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Nanami Touko

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Posts posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Sylmaria's eyes fell on the group approaching after her moment with the child... Pink hair, blue outfit, emerald eyes. Owen Gaffney. He was here. He was in range. He was barely guarded, barely armored. Did he truly feel so safe in his own castle? All she had to do was raise her hair... As she thought it, her palm went up, slowly, everything around her seeming to move slowly, her thoughts coming in rapidly. Just kill him he's right there he's not guarded you'll be a martyr you'll live on forever-- Giovanna-- they'll sing your name Kazran will win it'll all be over-- she'll be all alone-- they'll write songs about you it's for Islexia it's for the greater good-- look at how happy they all are-- these beasts deserve to die they must be culled-- it was never like this back there...

    Her magic crackled and sparked along her arm and her hand, the spell forming, her mind splitting-- she just had to kill him! Just one blast! He was weak! He looked frail! One good spell would shatter him, she just... You just, have to cast it! Sylmaria! Cast the spell! Why!? Why can't, I... Why... Why... "Why..." Her magic faded and she collapsed to the ground, weeping, head in her hands, the weeping turning to sobbing. "Kill me! Just kill me! I can't take it anymore!"

    Miredy realized what was happening a bit too slowly, but then nothing came of it, the woman collapsing into a broken pile. She wasn't quite sure what to do, eyes glancing to Jesse and then to the Evokers, quickly collecting Jane up into her arms just in case something went wrong.

    Unbeknownst to the goings on with Owen, Alvira had been focusing and trying to reach deep into her core, feeling her fire-- feeling her connection to Fomalhaut more than ever before. It was strange... Despite Mercuria's influence on her mana, it almost felt like she could... Push it aside? Like, a tunnel had collapsed, and she could move the debris. It didn't feel permanent, but... It was enough. Enough for fire to form in her soul. Enough for her mana to flow, properly, and for the first time in years... She opened her eyes to a fully formed ball of fire, sitting there in her claw. Her eyes danced across the flames as a smile grew on her face, the dragon standing and tossing the fire with abandon at one of the nearest targets! It struck, it seared, it burned like her flames were meant to! "Hah! Hahahahaha! You can't stop me forever you crazy ice witch!"

  2. "Ah? Uhm, n-no? I--" Sylmaria was flustered, receiving too much attention, all at once. Why do they care so much!? I'm just some beast! Some stranger! Ignore me, dammit! "I'm f-fine. Please, pay me no mind." She didn't want anyone healing what was underneath her bandages. Her attention then turned to the... spider child, staring down at a set of four eyes... but her expression softened, slowly bending down to her height and reaching a hand out to pet her hair.

    "Hello... It's nice to meet you." Poor thing... Best that you leave this country, than grow up in it. There's nothing safe for you here. "If you're worried about my bandages, don't be. As you can see, there's no blood. They're clean. I'm just... hiding scars." She whispered the last bit to Jane and made a shushing motion with a finger. "That's all."

  3. Kise noticed Aegean's waving, eyes going as wide as her smile, waving back furiously. "Do your best~!!"

    "O-Oh. Yes." Thank the sky, a human... At least there are some normal people around here. "My name is Sylmarian. Sylmaria Hunter." She didn't smile, but it was immediately clear she was more comfortable speaking with Jesse. She turned her head towards Jesse's call, eyes falling on... Ah. At least my death will be swift... What power. And they aren't flaunting it... I truly am in the lion's den, pretending to be one of them.

    Sylmaria took a deep breath and nodded. "Well... Hopefully he'll be along soon enough. I need to speak with him. I have news of Kazran..." Hopefully that would get her off the hook, and it wasn't a lie. She had a message from the man. A lethal one. "Until then... I hope you won't mind me idling around. I've just arrived and have no room at the inn or place to stay."

  4. "I'm pretty good with danger, so I'll take my chances~ Besides... surely, some of you are still single... Right?" She raised an eyebrow in the hopes of a positive answer, shrugging a bit. "Either way, not a good idea for me to get into something serious with your group... You'll all be heading onward once Kazran's dealt with, so it wouldn't do for me to try and tie anyone down or force them long distance. No fun for anyone, yeah? So I guess I'll stick to ogling... At least there's plenty to see~" She ran a hand through her hair and brushed it aside gently, smiling confidently and smugly.

    "Well! All that fun business aside... It would do for us to keep up with the rest of the group and see how things are going. C'mon, Owen." She patted her brother on the shoulder and made to leave. "Let's see just how strong this 'Leon' is, shall we?"

  5. "Wow, she does all that? She must be quite the stickler for detail..." Using a revolver took skill, but it took eve more to pull the mechanism apart and put it back together... Miredy had seen some of the technological marvels at Ulara, the engineers there were wizards with metal, they could create so many amazing things. To hear that someone in Islexia was accomplishing the same, even on such a small scale, it was no less impressive-- maybe even more. "I... Prefer magic, but I'd love to see the sorts of things your momma works on. Hopefully she can show me when we take you back to her~"

    Miredy hadn't expected anyone to come to see them while all this training was going on, blinking in surprise at Jesse for even acknowledging them. "Oh. Hello~ I'd say we're doing just fine, today... We learned that Jane's mother is alive, which was wonderful news, and now we're just getting some sunshine while the rest of you train. Shouldn't you be fighting, miss...?" Miredy had yet to learn everyone's names, tilting her head slightly.

    "E-Excuse me." A new voice spoke up... Someone dressed in all white, a dress, bandages around her ankles, light footwear, more bandages on her arms, and silver hair flowing behind her. Most striking were the bright red eyes... And the discomfort present on her face. "I... uhm... Do either of you know, where I could... Er... F-Find, the Lord Gaffney...? O-Owen, to be specific."

    "He's around... But I'm afraid I don't keep tabs on the man. Are you hurt...? All those bandages."

    "No-- N-No... Well... I suppose I'll wait for him, then." She folded her arms and shrunk away from the snake lady some, looking about nervously.

    "Hmmm... Alright. If you're sure you're not hurt..."

    Versaris had expected most all the Tigers to ignore him when it came to sparring. He wasn't much of a teacher like Jeremiah was, and he'd promptly mop the floor with almost all of them... The one he knew stood a chance, well, she wouldn't want to fight him, right? "Guess you're in for a day of surprises, Sari..." He smiled wryly as his expectations were dashed, Alriana immediately showing up and asking him to fight. "Are you sure? You're one of the few I think can keep up with me, but that doesn't mean I'll be an easy fight, even in training... but if you're sure." He stretched a little and pulled out his sword, spinning it around a few times. "Need to warm up, anyway. Go ahead, Aly... Give me your best shot. You want me at my best, you've got me." He wasn't actually going to hurt her, but he'd put his all into locking her down. Wonder what's gotten into her...

    "Ooohhhh the love birds are gonna fight~!" Iris was watching, of course, flopped cross legged a few feet away from it all, tail wagging, all smiles. Since Ullr was getting asked to fight, she didn't wanna bother him, and he's taught her some the other day... Plus, a lot extra, behind closed doors~ "Is this... The famous, lovers spat!? As described by the Sacred Texts... You'll fight out your feelings and become all the more close for it~"

    "I... I'm glad to see you're doing well today, Iris." He sighed.

  6. "... Hmph." Alvira folded her arms as Lucretia stepped over to deal with her wounds, giving her a thumbs up. "Of course it's real ice. I've told you everything to do with that witch... And that's why I'm stuck with this. And... I, I know that," she stumbled, her face glowing faintly red. "I'll be asking Tio for some help once she arrives. So I can work on my light magic... You worry about yourself more. If I could get the jump on you, you'll be surprised by the rest of us!"

    Lucy finished touching her up and Alvira stepped aside for the next contender, fumbling with a shard of ice in her claw. He's right that it's taxing me... Because my connection to her has grown weaker. But, if it's weak enough to require my own mana, why can't I still use my fire? Wasn't that the problem? That the connection with her was getting in the way, that her essence was blocking mine... Unless she's just that strong. That this weak, half-tether is still enough to eclipse my own fire. Hhahhhh... Maybe I'll...

    Alvira sat down on the side, crossing her legs, claws held in front of her. "Focus..." She could find her fire, at least. That much was easy. It was back, it wad weak, and it was there, ever present. "Just focus..." If I can concentrate hard enough, maybe I can get out... Just, one spell. Have to focus. Let it grow. Slowly...

  7. "You, smug..." Alvira smiled, but scowled, charging the man with her ice and letting it crash into his face without a single care! "You asked for it!" She was surprised he'd pulled out a levin sword, assuming that he would've gone for something physical to really push the mages... It still stung, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle, sending another brick of ice crashing into his arm!

    "You're gonna need to step up the footwork if you're gonna-- Gah!" The sword struck her with extreme ease. Even if he was holding back, he was still that far above them... "Rrrhh... I'm not gonna lose!" She went for another blast of magic, but the residual shock of the blade made her arm tense, the magic going far off her target, resulting in getting her shocked again. "Urgh! You, just... Stay STILL!" A final, rushed toss of ice, before her muscles could stop her, landing squarely into Jeremiah's chest--

  8. "Well... The sounds of battle are sure to alert the rest of the bandits. And the bridge guard. Let us hope they don't care to bother with us..." And I should stay out of sight so I don't give them a reason to.

    Jilyn moves to 15,16!


    Cyrus takes aim
    A clean hit!
    14 damage
    Cyrus gains +10 EXP, +1 gun WEXP


    Silvano cleans up the rest!
    The man is cleanly cut in half!
    Silvano gains +34 EXP, +2 sword wexp!


    Enemy Phase/Turn 1

    Swordfighter #3 retreats!
    "Ahh, ahhh! B-Boss! We're under attack!"

