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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Adrian could do nothing but smile as the soldier's throat was slit, never having been so happy to see someone die. Ormis came over, letting his hands free and tying his shoulder within his cloak. He pushed himself up into sitting with his right hand, sighing. He was still bleeding, and unless they could get to Susan soon, he was going to bleed out; he knew that. "It's worse than it looks, trust me, Ormis..." His vision started to go shaky, so he shook his head to try and keep himself awake as long as possible. "We seriously need to get moving if I'm going to make it... I doubt I can last long." At which point, Ormis asked the one thing he didn't want to hear. "Can you still fight?" Adrian chuckled a bit, sighing at the end of it. "If I have to swing a sword at someone, I can. I doubt I'd last long in a real fight. I can't feel my foot anymore, though, so I can walk on it, albeit with a limp... Heck I don't even have my sword anymore. Should we loot the soldier, take his spear, and see if he has a dagger on him, or something?" Adrian must have been going insane, if he was agreeing to go along with Ormis's plan. It was either this, or waiting around to die. He'd rather try something.
  2. I guess you could TS the group of soldiers+Susan/Grant back to the village. Cam and I have agreed to try and pull the silly as all hell plan of saving them. I know you're going to do your best to stop us XD And maybe you can try your battle system out with us, if we actually get into a fight Not much you can really do until Roy and SB come back :E
  3. And Roymbrog D: I say I'm going to sleep and then I don't, wat I know I wasn't D: I wish I didn't, now. Silly Cam, not keeping his mouth shut. I think that, if Z doesn't post by the time you get online tomorrow, that you should delete it D: It's holding up the RP, and it's probably not that important.
  4. He'll whine, don't worry. And, Cam's going to sleep as well, so, I guess this whole RP gets to wait for tomorrow? D: AND, good, I guess. I don't want them to leave; they've got such interesting characters, and this whole situation will get remedied (sort of) in a bit as soon as Z gets back online, dammit XD
  5. > Mao putting faith in Ormis's intelligence > still loling He's too smart to leave someone who could help behind to bleed out, while the thing to save him is right where they need to go XD Idk though, Cam's character. Oh well, sleeping now. Roymbrog, SB, I hope you don't leave the RP D:
  6. Well, Adrian's gonna have to stick with Ormis, and, knowing Ormis, he'll want to try and help Susan and Grant. I mean, if he can sneak in, get them out, an then get Adrian healed, the whole group would be back in action =3 > implying Ormis can sneak > loling EDIT: Oh, dammit Mao, I have to rewrite my post now D: EDIT2: Nvm, not so dammit Mao anymore.
  7. Adrian watched the rest of the group leave, Susan and the emerald knight being taken with them. The soldier got himself ready to stab Adrian in the throat, ending this whole ordeal for him. Great. It's me versus Mr. likes-to-knee-my-back. But I'm not going to die here...! He spun around in this snow, something he did with ease because it was wet, and jammed his left foot into the soldier's groin, watching him stagger back in pain. "There... you little shit!" He said, spitting out some blood. This shoulder wound was worse than he thought, and unless some miracle happened, he WAS going to die here. Luckily, a miracle did happen, as Ormis appeared behind the man, holding a blade against his neck. "Ha... hahahaha--ack!" Adrian laughed, coughing up a bit more blood during it. "Ormis, I never thought I'd be this happy to see you." He fell back into the snow, still chuckling that a miracle actually did happen for him. ((Not so dammit Mao?))
  8. I think he already picked ' x' Oh well, time for me to post. Mao, I think you scared off Roymbrog and SB
  9. But, like, Mao, in your last post you had your captain guy tell your soldiers to clean up Adrian D: So, like, contradiction, what what? have Greg save him ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
  10. Well, there's not much I can do anymore, atm. Get on with your plot twist Mao.
  11. Mao's got something up her sleeve; don't think it's over yet, SB XD
  12. So now she kills us all :D ... What? It seems that that's all there is left XD
  13. That's a good point D: Unless he'd been seriously tied up with a bunch of bandits, you'd think he'd of heard everything going on in the woods, or seen some of the flashes from the fireballs. If he's so great, he should have come to our aid already :P
  14. ACTUALLY, Cam told me about your little plot plan AFTER I shoved Adrian's shoulder into the soldier's jaw XD
  15. "AGH, FUCK!" Adrian cried out, sobbing openly as he tried his best to cope with the intense pain in his shoulder. He'd never been stabbed before, and he never wanted to be again. The pain was unbearable, and he felt as if he was going to black out from it. He wanted to die; he wanted this pain to be over with already. It seemed like they were all going to die anyway, why were these soldiers prolonging it? His entire body hurt, his eyes hurt, his lungs hurt... He slumped over on the ground, crying, not daring to try anything else.
  16. God, Mao, you're so mean D: Adrian's poor shoulder...
  17. Yeah, Pretty much @hack. He's (Astra's) done so much now =O It's quite impressive. Enjo's pretty much only done... nothing XD Danke, Tang.
  18. He does, that CamCam. If you thought he was Enjo's lackey, he probably was, back then D: Now he's pretty much head of the hack. It wouldn't have made any progress without him. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: Of course I totally know your plot secret thanks to Cam
  19. Well, seeing as we talk to the man in question most of the time, it was sure to have been mentioned sometime :E And you have a Queen of Hearts outfit? How cute.
  20. If you're going to call me Sephie I'm going to call you Maowy :E And Adrian is mad XD
  21. Adrian grunted and fell onto his good foot when he was kneed in the backside, tired of the bullshit he was getting from this soldier. With a loud roar he pushed back off of the ground and jammed his shoulder into the jaw of the soldier who'd kneed him, trying to knock him over. "If you want me to be a fucking compliant prisoner, don't knee me in the fucking back!" He screamed at the soldier. "I'm tired of this bullshit! I sign of for a mission to deal with some bandits, and I end up with my foot almost burnt off by some WITCH, half of the group I came here with missing, and now I'm being tied up by soldiers from some random country, who won't even tell us why they're tying us up!!" His mini rant over; his rage expelled, he sat on the ground. "I'll listen to you, as long as you keep your soldiers in check. I'd rather not get kneed in the back over one question."
  22. Oh well, at least it's not me this time :3 yet
  23. Adrian begrudgingly Got up with the soldiers as they pulled him, not trying to resist as he didn't want to have them hurt him. It seemed that the captain of these goons wasn't going to let Susan heal him, so he put up with the pain in his foot as he limped on it. Having his hands tied wasn't the most enjoyable thing, but there wasn't much he could do. Ormis shot off during this, but Adrian didn't pay him much mind. If he's stupid enough to try and escape, he's not worth me trying to convince him otherwise. "So, why can't you tell us why we're being treated like criminals? Is it because we were fighting that witch?" He asked, directing his question at the captain. "I think we deserve to know. Of course, I doubt you'll tell me either way, but asking's all I can do right now."
  24. You have a habit of killing everyone's characters :P
  25. I won't be able to post for a while, since I'm lolstreaming and then going out tonight. Just assume Adrian complies with whatever they ask him to do, as long as it's not asking him to die XD
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