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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Ground control to Major Tom~
  2. "Sounds like you've got a lot of problems on hand." Adrian said, keeping his eyes closed, as he lay against the wall. Just because you're mad doesn't mean you should get the right to shove us around and do whatever you want to, lady. As childish as we may be at the moment, you'll get nothing by acting the same. Adrian argued it over in his head, wanting not to start something more with this woman. Though, her growling about Riya being his wife set him off, as he sat up and glared at her with one open eye. "Excuse me? You think she's my WIFE?" He was more annoyed than surprised at this statement. He figured it was useless to argue it, since this girl seemed more stubborn than anything, and he could see the first signs of morning outside the door. Sleeping's pointless, now. He stretched and walked out the door. "Geez, it really isn't that cold..." He said to himself, not as tired as he made himself seen in the shack. Having been brought back to life had actually restored his stamina, so, sleep wasn't much of an issue at the moment. The group that had been taken away was worrying him, though. Even with his new body, he didn't dare try anything on his own, though.
  3. asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf WOW, I feel stupid now. I haven't mathed in forever Dx This is quite embarrassing.
  5. I got 2 as well. I think you're supposed to multiply the 2 by the 12 in the brackets before dividing it into the 48.
  6. I was being quite sarcastic, SB :3
  7. ... xD Yeah. I forgot about him. Sorry xD
  8. True, true. I'll post myself being shenanigan-ish at what Obelia's done, and then Mao can post her rage. We'll probably do a little TS after that, and then come to save you gaiz :D
  9. And I'm going to be deeeeeeeeeead~ :D
  10. I was surprised to learn that the picture I used for Adrian was actually Sho Miyamoto from TWEWY! D: So Zetta slow.
  11. Uhhh. Yeah. We don't use staff users in combat. What would we gain from using staff users in combat? They have higher staff ranks, and access to better staffs, so we use them for such. You get around 21 units by the end of Gen 2, so, why would I use the 3/4 of them that are supposed to be used for healing, for attacking? I've got 17 other people who can just as easily kill a unit, but can't heal. Not using your healers for healing, especially in FE4, is just silly. All I can see, is you saying that using staff users in their intended way is wrong.
  12. Gilliam's pretty manly; don't see a problem with that.
  13. Wait what Criminal scum, am I, now? I see, I see.
  14. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Oh hey, now you do :D
  15. *digs hole* As am I D: My last name's Dugas, which comes from that french painter Dega D: The language just... sucks. Sorry, bro ; A ; The writing of it, the pronunciation maybe I'm biased on this point, because lolQuebec an their lolaccents, and the overall structure of it just makes me asdf.
  16. Rorororor You gaiz~ I wish there wasn't any French here :U French sucks.
  17. ; ~ ; I like the people! You're all nice! Just... not much for most of the other stuff. It's better than 70% of the rest of the world, though =O Sorry ; A ;
  18. I WAS joking, BUT, Canada's got free healthcare, good people, nice jobs, a decent prime minister At least I hope we will soon with the NDP AND MAPLE SYRUP CAN PREVENT CANCER! http://www.naturalnews.com/031957_maple_syrup_diabetes.html Otherwise, it's pretty much normal =O U.S.A. is... kinda shitty, though xD
  19. But, but, but, that requires money and an interest in RTS games D:
  20. Never played Warcraft =O I've only played Starcraft and Diablo I/II. Silly Blizzard.
  21. The darker border is an FE8 colors, so, yes. FE8 colors.
  22. You can mix colors, as long as they work together, and you stick to one game for colors.
  23. Grom~ ... ... Who's Grom?
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