    The bandits nearby take notice...
    "Whazzat? Attack!? Ain't no one messes with the Deepcrofts wiffout meetin' steel!"

    The knights... Idle.
    "Sir, there's fighting. Should I send one of the men to check on it?"
    "Pah. Let the bandits fight among themselves. All the better for scum to clean up scum. If they decide against their better judgement to attack us, that'll be a different story... For now, relax. We're to hold the area until the Blademaiden reaches us."

    Player Phase/Turn 2


  9. "Morning," Cass said with a wave, heading on over towards her brother, their new commander friend, and the two approaching Evokers. "Guess all your mercs are busy, this morning? Haven't seen a single person, walking about the fort... I imagine they must all have something planned, if you're relaxing comfortably here with my brother. Sleep well, Owen?" Cass smiled and folded her arms, looking rather well rested herself. "Having all the beautiful women around has really been raising my spirits... Even if so many of you are taken~"

    "Hardly, Cinaed." Versaris chuckled a bit at his comments. He could see where the dragon was coming from, but... "As strong as I am, I have my limits, and I still haven't found a way past them... Jeremiah is more beast than man; don't let his good looks fool you. I'm afraid I'm still just a man... Maybe one day I'll reach his level, but unless he truly, truly holds back, trust me, I stand no chance against him."

    "I'm coming Lani~ Geez... It's nice to see you so full of energy. You really like a good workout, huh?" Syta wasn't officially a part of the Iron Tigers, so it was unlikely that she'd be taking part in this training session. Still, getting to see Laniva in all her glory... Especially without her armor, swinging that big sword around... A silly smile spread onto her face for a second, imagining everything, her hair whipping around, her body in her under armor slacks--

    Syta? And here I thought I had to give you these thoughts... Developed a healthy taste for Laniva, have you~?

    Gah! Geez, don't look at those! It's just... She's... I like her. Don't go peeking around too much...

    Kihihihihi~ Ahhh, Syta... You've finally grown up~

    Syta sighed internally and followed along with the group, wondering who would suggest themselves first to fight against Jeremiah.

    Lucretia had been idly walking along with the group, keeping herself in the back until they'd stopped, Jeremiah saying his piece and pulling out his weapon. That was her cue, she felt, making sure to tap Renais on the shoulder as she moved up, motioning for her to follow along. "Hello, Tigers~ We haven't all met before, but my name is Lucretia. Charmed to meet you all together~ Now, I fancy myself something of a capable fighter, but today, along with your lovely, lovely Renais, I'll be handling all your little scrapes, bruises and wounds. Got that? No fun in training if you get too hurt to continue, so go as hard as you can without killing each other, yeah?" She flexed and kissed her arm, winking at the group. "Don't you doubt my stamina; I can heal you all from the brink of death without a worry~ So have fun." She looked to Jeremiah for approval, smiling.

    Versaris had been about to raise his hand when their new, completely unaffiliated arrival suggested herself first. He almost scoffed, but then shook his head. Facing off against Jeremiah, the man would hold back, sure, but he'd hold back less against his student, and it wouldn't give a good show of what the Tigers were going to get into. He would have his time with Jeremiah plenty.

    Alvira, however. "Nah, sorry Roxy." She brandished her magic and stepped forward, ice idly spinning above her claw. "I've still got something of a bone to pick with you for raising your sword at me... And even if we smoothed it all over with words, pardon me for being unable to get rid of the urge to smack you in the face with a chunk of ice." She raised an eyebrow and smirked, other claw on her hip. "You ready then, big guy? Because even if you hold back, I'm not gonna. Even if you're more 'beast than man', as your protégé so lovingly put it~"

    "Ah, please... Don't drag me into this little feud." It was nice to see Alvira in high spirits, at least...

    Iris had been late, bounding onto the courtyard after everyone else, on all fours, of course. She'd spotted the group ahead, but Ullr and Alriana to the side, pulling herself onto two feet and waving at them as she ran. "Come on, you two! We're gonna miss the show! Don't you wanna see Jeremiah beat all the Tigers up!?" She grinned wide and did her best to catch up with their main forces, looking forward to throwing a punch or two herself!

    "Well, isn't this fun..." Kise had also kept her distance, like the younger of their two lizards, eyes watching Jeremiah, Renais, Aegean. They were all going to fight, it seemed... Some well directed training before the big clash with Kazran. Akai was walking along with her, Kise patting him to sit down and then leaning against him again, her big fluffy throne, letting her tails wrap around her lap for maximum comfort. "Let's see just how well everyone does against him... Maybe he'd be willing to let me go a round, hmhmhmhm~"

    Miredy had wandered along with the group so that Jane could keep her many eyes on Roxanne. Meeting with the woman and learning that Jane's mother wasn't just alive, that she was safe and away from all of this, the lamia was beside herself with glee and relief. She'd believed her safe in her heart of hearts, but the darkest corner held the fear that she'd been spewing empty lies to the child. Having the good news let her relax and fully commit to taking care of Jane, which meant viewing the sparring. "I'm quite interested in seeing how Roxanne does~ Her magic seems very unique... What about you, Jane? Which do you prefer? Magic, like Roxanne, or the weapons your mother has an interest in?"

    Siorel yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwned and stretched, shirt slipping off for a moment. She expended extreme effort to get it back on properly, sliding out of bed-- and finding herself on the floor, immediately tripping over her tail. Luckily, she didn't have far to fall, and had plenty of padding, so it just left her sighing, slowly rolling onto her back and then back to standing. "Hahhn, good morning, Cin... Cin...? Oh, right, he works out early... Mmghhhnnnhghh, hhhhnnn... I might as well... Go about the castle, see who's up... Hahh." She gently slapped her face to get the blood flowing, dressed properly, and then slipped out of their room, heading towards the courtyard. "Wonder where everyone's gotten themselves..." I feel like Cin told me... But it's early. Memory isn't fully on... I'll remember later.

    Here. This was the place. The castle... Owen's keep. No one had stopped her so far, no one had even batted an eye. Even the guards at the castle entrance had let her through once she'd explained she was here to speak with Lord Gaffney. Were they truly so trusting of Monsters? One of the guards had been Clouded, so perhaps... It didn't matter. She was here... Which just meant finding the man. Finding him and putting every last ounce of her magic into his body until it wasn't a body anymore.

    There seemed to be some sort of commotion around the courtyard. A gathering of people, someone speaking loudly over them... And upon further inspection, so many. So many disgusting, vile, putrid beasts. Sylmaria felt her blood run cold. These are the creatures that will descend upon me after the deed. Foul. Revolting. I hope Kazran crushes you all to dust! It was getting difficult to hide her ire, her magic pulsing in her hands--

    "Hello, dear."

    She was stopped in her tracks by a voice, eyes turning towards a pastel pink fox woman. "... H-Hello. I... Had heard that the Lord Gaffney was, receptive to taking in Monsters and Clouded... So I, uhm. I wished to meet with him."

    "Really~? I wonder what that magic was all about, then... Well, no matter. It's none of my business!" Kise shrugged and turned her eyes back towards the group, focusing on what she cared about. "You're free to watch, if you like, miss dragon... I'm sure the, Lord Gaffney," she said with a bit of a mocking tone, "will be along soon enough. Sit tight, will you? And... Watch the casting. A stranger getting so worked up as to brandish magic..." Kise's eyes flicked back towards the stranger, her grin wide, but her gaze cold and full of threats. "Wouldn't want us getting the wrong idea, you know~?"

    Sylmaria shrank, her courage melting steadily the longer she looked at the woman. These were true monsters. The kind that Kazran wished to wipe out, wished to end, the kind that HAD to go. The kind they were all warned about as children. "Y... Yes. I'm sorry, I... Am something of a f-fighter and, their, preparation for combat got me a bit excited. Ahaha... That's all." She did her best to smile, despite the vortex of emotions swimming in her. Anger, disgust, fear, anxiety, it was enough to make someone vomit, but she held it back. This was her final mission. She couldn't blow it before the man of the hour even appeared...

  10. Rina charges after Swordfighter #4!
    9 damage!
    Rina gains +12 EXP, +1 Light WEXP


    Kagi makes a dangerous swing!
    A near miss, but the axe connects!
    6 damage!
    The swordfighter swings back!
    Damage dealt!
    Kagi takes 12 damage!
    Kagi gains +12 EXP, +1 Axe WEXP!


    Willow engages the one-two combo!
    [72,63] [67,89]
    18 damage!
    This bandits is lights out!
    Willow gains +30 EXP, +3 fist WEXP!

  11. Alvira waved back at Roxanne, then Cinaed, as some of the Tigers started to roll in. It was always a surprise to see which ones were morning folk, and which ones slept in later. Not seeing Laniva was a surprise; their greatsword wielding cat tended to be one of the first ones awake and training... Maybe she'd gotten caught up in something? Alvira shrugged. "Since the both of you are unaware, Roxanne is another individual working under Lord Owen. We're all on the same page, so hopefully we can get along in today's training... Speaking of... We're not all fighting against you. Are we?" Alvira studied the man's face for a moment, gently raising an eyebrow. "I do hope this training has less to do with our asses getting handed to us and more to do with your instructing us... I can't imagine any of us can hold a candle to you."

    "Some of us can," Versaris said, stepping out from behind Cinaed, having come out from seemingly nowhere. "Or at least, I'd like to hope I can hold the smallest bit of a candle to my teacher... It wouldn't do for me to be unable to touch him completely. What else was all that teaching for?" He shrugged some, leaving Alvira frowning at him.

    "For doing your job?" She gave the elf an unamused look, to which Versaris chuckled.

