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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Listen, lady, I don't want to blindly agree with you. Not really, but, I died earlier tonight, and I'd rather not die again. That, and I don't have a weapon on me to hand over to you. Fine with that?" Adrian rested his hands behind his head, leaning on the wall. "And, I don't really know why you're being so demanding of a group you've just come across, for no apparent reason." He tried to sound confident, doing a fairly good job. Of course, there was a very large sword extremely close to his face, so he was still wary. Ormis continued to strafe around the girl, probably having ignored Adrian's look, and that only annoyed Adrian more. "Listen, please, it's almost morning. Can't we all just... get some more sleep?" He rubbed one of his eyes whilst he spoke, and proceeded to yawn. "You three have fun, I'm going back to dreamland. Today's been too long..." And with that, Adrian rolled over and closed his eyes, trying to sleep amidst the chaos of them all.
  2. Votin' for hithere because it looks like a Goomba good B rank tome.
  3. Yeah, I do D:< And you're the worst Est ever!
  4. Grahhh, Mao, move somewhere with EST xD Roy, I'm actually in EST as well D: Cam's in PST, and I think SB's in EST as well. No clue about Z, but I know that Oscar lives in Britain, and it 5 hours ahead of me. Don't you just love these awkward timezones? :D
  5. I'm pretty much for all Castlevania games except for Simon's Quest. And now I am pretty much for sleep :D Good night.
  6. Oh hey, Castlevania! Fun games.
  7. That's a pretty good rule =O Okie, then. Other shit like Mao getting this plot moving xD
  8. Never :D Unless you want to stop D: In which case I shall be sad ; ~ ;
  9. As much as Oscar is my bud... He'll stick to his character, and I doubt she'd take to kindly to Ormis coming at her with his silly little sword xD
  10. Yeah. Maybe Greg and pals could stage an epic escape? D: I think that would be pretty cool, actually. I mean, if we TSd, maybe it could be early morning at the moment, making it the perfect time for Susan, Grant, and Greg to make their DARING plan take action.
  11. He sighed, his worry over when she moved the flame away, though, her line about 'willing him to die' was a tad frightening. She probably meant something to do with the book, but, he didn't know how it worked. Her comment on the cold had him surprised, though. "...Really? You're right, I can barely feel it..." He rubbed his hands together, feeling the warmth, and the touch, but the cold wasn't getting to him. Weird. It can't just be because I'm used to living here. Faye did say that this body was stronger, though. Adrian was about to try to fall asleep again, when a daunting figure stepped into the room, holding a massive blade too close to his head. "Whoa!" He shouted, jumping up against the wall. He was surprised that this person was female, though. He'd never imagined that he'd see such a physically powerful woman. Even Riya had listened to her. Either the girl was tired, or she was intimidated, though she wasn't showing the latter. This new girl was quite beautiful, though, from what he could see of her face. He didn't have much want to stare, though, since her blade was more worrisome than herself. Adrian had seen Ormis sneaking over to the back, mentally smacking himself in the face. He's a good fighter, but he's not very smart. If this girl really did want us dead, then she would have done such when we were on the floor. Adrian gave a look at Ormis that seemed to say 'what are you doing', as he slumped himself back down on the floor.
  12. I wish he wasn't D: This RP is running on you, me, Cam, and Oscar now. We need to get Roy and SB back involved in this! Roy, SB, TS to the morning, and we'll follow suite! Then we can all have shenanigan fun :D G'night... I guess? xD That was a bit random, but, thanks.
  13. A-- Bu-- Tha-- Ah, who am I kidding, most of my gender is quite stupid, and I have my moments :E Yes, you should have :P You should have taken the chance and sucked some out of Z.
  14. Andy is just silly. I don't know. Oscar's quite silly himself.
  15. You're gonna get some fire tossed in your face, bro, I can just tell xD
  16. But, like, if you look one post above yours, I totally called Roy a liar D:
  17. Why does the door have to be over there? Why can't it be right next to me? He wasn't too keen on having a fireball this close to his face, especially after what he'd gone through. He'd had enough pain to last a lifetime. "If you put away the fire ball, I'd be happy to explain, ha, haha!" He exclaimed, laughing nervously, his voice becoming a little louder. Maybe Ormis or the bird would wake up and grab her, since she wasn't letting that flame go. "It was Faye, alright? She kinda explained what had happened, and mentioned your name, Carrion, in the process." He was scratching the back of his head now, trying to form a little half smile. "I'd rather not get blown away again, so... please put the fire away? I promise I won't try anything. I kind of can't, anymore." He'd wondered where she put the book, but, his life was technically in her hands now.
  18. I didn't steal anything and now you're accusing me of something I didn't do. (。 ◕ ˇ д ˇ ◕ 。) WAAAAAAAAAAH You Zetta son of a digit!
  19. D: I stole nothing! It never belonged to you :c
  20. I'm stealing this word. It's too awesome.
  21. The group had found a shack to sleep in for the night, thanks to the bird and his eyesight. Adrian had slumped into the corner, curling up as he tried to get as warm as possible, his cloak still with Susan. What the... Let me sleep, dammit. As Riya poked Adrian, he shuffled a little bit, clearly discomforted by her touching him. He opened an eye to see what was bother him, blinking completely as he saw her looking down at him. "Uhhh... Hi?" He said, a little bit wary of her. She had blown him up earlier. "Could I... ask why you're poking me, Riy--" Oh, shit. Oh, shit. He shot a hand over his mouth, trying to slink further back into the corner than he already was, which in itself was a futile effort. Slowly pulling his hand away, he chuckled, obviously nervous. "I-I m-mean, C-C-Carrion, yeah! C-Could I ask why you're poking me?" I'm dead. Again. He glanced around, looking for Faye to maybe come and try to save him, but he couldn't see her anywhere. He shot his eyes towards the door, hoping he could dive for it if she started flinging fire.
  22. Bromance, bruh. Bromance. He's RPed for a while, actually =O I think he's pretty good, maybe I'm biased because he's my friend. And... A thousand bucks, eh? Might want to keep quiet about that xD It would suck to get mugged.
  23. Watch me, bro :3 Watch me.
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