to Bravia... You will all have to flee the Empire, no matter what. You know of Evelyn's plot. You're too much to leave alive." She finally looked up at Rivane, her eyes set in seriousness, her gaze strong, the gold of them almost piercing into him.

    "I'd rather not see the people that saved me run through. Even if your intentions were impure, you still did... So you may have my jewelry, my sword arm, my body, and my promise. All I ask is for help."

  19. Jilyn slowly rose to her knees, eyes locked onto the ground. "... I have been helping Bravia in secret for years. I have always been against what my father has done to this country, and always done what I thought was best for the people of Halspria. Ending this war is what is most important; I don't care who wins. As long as the citizens survive, Bravia can have the victory. If Evelyn had let me, I would have worked with her to succeed. She is capable, and unwilling to sacrifice what my father was... It would still be a long, and drawn out war, but I believe in her. Alas, my position has been forced. I have something the King of Bravia needs to end this war, so... Please. You may have me as much as you wish as long as I live to make it there."

  20. Jilyn looked up at Rivane as he approached, nodding. "Yes. My father is dead. It is perhaps too late a decision, but the High Tower finally saw fit to do away with him-- but they have no plans to stop this war. Evelyn means to lead it herself. A proper war, no longer a game, one that would see Bravia razed and conquered so that Halspria may survive... One that I wouldnjave participated in for the sake of my people, but," she sighed, staring down, hands curling into fists, "royalty cannot be trusted, so she said. I was to be killed along this trip. By 'bandits', likely knights posing as your ilk. When we were accosted by the real thing... I saw my chance."

    Jilyn picked herself up and immediately got on her knees, bowing fully in front of Rivane. "I will offer up my entire being, so long as you see me safely to Bravia. You may do whatever you want to me, whatever terrible thoughts you had planned, you may take and sell my things, so long as I can make it there alive, I'll do anything. Please..."

  21. "What bag...?" Jilyn looked incredibly confused, she'd only been holding her sword, which she'd since locked back into her briefcase and was now carrying along in the arm that wasn't hoisting Rina. "I will do so... I hope he is amenable to my words." Kagi was referring to their feathered rider as 'Captain'... Were they deserters, not bandits? Maybe my luck has improved...

    "RIVANE!" Evelyn's shouts were all that were heard as the Falcons retreated from the battlefield, their spoils won, their members safe, for now... The Knights held off on their chase-- they had wounded to tend to and reports to call in, reinforcements to requisition.

    Map over!
    Battle Mastery succeeded!

    It had been several hours since the engagement, the Falcons retreating deep into the woods, towards their camp of operations. Jilyn had sat herself rather regally, on one of the stumps in the camp, waiting for Rivane to approach her, not moving or making any motion to run. She was to speak with him before anything else. They had much to discuss...

  22. "... Kagi. Yes, I am Princess... Empress, Jilyn. The High Tower, rightfully, could no longer condone my father's behaviour and activity. The assassinated him recently, to my understanding... And had the Knight's Captain Evelyn been willing, I would have happily worked with them to steer this Empire towards salvation. Alas." She sighed as they hauled Rina along, shaking her head. "I am royalty, and thus, they cannot trust me... So they say. It is their loss, now. Even if you are bandits, even if you wish to do untoward things to me... It is you, or certain death. I will take my chances. I will speak with your leader when this is over and we are momentarily safe-- offer whatever I have to, to see safe passage to Bravia. As it stands, I am worthless for ransom." She smirked a little.

    Knight #2 crashes into Cyrus!
    Willow blocks it!
    2 damage to Willow!
    Cyrus fires back!
    9 damage!
    Cyrus gains +12 EXP, +1 Gun WEXP

    Cavalier #2 flies into him as well!
    Cyrus unloads!
    8 damage!
    Cyrus gains +12 EXP, +1 Gun WEXP

    Cyrus levels!

    71	84	32	58	2	62	83	73


    Cav #1 spears Willow!
    8 damage!
    Willow slugs him!
    A hefty punch!

    Willow gains +10 EXP, +1 Brawling WEXP

    Sword Knight #1 Approaches!

    "You! I thought I recognized that damn spear... Rivane rel Ix Embrith. Stooped to banditry, have you? Too many rules to being a knight?" Evelyn knew that her quarry was long gone, and even with these bandits so close, they were about to slip from her grasp. "You listen to me and you listen well, Rivane! You've made the greatest mistake of your life, today! I will chase you unto the ends of the world if I must... So fly! Fly away, little bird! But don't think yourself safe. Not for one minute!"

    Player Phase Turn 4


  23. "Wooooow, so you're famous, Renais? Hey, even if it's coincidences, the Tigers are still headed that way, yeah? I'm sure you'll get the chance to confirm it!" Lucretia bumped her hips into the girl a little, smiling wide. "Now that that's all sorted... If you two wanna keep chattin' about this, you wanna come watch us throw ourselves around outside, Jeremiah, Sari~? I'm dragging Renais off for some staff drills... It's not just a stick with a magic crystal on top, you can use it to protect yourself if you know what you're doing~!" She swiftly and quickly spun her own staff around and slammed it down onto the castle stone before leaning against it, raising an eyebrow. "Sound like a good show?"