    "Of course, of course... but I'd say I do that swimmingly enough. The point is, I've been wanting to test myself against you for quite some time, Jeremiah." He held out a closed first towards his teacher, smiling, but his expression serious and strong. "Put me through my paces. I can't help the Tigers if I get complacent."


  12. Alvira was awake and ready, already on the field near Jeremiah. She'd been as prompt as possible with her time awake, reading and practising, sliding in some time with Tasha when she could. She had to be ready, not just for Kazran, but for everything past him. There was already plenty that had happened, plenty she'd learned...

    Bold Prayer


    Alvira finally finished writing down her memories and her notes in her journal, looking out the room's window... night had fallen. "Shit." She sighed, heavily. She hadn't gotten where Tasha's room was, and wandering the halls of Owen's keep this late wouldn't be a good look for her. She resigned herself to being alone for the night, taking a deep breath. "It's fine... You got everything down. You remember so much. That's what matters... Now." She had one final thing to do before sleep. Another prayer. She'd gotten a response, albeit small, so she would continue as she had been.

    "Mmm... Alright." She relit the candles once more and quietly said her prayers, tail wagging gently behind her. "I am Alvira Sam'Taris vel Hozt, and I shall see you freed and my name restored... And I shall do whatever it takes to see Mercuria atone for her deeds."

    The candles in the room saw their flames move and dance at Alvira's words, but it was if they were waiting for something. Something more from the girl calling out, reaching out.

    "Fomalhaut..." Alvira's eyes saw the flames dances, but she didn't stop her focus, her wishes, her hopes... Such a thing would be laughed at in a school of magic, but she didn't care. She'd been assaulted by a Goddess, survived the Underground... regained her memories, fought for her survival. "Fomalhaut, tell me what you need. I will give you anything. Anything of my self. My soul, my spirit, my magic, my very being. You deserve it all. You've saved my life since I was born... My fire. My everything. My reason for being here. Please..." (edited)

    The flames in the room slowly bent their way towards Alvira, and a warmth grew in Alvira's claw. Something urging her forward.

    This was new... A moment of fear entered her, that this was one of Mercuria's traps, that her faith would be betrayed and the witch would laugh and gloat anew-- but no! She leaned forward, closer to the candles, closer to her flame, she had to believe! This was all belief. Magic was the catalyst and her worship would see her through! "Fomalhaut! Hear me! I believe in you! I always have... I beseech you, speak to me! Come to me! I need you more than I ever have...! And you need me... I will reach the Sol Incantio, I will grasp the spear, I will set you free, so come! Come to me, Fomalhaut!" (edited)

    The flame of the nearest candle extinguished, and then... the flame appeared in front of Alvira. "... ... w...he...re? ...Y...ou? I... Rec...nize yo...u."

    Alvira gasped and her eyes went wide, focused solely on that flame, that voice, audible, in the room with her. "Yes...! Yes, you do! Fomalhaut..." Her claws gently cradled around the flame, uncaring if it burned her, ignoring any pain that might've come from cupping that small and barely holding on spark. "I'm in Islexia... on my way to Lufiria. On my way to the spear. The black spear. The relic... The Celestarium. I'm here. I'm here... You sound so distant, but to hear your voice again." She was smiling so wide it almost hurt, she hadn't smiled this brightly since the last time she'd heard him. It was enough to make her tear up, sniffling back tears. "I am here..."

    "...Y...es. You were... the one... wh...o called me... before..." There was a long pause, the flame gently flickering between her hands, the flames warm but they did not burn no matter how close Alvira's hands came. It was as if the flames before her were pure energy instead of the flames that burned, and destroyed the flesh. "Cele...starium? What is... that?"

    "Yes! That's me. I am Alvira. Alvira..." The flame was weak, but it was trying its best. "It's... It's, a relic. You had a vision before, Fomalhaut. A black spear. Your spear. A weapon. Something the tribes were given so long ago... Or so the folk tales read. But you saw it before. You told me... I know where it is! It's the key. The key to freeing you completely..." She'd repeat it until he understood, no matter how much it took. "I'm so happy... You're truly, here..."

    "Is... th..at what... calls me? ...It... it is... not m...y spear. But... I... I feel... it's po...wer. It is... similar... but... why? Why do... I... twenty-two? Why...." Fomalhaut paused, and, "You... kn...ow where it... is? I... must know why... mu...st... remember... I remember... them... the one... from before... The one... who slain... god... Alustrona... That name... yes. Yes... I... remem...ber it, but... not... what I must... F...ind... me. I feel... the... others...? They too... they too..."

    "Alustrona...? Wait, Alustrona!?" That was the name that the Escaflowne had claimed betrayed them all along with Mercuria... This went deep. Now two spirits had mentioned this name. Who was it? And... It wasn't his spear? Then who... But it was calling to him. "Twenty two... Y-Yes. The relics. The... There are others. There was... Mercuria. I don't know who else there was... I haven't encountered any other spirits but there are others. You are mine, though, and that is what matters... Once I've saved you, if you wish to release the others, happily! Gladly! None of you deserve to live in these shackles... I swear it. I swear it..." (edited)

    "Mer...curia..." The flame seemed to grow, the heat growing in intensity before shrinking back, "...The traitor... betrayed... Alustrona... all of us... everyone... so... long ago..." The flame began to shrink. "My... power wanes... slumber... all I have... Al...vira... your name... Please... some...thing... awaits... a world... in peril... Mer...curia... must be..." The flame flickered away, and eventually the room returned to silence.

    "Traitor...!" Alvira grew incensed, her magic flared, her eyes wide, almost glowing, growing in intensity along with the flame, not shrinking as he did, the rage building inside her! "That damned ice WITCH!" She maintained enough focus to listen, as the voice faded, nodding, though pure fury fueled her now. Even as the room fell to silence, Alvira boiled. Her claws clenched tight, her tail was rigid, her wings were flared. Flames danced along her fingers, slowly crawling up her claws. It was exhausting. It was straining, for her to force her magic to work in this manner, and as much as she wanted it all to grow into a burning pyre around her, the slowly crawling flames faded, the dragon collapsing into sitting on the bed.

    "I knew it. I already knew it... but damn that witch. That abhorrent, despicable, disgusting witch...! It wasn't enough for you to betray them, you come for me, you come for the world, you dare to harm the people I care about, the people I love! I willl ERASE you! I will rip you limb from limb, I will find you and destroy every! Single! Part of you!" Alvira growled and fumed, her rage cementing her beliefs even harder, even tighter, her determination growing with every second. "You will regret the day you spoke to me, Mercuria. I will see you writhe."

    Her moment of prayer had resulted in actually speaking with Fomalhaut, despite Mercuria's best attempts. It had also brought to light information that she hadn't quite pieced together. With some time spent thinking and talking to Jeremiah, she put some more things together...

    You Must Believe Me


    Alvira was a woman possessed. Her meeting with Fomalhaut was a sign, a sign that she had to try harder with the people that mattered for her designs… That meant speaking with Jeremiah again, properly convincing him of the situation and the danger. You should've done this before, but with everything that was happening at the Underground's hideout, it's no small wonder that it slipped your mind. Now is the second best time to get it done…

    Luckily, it being so early, finding him was as simple as listening for the sounds of any activity. The training on the courtyard grounds could've been several people, sure, but a quick glance gave her the man he needed. “Jeremiah Noire!” She called out to him and made her way over, hand on her hip. “If you've a moment, we must speak. Urgently, perhaps privately… Though we are the only people out, right now. Maybe this courtyard will do…?”

    Jeremiah was no stranger to early days, even sleepless nights, so having the ability to just sleep and not particularly have to worry about something approaching was an unusual luxury. Yesterday was… a lot. First, apologizing to Iris went much better than he could have ever thought, and then speaking with Cass and Owen about the mission further understanding how far things had come since being at the mercy of the alliance, and finally… Aegean. It was… freeing to see her alive and well, even if more implications could be drawn from it. First and foremost he was her uncle, and she was his niece, and he didn’t believe that she or her family had anything to do with the attack. 

    The thoughts on his mind didn’t appear in his bladework, alone in the courtyard, quick, precise movements, blindingly quick cuts, all of it seemed as if it were a rehearsed dance, as if it were all something that another person could do in a matter of moments. With the last slash, it appeared that the continuation of his thoughts of the Levion’s innocence appeared in the form of Alvira, one of the Hozt. An apology would be owed to her soon enough, but the look on Jeremiah’s face was first one was confusion, “Urgently? I can’t imagine that much has changed since we spoke the first time…” Jeremiah sheathed the blade quickly, and glanced around, “I don’t think that anyone else will be up and about for some time, so this should do… I’m impressed that you’re up, actually.” 

    “I took care of two younger siblings for five years. I'm a morning person, whether I want to be or not. In any case… I've spoken with my deity again and learned plenty of alarming information. Information that I could have, in part, relayed to you before in my attempts to convince you that I have, in fact, come into direct conflict with Mercuria. Ahem.” Alvira gently flapped her wings and cleared her throat, staring Jeremiah down.

    “I have seen her and can recount her looks and otherwise appearance to you. If it matches what you know of her… Surely I cannot be lying, yes? There is more to discuss, but, this first.” It was an open and shut case on his belief in her, if he agreed, of course. He could simply… Not know what she looked like. Never met her in person. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it…

    Jeremiah chuckled, “Yes, that would do it…” His smile and chuckle quickly vanished as Alvira turned the conversation where he guessed that she would. Though, not in the way that he expected, “You… spoke with your deity again?” She mentioned her deity to be Fomalhaut prior, but to be speaking with what was ostensibly a god… Jeremiah thought back to his words with Iris, he couldn’t possibly know everything, and what was true for him didn’t mean that what Alvira could say to him was incorrect. He was head of intelligence; information was something that he was to glean. 

