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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Maybe all those Canadians could come here, and we could go get a beer, eh? Go down to da pub and get some Molsen, watch some Hockey, and tell all dem Americans to take off, like the hosers they are-- *gunned down by everyone* I swear we don't all talk like that D: And none of us say aboot. Also, Roy, this is completely off topic, but, I've been staring at your avatar, and the quality is irking me to no end D: I could definitely make you a new one, if you want.
  2. There's so much wrong with this sentence's structure/grammar/spelling, I'm not sure I should even take it seriously xD Also, to everyone who likes Canas, so do I D: I just don't like his growths. I mean, shaman with 45 magic growth, 10 base, at level 8? I'll stick to Lucy and Pent. I'll still use him playing normal modes, don't worry D: Personal experience has never relegated me a good Canas, so, I guess that could be helping my bias.
  3. I don't even know what LotE is xD Expound?
  4. "Of course, Carrion, not Riya." Adrian obviously didn't believe the little fairy, but, for the sake of not getting hurt in the future by blurting out Riya's name, he'd decided to stick to Carrion. It would suck to get his body back, and just have it destroyed again, because of a slipping tongue. "I take it she's not that competent at... whatever it is she does, when she blows people up? Yet, she still needs the energy... Problematic." He made a puzzled face, wondering to himself if there would be some way to solve that. There's got to be something... Wait, why should I care? She blew me up! I mean, she wasn't TRYING to, but she still did. "Oh, yeah. Ormis is the other boy down... there... Oh, shit." He had spied something that would probably ruin this whole situation, which was Ormis slowly crawling his way over to Carrion. Ormis, why must you be such an instinctual idiot? The bird was busy picking the rest of Adrian up, and he hadn't noticed it, yet. "Uh, Faye" he said, nervously, as she finished talking, "That's a problem." He pointed to Ormis as he spoke. "It would really suck if he killed her, wouldn't it? Any way you can stop him? Unless I take corporeal form soon, or the bird notices what's going on, we may have a dilemma." He spoke with a calmer tone, since, getting riled up about it wouldn't help. Maybe Ormis will collapse from lack of energy, and he won't be able to. I mean, I doubt it, but I can hope.
  5. The mystery girl is the fake Female Protag that VASM had for the April fools joke last year, when he made a topic about a new FE, iirc Also, if my last post sounded whiny, I am perfectly fine with this change, I just wish we could change our badges D: If not, oh well, I can deal o 3o
  6. It's awesome, and so are we, so, naturally, we are drawn towards each other? :D Idk. Are there, like, a ton of Canadians on here who came here because of FE? o 3o
  7. Yeah, it's a bit better. It could still be raised a bit in the front, and brought down a bit in the back.
  8. Upon checking the list, I would also like to ask for Bartre, and maybe Dorcas. Dorcas only if no one else would like to voice him.
  9. I'm with those in opposition above D: We should at least be able to change our member badges. I don't want Vika, of all people, representing myself :c
  10. "So, her name's Riya, huh?" he asked, turning back to the group on their gathering quest. The bird seemed to be following the orders of Riya like some kind of lost puppy. It was kind of funny. What wasn't as funny was Ormis, barely standing. Even though whatever Riya had done seemed to have backfired, Ormis had still lost all of his energy. He needs to sleep, or something. I mean, I'm sure he doesn't trust her, after watching me explode, but I wish I could tell him that I'm fine, so he could actually sleep, or something. Well, I'm not fine, but as fine as fine could be. I'm not slowly dying because of a shoulder wound anymore. Adrian was lost in thought for a few moments, coming back into the real world as Faye finished talking. "Deja vu? So, something like this has happened before, I take it? I'm sorry if I'm prying; I know you said you can't tell me, I'm just curious. At least you said she'll be back to... normal... Ormis will be alright, won't he?" Adrian was suddenly worried for the life of his friend. Normal Riya seemed to want to kill them all. "You'll stop her if she tries anything funny, right?"
  11. Living in Canada, it's hard not to know what that is xD I love how this entire topic has been dominated, now, by our ramblings
  12. Duck tape would be the best solution for such a problem, since it IS the handy man's secret weapon.
  13. Well... bugger. I should have that hole patched up.
  14. I am no puppet D:< *breaks strings and sits down to sip his tea*
  15. Adrian couldn't help but chuckle as she spoke, trying to make sure he wasn't too loud. Cute. But she might actually be as powerful as she's insinuating, so I'd better not piss her off. "Yeah, I noticed..." Adrian looked back down at the gore fest of blood and bits, flinching since he knew it used to be him. "Stronger, eh? Good." Maybe I won't be such a coward, with this. "I'll make sure to thank you, I promise." He smiled, making a mental note of it. "So, uhm... What's wrong with your... friend" he used the term loosely, "over there? She seems upset." He motioned towards Scarlet, still unsure as to why she was so distant from the world, when, moments before he blacked out, she was as coy and evil as ever. It was unsettling, to say the least. "Ah! I'm sorry for all the questions, Faye. I should really be listening to what you want more, since I am your slave." He went to scratch the back of his head, only to have his hand go through it, making him chuckle a little. "That's right... No body yet, haha."
  16. Xiltas, he's not kidding D: I'll take Ninian, then :D *shot* Actually, I'm gonna ask for Hawkeye and Duessel, as well as the aforementioned three. And Gerik, since Furet is keen for me to hit on Lumi, since she wants to do Marisa D:
  17. We have Bingo? D: *shot*
  18. Awww. The things you can get from stepping on toes~ They're not worth it most of the time :D
  19. I could tell that much. Maybe you should step on someone's toes, though D:
  20. I hate Canas. Don't get me wrong, I like his character, and his design is lolawesome, but he's the only dark magic user you get in FE7 (other than Athos), and he's so damn mediocre, unless I'm playing normal mode, I don't want to use him D: It kinda sucks.
  21. Masterful, SB. Masterful.
  22. What the hell's a Garthi-- OH GOD MY FACE
  23. Hrm, I see. Does nothing involve some daring plan of escape?
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