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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. OH COOL. AT LEAST YOU'RE STILL ALIVE. Mao hasn't been on in ever.
  2. He semi-worked it out. You can't DISA a moving unit, so, that was the only problem with it. He had to move a unit onto the escape spot, move another unit, and then they'd escape. So, it was kind of an escape chapter, but, not really :E
  3. One BMP, all the same image. Take one of the mugs out of FEditor, and you'll see how it's supposed to be set.
  4. FEditor reads BMP. You only need Microsoft Paint, and you only need to move them into the proper places for FEditor to have them accepted. Dat's it.
  5. Non-existant :3 D'you know how long it actually takes to make an FC sprite? D:
  6. Beat you Breathe you Make you C02 Blow all you want Me leaf shield Repels you So blow me phony Your whole acts baloney You don't even pose a threat I'm not frettin' it homie.
  7. You did surprisingly well with a track pad. I'm sure you can tell what you need to fix once you get your tablet :3 The hair needs love, so, tablet away whenever you can. And I didn't suggest it, I argued it into you over the course of two hours xD But hey, at least now she's a realistic size
  8. Zsword, ya know. The guy who made the bird character and hasn't posted in, like, 3 days.
  9. Just waitin' for Mao to do her thing, honestly. No clue where Z is.
  10. Maaaaaaoooooooo, where have you been? D:

  11. Ever heard of a debugger?
  12. Adrian looked down, surprised to see Ormis there. He thought that Ormis, of all people, would be resting, especially after how he'd dealt with those soldiers earlier. He must be doing something, I'm sure of it. No normal person could have THAT much energy. "That little fairy, Faye, told me that this body would be more powerful than my old one, and, it obviously is." Adrian talked about Faye like Ormis knew who he was talking about. "I haven't seen her since I got it back, though. I assume she's hiding back in the book, but..." by this point, Ormis was obviously giving Adrian a weird look. "Uh... You... don't think I'm crazy for talking about a little purple fairy that only I and, presumably, Carrion can see, right? I mean, she is real." Adrian scratched his head again, something of a habit or a nervous twitch for him. Yep, he'll think I'm a loony.
  13. I know I have it :D Just got to the first stage with Gurren Lagann. This game is so damn gorgeous.
  14. Yeah, Gyazo doesn't seem to like Lumi's Mac. It's never done that kinda stuff for me o 3o
  15. D: BUT I WISH TO DANCE~~ Oh well. I'll just stream instead.
  16. You have forum influence; get someone to do it for you.
  18. We'll be there within 6 posts I hope, I'm not making a single promise, you'll hold it against me if I do, and then break y'all out, and then all get killed... wait what? Alright, I hope that last thing doesn't happen.
  19. I know, I can't really blame you... But that could be fun :3
  20. Activity today, there was none D: Mao, can we go save them all, now? I mean, Oscar can introduce Obelia whilst we walk there, no? I think that sounds like the most sound plan.
  21. He thought he saw Riya coming out after him, but, when he turned around she was still back in the shack. The sun had just started poking itself out over the mountains, and a few rays stuck Adrian's face. It was bright, but it was nice to see it after such a night, and it couldn't be more than four in the morning, by his reckoning. He thought about the woman's marriage comment once more. Riya's cute an' all, but I'd be worried about her trying to kill on a whim most of the time. I'd rather not be in a relationship with someone like that. He made himself chuckle, as he decided he wanted to test out this body of his. He found the nearest tree, and took a deep breath. Alright, I've never been able to do this before, let's see if I can do it now. He looked up for the nearest branch, jumping for it, and getting a hand on it, finding himself able to pull his entire body up with his one arm. Not quickly, mind you, but, able after around ten seconds. Wow... That's really something. He sat on the branch, which was luckily thick enough to support his weight, and watched the sun come up. Maybe someone will come out, and I can have a nice conversation. It's been too long since I've had one.
  22. ...Upset stomach, diarrhea~ HEY! Pepto-Bismol!
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