    Jeremiah then visibly flinched, “...You’ve seen… Mercuria?” That was almost impossible, or it should have been. Mercuria hadn’t appeared to anyone since she first did almost three years ago… but if she was this god-like being, there was no telling exactly what she was and wasn’t capable of without her directly telling them. “...You can tell me what you believe you’ve seen. I can’t promise anything beyond that, as I said before.”

    “... Hmph. I figured you'd say something like that.” Alvira sported something of a ery smile, holding back a sigh. “You truly are… Mm. Anyway… Yes, I spoke with him. He confirmed things that the Escaflowne revealed, which… I was quite upset last night, now having two God-like beings tell me that this… Alustrona, betrayed them all. I don’t even know who Alustrona is meant to be… But, they, along with Mercuria, are claimed traitors to the spirits and he told me that her plans cannot come into fruition. I plan on killing her, if it is within my power. Perhaps once I reach the spear, but definitely not before… I'm no fool to think I can defeat her as I am, not with what she's done to me.”

    She let that sigh out finally, slowly folding her arms. “Right. Her appearance… When the conflict over the Escaflowne occurred, not fighting Lucille, but Mercuria's attempt to have me brainwashed to being the relic to her… I saw her, in my mind. I'm sure Laniva and Miria could give you similar accounts. She was… I hate to say it, shockingly beautiful. A white dress that showcased her… Figure. Golden adornments, a purple gem atop her collar. Most importantly, and I assume most defining… Her ice blue hair that ran into pink, and piercing blue eyes. I didn't think her looks important, but… Of course they are if I'm trying to claim I saw her.” Hopefully this was worth something to Jeremiah…

    Jeremiah listened intently, putting aside her halted words–it wasn’t as if he could just tell someone the secrets of Lufiria. But Alvira’s words were shocking, not solely due to her words but because of them being almost entirely alien to him. “...Alustrona? And betrayed them all…? Who is them?” The name Alustrona was familiar, if only barely. Then Alvira laid her intent bare: To kill Mercuria. Jeremiah remained silent, too many questions swirling in his mind now, but one thing was certain: even if Alvira did find a way to obtain the spear, getting to Mercuria would be an entirely different story. 

    Alvira then switched focus onto the real crux of the matter, and Jeremiah’s eyes could only widen. He had only seen the goddess once. But it was a view that one couldn’t forget once they saw it; her white dress, her hair, her very presence was of a different caliber than the people he stood alongside. “...I… don’t believe it. Unless you’re capable of seeing into my mind, or the minds of people of Lufiria… you’ve described to me the woman I saw that day. I can’t imagine you’d so accurately describe someone as her, and be lying to me. Especially someone that you couldn’t have possibly met… That… brings questions to my lips, even more to the myriad I’ve had. So I can at least trust that you’re not lying about encountering Mercuria… but that itself causes a number of problems.” Jeremiah looked up from his thoughts, into Alvira’s eyes, “I’d planned on waiting until the Evokers were well enough to confirm things with them, but I can’t refute such a coincidence, so I have to believe this. I have to believe that you’ve met Mercuria. But you’ll need to explain more about this other god.” 

    He was willing to listen. This was a marked improvement. “Fomalhaut? He is my guiding light. The brightest star in the sky. I've been praying to him since I was a child, and he's been giving me signs my entire life… Until recently, when he started answering those prayers with words. It was never anything more than questions to me, at first. He seemed confused and unaware of the world around him. Things had changed drastically since his time… Before the people settled into what the countries are today. And I was so excited to help… Until Mercuria cut me off.” Alvira's expression darkened and a flicker of rage swept over her for a split second.

    “She claimed that he couldn't awaken. That it would throw her plans awry. So she cut me off and sealed him again… I can only assume that his ability to speak to me once more comes from the damage the Escaflowne dealt to her in that altercation… There was another spirit there as well. I don't know which one, though, but something was residing within the sword. As for the them she betrayed, it was the rest of the spirits. The one within the sword claimed that she'd forgotten her purpose. Perhaps thrown it away… forgotten what she was meant to do. I don't know enough of what was meant, but… It's what was said. Now with Fomalhaut claiming the same, that she and this Alustrona are great betrayers of the spirits, I can only do one thing: reach the spear. It will solve plenty and grant me a path forward to more.”

    “I know of Fomalhaut; your aunt is a believer as well. Took his name as her title.” Jeremiah’s eyes then drifted. Mercuria had been the one to seal Fomalhaut’s link from Alvira, but… that couldn’t be right. That confirmed a question; that Fomalhaut was a spirit, like Mercuria herself. The first link between anything that Alvira had said, and what Mercuria had imparted to them. The mention of the Spirits, and how they needed to be found. But… if she was capable of doing that to Alvira, then why would she have needed their assistance?

    Jeremiah shook his head, “The other spirit inside the sword… claimed that Mercuria had forgotten her role, and then Fomalhaut also claimed wrong doing on Mercuria’s end…” Jeremiah took a deep breath, he almost couldn’t believe what he was considering. Yet… he had been resolving to say as much to the Evokers when they spoke, since he had been sure that they would have more tangible words than Alvira’s beliefs. “Let’s say that I am to believe all of this. That I am to take you at your word. You need to then answer me a question. I’m not going to bother asking you to keep this to yourself, I’m not omnipotent, and I’m not foolish enough to believe that it won’t leave your lips eventually. Mercuria, I have spoken with her directly but only once. She has not appeared to anyone that I know of past the moment she gave us the prophecy… the prophecy that warned us of the dangers of the alliance, of Hecatia specifically. She mentioned the need to find the Spirits, and you’ve confirmed that Fomalhaut is one of these Spirits. That means… that I am now aware of three spirits.” 

    “And I can only assume there are many more. If Mercuria is meant to represent ice, maybe water, Fomalhaut fire, one can easily assume that there is a spirit per element of mana that we know of. At the very least, anyway… Mercuria mentioned a Gaia while she was taunting us in that moment. I do not believe that the spirit in the sword was Gaia, at least, not in the way things were referred to, but… She referred to Laniva as a… child of Gaia, or something. You’ll forgive my not remembering perfectly, my mind was being split in two at the time of it all. Still… I can’t imagine why she would want to seal off the other spirits. To explain something else, my connection with Mercuria is not, natural. I was stuck in a Mana Storm when I was younger, and afterwards I could no longer use my fire magic, replaced instead by ice. I believe this moment to be when I was tethered to the spirit, rather than my natural connection to Fomalhaut. This is all to say, this is why I believe she was so easily able to interact with me, seal me from Fomalhaut, attempt to control me… What happened with the Escaflowne has shunted her away from me to a degree– I can still cast the ice I have come to know, but I can feel that it is coming from me, no longer from her endless supply of mana.”

    Alvira watched him in hopes that he was following along. “Whatever she's planning, it needs the other spirits to be locked away. At least Fomalhaut… and whoever was in the Escaflowne. She tried to sway them in that moment, said that things would simply repeat if nothing was done, but that was when the sword snapped back with its claim that she’d lost her way… I don’t think we’ll come to anything conclusive without reaching her, speaking with her again, something, but… I can’t wait for that, nor can I risk it. The Sol Incantio is my only hope… I know it’s a stretch to expect that you’ll aid me, but… Someone will. I’m sure… I can’t let go of that hope, at the very least.”

    “Gaia… I believe that Aurora said something about a Gaia…” More and more, this was becoming something that he wished that Marianne was around for. She seemed to have a much better understanding of all of this. “With everything that you’re telling me… I have to assume that you’re similar to Chris and Marianne … a resonant, if I recall the term correctly. I, unfortunately, do not have the magical expertise to confirm this tether of yours. Though, the sheer volatility of mana storms makes anything possible…”

    Jeremiah then put his hand on his hips, “Now, if Mercuria is planning something that requires the other spirits to be locked away… she’s already failed. Marianne wasn’t there to speak with Mercuria when she awoke–she was resting from a prior engagement–but Marianne has already awoken one of the spirits, Aurora. If Mercuria’s plan requires the other spirits to be locked away, then that would involve her, and Chris. That said… I… can’t ignore this. The possibility of us being strung along exists, and if I’m to protect Lufiria, I need to protect it from all directions. I can’t promise that I can help you, but I can at least ask questions.” Mercuria betrayed them… but where does this Alustrona fit? An accomplice? Someone above Mercuria? How far does this go? …Is it actually the truth? 

    “A resonant… Fomalhaut used a different term; Candidate, and… Mercuria said it was the ‘Mark of a Bearer’, but… I suppose I am, whatever they want to call it. I can’t imagine I’m the only one, though; every fire dragon is raised praying to him, so… Maybe my Aunt has heard his voice as well. If she’s as devout as you say, anyway…” It was a mystery that she’d never mentioned it to Jeremiah, but maybe the two weren’t close. Even if she was a respected General now, she was still a fire dragon, and a member of the Hozt family. Her reputation preceded her… “Another spirit, is it? The more I learn about Chris and Marianne, the more I wish I’d have the chance to speak with them more than that small moment aboard the ship… But… I was a much different person back then, and they were both ‘human’, so I probably wouldn’t have, either way.” Alvira sighed, before locking eyes with Jeremiah and bowing. 

    “I’m sorry. For being so rude when you saved my life… I don’t like how aggressive you were, but you still pulled me out of that cell. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, they would’ve locked me back up, or worse.” She raised herself, but couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eyes again. “When this is all over with, I’ll answer for whatever crimes are placed on my name. As the oldest surviving member of the main family, it falls on me. Whatever my parents aided, once Mercuria has been dealt with, I have no plans on running from it. So… Thank you. For doing as much as you’re willing.”