    "And what's wrong if I do, huh!?" Amera blushed and pouted a yell back at Seila, sticking her tongue out, blowing a raspberry, the whole nine-yards of childish reactions. "Oh, whatever... I'm just really, really big into exercise and stuff. I don't mean in like, the traditional sense. I'm not hitting up a gym and doing my reps, but, I gotta, do stuff! Climb a tree, run around the whole city, chase down some game during camping, spar a bunch-- Ember's really great at sparring! That one's Ember, as a reminder," she continued, pointing at the big black dog. "We fight a lot! She's super strong and I'm super fast, and I think you're super strong too miss Laniva-- can I call you Lani? Anyway you look strong, with all the armor and the big sword and all that, you wanna fight some time? For fun? I, uh... I guess I'm pretty boring if you don't like doing active stuff, I don't really have any hobbies otherwise, uhhhh... Uh... Oh, no, am I really that boring-- OH!" Amera jumped in place from her realization, beaming. "I knit."

    Syta had to hold back some heavy laughter from how different these two women were, and the speed that Amera was running through everything with. She reached up and gave Laniva a quick pet, walking past the two towards the other group. "If you're all heading out, I hope you don't mind us being included in that. Syta Fahn, it's a pleasure. Amera... Seems like quite the handful, eheheh. Makes me glad that Laniva is so calm, most of the time..."

    Alvira had been shown to a guest room, setting her things down near the bed... She proceeded into them and fished out a few candles, a parchment to write and draw on, some few rubys that she kept on her person, and then locked the door to the room. Taking one of the side tables, Alvira placed the parchment on top of it and furnished it with some ink from a quill, writing down, 'To the brightest star in my night sky', drawing some symbols of the moon, the stars, some hazy scribbles of the night, signing it all with her name. It took time. She was drawing carefully; she wanted to respect this properly. Once that was all done, she placed the candles upon the parchment, all with their own holders as to not drip wax onto it, and then, for the first time in a long time... She closed her eyes, concentrated, and the faintest, weakest little flame manifested in her palm. She could feel the strain, the draw on her magic that even this was taking, but she didn't care, not for a second. She carefully lit the three candles with her flame, letting it fade away once she had. "Finally... Finally, I can show you proper respect, once again. It's been so long... But this is my fire. This is our fire, Fomalhout. The gift you've given to me; the grace you've shown me..." She closed her eyes again and clasped her claws together, leaning over her setup, hair dancing between the candles, sometimes approaching the flame, but never catching. She did not fear her own magic. "Fomalhaut. Brightest star in my sky. My north star. My guiding light. I know these words may not reach you, but I speak them from the deepest part of my being... As I always have. I know what I need to do. I know what is needed to free you... The Sol Incantio. I know its name! I know where it is... The path I must walk to get there is long, but for you, I would cross mountains, swim seas, and brave deserts... I shall see you free. You have given me that and more, my lovely shining star..."

    ... ... ... There was but silence at Alvira's words. Though, amidst that silence, the flame in her hand grew ever so slightly, and changed color, a reddish tint to the blaze, before returning back to the gentle wisp in the dragon's hands. ... ... ... i me

    Perhaps if she had been her former self, Alvira would have panicked and gotten far too excited about hearing this, but now... She simply did her best to focus on what little she could hear, the barely words that had reached her mind. "I am here. I hear you. I know what to do... I will do it for you. I promise. You will be free as you deserve, not chained by the whims of someone that claims themselves to be a Goddess. I will see you free, Fomalhaut..."

    "Hm!?" Iris' eyes went wide as her wrists were grabbed and she was tugged closer to Ullr, staring up at him with a hefty amount of confusion on her face. She completely blanked on the stuff he was explaining, staring up at him rather emptily, her mouth hanging open some, her cheeks slowly growing a faint purple until he finally let go of her. She was staring at her claws for a large moment, coming back when he started speaking about his turn. "Hwah, huh? Wait, y-your turn, Huh!? Kyah!" Iris dropped to all fours as quickly as she could, Ullr's fist gliding through her hair across the top of her head, the lizard swiftly crawling around him and picking herself back up, claws up, swallowing hard. "S-Sorry! I, uh, I got distracted, uhm... Y, You can try again, yeah? I'll... Uh, go ahead."

    "I don't know," Ren responded with something of a smile to Chris' myriad questions. "I'm something of an add-on to the Tigers company... And definitely not their book keeper in any way. A healer, most of the time, at best. If you're looking for the person that knows everything about the Tigers," Ren spun around, eyes peering around until they found-- "Aha~ There she is. Natalya, over there. Who also seems to be leaving the room... You've got a real knack for being late to your things, huh?" They couldn't help laughing a little, seeing Chris get stuck in the same predicament, once again. "But, if you'd like me to accompany you so you feel more comfortable speaking with her, no problem, heheh. I don't have much else to do... And I must admit, this is quite amusing." Ren had been about to ask Miria and Jesse if they could accompany them, but this was starting to seem much more fun.

  24. Tristan didn't have much to do aside from monitor the cameras and play backup for any incoming comms, monitor the engines, their route out of here-- He paused on one camera and squinted, staring straight at a spot far away near one of the facilities... Something was shimmering. Something was there. "Captain," he pushed the feed up to her map display, enlarging it and zooming in. It was faint, but the outline couldn't be anything else. "Someone's watching this conflict."

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