    “I would agree that you aren’t the only one… but you certainly are the first to mention something like this.” Obehi is a possible person to ask about this… but she certainly hasn’t mentioned anything if she has heard his voice… Jeremiah then nodded, “Yes, Chris and Marianne are both resonant, but it’s Marianne who was apparently chosen of the two. Aurora is the spirit of Light, and Marianne herself seems to know more about the spirits than any of us. I’m not sure how that is the case, she hasn’t explained it, but her understanding so far has been well beyond anyone else.” I wonder if Marianne knew when she met Alvira… Aurora might have reacted if Alvira was tethered to Mercuria back then. 

    Alvira then bowed her head, and apologized for their first encounter. Jeremiah shook his head, “Your apology is unnecessary. I’m the one who should apologize for my poor handling of that moment. Your rudeness and assumptions were frustrating, yes, but I gave you no reason to do, or think otherwise, and I was in control of that situation. Even if you are one of the Hozt, I didn’t need to do anything beyond help you escape from the cell. If you’d tried to run, I could have stopped you at any point; there was no need to threaten that. Secondly, there’s nothing you can answer for, besides what you’ve already told me. Your parents are gone, so whatever they aided ends with them. That’s how it should be.”

    “Is that how the rest of Lufiria will see it?” She managed to look back at him, surprised by how genuine he was being, but… “I’m sure my Aunt worked herself to the bone to reach where she is after her sister did what she did… She’s earned her respect, I’m sure. Will I arrive and receive the same respect? The same forgiveness? No… I can’t imagine it going that way. You already did warn me of how difficult it would be to even approach the spear, so I’m sure my reputation is already set. If the country– if the courts demand I stand for what’s happened, I will. That’s just how it will have to be…”

    She sighed again, but more harshly, getting a bit worked up. “Lord knows where Chris and Marianne are now, though. So any answers they might have… It’s all up in the air. Mmm… That’s all I had to speak with you about, Jeremiah. Thank you again for being so receptive… If you’ve nothing to spring on me, I’ll let you get back to your morning routine.”

    “No, it’s not how the rest of Lufiria will see it… you’re right about that, but I question how much their perception will change even if you do.” Jeremiah looked towards the sky, “Ever since their actions in the Islexian Collapse, the dragons have always been under scrutiny. Then, the Blaze of the Tenth happened, and the dragons once again, were party to it. Your family, and several other prominent families of dragons all had a hand in it, and with how beloved Lady Rosaria is; a blatant assault on her children is not viewed fondly by a majority of Lufirians. I don’t believe that will change should you stand for your parents’ crimes. No, if anything, you’ll have to follow your aunt’s footsteps.”

    Jeremiah let his gaze fall back to the ground and then to Alvira, “It is rather frustrating that at the moment I could use their expertise that they are across the continent. Perhaps, Marianne would have been receptive enough to allow Aurora to speak with you, but that’s speculation that helps no one.” He shook his head, “The only thing I can think further to say is that I’ll be helping the Tigers with some training before you head off to face Kazran. I can’t assist out in the open, but this is something that I can assist with at least. Lastly… if you’re to thank anyone for me being so receptive, then go thank Iris for reminding me to remove my mask.” 

    “? … Sure. I’ll thank her if I see her.” The last she’d heard, they were fighting with him, but things had been resolved…? That was good. Great, even. Hopefully Alriana knew… And if she didn’t, hopefully she found out soon. “Don’t beat us too badly. Except for Sari! Put him through the wringer~ He deserves it for scaring Alriana so much.” Alvira waved and went off, running his words through his mind. The country won’t be satisfied even if I do stand trial… Hah. What a mess… I suppose I’ll just have to do as my aunt has. Prove myself…

    But it still ended in more questions, questions and complications. She had to both meet with and befriend a member of Lufiria's royal family enough to get her hand on the spear. A daunting task for the average citizen, let alone one so marred with labels as Alvira was. Dragon, fire dragon, a Hozt family member, wanting to touch a Lufirian relic? Laughable to even the most well meaning. She sighed... But it was how things were. That was her goal, her only goal. No matter how impossible it seemed... She would reach it. For now, she was reaching for her light tome, flipping through the pages as she waited for the rest of the Tigers to arrive. "You ready for us, Jeremiah?"

    Two Birds With One Monster


    No sooner had Kazran put Giovanna and Sylmaria to task dealing with their enemies, his mind began to churn. Now that Giovanna and Sylmaria had parted ways, Kazran’s concerns began to bubble to the surface. Luthier was a damn monster. Not for his personality and actions; Kazran was no stranger to the glee of pulling someone apart, and lording his power over anyone and everyone he could, but for his damned magic. It was all so foreign to him, people who could bend a fundamental aspect of their world to create almost whatever phenomena they wanted. It hadn’t been frightening when he watched his contemporaries perform it, even if he couldn’t understand it, he could feel that there was a constraint to it–that if he became strong enough that he would be able to overcome it always. 

    That changed forever when he stepped foot into Lufiria. He cut so many of them down in their charge, that he had felt invincible, until… he saw it. A spear wielding one, clad in an azure blue glow… and in an instant, several of those with him had vanished. His body moved on its own, he was gone from the lines, fleeing as far as he could. What was that? How could anyone have done something like that? It was a realization that he never wanted to feel again: That he was powerless against whatever that was. Then, as Lufiria mounted more and more resistance, he began to understand that magic was something beyond him. He wished he had never been there the day that the siege of Ulara failed… wished that he had never seen what could have only been described as a small star hitting the continent, and almost an entire battalion disappearing before his eyes. 

    Since then… magic caused his body to shiver, he hated it, or rather, hated that it made him shiver, that it made him feel as if he couldn’t overcome what stood before him. Luthier was a man that he would have torn in two… but Luthier would have made his body into a plaything long before he’d have ever gotten a swing. Giovanna was far less powerful, but her talent was easy to see… if he ever thought about pressing his station, his advantage… her magic was always there to even the odds. Then… her. Sylmaria. Kazran paced in front of his throne. Thankful that she was so deluded, thankful that she hated herself more than she could have ever hated him… because her magic felt the same. Felt the same as the magic back during the collapse. It was unknowable, incomprehensible… and powerful. She only wasn’t a liability because she despised the monsters, as all Islexians should. 

    “Something the matter, Kazran?” A woman walked into the throne room, still dressed to impress, flipping her blonde hair behind her. “You only pace like this when something is bothering you… Care to chat about it?” 

    Kazran’s eyes shot up, and then he chuckled, “Cereza… It’s… nothing. Just thinking on the past… what’s to happen next. Thinking about the Reaper’s warning… he’s never done that before, nor has he ever failed to deliver. Perhaps these people are the real deal.” 

    “Hmph… so you suddenly have cold feet? So soon after saying that you were prepared to cleave Sylmaria apart if she betrayed you? Come now… Fear doesn’t quite suit you. And I don’t believe you have anything to fear from these mercenaries either… You have an army, you have your followers, and you have your axe, and you have me. A recipe without fail. Unless you believe that the boy who tries playing at warlord is capable of matching a man and woman who have survived the collapse?” 

    “Of course not… The boy lives because I haven’t personally knocked on his door. But… Luthier is a man that… I know that I cannot overcome, and yet he’s warning me of these mercenaries? I know that I can cleave anything, and anyone in two… but so could he, which makes me wonder.” Kazran shook his head, “Bah… I can’t believe that I’m even giving this more than the single thought it deserves. They’re mercenaries, and more importantly, mercenaries that assist the accused and the damned… What power could they possibly have? …That’s the question that gives me pause.” 

    Cereza pondered for a quick moment, Kazran even for a moment, was thinking about the possibilities. Luthier was not a man that Cereza ever wanted to cross. He was a man without morals, without anything to tether her to an axis of action that Cereza could follow, and her own actions were tainted black with the blood of anyone who crossed her. “...If you’re concerned of these mercenaries, then perhaps… we could find a way to deal with the boy before our battle. I question how far the mercenaries will go if the person fronting their bill has to be buried before all moves forward?” 

    “...Hmm… They’d never expect something like that from me… would they?” Kazran was known for one thing, and one thing only–his valor on the battlefield, his ability to kill, his ability to survive. “...But how exactly would I–” Kazran’s eyes widened, “Cereza… The boy… he’d never turn away a monster…” Suddenly, one of his many worries became a possible strength–a backdoor to Owen. Kazran turned to one of his guards, “You. Go find Sylmaria… I believe that I have some task for her.” Kazran turned to Cereza, “You never cease to impress me, Cereza…” 

    “Heh… if only I could keep your eyes long enough for you to prove it~” 

    Sylmaria walked through the halls with purpose, following the guard that had called for her. It was an odd time for Kazran to ring for her, but she didn't dare deny his summons, eyes down and head hanging slightly as she walked into his hall, only barely noticing that Cereza was with him before she'd looked down.

    She fell to one knee and bent her head further, waiting for the guard to turn and leave before speaking. “You've called for me, my lord. What is it that I can do for you? I… Mm. Preparations for the assault are moving apace. If… No, you would not be worried about that…” She mumbled her words slightly, regretting speaking so many of them, but she couldn't shake how odd this late summons felt…

    Ever on time, Sylmaria entered the halls with all of the reverence that one such as her should have had. But for once, there wasn’t hesitation, or animosity as she walked in, Kazran was calm, almost smiling as she walked in. “There you are, Sylmaria… I’m glad to hear that things are moving as they should… but, there is something, specific, that I can only ask of you.” Kazran stood up from his throne, “As I mentioned before, the Reaper sent someone here to warn of the mercenaries under the boy’s employ… I admit, I am a little concerned over what kind of outfit could make even the reaper worried. So, I need someone to investigate. Normally, I would send someone like Giovanna–she looks harmless enough, and probably could charm her way through–but there is a better option… You.” 

    “Owen would never turn away a monster, even if that monster truly despises herself. But that itself is a weakness… a weakness that you can exploit.” Kazran pointed at her, “You will go to Eslcas, and seek an audience with the boy… and if successful… kill him. Without him, their estate falls apart. No one will listen to his half-breed sister, and the merchants won’t rally behind a group of mercenaries with no further incentive to strike. The most important pillar of a cracked foundation… and you are the hammer.” 

    “Go… Go there and kill… Owen?” Her eyes dared to glance up and meet his for but a moment, the seriousness of his order plastered upon his face. Something twisted in her guts. Something that had long been tightening, long been held on by the smallest threads, finally snapped and crunched and broke apart. This is how he finally gets rid of you. There's no world where you waltz in, kill their leader, and then make it out. It's impossible. Ahhh… He wants me to martyr myself for this cause. To defeat these detestable beasts…!

    She hesitated on answering his orders for the first time in her life, finally nodding. “Of course, my lord. I will do as you ask of me… … … … May…” Her heart began to race as she once again spoke out of turn, but… “There is little chance that I will return from this alive. That is of no concern… Giovanna. Please… Promise me that she will be taken care of. She… Is someone that managed to overlook what a mistake I am. So… For all that I have done for you, that… That is all I ask. Owen will die. You will hear of it soon.” She held herself there and waited for his words. Was he going to be upset? It wouldn't be the first time he'd barked at her for speaking out of turn, but she'd never made a request before…

    “Yes, you’ll go there and kill the child.” Kazran grinned, and then his grin weakened. For the first time… there was hesitation. The answer wasn’t immediate. Did she understand what was truly being asked? Of course, if these mercenaries were as good as Luthier’s concerns made them out to be… the moment Owen died, she'd be next. Finally her answer left her lips, and Kazran looked over at Cereza, who was beaming herself, and then, “...What?” Kazran looked back over at Sylmaria, and then she spoke. She requested something of him. The man flinched for a moment, and then his face fell, but before he could take a step, Cereza’s hand was around his wrist. “What are you–” 

    “Of course she will, Sylmaria. She, like yourself, has served Kazran well, and that loyalty can only be repaid properly. It is the first thing that you’ve asked of us, and so… we can only repay this much, considering what your mission will bring us all.” She looked over at Kazran. 

    “...Yes, of course. Giovanna has served us well, and she’ll be taken care of when we finally take control of the trade route.” There had been so much that Kazran had wanted to say. The mistake had no right to speak back to him; no one else would have dared to accept her, magic or no within Islexia. She’d have died without him… unless she had ended up with the man who she was being sent to kill. “I’ll make you that promise… but, you’ll have to prepare yourself to depart immediately, and without informing Giovanna. She’ll beg to be sent with you, and I can’t have both of you away, and also, it would make your mission that much harder.” Tch… Giovanna wriggling her way into this broken heart… she needs to be kept away, or she’d stop Sylmaria… Damned woman. 

    “Yes. She would endanger the success of my mission. I won't speak a word of this to her… And I will hold you to your word, Lord Kazran.” Despite how easily she bent for anything else, Giovanna was the one person, the one subject she wouldn't ever compromise on. Her gaze rose to meet his and her tired, dull red eyes flashed with a glimpse of her magic, a hazy black and blue coating them for the briefest of moments. Maybe Kazran would have felt it, maybe he was too strong, and it would wear off before causing any real harm… But she'd hexed him in that moment, swiftly picking herself up and turning to leave.

    “If that is all, I shall make preparations and find one of the keep's priests. Time is of the essence, and a warp to place me closer would help matters. Since it is unlikely that we will ever meet again… Thank you for allowing me to serve Islexia, as undeserving a daughter of this beautiful country as I am.” She took a deep breath and marched out of his halls, thoughts repeating in her mind. Find Owen, kill Owen, find Owen, kill Owen…

    Sylmaria looked up, and in that one moment, Kazran felt his blood run cold. It had happened before, when he’d gazed too long at Giovanna, the room seemed to drop in temperature, and every time it had happened, the only throughline was Sylmaria. It took all of Kazran’s meddle, and the understanding that Cereza was still holding his wrist, to not begin to shiver. It was not cold, but the thoughts began to seep in. This was not the room chilling, this was Sylmaria’s magic, and his brain simply could not comprehend what was truly happening. Then, it was over. The chill vanished, Kazran took a breath, trying to stem the memories, plugging the gaps. “...Yes, Sylmaria. That is all. I will… have someone warp you closer–Luthier sent some people to appraise things… They’ll help you.” Kazran found himself unable to return her thanks. Waiting until she make her way out of the room, to look down at his shivering hand. 

    “...Haha…” Kazran turned, grabbed his axe, and threw it into the nearest wall, “...Damn it. Damn it. I’m the one in charge. I’m stronger than she is… Why do I have to fear her!?” Kazran shook his head. “Whatever… it’s over now… Never again… I’ll, I’ll just have to become stronger. Stronger, yes, more powerful…” 

    Cereza hardly flinched at Kazran’s outburst, watching almost unamused, “You’re right, it’s over. So you don’t need to fear her anymore, and when all is said and done, you and I will be stronger, so that no one will even bother to threaten us.” Cereza slowly found a smile, unable to hide her growing glee at the situation. A single threat was taken care of, and in a manner that only helped to further their goals. That smile turned into a grin when a thought came across her mind, but that would have to wait. It would be a nice way to cap off the evening. “Now that we’ve dealt with that, we’ll have to figure out how things are going to go regarding our forces here… I’ll go and chat with Giovanna later. For now… Perhaps we can chat~?”

    She was here. This was Eslcas... Her sob story had granted her entry to the city, a Monster not rousing suspicion from the guards. What fools. What imbeciles. She was here to kill their liege lord! Their leader... The only man that threatened Kazran. Without him, their gathering would fall to pieces. Crumble under their might. And then... Then Giovanna would...

    Don't think about her. You're here to do what fate has intended for you to do. You were born a mistake, and you will die a hero to the people of Islexia! What more could you want, Sylmaria!? They won't remember you for the freak of nature that you are, they'll remember you as one of Kazran's proud soldiers, the woman that slew Owen Gaffney. That brought things to a close with Eslcas. That's all you need. That's all I need! I will kill him!

    With her intentions renewed, she walked towards the castle up on its hill, eyes locked onto its walls. Her magic grew within her, her abilities were without equal... unique magic that no one here had a chance of stopping. You will die today, Owen Gaffney. This is your just reward for colluding with beasts.

  13. "But, Captain--" Daeran's whisper shut her up quickly, Kazue flinching and turning towards him. Their words made enough sense, but that didn't mean she liked them... Even if these rebels were villains, there were degrees to these things, weren't there? You couldn't just... Treat them like ants. You had to bring them to justice, not wipe them out... Part of that was why she'd been so upset after the alleged terrorists were killed. Even if done in self defense, none of that was justice. It was just... Authorized murder. She sighed and felt her motivation shrink, nodding slowly in agreement with Daeran. This was not her arena. She was to leave it to the Captain and to Huang...

    Louise was more than happy to see their martial artist so swiftly put in her place. Miss CEO spoke up and had plenty, plenty to say on matters. Some of it was Sia's arena, but there were bits and pieces that Louise wanted to touch on. "If possible, I think it would be good for us to speak with your security chief. If we can find out why she okayed such a hefty force, we might be able to find more out about the situation. Especially with this third party involved, ma'am. If you're unsure of the veracity of our claims regarding them, we have one of their machines, collected from the conflict. The black box-- I'm sure the Captain would be happy to hand it over. We're all on the same page here." Louise smiled, putting on her business best.

    "Of course, that does mean we're on the same page in regards to those thieves... While I am not pleased with the idea of them being... Addressed, so brusquely, if they are harming the company with nefarious intentions, as your collaborators in this endeavour, we will put our best forward in capturing and arresting them. So that you may dole out necessary punishment, of course. We would not supersede Avyndor in deciding what is done with them once contained." She was choosing her words carefully. Miss Avyndor didn't seem evil, but she did seem quite power hungry, and happy in her place, ruling over the moon. It was best to play to that. "To that end, and my first point, speaking with your chief of security will allow us to work in tandem-- an extension that can make more accurate decisions on the field, rather than automated machines that are set with instructions from the outset... Yes? If I'm overstepping, my sincerest apologies. As Huang has put it, we are representatives of CEN-- an organization that assists matters on this planet, not one that presides over them. You are, as you well know, free to veto my suggestions or requests." Hahhh... haughty business types are the worst. Really looking forward to that shooting range date, now~

  14. As their rest concluded, travel continued into the night. The moon was beginning to rise high into the sky as the gentle torchlight of other people began to come into view. Jilyn slowed her steps and looked to Rivane, hoping for him to give orders on what to do... "These are... Other bandits, Rivane?" She could make some of their features out under the torchlight, squinting a bit... Ragged and worn clothes, gruff, tired expressions, weapons that had seen use but would still cut all the same as a pristine blade. "We must be cautious... What is our approach?"

    Player Phase/Turn 1!


    Objective: Escape to the south

    Battle Mastery: Defeat every bandit

  15. "My, hello, Renais~ Hmhmhmhm... No, no booming business here, but I did receive a handout. Look~" Kise flashed her tails gently, five present once more. "Which means I'll be at six once we kill that foul man who stole one. Isn't that wonderful~? I'm so close to nine I can almost taste it... If only these mercenaries would help me out a little more. It's good for them too, after all... It'd mean their favorite pink healer is all the more safe~"

    "That's the best part. He'll never catch me! He can't snap what he can't get his hands on... Besides, if he really got that close, I'd just turn him to stone, and then we'd snap him-- crumble him into dust~" Iris wasn't about to cede her confidence to Kazran of all people. He was gonna die! And then they could continue on their journey. "Right! Shorts~ I'll grab those, don't mind me..." Iris moved right next to Ullr as she walked to grab some shorts, sliding a finger across his chest, gently and slowly. "Make sure you tell me exactly how you feel when I'm wearing that new outfit... Okay?" She gave him a little wink and then went about collecting the rest of her clothes from the shelves.

    The group returned from their brief checking of boats and their swim, Cass spotting Owen dealing with some more new faces. "Whole buncha folks these days, huh..." While she'd wrung her dress out a bit on the docks, she was still drenched, walking up to Owen like it wasn't a problem. "Brother, I'm back... I take it all your talks have been going well. I showed our prospective mercenary captain around the ships-- Aegean, if you weren't introduced. She can helm the ship, leaves us with having to take less hands away from Eslcas, just in case... And these are more new faces? Not part of the Tigers?" She spied the sheep, the little dragon hiding behind that armored in green woman, then the child the snake lady had brought in, buried in the sheep's arms. "Family reunion? Touching." She grinned a bit, running a hand into her hair to get the water out of it. "Always did like a woman that's good with kids~"

    Miredy let Jane rush into Roxanne's arms without a care, smiling happily, almost tearing up. "Well," she began, having to calm herself so she didn't start weeping happy tears, "that solves one part of that..." She slithered closer to the sheep as Owen's sister returned, giving her a confused glance. She was soaked... "Pardon me, miss... We saved Jane from the Underground. She was in the cell next to mine... I told her we'd bring her to her mother. I'm glad that's going to happen, and so soon. What a stroke of luck, Jane~" The blue snake was beside herself with happiness, sniffling just a little, idly sliding a comforting hand into Jane's hair. "How wonderful..."

    "Yes. It is something I'd only expect to see back home--" Syta caught herself and grumbled some, huffing. It was too late; he'd definitely already heard her, but if he was trading with Lufirians, surely he wouldn't mind one purchasing from him... "Mmm... I could certainly use a weapon like this, but... I don't have that much gold. Uhm..." Syta glanced up at Laniva, pouting ever so slightly. "Do you think you could spare a little, Lani? I think I could make good use of this gun... But, I understand if it's a bit much. It'd be a very expensive piece..."

  16. You too!? What is wrong with you!? Ugh! Worthless! The both of you! Louise was FUMING, struggling to contain her frustrations, but if they were going to open up and ask questions, she couldn't stand there and glare them to death. She had to at least stick her nose into things-- But. Not this. Never this. "Hahhh..." She let out a sliver of her frustrations with a sigh, folding her hands behind her back. "My only question is if you have any information on the malcontents posing as AHI security. Automated units aside," she emphasized through grit teeth, "the terrorists we encountered claimed to be AHI security... Without any codes, names, security channels... An extreme farce. If you can provide us with anything, that would be of great help. The better we can do at weeding out issues in our full authority." She chose to focus on Huang's words, knowing they would hit a bit better.

  17. At least they weren't wasting anymore time idling in the entryway... The ride up to the CEO's office had been a bit more packed and tight than Louise had wished, considering the amount of people in their captain's entourage, but she got to take a deep breath and relax moments before they met miss Avyndor herself. I see where they got the heavy part from. Louise spent little time ogling the woman, only sparing her a passing glance. Something in the water with these types... Between her and Sia both. Still, I've no interest in a business woman. There were the expected back and forths between her and ambassador Huang, and then the floor was open for questions... She had a few herself, but it would fall to Sia to ask the first questions--

    "Yes. I have questions." Kazue stepped forward, Louise's eyes going wide, scowling, almost as if she was trying to snap the woman in half with her gaze. "Questions over the security forces that had been sent in response to the 'rebels'."

    Be quiet you damn samurai! This is a serious meeting, not some spot for you to have whimsy or righteousness, God! Louise was furious, and Kazue did notice, glancing towards her, but she continued undeterred.

    "The people that were being run down by your automated security were not a fighting fit force. They were in incredibly old machines, under equipped, clearly outmatched, and the response to them seemed incredibly severe... So much so that we intervened on their behalf and saved them from their fate. That is the run in we had with your security. Please explain why you thought such a response was necessary? That was not a battle. That was not protecting one's goods or company... That was a mindless slaughter."

    Ohhh my Goooood, aahhnnhhhhhh! Louise was screaming in her head, eyes wide, the only thing stopping her from gawking at Kazue being the lip she'd started biting keeping her mouth shut.

  18. "Sure? Don't let me keep you... I taught you everything you need to know, so the rest is just practice. Practice on getting it down, practice on making it routine... Practice~ Go take a break with your girlfriend, yeah?" Lucretia winked as she sent Renais off, shrugging a little at Versaris. "Thanks for the help, pretty boy. You sure you don't wanna get to know each other a little better~?"

    Sari shook his head, not faltering for a second. "Sorry, even if I was single, you remind me far too much of Jeremiah's wife, and I consider her something of a mother... Not my kink."

    "Ahhh, dang... Not a mommy's boy. Ah, well... My search must go on." She glanced over at Jeremiah and leaned against her staff. "You know, he said the same thing. I really must be a lot like this woman if I'm reminding you both of her. Wonder why..."

    "It..." Versaris paused, thinking, but then shook his head. "It is a shocking coincidence, but if you're from Mura, that's all it can be. She's Lufirian, through and through... I will admit, your body, your choice of magic, the hair... Even your face, you're the spitting image of Serena, it's uncanny. Maybe... No, this is silly to think about. Anyway, I, am taken, by a very beautiful and wonderful lizard. Her name is Alriana, I do hope you have the pleasure of getting along with her should you get the chance to speak."

    "Is that right... Mmm, I have to agree, I don't think there's any stock in my likeness to Serena. Still funny, though~"

    Versaris shrugged.

    While Amera giggled and enjoyed her continued pets, Syta took the chance to glance over the goods, her eyes falling on... "Huh?" A gun at his stall, something rather impressive, beyond anything one should realistically see in Islexia... "Where, did you come upon this, sir...?" She gently lifted it, keeping her fingers safe around it; she was well aware of how one should handle a gun and wasn't about to mishandle it on accident. "This is quite the impressive piece of work, considering where we are..."

    "I'm sorry, did you say Jade?" Miredy slid her way back into the main room, not having much to do with her own interests cleared, but this woman had said Jane... "Did you mean...?" She slid closer, the girl in her arms. If this woman knew her, there was a chance that their promises of finding Jane's mother being truths instead of comforting lies. "Please tell me you did." There was something of a desperation in Miredy's voice. She wanted nothing more than this girl's mother to be alright and alive...

  19. Willow would find Jilyn not as easily frazzled as her knight, letting out a quiet sigh. "It is fine, Rina," she did her best to remain stoic, though the faint redness of embarrassment still rested on her cheeks. "If you can manage such comebacks, then it assures me you are in good health, despite what has occurred. Let us pray it remains that way. If you can feed yourself, then I shall leave you to the rest of your apple." She let out another quiet sigh, trying to stabilize herself. Such flippant commentary wasn't right for the moment. Her parents, horrible as they were, were all the family she had left. It was now her against her own country's knights, in an attempt to survive... And all she had to help her were these ragtag mercenaries. Her eyes fell on Rivane once more, shaking her head. I can do nothing but place my faith in you and yours, Rivane. Let us hope we are all enough...

  20. "It is not a problem, Alouette. Let us continue on with the day without further thought to it. Do not worry." Ichika smiled softly and followed after the both of them, hands folded into her sleeves, gently held together under her chest. She wasn't sure that her plan would work, and maybe it would dredge those bad memories up further... Hmm... Perhaps I hold onto it... for quite some time. Yes, I believe that will be better than something juvenile like giving it to her tomorrow. It will still bring up the feelings... Until she explains to me where these feelings come from, or she has overcome them, I shall hold onto this hairpin. That is for the best. "I have no knowledge of any flowers, so I am happy to hear explanations about these orchids."

  21. Iris' eyes shot to the cat running the store, tilting her head some. "If Kazran tried to snap me up, I'd just kill him." She flexed and clenched a claw, tilting her head back straight. "We're mercenaries working with Mr. Gaffney. I just wanted to get some clothes because I'm really bad with the heat, so the less I can wear without being naked, the better-- but I need to turn him on. That's part of the goal too." Iris motioned towards Ullr before running up to the mannequin wearing the revealing strap of clothing, slowly tugging at it. "Can you take this off so I can buy it? And some shorts? And maybe something for Ullr... He'd look nice in a shawl. A poncho maybe? Something just to cover his shoulders and leave his stomach showing some... Yeah~"

    "Mmmm... I was a bit worried that mana from another--" Ren paused, froze in place for a moment, then recovered, "continent. Would cause problems. If it's fine, good. Good..." They swallowed, heavily but quietly, screaming in their head. Don't get too comfy Ren! Geez! "Was there anything else you needed my help with, Chris? Or wanted to show me? If that's all, I won't leave you be or anything, but we should consider getting down some paperwork for everything you'll need. Make it easier to delegate things to Natalya and Owen."

    "Hmm? Healing... Well, it runs in the family. All of the women in my clan were taught how to heal, but also how to fight. Mura is a very... aggressive country, I suppose you could say. They aren't about to start any wars or anything, but with tribes moving around, they get into conflict plenty. So we need healers that can stay on the frontlines and survive... And that's where I come in~" She gently patted her chest with confidence, holding her head up high and smiling. "I might not be the fastest, but I can keep myself safe and heal with pretty good effectiveness. I don't have your magic power, but I've got a lot of experience. A stronger crystal is all someone needs to heal with low magic power~"

    Syta was happy to visit the bazaar, but mostly she was just happy to be spending time with Laniva. Every moment felt more precious after they'd admitted their feelings... She really wanted to reach up and pet those fluffy ears, so cute, so soft, so--

    Her attention was broken as Miria was spoken to, turning to listen to the shopkeep. "Wahh... Uhm. Nice to meet you, Mister Latham..." She was only seeing the sword so far, but maybe there was something else she'd missed with her brain addled in kitty ear land. So damn cute... I'm gonna get her when we get back to the castle.

    Amera wrapped her arms over Seila's shoulders and smiled wide. "Yes! Seila is a wonderful mage~" Amera nuzzled up against her cheek a bit, purring quietly. "She’s got great thunder magic and I'm sure she could cast whatever tomes you've got available! I'll help you pay for anything if you're short cash, hun. I'm sure you can pay me back later." She wiggled her brows and her tail flicked. Seila knew what she meant~

  22. "Hmhm... 'Private time at the range'... So many mixed signals, Sia. You play along sometimes, even get physical over a gift, but then you set these boundaries. What does it mean? If you're not interested, just be honest with me. Don't leave me hanging..." Louise idly twirled a stand of her hair, not losing all of her motivation, but definitely feeling something of a hamper on it as her assumptions spiralled down to-- does someone like you even deserve such happiness? A killer like you?

    Louise felt herself flinch, narrowing her gaze. No, I'm not a killer. I'm doing my job. They were terrorists! Posing as security for the company on this moon, they got what they deserved--

    They DESERVED it? They deserved to die? You wanted to kill them. You wanted them to feel as scared as you did. You're just running from the past, Louise, you're not getting any better you're just burying--

    "Shut up!" Louise yelped and sank in her seat, holding her face. "Shut up. Shut up... I'm not like that. I'm not happy about killing people. I'm happy about my piloting. My aiming. My actions, not what those actions caused, shut up..." She shivered, sat up, took a deep breath and shook her head. "I, am doing wonderfully. The best I have in years. These anxieties are nothing but a stain from my earlier years... And I intend to clean that up. This is just the first step..." In her momentary panic, she hadn't even noticed that Iskra had sent her more thanks, smiling wider as she checked them. "See? I'm doing, just fine."

    [Of course, Iskra. You did well, yourself. I look forward to our unit achieving more together.]

    "Just fine..."

    "Oh! Iskra... I should, reply to her too. Yeah. Movie... A movie sounds great." Miz took a deep breath and started to tip-type away.

    [I'd love to watch another movie! Maybe I can bring someone along if that's okay? He's on your squad, so it shouldn't be too rough on you, right? It's Markus. If that's okay. Just let me know! Yeah.]

    "Bguhh..." She wasn't happy with her words, but she hit send anyway, sighing. "Emotions are hard..."

    "This city is about as charming as I'd expected..." Louise wasn't that shocked that Callisto, especially Remansburg, was all industry and business, even on the part of the moon where people lived. She did a quick glance around their group as they travelled... The native, Daeran. Their best on their feet, Kazue. Their three volunteers, Leon, Bonner, and herself. She'd expected Leon to volunteer as soon as she had, trying not to let it get to her. Bonner was a bit of a surprise, but he was a veteran of many combats, he likely had some wiles about him that only experience could provide. I'll just have to keep my wits about me... And my mind. If we were attacked by AHI forces, there's no telling how deep this runs... At least this eye will be good for paying attention to anything out of the ordinary.

    At least the interior designers of AHI's industries had some sense. It was like walking out from a capitalist dystopia into a properly modern business sensed building... Louise's eyes darted around the place, her mechanical eye scanning everything that it could. If they hadn't been attacked while inside their transport here, they weren't about to be, now. It would be much easier for them to scatter and mount something of a defence. "If we need to take the stairs and you need someone to carry you--"

    "[I would be happy to help with any of your needs, Captain.]" Louise was cut off by the android, the machine smiling and nodding towards her words. "[It would not be efficient to leave the Captain's carrying in any of your hands during a worst case scenario.]"

    "... Of course. Ahem. If you need someone to carry you, the android will happily do so... Though, I'd be stunned if a building like this lacked an elevator of all things."

    Kazue had kept quiet the entire time, having done nothing but grab water after she's disembarked her HEX on the ship. Her body was still feeling the fatigue of her piloting exhaustion and her moment of panic, but her mind was sharp. She had been brought along not for talks, or her opinions, but to keep the rest of them safe if they were assaulted. She was ready to do that at a moment's notice, but... She couldn't help but be somewhat distracted by Daeran. This was his home. This was his issue... His father was a politician, so however deep this ran, it affected him at some point. I will keep you safe, Daeran. If it is the last thing that I do.

  23. [you'll see me out there when i'm sure i can come back without looking like that HAH]
    [god you're so salty]
    [bet you'd be an easy down in the sims right now]
    [wanna skip your debrief and put yourself to the test???]

    Viv realized what she was threatening, but... If it meant putting this gamer down some more, she was up for leaving her room. "Come on. Come on, take the bait. Do it~"

    And there was Markus. Good, he'd made it. At least if she braved the hangar, there was someone she could trust, there...

    [u'll never beat me gamer]
    [gotta play like ur life's on the LINE]

    [Okay... Take care of yourself. I'm so glad. That's good. Ok--

    She was going in circles in her text, so much so that she stopped typing and put her phone down for a second. "Ugh!" She wasn't upset or disgusted or bothered or anything, she was just... Overwhelmed. "I didn't know getting close to people that put their lives on the line like this would be so stressful... And I'm not even doing any of the fighting. Just sitting here waiting for them to come back... I... Hwahhnh..."

    She picked her phone back up and almost instantly dropped it, seeing the emojis that he'd sent.

    "H-Huh...?" A heart? What does... I, h, huh... Does he, really, but, I mean, he's cute, I, I like spending time with him, I, bu, f-fast? It's fast, isn't it...? Is it? You're already twenty eight, Sam... Sam? Oh, wow, he's really got my brain spinning...

    [Okay. I'll... I'll see you when you get back, Markus.]

    "And send... Ahhhhhhh! Is that too many!? You're almost thirty! You can't be texting like a highschooler, ahhhhhh!" She flopped over on the bed and whined, slowly peeking up to stare at the wall. "You're just a mess... He's just being nice... Geez, first guy you get this close to once you're free from it all and you start falling head over heels. Stop it... He's just... Being nice."

  24. "Oh, goodness, already...?" Louise nearly jumped in her seat, message coming back so quickly... That same feeling again. It was starting to become something uncomfortable, only because she didn't really understand it. She'd never been praised or hailed as anything more than a problem in school. The teachers were happy with your progress before the incident, but... They never cared to congratulate me after. What, were they that scared? Because I was willing to go as far as they wanted me to? They were training us to kill! And yet, they shied away when I showed such initiative? Ugh...

    Her memories were conflicting with the appreciation Sia and Markus were showing her, leaving her squirming in her seat some. "Rrr..."

    [I was only doing what was expected of me, nothing more. Thank you for the kind words... And there's no rush. I'd be a fool to put a date in front of everything we've discovered and must report. I can wait for you, Sia. You're worth it.]

    She felt herself blush a little on that last line, hitting send and setting her phone down and away at the other end of the dash. "So stupid, getting so worked up... Hahhhh... Focus, Louise, focus. You're doing good. Just, keep doing good."

  25. Louise was on top of the whole world. She got herself ready to send a message, before Markus responded with... some rather genuine appreciation. "I... Er." She paused. It wasn't like she hated to hear it, or was upset that he'd caused her such pause. She just... Hadn't expected him to thank her. Or apologize. Or anything. She was just doing her job. Maybe a bit of grandstanding to impress the Captain, but... "... mm. Of course. Just make it back to the ship safely."

    Her elation melted away and she sank in her seat some, resting her head against her hand. Suddenly, all that success during the fight didn't seem to matter as much... Her drive had fallen, but not in a bad or annoying way. "How odd," she mumbled, slowly shaking her head. "Mm..." You're just not used to having comrades you can trust. That's all. Now... Sia~ Oh Captain my Captain... They say that relationships with higher-ups in the chain of command are quite the no-no, but this isn't exactly a regulation ship or a regulation setup, is it~?

    She quickly picked herself back up, fingers typing away softly, message sending towards the Captain~

    [Sia. Once we've held a debrief over the combat, arrived at the capital, and done what business we need... Would you mind if I requested some private time? I've an activity in mind that I believe we'll both enjoy... And as lascivious as that sounds, I promise you'll be happy when you hear it~ Let me know when you're free enough to speak. Great work today. You handled things wonderfully, between the ship, and your orders as Captain.]

    "Hahh... Sia... Mmm. Here's hoping you like this as much as I think you will, miss Hubble graduate..."

    Miz had been wrapped up in the blanket in her room, in a sweater, with a pillow over her head during the whole course of the battle. As the dull thuds from outside died down, she slowly let the pillow down, and then her phone went off and the blanket pile nearly jumped off of the bed. "Hwahhhnn... M-Markus...?"

    He was typing weirdly... Did something happen? Was he okay--!?

    "Oh. Gloves. Hah. Ahaha... Ahhhhh... This is so difficult..."

    [please come back soon]
    [i'm so glad you're okay...]
    [thank you for being okay]

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